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Voss & Spawn Mobs


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This has become more of a problem on Voss, but always an annoyance in general.


I hate having to fight Mobs which I spawn. I can't stealth, I'm instantly in combat, and some fights (looking at you Voss Dual Gormak techs) just kick my ***.


I have to wonder, what am I doing wrong. Can I not do these unless I am using Gus? I also had a problem also with the Sith in the Nightmare lands, the one you spawn by using what looks like a holocron in his cave. Can't do it with Corso, with Gus, still hard but not impossible feeling.


What am I missing about my class that I should be doing in situations where stealth & sap are not an option?


Also, specifically the two encounters I mentioned, using the ability that lets me stealth and 'reset' the fight, makes them despawn.



Details: I am same level or maybe a level higher than these fights. The Gormak Tech fights are two strongs. The Sith is an Elite and two regulars.


My spec is that middle tree, I am horrible and remembering the name of my abilities, but it's the tree with Flechette round at the top.


Please help. I am asking how to play better, so don't just say it, give me tips I may be missing.

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Team up is the quickest fix. Find a guildie or pickup partner if you get stuck on something. I ended up out-leveling content pretty quickly so I was 3-4 levels minimally over quests from space combat & warzone xp gains.
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I got past the content, the dual tech gormaks I only needed a drop from one, so I killed one, died to the other, and respawn and loot. The Sith I used Gus and it was a little close, I still won. I just want to make sure I am not missing something I should be doing. I like knowing how to play my class, and a stealthy character is totally new territory for me.
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i use a full pvp geared risha and an orange sniper up to date. Usually when the fight start and i couldnt go in stealth, i use my in combat stealth


after that i CC which i can , dont forget to deactivate the AoE of risha (she crit for 2k). Start the fight with shoot first , use defensive screen and dodge when needed. Dont forget to dirty kick and to flash grenade to heal yourself when needed.

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i use a full pvp geared risha and an orange sniper up to date. Usually when the fight start and i couldnt go in stealth, i use my in combat stealth



The in combat stealth reset the fight and despawns them, unless you are talking about a different ability I am somehow overlooking.

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i use a full pvp geared risha and an orange sniper up to date. Usually when the fight start and i couldnt go in stealth, i use my in combat stealth


after that i CC which i can , dont forget to deactivate the AoE of risha (she crit for 2k). Start the fight with shoot first , use defensive screen and dodge when needed. Dont forget to dirty kick and to flash grenade to heal yourself when needed.


What do you mean combat stealth? You mean disappearing act?


Don't forget grenade has a knockback also which is helpful.

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Interesting. This was when I noticed I was falling behind on my scoundrel as well (Voss). However, it was a bit different since I was a healer. I would definitely support using Guss, but only if he's geared out.


I hated those fights that I couldn't start from stealth. Basically your options are to find good medpacks, stim up, and/or group with someone. If you want to do it by yourself, you could always skip it for a while then return, PvP for some exp, etc...


Good luck!

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If I'm forced into combat right after a conversation, I usually start with disappearing act, then cc one and kill them one by one. If DA is causing the mobs to reset however, I can only suggest gearing/buffing up and/or bringing a friend or two with you. If you can't find any, then kill as many mobs as you can. If your companion dies and you're supposed to take down that elite by yourself, try kiting him around a large object so that you can los him. They're so stupid that I can solo champions like that. Dot him, kite him, heal up, repeat. Edited by Mangetsu
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If I'm forced into combat right after a conversation, I usually start with disappearing act, then cc one and kill them one by one. If DA is causing the mobs to reset however, I can only suggest gearing/buffing up and/or bringing a friend or two with you. If you can't find any, then kill as many mobs as you can. If your companion dies and you're supposed to take down that elite by yourself, try kiting him around a large object so that you can los him. They're so stupid that I can solo champions like that. Dot him, kite him, heal up, repeat.


That was my tactic on the Elite during the Shrine of Healing quest line. For some reason when I used Disappearing Act, he just kept attacking me. I was able to kite him around that statue and heal. I'm starting to not like Voss lol.

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On a number of those quests DA isn't an option as it resets the encounter. The ONLY way to start those encounters off is with a Flashbang and then hope in the first 6s you can mostly eliminate the weaker mob (Flechette-Backblast-Sucker-Whip-Sucker will do that, thankfully.) Then you have to rely on interrupts and stuns to try and take down the main foe. It is hard, a lot harder than with say a Guardian (my alt, who did it first time with a dps companion.) Not quite impossible though although... I did die a lot on the Sith in the cave until I learned that regular interrupts are... essential.
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If I'm forced into combat right after a conversation, I usually start with disappearing act, then cc one and kill them one by one.

That's what I did for almost all my leveling. Somehow, either since some patch and\or some level (I can't determine where and when exactly it started) DA asap after chats began failing. Which means no CC for a poor sawbone girl. And which is annoying, by the way. I know it did not work at Rogun's hideout, it did not work for Darmas and there were even more, which I just can't recall. And I DO know how to DA and how to stealth-control, as that's what I did all the time...untill it stoped working.


Those two spawns were, probably the hardest fight for all my 1-50 leveling, really. DA did not work ( they did not reset, they just attacked me "stealthed", tried many times), they hit hell hard (and both me and Corso were maxed at most of modes and gear), and micro-cc like flash-kick did not help much. I ended up with returning to them at 48 (they both were 47 afair), with a heavy presence buff, and somehow we managed to take out one, smashing all the trinkets, cds and interrupts, I could heal Corso out of that. Even Voidy was not that hard, comparing to that mission, really, and probably even 2+ champions from Corellia were easyer to deal with.

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