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PvP from a Sage's PoV


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30m snare and interrupt? Root on knockback that ignores all immunities regardless if kb works? 3s mez every time your shield breaks? Insta 45s cd 8s mez that stuns for 2 seconds upon damage? And while it's not exactly utility, perma 50% slowing a target while waiting for a 33% chance proc so you can insta 2500 aoe anyone around isn't strong? And yes, all this is available in imo, the best sorc dps spec.


Sorcs/sages sustained is strong as hell, while they maintain a crazy amount of tools to survive. A good sorc should not ever die barring assist trains of GOOD dps on you. Your kb and shield mez can get you out of pretty much every assist train. Since day one I've believed sorcs/sages need no nerf whatsoever, same thing 3 months later. Good ones hurt and survive, bad ones don't.. just like every class. I posted this wall though cause you said they don't bring utility.. they bring a combination of everything that no one else has.


I have no idea what are u talking about :o u obviouly have no clue about game while telling such crap..I woulld have all the if i can get 100 points to my tree lol...


But now we have in dps spec = stun (everyone has it) kb (everyone has it) slow(everyone has it) idk whats problem and tryping so many unknown *****

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Maybe the mirror class is better, ive seen many imp sorc destroy people as madness, it does insane amount of burst dmg with crazy survivability, plus they have crazy heals, maybe bh powertechs need a buff reduced also if they doing that amount of dmg its prob cause they poped all the cds and buffs, most classes can **** another when they pop everything, ive seen a jedi guardian just destory groups of people with thier 5k smash,
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I love a sage talking about tracer/grav round like telekinetic throw is any different and in many ways worse. 99% of every sage/sorc in the game play by planting face on their channel ability button in exactly the same way grav/tracer is spammed and for exactly the same reasons.


Sorry that you have a problem with power tech... you know like the rest of us do as well? If there was a tiny violin emoticon I would play you a sad song.


It is pretty hilarious. They have a bit of problem with one class spec. :D

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Okay fine. Let's compare their bubble to the one Ops get.


Static Barrier - 20 sec cooldown, usable on anyone

Shield Probe - 45 second cooldown, only usable on Op


So what the heck are you whining about?


Now what else are you missing?


What about AoE KNOCKBACK ROOT. On a 20 second cooldown. The strongest heals out of the three heal classes. Main attack also a 50% slow.


Honestly, Sorcs should have NO RIGHT to whine about their class. Do you know what this looks like to the rest of us? It's like the rich kid who complains he doesn't know which toy he should play with. Quit whining.


You are talking about healing spec,we are talking about dps


Well if only we can use both healing on dps spec we would be maybe balanced.But right now everyone kikc our as ses

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This may come off as a rant, but whatever.


Ok here are a bunch of facts about sages/sorcs. This is coming from someone who was gladiator multiple seasons in WoW. You don't have to like the game to know that means I have a skillset that roughly transfers to this game.


The game is really really rocky for Sages in PVP (dps sages). Against a geared opponent a sage should lose a 1v1 vs every class that knows what they are doing. The two exceptions seem to be Snipers/gunslingers (abuse LoS) and Mercs/Troopers that spam tracer missile because they apparenty universally don't know how to fake cast (interupt tracer missile and they don't know what to do).


I cannot explain to you how frustrating this game gets when I have a BM pyro powertech on me. My tele throw hits them for ~350 per tick ( I am not saying it hits like this on all classes) and I am in a mix of BM and Champ gear. On the other hand the Powertech can chain crit me for 4200-5k with rail shots with other skills like rocket punch critting me for 3k+. I am forced to cc and sprint away in almost every situation. Our single target dps seems to be terrible considering we have to stay mobile and kite or we will get steamrolled. The biggest problem in my mind causing this is the hybrid spec. The AOE dmg completely inflates our stats, and when you also consider we are almost always in combat casting our damage is actually low.


The solution in my mind would have to be to buff top tier of tele and balance and break the hybrid spec. Additionally powertech pyro burst damage needs to be addressed


Below is from a WZ today. You might think they are fake numbers but any sage that has faced geared BHs can confirm that the same happens to them.

