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running forward and turning with mouse then pressing the backstab or hidden strike icon is pretty easy.

Sure it is, when your target remains stationary while you're doing it. What happens when they turn around to avoid your attack? Oops your mouse cursor is now above the abillity you can no longer press so you have to do it all over again, wasting more valuable time than a keybinder.

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Suggestion: Play how you want and let someone else play how they want.



I've been "clicker" for all this years of MMO gaming and never had any problems with PvP or PvE.


Sure I haven't run anything more "hard" than World of Warcrafts 2v2 and 3v3 Arena but still.



Play however you want, it's up to YOU. :jawa_tongue:

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Someone here gets it :)


So saying "You're both wrong" is somehow better than "you're wrong" and "no, you're wrong"?


Maybe I got overzealous in my endorsement of keybinding, but arguing that people shouldn't argue is a bit silly. At least in my debate I tried to contribute some legit examples, metaphors and reasoning on why I feel the way I do instead of taking up space.

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Not sure why people act like moving your cursor requires some full arm motion lol.... I can move my mouse 1 cm and go all the way across the screen and back in less than a second:cool:

I seriously doubt anyone could set their mouse cursor so sensitive while still being able to hit the desired target on screen on demand EVERYTIME. Often you would just overshoot it.

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LMAO- Ive never seen an MMO community so dead set on any number of issues.


Me- a clicker. Always have been and always will be. (SWG, WoW)


Do I care whether you love or hate me as a result? Uh, no.


Have I ever been mediocre in a raid, or did I constantly get my butt handed to me in PvP? Hardly.


Has any guild Ive ever been in ever kicked me out (not that I would join such an elitist group anyways), never. The guilds Ive been in have all been awesome, we were mature, very supportive, team players that helped each other grow our skills.


My PvP results: Warzone type PvP, usually in the top 35% in terms of corpses. World PvP, lost less then 30% of the time.


My raid results: In terms of CC, Ive always been very highly rated in my role doing that. When I did DPS, such as with my Hunter in WoW, always landed around 3-5th in a large raid, 1-3 in a smaller raid.


Its a game, its YOUR GAME, its YOUR MONEY that is funding your ability to play the game as you see fit. There will always be players out there whose egos are out of control that will try to tell you how to do any number of things, TELL YOU vs help you. Blow them off and just have fun with like minded people, life and the game will be so much more fun.


FYI: People miss one HUGE element, which is strategy over speed. Now when I say strategy, Im not talking about in the moment, Im talking about learning from your PvP and PvE experiences to get better, to make strategic adjustments for the next fight, TOR really demands this as a Focus spec Sent.


FYI 2: Some basic binds are helpful, such as targeting, getting out of snares and such. I use a few. Im happy. Life is good.

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So saying "You're both wrong" is somehow better than "you're wrong" and "no, you're wrong"?


Maybe I got overzealous in my endorsement of keybinding, but arguing that people shouldn't argue is a bit silly. At least in my debate I tried to contribute some legit examples, metaphors and reasoning on why I feel the way I do instead of taking up space.


I think what he meant was, nobody here is "wrong" everyone does what is "right" for them, whats "right" for one person may not be "right" for every person, even if its not what the majority do:cool:

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Again, the only people here that are wrong, are the ones telling everyone that "anyone that does it different than I do it, is wrong"


People are not clones, keybinding may work will for you, it does for me.


I recommend people try it


But I am not so foolish that I need to pretend that the way I play is better than everyone else, my ego just isn’t that fragile.


I am successful the way I play, I happen to know other people that play differently that are just as successful.


It isn’t a threat to my manhood ( gamehood? ) to recognize that.


Not everyone is the same.

Edited by Dayln
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I seriously doubt anyone could set their mouse cursor so sensitive while still being able to hit the desired target on screen on demand EVERYTIME. Often you would just overshoot it.


Like I said, its repetitive memory, my cursor/mouse is very sensitive and I have no "over shooting" problems.... do you ever forget which keys you have binded to what attacks? Probably not because to you its repetitive memory by now:cool:

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Again, the only people here that are wrong, are the ones telling everyone that "anyone that does it different than I do it, is wrong"


People are not clones, keybinding may work will for you, it does for me.


I recommend people try it


But I am not so foolish that I need to pretend that the way I play is better than everyone else, my ego just isn’t that fragile.


I am successful the way I play, I happen to know other people that play differently that are just as successful.


It isn’t a threat to my manhood ( gamehood? ) to recognize that.


Not everyone is the same.



I'm not sure why you targeted me for your sarcasm and intentionally missing the purpose of my posts, then. I never said anybody was wrong to click- I did in fact say that if they wish to click, it's entirely up to them. I just offered valid supporting statements on why keybinding makes players better. Nothing wrong with that given the nature of this thread, so please don't act like there is.

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I think what he meant was, nobody here is "wrong" everyone does what is "right" for them, whats "right" for one person may not be "right" for every person, even if its not what the majority do:cool:

Yes yes yes, we've heard that but that's not the issue at hand. We're talking about performance, not personal preference. And performance can be tested. In this case a test isn't even really needed (all it does it helps the argument a bit more) since human anatomy alone determines the result, and human anatomy is pretty much universal across the board for every average person. Keybinding is much more muscle memory friendly, no matter how good you've become at it with clicking.

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Yes yes yes, we've heard that but that's not the issue at hand. We're talking about performance, not personal preference. And performance can be tested. In this game a test isn't even really needed (all it does it helps the argument a bit more) since human anatomy alone determines the result, and human anatomy is pretty much universal across the board for every average person.


