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DPS Juggernaut: Quinn or Pierce?

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Also make sure to turn off his Carbonized Stream this ability is not instant cast its channeled and he LOVES using it all the time. He is a lot better healer with it off.


Hm. Never thought to do that, because back in the day when I was rolling with him, that move ended up saving my bacon a few times. Might be worth doing, though, if I can improve his heals. Will give it a shot.


I really should have asked this question long before I started stacking crit/surge on Quinn. I think you're right, because even all geared out for it, his crit chance isn't very high.

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Hm. Never thought to do that, because back in the day when I was rolling with him, that move ended up saving my bacon a few times. Might be worth doing, though, if I can improve his heals. Will give it a shot.


I really should have asked this question long before I started stacking crit/surge on Quinn. I think you're right, because even all geared out for it, his crit chance isn't very high.


that could be a playing style thing too. I think I've adapted to it now, and it does help out on those situations when you have an extra silver or elite join the fray. he'll often keep it frozen. of course, he can freeze the wrong mob too at times hehe...but i learned to adjust. Im a fan of pommel/hilt strike, so i take advantage of it everytime i see a mob covered in grey.


but it is true that he's not healing when hes freezing, so i guess it would depend on the mob that he's freezing as to whether its worth it or not. would that mob be doing more damage to me then he could heal?

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that could be a playing style thing too. I think I've adapted to it now, and it does help out on those situations when you have an extra silver or elite join the fray. he'll often keep it frozen. of course, he can freeze the wrong mob too at times hehe...but i learned to adjust. Im a fan of pommel/hilt strike, so i take advantage of it everytime i see a mob covered in grey.


but it is true that he's not healing when hes freezing, so i guess it would depend on the mob that he's freezing as to whether its worth it or not. would that mob be doing more damage to me then he could heal?


Something also to keep in mind is when leaping into groups or on first aggro some fights you all ways get hit with all their special attacks right away snares, DoT's, etc. All most every time when you first aggro you are taking all that damage and he is spending up to 8 secs CC'ing when your health has all ready taken a good hit. Those 8 secs he falls behind healing wise and then you can run into down time because of it.



If its a fight where there are extra silvers or Elites i pop my def cd and go to town, they die so fast. Worst case i tab target and manually use his CC but i rarely do that because i have many tools i can use to lower my damage taken Force Choke/Push.




My only hope is when 1.2 lands they buff tank companions some and hope they don't nerf healing companions.

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My only hope is when 1.2 lands they buff tank companions some and hope they don't nerf healing companions.


That would be quite great. I was playing with my Jedi Sage last night and I noticed that Qyzen has health regeneration (I think it's out of combat, so it's kind of useless, but still...) on top of a bonus to shield rating. Got me wondering why Pierce doesn't have something similar.

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That would be quite great. I was playing with my Jedi Sage last night and I noticed that Qyzen has health regeneration (I think it's out of combat, so it's kind of useless, but still...) on top of a bonus to shield rating. Got me wondering why Pierce doesn't have something similar.


The only buff tank companions needs is for their tank stance to have an Armor multiplier and that will make the a lot less squishy for non-healers.

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  • 1 month later...
I'm throwing the BS flag on the idea that Quinn can't heal you enough to prevent downtime. He will and does, hence I have him out. I'm not sure what other people are doing with their Quinn, but his heals are sufficient for me to chainpull, and I'm a level 35 Vengeance. Vette is not an option, as her sarcastic remarks are unwanted, and Jaesa is cool but I'm doing plenty of DPS and what I'm lacking are heals.


I wasn't impressed with Pierce dropping like a rock from day 1. It's very sad, because I'd rather romance him at this point, but he's utterly useless to me as a tank.


This ^

Peice is a terrible tank, you are wasting valuable time keeping him healed and ready for the next fight, use quinn and keep your gear up to scratch it really has nothing to do with your build, most competent people have 0 down time using quinn.