4600, 3400, 4400, + 1-2k in dots. There are three powertechs I face on my server almost all the time that are able to do that to me in probably 3 seconds in almost all of our encounters. For the record I can to 2k in response. If I am lucky and have a pom proc I can do maybe ~4k. My only choice is to force lift and run and hope others target him.


Before you comment:

If you are sub 50 you're opinion doesn't really matter. Everyone knows casters are the least gear dependent so of course you have a problem with sages/sorcs.


I don't care about your screenshot of a sorc doing 700k in a warzone. That's almost all AOE damage.


Im a level 50 BM Sage. I agree the drama here about Sages being "op" is ridiculous when real OP classes like Marauder and pyrotech powertech drop people in seconds.


For your situation - Its called L2P. You are QQing because you cant win a 1v1 against every single class. The only class I cant take down 1v1 is Marauder (no other class can either). You are a range cloth class, is it a big surprise you cant stand still face to face against melee? Of course sprint and cc has to be used.


I also play against 2 pyrotech powertechs on my server who know what they are doing and lose 1v1 to me barely. They also talk trash like scrubs as well. Here is what you do (against any melee class for that matter):


-Maintain 30m range at all times or atleast 20m

-Save atleast one CC or sprint for his grapple so you can get away

-Force slow always up when available

-Weaken mind always up and mind crush as well when available


This is common sense really.

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Maybe the mirror class is better, ive seen many imp sorc destroy people as madness, it does insane amount of burst dmg with crazy survivability, plus they have crazy heals, maybe bh powertechs need a buff reduced also if they doing that amount of dmg its prob cause they poped all the cds and buffs, most classes can **** another when they pop everything, ive seen a jedi guardian just destory groups of people with thier 5k smash,


So you saw the sorcs doing crazy amount of burst one someone?That was probably 11k lvl 50 ,now imagine what would marauder/jugger dps/bh/ia would do to that guy...

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I have no idea what are u talking about :o u obviouly have no clue about game while telling such crap..I woulld have all the if i can get 100 points to my tree lol...


But now we have in dps spec = stun (everyone has it) kb (everyone has it) slow(everyone has it) idk whats problem and tryping so many unknown *****


Do you play the game? Seriously don't type this garbage if you don't know how sorcs can spec. Every single thing I posted is available in a 0/21/20 spec.

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never happens


Happens all the time on my server.


It's funny that all the stuff u sage/sorcs are talking about happen to mercs too. Anyhing with an interrupt owns us.. Except we cant bubble and sprint away.


I don't feel sorry u. U guys are soo much more useful in theme based pvp that merc or agent and have more survivablility.


I wouldn't mind if a sage could spec into high burst damage, but they should loose some of the massive utility they have.

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30m snare and interrupt? Root on knockback that ignores all immunities regardless if kb works? 3s mez every time your shield breaks? Insta 45s cd 8s mez that stuns for 2 seconds upon damage? And while it's not exactly utility, perma 50% slowing a target while waiting for a 33% chance proc so you can insta 2500 aoe anyone around isn't strong? And yes, all this is available in imo, the best sorc dps spec.


Sorcs/sages sustained is strong as hell, while they maintain a crazy amount of tools to survive. A good sorc should not ever die barring assist trains of GOOD dps on you. Your kb and shield mez can get you out of pretty much every assist train. Since day one I've believed sorcs/sages need no nerf whatsoever, same thing 3 months later. Good ones hurt and survive, bad ones don't.. just like every class. I posted this wall though cause you said they don't bring utility.. they bring a combination of everything that no one else has.


You obviously dont play a sorc,


Root on knockback is spec only and in lightning tree.


Everyone gets interrupt.


3s mez when shield breaks again is a spec in lightning only and only works if your shield ends naturally ala no damage. worthless.


have to spec again to make the 8s mez insta cast and people just break right out anyway.


instant cast 2.5k damage OMG nobody can do that. oh wait everyone can hit harder than that vs. single targets and that's the hardest hitting attack we have.

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Happens all the time on my server.


It's funny that all the stuff u sage/sorcs are talking about happen to mercs too. Anyhing with an interrupt owns us.. Except we cant bubble and sprint away.


I don't feel sorry u. U guys are soo much more useful in theme based pvp that merc or agent and have more survivablility.


I wouldn't mind if a sage could spec into high burst damage, but they should loose some of the massive utility they have.


Lose your heavy armor first.

