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Free transfers in the future?


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I dont know maybe the broken animation for republic did it. OHHH and who s responsible for the animation... ya use your brain before you write next time


They are not broken, they are just different than imperial (and they will be changed/fixed). But try learning to play the character/class you have the way it is. Learn to adapt.


And yes I have characters on both sides.

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Has anyone noticed (not going to read over 900 posts), that when this thread started it was about transferring from a Full server to a less Populated one?


Haha, that's pretty funny actually :D Can't say that I noticed..

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Guys if i may...this probably isn't what you want...but if you're thinking about changing servers from more populated ones to those with little population...well i have a suggestion...


Switch to Tott Doneeta (EU server)...pop is very low here and we're having multiple problems because of this (galactic market is almost empty, fewer pvp etc...)



just a suggestion :)



But i don't really know if or when free char transfer will be available sorry.

Edited by NalSith
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Guys if i may...this probably isn't what you want...but if you're thinking about changing servers from more populated ones to those with little population...well i have a suggestion...


Switch to Tott Doneeta (EU server)...pop is very low here and we're having multiple problems because of this (galactic market is almost empty, fewer pvp etc...


just a suggestion :)


Just dont go republic there really bad at PVP heheheh. Am joking... or am I ;)


But he is right Tott Doneeta needs more people for me to kill :D

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Just dont go republic there really bad at PVP heheheh. Am joking... or am I ;)


But he is right Tott Doneeta needs more people for me to kill :D



yeah...i'm playing both sides actually XD


and no...we're really not that bad in pvp...one Guild is especially good XD

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Thats it plain and simple


1) Most of the servers are dying of low pop

2) 1h spaming to do a hm

3) 15 to 30 for a wz that will finish soon because people leaves

4) imposible to pug content

5) imposible to equip for pve because there arent enough ppl for hms


This results in more ppl rerolling or quiting so the heavy pop servers becomes more heavy and the low pop ones become ghost servers


What are you going to do if ppl keep rerolling on heavy pop servers like harmbringer or fatman, they will get colapsed of players, and what are you going to do with the low/ghost servers?


If in 1 moth and a half there are no signs of free transfers or mergers you will have a serious problem in your hands.


For example I love this game and i want to stay in it and play it through the years to come, but every day i thinking more i quiting and its not just me, my whole guild thinks the same, and 3/4 of your forum members.


This is not a QQ or whine in just asking for a little information. Show some love for your costumers


Sry for grammar mistakes, english is not native language

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I would like to sign on in agreement.


Bioware did the right thing, the only thing they could do and increase the number of servers to handle the initial rush. While I'm sure the game is stable or growing, it's obvious the bottom 5 or 10 servers are suffering from lack of population.


Whether it's due to player frenzy relaxing a bit and less hours are being played or if new players are only going to heavy servers, there is a significant portion of players on low pop servers that are having a lesser game experience and this should be addressed to reduce those who will get frustrated trying to find groups and canceling.

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the problem is that there are a lot more than 10 servers sufering with low pop.


I also agree to a point with bioware opening servers at launch.


But now, there it seems that at least 3/4 of the servers are having pop issues, and this is basicaly rly easy to change just mergin those servers or opening free transfers one-way online

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I'm from Uthar Winn and the server its completely empty... I worked to get my guardian to 50 and now I can't do anything because there's no one on the server. I can't even do PvE almost. Do something about it please and let us tranfer to other servers to keep the subs where they are. I think no one like to be alone in an MMO...


Best regards

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If and when free transfers are set up, they need to be only for a few servers at a time. Otherwise there won't be a solution, just moving the problem around. I hate to use that other game as an example, but when they open up free transfers they give a list of servers and factions you can leave, and a list of servers you can transfer to.


Something that could be tried would be to take say the lowest 25 servers and rank them. Then offer transfers from the bottom 10 to the top 15 for say 2 weeks. Then look at the numbers after that time and see how things shape up. They could also limit which faction could transfer to which servers to help even out imbalances.



Just my 2cents.

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I'm from Uthar Winn and the server its completely empty... I worked to get my guardian to 50 and now I can't do anything because there's no one on the server. I can't even do PvE almost. Do something about it please and let us tranfer to other servers to keep the subs where they are. I think no one like to be alone in an MMO...


Best regards



Alone in the server :eek:


sad see this situation

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they will give us the transfer someday... my only question is if they will let us transfer from US servers to EU server.. that yes is very important for me...




I've ended up on a US server which isn't that active and would like to be able to transfer to a "closer to home" EU server. Re-rolling main isn't an option... Lvl 50, tier 2/3 gear etc.



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Havent read all pages but interested in legacy issue. If i have few chars on server A with high Legacy level and 1 char on server B with low legacy level and want to transfer chars A->B or char B->A. What will be with Legacy? If after 1.2 patch legacy will take really usefull bonuses it could be very bad to lose legacy lvl after transfer.


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Alone in the server :eek:


sad see this situation


It's not that I'm alone, but at the weekends have like 14 guys on the fleet, no end content cause you can't get groups, warzones take so long to queue, Ilum is almost empty... The only way I had to get the daily was from the armory in the middle but it took so long... The worse is that I didn't have fun doing it, it's boring not to have guys to play with. If you don't have people playing it, when you reach 50, you dont have almost nothing to do...

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Everything coming from BW on this issue implies simply that they simply will not do it any time in the near future. Even though they should, because it's really just getting stupid.


Number of "active" accounts is meaningless so soon after release, when a lot of people are just waiting for their subs to run out or only logging in once a week for a couple hours.


Concurrent players is the number to look at, and it is *low* on a LOT of servers. 30 people in the fleet on friday primetime is not a good sign (higher imp side OF COURSE.) Even this craptacular engine can handle more than that.


But bw wont do merges, either because they cant (unlikely) or EA wont let them as it would look really bad (to shareholders who have no idea how to run a healthy MMOG... not that this BW team knows either.) Problem is as others have stated, low pop leads to people not playing leads to lower pop. Without a viable concurrent player base, a server dies.

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How much does it cost in other games to transfer a character? I wonder what it would cost to get all your characters on one server transferred to another...?



It appears the average price is $25... If I wanted both my characters transferred, hopefully there is a two for one deal going on, lol. It would be nice if the first transfer was free then the rest cost just like changing a skill set.



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