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Free transfers in the future?


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If I transfer a couple of characters from one server to a sever where I have two other characters, each with their own Legacies and surnames, what happens? Would I be to have two Legacies on one server?


I never thought about that issue. Maybe thats what is holding them up. All I can think of is you get to choose which legacy name stays OR if the character you move will have its name changed to the one already on the server. Got to think, other people could also have your name and/or legacy on a different server.

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Bioware where is an update?!?!?! I keep seeing community moderators goofing off and giggling and announcing stupid things like PVP bag changes...when most of us cant get our bags due to low populated servers or server imbalances


how bout instead of having your mods giggle and discuss the game like a bunch of school girls and instead give us some updates on more important information like gee I dunno SERVER TRANSFERS!

Edited by Konta_Takuto
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Well, I know several people that would happily pay for server transfers. The fact that BioWare has not addressed this issue is a definitive flaw in what is otherwise an excellent game. I do feel confident, that if this issue is not addressed, and soon......BioWare will lose subscriptions. Alot of people want to game as often as they can, with the people they know and perhaps came over from another MMO with, as such, they do not have the time of some "hardcore" gamers to re-roll toons multiple times due to server imbalance. BioWare should be cognizant of the fact that some people work for a living, have small children, go to college, or otherwise do not have the time to level a toon to 50 in 2/3 wks. Those people will leave if this is not addressed to correct the obvious server imbalances that exist.
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I never thought about that issue. Maybe thats what is holding them up. All I can think of is you get to choose which legacy name stays OR if the character you move will have its name changed to the one already on the server. Got to think, other people could also have your name and/or legacy on a different server.


the simplest explanation is you have to choose another legacy name. Since you are moving to a new server, new name has to be chosen - as long as a legacy name has not already been unlocked to the new server.


What i mean if you have made an alt to the new server and he has unlocked the Legacy, and then you try to move your old L50 from the old server with his own legacy, then the old L50 character will adopt the legacy name of the new character on the new server.

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the simplest explanation is you have to choose another legacy name. Since you are moving to a new server, new name has to be chosen - as long as a legacy name has not already been unlocked to the new server.


What i mean if you have made an alt to the new server and he has unlocked the Legacy, and then you try to move your old L50 from the old server with his own legacy, then the old L50 character will adopt the legacy name of the new character on the new server.


Makes sense, and I wouldn't mind having to change name, as long as I don't have to lvl it up again because that would be bogus and a waste of time.

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Yes please.. Make this happen! Tired of sitting on empty server (though it is listed as "Standard"). I dont care about legacy or surname as long as I dont have to go through the story again. And yes it should be free considering I am paying the subscription already. Edited by rydgaze
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It would be a nightmare to transfer characters or merge servers. How would they handle Legacy especially if you already had a Legacy on another server.


I don't think we will see that for awhile. A good thing is it really doesn't take long to start over again on a new server. Leveling and earning credits is very easy. I've re-rolled a few times now.

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It would be a nightmare to transfer characters or merge servers. How would they handle Legacy especially if you already had a Legacy on another server.

A nightmare is not being able to play. Go ahead, change my name and my legacy, I don't care at this point. If it came to it I'd propably even pay for a transfer, it's that bad on my server. Having to rename my character is but a minor inconvinience compaired to this.


I don't think we will see that for awhile. A good thing is it really doesn't take long to start over again on a new server. Leveling and earning credits is very easy. I've re-rolled a few times now.

Rerolling doesn't solve the issue of there being low pop servers. All it does it makes those servers even more low pop, in which case what is the point of keeping them up anymore? It would be like buying a new car everytime something malfunctions in your current one. You didn't address the issue, you just went around it.

Edited by byteresistor
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I'm just gonna add my voice to the low roar of outcries for the addressing of server population issues.


Please merge servers or allow transfers. I spend all my time trying to find groups and barely play as a consequence. Needless to say, I'm not going to shell out my cash for a third month of subscription unless this happens. I'm sure it won't, but I'll come back when and if I it does.


I'm sorry but it's just not fun to log on and sit there waiting for nothing to happen.


SWTOR isn't going to get 11 million+ subs anytime soon... so let's just be realistic about this whole endeavor. Merge.

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A nightmare is not being able to play. Go ahead, change my name and my legacy, I don't care at this point. If it came to it I'd propably even pay for a transfer, it's that bad on my server. Having to rename my character is but a minor inconvinience compaired to this.



Rerolling doesn't solve the issue of there being low pop servers. All it does it makes those servers even more low pop, in which case what is the point of keeping them up anymore? It would be like buying a new car everytime something malfunctions in your current one. You didn't address the issue, you just went around it.


How does transferring a character off a server help? It has the same effect as re-rolling. You are doing the same thing. You are not playing on the low pop server.


But this thread is not about low pop servers. It is about when we will get the ability to transfer a character. And my answer was correct. You can re-roll and be back to your current level and credits in very little time.


So you have two choices. You can stay on the low pop server and keep playing until they give us character transfers for a fee or re-roll now and play with lots of people on a high pop server.