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You obviously dont play a sorc,


Root on knockback is spec only and in lightning tree.


Everyone gets interrupt.


3s mez when shield breaks again is a spec in lightning only and only works if your shield ends naturally ala no damage. worthless.


have to spec again to make the 8s mez insta cast and people just break right out anyway.


instant cast 2.5k damage OMG nobody can do that. oh wait everyone can hit harder than that vs. single targets and that's the hardest hitting attack we have.


A dps sorc should be 0/21/20, so stop acting as if it's irrelevant because you have to spec for it. Your interrupt and snare is thirty meters, if you don't think that's a utility advantage you don't get it. 2500 aoe with a proc that's up constantly? Yes, that actually is powerful. You said you lack utility, I said you have the most utility in the game, and you do.

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I started a sage.


Nerf hybrid sages.


Buff full spec sages. The 31 point, particularly in Telekinesis and Lightning is lackluster at best, it needs a LOT more damage. Afterall, if you're spec'd to have that, you're a hard casting ranged DPS class and you need some..DPS.

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A dps sorc should be 0/21/20, so stop acting as if it's irrelevant because you have to spec for it. Your interrupt and snare is thirty meters, if you don't think that's a utility advantage you don't get it. 2500 aoe with a proc that's up constantly? Yes, that actually is powerful. You said you lack utility, I said you have the most utility in the game, and you do.


So what everyone else gets interupt and snare also and heavy freakin armor and multiple stuns range closers and root that ignores resolve. I'm going back to my original question.



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Sages and Sorcs suck?? Wow! Who would have thought!


Come join us Snipers/Slingers on the back of the bus guys! But we'd need a really big bus to accomodate all the FOTM rollers you guys have hehe

Edited by Kellias
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I started a sage.


Nerf hybrid sages.


Buff full spec sages. The 31 point, particularly in Telekinesis and Lightning is lackluster at best, it needs a LOT more damage. Afterall, if you're spec'd to have that, you're a hard casting ranged DPS class and you need some..DPS.

Fine by me. But they're in the back of the line in terms of classes that need fixing. Snipers/Ops need far more help, and it's not like other classes have messed up trees. PTs for example have a useless 31 point shield talent and its non-shared DPS tree sucks. Again, Sorcs really have no right to complain. Edited by hulkweazel
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Fine by me. But they're in the back of the line in terms of classes that need fixing. Snipers/Ops need far more help, and it's not like other classes have messed up trees. PTs for example have a useless 31 point shield talent and its non-shared DPS tree sucks. Again, Sorcs really have no right to complain.


A simple "I agree" is all you needed to say. The rest of your post belongs in another thread.

My sage isn't my main, I have nothing invested in it, but try to stay on topic.

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30m snare and interrupt? Root on knockback that ignores all immunities regardless if kb works? 3s mez every time your shield breaks? Insta 45s cd 8s mez that stuns for 2 seconds upon damage? And while it's not exactly utility, perma 50% slowing a target while waiting for a 33% chance proc so you can insta 2500 aoe anyone around isn't strong? And yes, all this is available in imo, the best sorc dps spec.


Sorcs/sages sustained is strong as hell, while they maintain a crazy amount of tools to survive. A good sorc should not ever die barring assist trains of GOOD dps on you. Your kb and shield mez can get you out of pretty much every assist train. Since day one I've believed sorcs/sages need no nerf whatsoever, same thing 3 months later. Good ones hurt and survive, bad ones don't.. just like every class. I posted this wall though cause you said they don't bring utility.. they bring a combination of everything that no one else has.


This has been my experience with the AC so far. +1

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So what everyone else gets interupt and snare also and heavy freakin armor and multiple stuns range closers and root that ignores resolve. I'm going back to my original question.




You keep saying everyone gets an interrupt. Not everyone does. Please don't spread false information.

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A simple "I agree" is all you needed to say. The rest of your post belongs in another thread.

My sage isn't my main, I have nothing invested in it, but try to stay on topic.

It is on topic. The OP just reads like a whine thread considering how good Sorcs have it compared to other classes.
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Lose your heavy armor first.


Gladly.. Give me ur bubble. Read the sorc posts here. It's been proven that sorcs have bEtter midigation with their bubble.


I like this deal :D

Edited by Typheran
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