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So wait a minute.. Jedi Jawas?


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Guildies have told me that jedi jawas are going to be unlockable through the legacy system as well as twilek hoods. Is this true or a load of crap?


ROFL, I take it you haven't run a character through Imp Tatooine?

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I remember a dev saying that any playable race will have to speak english... so that means no wookies and no jawas.


I remember the devs saying that force joke was an iconic ability that was reserved for sith warriors only...look how that turned out. I would say anything is possible in this game atm, so yeah, you may be able to play a Jawa jedi.

Edited by Menisong
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I remember the devs saying that force joke was an iconic ability that was reserved for sith warriors only...look how that turned out. I would say anything is possible in this game atm, so yeah, you may be able to play a Jawa jedi.


Guess the joke is on you.

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How would it possibly be too much work? It would be easier than any of the other toons. Make about twenty tracks of Jawa gibberish, chop and reuse them at will and add subtitles. Cheaper than paid voice overs, very few syncing issues and the same gibberish sentence could have any subtitle under it and work. Same thing for wookies.


^ This ... it doesn't have to make sense. You could keep the same selection options based on the character class for the dialogs, just have the character speak some nonsense that is already in the game and recorded (wookie grunts, jawa meeps, rodian blurgs, etc.)


Jawas would be sweet. I want Rodians. Yeah, I'm dreaming.

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Meh, I think its lame. We need jawa jedis and sith. if not them, then give us ewoks.


Well concidering that 3500 years from now Ewoks are still in the stone age...


Wile I would love to paly a Jawa, hight is the main problem. As we see with Blizz, many times the BH will take a knee to look him in the eyes, BW would realy have to reanimate most if not all of the conversations for any short species.

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I don't see the problem with non-basic speaking pcs.


First off every second npc I seem to meet doesn't speak basic and yet my pc can understand them perfectly well and interact in the conversation no problem, so that isn't an actual issue at all - the subtitles work perfectly fine. No reason whatsoever that this could not be used for Jawa or Wookie pcs. None.


Secondly as someone already mentioned they already have all the gibberish spoken by the non-basic speaking npcs so no need to record new voice acting, so that isn't an actual issue either.


Just stop being jerks Bioware and allow us to play iconic Star Wars races for heaven's sake.


A Star Wars game that does not allow players to play Rodians or Ithorians or Mon Calamars or Jawas or Wookies? Lame. :(

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Wile I would love to paly a Jawa, hight is the main problem. As we see with Blizz, many times the BH will take a knee to look him in the eyes, BW would realy have to reanimate most if not all of the conversations for any short species.


I don't recall any of my conversations with Blizz having any special animation - the camera simply shows Blizz then returns to my pc - so what's the big problem for Jawa pcs?


People (ie; the TOR developers) need to stop saying No We Can't and take a leaf out of the american president's book and say Yes We Can. NONE of these so called "problems" are insurmountable. They just aren't.

Edited by Darth_Sinistor
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I don't recall any of my conversations with Blizz having any special animation - the camera simply shows Blizz then returns to my pc - so what's the big problem for Jawa pcs?


People (ie; the TOR developers) need to stop saying No We Can't and take a leaf out of the american president's book and say Yes We Can. NONE of these so called "problems" are insurmountable. They just aren't.


Well the American president's "Yes we can." apparently became a "No we can't"


Having max affection with Blizz and completed all his quest, ther were two or three where the (female BH at least) took a knee to look him in the eyes. It was the standard knee you see alot with the BH and all other characters and NPCs so it might not be so hard.


Also, it would be quite funny to start a conversation with "Hey big dude, down here!"

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I don't recall any of my converstions with Blizz having any special animation - the camera simply shows Blizz then returns to my pc - so what's the big problem for Jawa pcs?


People (ie; the TOR developers) need to stop saying No We Can't and take a leaf out of the american president's book and say Yes We Can. NONE of these so called "problems" are insurmountable. They just aren't.


Just because you want something doesn't mean they are going to give it to you anytime soon. Plus there could be actual issues with having half-sized species for player characters in the game, and they would all likely look the same.

Edited by terminova
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