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Free transfers in the future?


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Hopefully there are cross-region transfers coming. My schedule is freaky, so I might not benefit from half my characters being on a EU server in the future. As it is now, I play a lot of the time during an American work day, so it suits me better to have some characters that would be in European prime time during the dead hours of America's day.


Either way, I hope transfers arrive soon, for everybody's sake.

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Keep posting people its the only way bioware will hear us!!!


when patch 1.1 came out and Ilum was messed up the forums blew up and they fixed it that day!!!!


if you want server transfers continue to post!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Konta_Takuto
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The real problem is that players are spread across too many servers now.


Simply opening up for transfers will not solve anything at all.


Question remains, will they actually cater to the player, or try to save face and wait it out a year? Imo they won't save face by waiting it out, it's an open game, everybody can see what's going on here. Save face by doing what's best for the players, I think that's what's gonna pay off in the long run.


Ironic thing is, I did exactly as BW said - 4 - FOUR times I rerolled to avoid queues. Turned out to be a big mistake, as I now find myself on a server with very low pop. Should have stayed on the servers that had a queue back then, they're on Heavy now which is perfect.


Not resubbing until this is solved.



Edited by DashFiss
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Keep posting people its the only way bioware will hear us!!!


when patch 1.1 came out and Ilum was messed up...the forums blew up from many people posting complaining about it and they fixed it that day!!!!


if you want server transfers continue to post!!!!!!!

Edited by Konta_Takuto
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Keep posting people its the only way bioware will hear us!!!


when patch 1.1 came out and Ilum was messed up...the forums blew up from many people posting complaining about it and they fixed it that day!!!!


if you want server transfers to be available please continue to post!!!!!!!

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Actually the server where me and my friend play called "The Kumamgah" is a totally abandoned , ghost hunted server.....Im ALONE almost in all planets.Sometimes 2-3 another players also there.The capital city population at main time 30 player :D


Seriously give us character transfer i already have lvl 50 and lvl 30 i dont wanna start the whole game over again.

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Keep posting people its the only way bioware will hear us!!!


when patch 1.1 came out and Ilum was messed up...the forums blew up from many people posting complaining about it and they fixed it that day!!!!!!!!!


if you want server transfers to be available please continue to post!!!!!

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I would also like to know if and when i will be able to transfer my character.


I got 2 groups of friends playing the game on diferent servers, and the group on my server have to stop playing for a while because of school, so i would like to transfer my character over to the other server.

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The irony is that the first post was a guy during early access which wanted to transfer to a lower pop server because of queue.


Then the last 30 pages are people on low pop dead servers wanting out.



What a difference 1 month makes.

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I'll add my voice to this. My server feels dead. 35 players is the most I've ever seen in the fleet, and this is during prime time. With a character at 41, I really don't feel like starting all over again on another server. I'm enjoying this game for the most part and would like to keep going with it, but right now the multiplayer part seems awful lacking due to the low populations, and I doubt I'll subscribe much more beyond this month if there aren't any plans to address the issue.
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35 people?? On Tott Doneeta 35 people is a crowd :D


When I'm lucky, I see 15-20 people on the same area! Maybe a merge could be even better than char transfer. I fear that players are fewer than the first days and they will become even fewer if something is not done quickly about this, because not having anybody to play with on a MMORPG is not so enthralling..


That's a complete shame, I'd like to play this game for a loooong time, just to roll almost all the classes and uncover all the plots! But logging in to find almost nobody is online makes me wanna go back to my Xbox and finish Skyrim, wich I'm no more playing since this game came out!

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Keep posting people its the only way bioware will hear us!!!


when patch 1.1 came out and Ilum was messed up...the forums blew up from many people posting complaining about it and they fixed it that day!!!!!!!!!


if you want server transfers to be available please continue to post!!!!!!!!!!!!

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the only thing stopping me from rolling an alt ( and id really like too ) is because im going to transfer of these servers when oceanic servers are created.


My question is, if i roll an alt, will my WHOLE account be able to be transfered?

And pls tell me we will be able to transfer to oceanic servers.

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