I re-rolled and having fun. :)

Edited by Rhysling
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Anyway, I have asked this on twitter as well but I am curious if anyone knows if they plan to allow some free server transfers from some of the full servers to the newer, lower pop ones. I for one (and I am sure others have this issue) ran into the problem of making a character on one of the "Unofficial Oceanic Servers" and have over an hour que last night. I am not QQing, I have launched many MMO's and ques are to be expected. My concern isnt ques right now, but post launch. I think it would be a great thing to allow these transfers from full servers to low/standard pop to allow less ques and more evenly distributed players.


Dont quote me but have read that S.R. said there would be free server transfers onto official Australian servers for Australian account holders in March when the game goes live there.


Can't remember where I saw it, think it was Dev Tracker. But we wont know for sure till March sometime. On the bright side Swifture and the other unofficial server will go from full to ................

Edited by NoxiousAlby
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It would be a nightmare to transfer characters or merge servers. How would they handle Legacy especially if you already had a Legacy on another server.


I don't think we will see that for awhile. A good thing is it really doesn't take long to start over again on a new server. Leveling and earning credits is very easy. I've re-rolled a few times now.


will you just get out of here if your not gunna support this, ive spent so many hours pvping its not easy getting valor back once your on republic can I get an Amen? I mean seriously republic sucks at warzones so to get valor back up would be a pain.


see you didnt think that through when you typed what you did, you thought begining game content......when most of us are having difficulty with end game content long warzone queues hard finding groups for HM or Ops. its not about starting over, I would start over but with how much champion gear I collected how much PVE gear ive collected it would be just for nothing hours PVPing and PVE.


next time before you put your 2 cents in maybe see the whole picture....this isnt about starting over its about bettering our game experience to make it more accessible and enjoyable. cant open world pvp on a dead server can you? lol seriously just leave this forum topic and dont come back

Edited by Konta_Takuto
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Dont quote me but have read that S.R. said there would be free server transfers onto official Australian servers for Australian account holders in March when the game goes live there.


Can't remember where I saw it, think it was Dev Tracker. But we wont know for sure till March sometime. On the bright side Swifture and the other unofficial server will go from full to ................

I'd be happy to help validate your information if I may. Live character transfers (copies) to the PTS are being implemented to "encourage" more players to help test the patches. They are also using this as a test bed for server transfers. The more testers they have, the faster they can evaluate it. Once BW is comfortable with the system in that environment, they plan to migrate it over to the game. Time frame is undisclosed (1.2 is a stretch) as is whether or not it would be free. But this IS a dev priority.


Here is SR's 01/26/12 podcast interview you alluded to with all the details: http://tor-talk.com/exclusive-interview/ :)

Edited by GalacticKegger
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will you just get out of here if your not gunna support this, ive spent so many hours pvping its not easy getting valor back once your on republic can I get an Amen? I mean seriously republic sucks at warzones so to get valor back up would be a pain.


see you didnt think that through when you typed what you did, you thought begining game content......when most of us are having difficulty with end game content long warzone queues hard finding groups for HM or Ops. its not about starting over, I would start over but with how much champion gear I collected how much PVE gear ive collected it would be just for nothing hours PVPing and PVE.


next time before you put your 2 cents in maybe see the whole picture....this isnt about starting over its about bettering our game experience to make it more accessible and enjoyable. cant open world pvp on a dead server can you? lol seriously just leave this forum topic and dont come back

agree, just get out of this thread.

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Same here!!


My server even if is almost on standard population, on republic side is dead.


Yesterday i started a new character on the highest eu populated server (guess which one ;)).

And it's really better.


Please bioware give me the option to transfer my jedi sentinel on Tomb of Freedon Nadd.

It doesn't have sense to keep playing on a dead server.

Game experience is really broken.


When i choose shaltin tunnels was almost on heavy population.

Now is dead....


I can't imagine how is the situation on other servers where the population is always on light..

Edited by matsnake
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Gotta get off Vornskr...


Imperials are soooo bad on that server. <the dark > guild litterally queues all day for WZ's and not a single one of them break 10 kills or 100k dps at level 50.


I think our server is the retirement home for keyboard turners and clickers.

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gonna throw my hat into this ring, i assume they are working on it but the more of us that request it should provide motivation.


i found old friends playing on another server with a guild already, im 50 and not leveling up again. i spent my week off from work getting there and i wont get that much time off for a while so i will gladly pay to transfer


this needs to be done as soon as possible plz and ty :D

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My server is also dead and i'm looking for a 16man raiding guild that my standard pop server can't provide... and although i don't have that mouch gear at all it just seems like a pain to lvl up a new character to 50. i would aswell as many others. Gladly pay for a character transfer... well now i'm off to start an alt on the best pve europe server:P any1 have any suggestions on a good pve EU server? Edited by shikaithegoblin
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I'm also all up for Character transfers, free OR paid.


Made a mistake on chosing a server with to many Russians and PVPers, I'm a scandinavian and so are all my guildies. We already have full columi and a bunch of rakata gear, so none of us are in a mood to re-roll on another server!...

We chose that server on the 2nd day of the early access and when we realized it, it basically was to late....


As many have said, we ALL in the guild would also be glad to PAY for a transfer.

Edited by Renneman
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