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I know its a like ***, Quinn has a med watch stance that HAS to be turned on, if its not on the he doesnt heal nearly as good, so gear up your Quinn and you should be fine, I have my Quinn completely geared and I don't often die, although I did gear up my Pierce and he isnt that bad with the defense gear.
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I'm heavily invested in the Vengence spec with some points in Rage and Immortal, all depending on what it gives me. I forget the name of the form I'm in 100%, but I know it's the tank form. I roll exclusively with Quinn. I'm decked out in all Orange gear and Quinn wears all orange gear too (sometimes I use my pvp tokens for his gear since it's rare to find cunning items...see more AIM).


I have ZERO down time and I can faceroll elites up to 2-3 levels higher than me. I have Quinn is in heal spec with ALL abilities on (sometimes mobs go after him) and I use my tank form to keep agro away from him and on me.


If you gear Quinn out and keep his Cunning very high, along with his endurance, he is a BEAST with heals. I barely ever, EVER, have any down time at all.


The trick to any companion is keeping them well geared. You gear your companion how you would gear yourself. If you wear orange gear or the highest gear in game, get that for the companion you like to roll with too.


My Sith is a Juggernaught, level 50.

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1. Go full vengeance


2. Gear Quinn at the GTM


3. Profit



Seriously OP, your spec is probably doing significantly less damage than it could be. Obviously you can play however you'd like, but as full Vengeance spec using Quinn the last two boss fights were an absolute joke.


There's no point in using a tank as a Jug. If you're dps, either use another dps or healer. If you're a tank, use a dps companion.

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Iam using veng specc and jaesa wilsaam 100%.

i just keep myself and her geard. and i kill anything in a few seconds.


doesnt matter if its 1 elite or not.. dps stance and kill it in 4 sec. =P


if its 2 elites.. i send jaesa first.. then i jump and we kill mine first.. then i taunt and kill hers.



I will never specc immortal and use healing companion.

takes atleast 3 times as long to kill anything.

i rather have my 1 - 3 sec out of combat healing.

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Since I made this post, I geared up Quinn, and everything is easy mode now. I still kill things crazy fast and never see my health dip down below 50% or so (and only in tough fights). I feel pretty silly for going with Pierce for so long.


I also experimented with a dual-DPS set-up on my Jedi Knight, going with Kira Carsen. It's surprisingly effective with a somewhat similar skill built, but with the major difference being that my Knight uses Shii-Cho form rather than Shien.


I still prefer the DPS + heal set-up, though. Maybe it takes a little longer to kill stuff, but having to never worry about your health is a great thing.

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If you're controlling mobs first and killing them second, Quinn. Also you really should never stack shield/absorb or use a shield when using Shien form. Your DPS is your defense, you kill stuff before attrition matters, and Quinn does his best healing as you're running to your next objective on foot.


Pommel Strike and Opportune Strike (Sorry, don't know the Jugg names) are your friends. You can virtually stunlock normals into oblivion, groups with multiple normals and a Silver or Elite, use your 8 second AE CC and mow them down weakest to strongest.

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If you're controlling mobs first and killing them second, Quinn. Also you really should never stack shield/absorb or use a shield when using Shien form.


I'm not sure if that was directed toward me, but just in case, I'll just point out for the record that I was never using a shield on my DPS Juggernaut, nor stacking shield/absorb. Pierce was getting that stuff.

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To OP, Quinn destroys Pierce, end of story.

To anyone who thinks otherwise, Jaesa/Kira (if JK) is brilliant. I've played through both JK and SW storylines with them, and never once ran into anything i couldn't beat on my own. Yes, you need to heal after most fights, but you kill things so fast that it doesn't matter. By the time you've killed everything (especially with rage or vengeance spec) and healed up, you're still ages ahead of anyone using Quinn. But each to their own, i'm a bit immature and/or impatient and like to see things die as fast as possible all the time. I've tried Quinn and Pierce, but Jaesa's brilliant. And she likes eeeeeevillll

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