So go play against a clicker and let us know how it works out for your "test based performance" that you havent actually done mmmk;)

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I'm not sure why you targeted me for your sarcasm and intentionally missing the purpose of my posts, then. I never said anybody was wrong to click- I did in fact say that if they wish to click, it's entirely up to them. I just offered valid supporting statements on why keybinding makes players better. Nothing wrong with that given the nature of this thread, so please don't act like there is.


I didnt target anyone in that post, there was no quote within it, if the shoe fits....

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I didnt target anyone in that post, there was no quote within it, if the shoe fits....


I was referencing your first post which was a) sarcastic and b) clearly directed at me, which led to this exchange. I'm not against your beliefs, but I am against the manner in which you dismissed my beliefs with sarcasm. It makes the forums and what could be helpful debates a toxic environment and nobody likes that sort of thing in the community.

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I'm not sure why you targeted me for your sarcasm and intentionally missing the purpose of my posts, then. I never said anybody was wrong to click- I did in fact say that if they wish to click, it's entirely up to them. I just offered valid supporting statements on why keybinding makes players better. Nothing wrong with that given the nature of this thread, so please don't act like there is.


I can see where you are coming from... I think the delivery of a few people in here is below grade if ya know what I mean;) Telling people they suck or that you are awesome is not the way to get a point across.

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So go play against a clicker and let us know how it works out for your "test based performance" that you havent actually done mmmk;)

Like I said a test isn't needed. I haven't said I'm the best player in the world because I keybind. There's propably quite a few clickers who'd whipe the floor with me but we're not talking about exceptions. This is just pure and simple biology (human anatomy), and because of the way it works universally (again not a philosophical "no clear winner" matter but a scientific fact) those good clickers would be even better players with keybinds if they put time and effort into it.

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I can see where you are coming from... I think the delivery of a few people in here is below grade if ya know what I mean;) Telling people they suck or that you are awesome is not the way to get a point across.


I agree wholeheartedly sir! I'm a keybinder, and given the chance via public forums and personal inquiry I will give a lot of reasons why I feel it's the way to go. But I will never tell somebody else that they are a bad player or suck for their decisions. Debates are fine, so long as they remain civilized.

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Like I said a test isn't needed. I haven't said I'm the best player in the world because I keybind. There's propably quite a few clickers who'd whipe the floor with me but we're not talking about exceptions. This is just pure and simple biology (human anatomy), and because of they way it works universally (again not a philosophical matter but a scientific fact) those good clickers would be even better players with keybinds if they put time and effort into it.


So a test isnt needed because you said so... great, let me know what else you say is so k;)

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So a test isnt needed because you said so... great, let me know what else you say is so k;)

A test is usefull but not mandatory (needed)... because of human anatomy (and if you bring your test argument to this then don't bother, human anatomy is tested in case you weren't aware). It's funny how some people can only see the things they want to see in other people's arguments.

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I was referencing your first post which was a) sarcastic and b) clearly directed at me, which led to this exchange. I'm not against your beliefs, but I am against the manner in which you dismissed my beliefs with sarcasm. It makes the forums and what could be helpful debates a toxic environment and nobody likes that sort of thing in the community.


If you are accusing me of being sarcastic!!!!!!!!! :eek:


( chuckle )


I most certainly am :rolleyes: Sometime I am even Ironic :cool:


but the post you quoted ( directed at me ) didn’t have a quote within it, it was not directed specifically at you, but at anyone that thinks that the way they do things is ALWAYS the best for EVERYONE.


That is not true, and we already know for a fact it isn’t true.

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I agree wholeheartedly sir! I'm a keybinder, and given the chance via public forums and personal inquiry I will give a lot of reasons why I feel it's the way to go. But I will never tell somebody else that they are a bad player or suck for their decisions. Debates are fine, so long as they remain civilized.


I've actually been thinking of keybinding little by little until I get used to as I get closer to endgame, but I havent had any problems thus far with clicking so I havent had any incentive to do so, but you gave me some good food for thought sir... may the force be with you:cool:

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A test is usefull but not mandatory (needed)... because of human anatomy (and if you bring your test argument to this then don't bother, human anatomy is tested in case you weren't aware). It's funny how some people can only want to see the things they want to see in other people's arguments.


I'm just seeing what you are saying, I didnt know you were a keybind/click/anatomy/MMO master.... I bow to your skills and bid you good day sir:D

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I use a mouse that has 11 keybinds which I expand to 22 when I use shift. I use the keyboard to navigate but I do not click on my skills . Where do I fall ,I don't actually use the mouse to navigate except when I am not fighting then I use it to move around. So am I not effective in PvP too ?
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I use a mouse that has 11 keybinds which I expand to 22 when I use shift. I use the keyboard to navigate but I do not click on my skills . Where do I fall ,I don't actually use the mouse to navigate except when I am not fighting then I use it to move around. So am I not effective in PvP too ?


You need to take anatomy classes to figure that out:D

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I use a mouse that has 11 keybinds which I expand to 22 when I use shift. I use the keyboard to navigate but I do not click on my skills . Where do I fall ,I don't actually use the mouse to navigate except when I am not fighting then I use it to move around. So am I not effective in PvP too ?



If what you do is working for you... then you are good :)

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Clickers are awfully defensive. Many of us aren't saying you can't be good at clicking. We're saying that keybinding is faster and more efficient.


Take 2 people of equal skill and equal gear and one is a clicker and one is a keybinder. I don't think I need to say which one would win in a fight (hint: keybinder).

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