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What is the point of the speeder rise in voidstar?


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Isn't it obvious? The massive delays in starting WZ's is a tactic used by BW to make the game last longer. Very basicly, its tog et more money out of us because we will play long er and pay more.
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I find the speeder on voidstar unlogical. It makes sense on Alderaan but voidstar it actualyl wastes so much time and when I get to the end of the speeder my team is already fighting sith while I have to wait for another long period of time to even get out of that point.
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voidstar speeder rides are the same reason they added orbital stations to planets, and don't give people sprint till 14, and only let you recall to the fleet once per day.........every minute of time bw makes you waste not gaining valor/xp/etc is a minute more of subscription time profit they make. Edited by Evuke
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I've always thought that the purpose of the speeder is so that people who don't know the map very well can get a quick look at all the rooms before the game starts.


You travel through the last room and the bridge room pretty quickly, as those rooms are in two sections (due to the forcefields) and as such there is less you need to figure out when you first enter the room during the game. However, you fly around overhead in the first room for a bit, which leads me to believe they want you to get a quick look at the whole room so you aren't totally lost when the game starts.



It's the same thing with the initial speeder in the Alderaan warzone; you fly around the middle once before finally coming to a landing. This is in addition to the starting area overlooking the whole warzone. It gives you a quick chance to see the map. For Huttball, the starting area allows you to see about half the map (which is essentially the whole thing since it's symmetrical), so there isn't an overhead speeder ride there.


At least, that's why I think they have it. I very well may be wrong, but it makes more sense to me than it being story-related or some sort of time sink.

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I've always thought that the purpose of the speeder is so that people who don't know the map very well can get a quick look at all the rooms before the game starts.


You travel through the last room and the bridge room pretty quickly, as those rooms are in two sections (due to the forcefields) and as such there is less you need to figure out when you first enter the room during the game. However, you fly around overhead in the first room for a bit, which leads me to believe they want you to get a quick look at the whole room so you aren't totally lost when the game starts.



It's the same thing with the initial speeder in the Alderaan warzone; you fly around the middle once before finally coming to a landing. This is in addition to the starting area overlooking the whole warzone. It gives you a quick chance to see the map. For Huttball, the starting area allows you to see about half the map (which is essentially the whole thing since it's symmetrical), so there isn't an overhead speeder ride there.


At least, that's why I think they have it. I very well may be wrong, but it makes more sense to me than it being story-related or some sort of time sink.


This was my assumption as well, though the Alderaan speeder was definitely intended to provide a delay so teams have a chance to cap. I just wish, if this were the case, that for Voidstar they'd make it a cinematic sequence of some kind so you can skip it once you know the map.

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voidstar speeder rides are the same reason they added orbital stations to planets, and don't give people sprint till 14, and only let you recall to the fleet once per day.........every minute of time bw makes you waste not gaining valor/xp/etc is a minute more of subscription time profit they make.


what??? i can recall to fleet?? how

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