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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Now that ME3 has been released


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I wonder if we will see a huge jump in bug fixing and content development now that all the ME3 resources have been freed up.


Or at least the ones that aren't troubleshooting launch/bugs that ME3 has.


im sure me3 and swtor had completely different teams working on each game .. there is nothing to be freed up.

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no because of a couple reasons


1) Most importantly, different teams. ME3 budget belongs to ME3 team.


2) too many cooks in the kitchen destroy the kichen (see Hell's Kitchen for reference)


3) 1.2 looks amazing


4) I like making lists

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I wonder if we will see a huge jump in bug fixing and content development now that all the ME3 resources have been freed up.


Or at least the ones that aren't troubleshooting launch/bugs that ME3 has.


The Bioware, the real Bioware, which developed ME3 was a 100% independent studio based in Edmunton, Canada.


EA/Mythic, or "Bioware In Name Only", which develops TOR is in Austin, Texas.


They have nothing to do with one another.

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ME3 = Made in Edmonton, AB. (Multiplayer made in Montreal, QC)


SWTOR = Made in Austin, TX.


Yeah... no change will happen with SWTOR because of ME3, Edmonton is likely winding down from ME3, and working on DLC/Moving on to the Next Bioware Project.

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no because of a couple reasons


1) Most importantly, different teams. ME3 budget belongs to ME3 team.


2) too many cooks in the kitchen destroy the kichen (see Hell's Kitchen for reference)


3) 1.2 looks amazing


4) I like making lists


1.2 doesn't have a lfg system..i guess im stuck standing the in fleet for hours looking for a group, because that is "community" right there.

Edited by Xanerithe
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I understand that they were different teams (though I didn't know it was a geographic distinction) my point is that now that ME3 is out, the powerhouse of talent behind it has some free time.


Personally i'd imagine plenty of that DLC was developed right along with ME3, so they just have to stagger its release and go cash paychecks. Now that the ME3 development team no longer has ME3 to develop they'll have to find another project to work on. Why wouldn't you take some of those devs and put them on your ongoing behemoth of a project, TOR?


Makes sense.

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The Bioware, the real Bioware, which developed ME3 was a 100% independent studio based in Edmunton, Canada.


EA/Mythic, or "Bioware In Name Only", which develops TOR is in Austin, Texas.


They have nothing to do with one another.


That's NOT true. "Bioware Mythic" is actually in Fairfax, VA and had DAOC, Warhammer, and Ultima Online.


What IS true is that Bioware Austin, SWTOR, brought over several people from Mythic.

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The Bioware, the real Bioware, which developed ME3 was a 100% independent studio based in Edmunton, Canada.


EA/Mythic, or "Bioware In Name Only", which develops TOR is in Austin, Texas.


They have nothing to do with one another.


Thank God!

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Go look at the reviews for ME3, not the paid for ones that were around before release but the avalanche of horrid ones since it was released yesterday. I've played it through once already, yes its that short, and uninstalled it. Compared to the other two it's a shoddy piece of crap. I wouldn't want those devs working on TOR.
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no because of a couple reasons


1) Most importantly, different teams. ME3 budget belongs to ME3 team.


2) too many cooks in the kitchen destroy the kichen (see Hell's Kitchen for reference)


3) 1.2 looks amazing


4) I like making lists


1) Irrelevant, Mass Effect 3 has been released, that budget has been spent.


2) What? You assign a developer a project, period. "Go write some code so we can have sandbox space combat."


3) ..what?


4) Clearly.

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