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Let's make "Imbalance" clear. Maybe then Bioware will understand.


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The prices are cheaper because the demand is lower to do to lower population. Demands are higher and so is the cost on Empire since there's alot of buyers. Its like basic checks and balances that I believe most of us learn in what 7 / 8th grade.


There is no demand on the Republic side of my server because there are no players. The few remaining guilds simply give their players any crystals or crafted materials they need to operate and play. The GTN is a ghost town. If you need stims, adrenals, crafting materials or want to buy crafted armor good luck, you won't be able to find it.

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The Republic players have a more target-rich environment for open-world PVP.


Yes! And I LOVE it this way.


If you (the OP, not sjmc) are not pleased with your faction choice, you have the ability to do something about it...please don't ask Bioware to fix an issue that is entirely a result of the players ability to chose.

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Yes! And I LOVE it this way.


If you (the OP, not sjmc) are not pleased with your faction choice, you have the ability to do something about it...please don't ask Bioware to fix an issue that is entirely a result of the players ability to chose.


Again, the faction imbalance of players is NOT what is being talked about. However, things people continue to deny because they LIKE having the imbalance (Ability to chain lightning rapidly where Jedi have no correlating ability due to cooldowns for one). IF (And this is the huge one) classes are supposed to be "mirrored" as claimed, then make it so - don't make the claim and ignore when people point out this "balance" does not exist.


On a personal note, no - switching to Empire side because balance does not truly exist is NOT a proper choice - that is a workaround that ends up exacerbating the problem, not a fix.

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So, as a quick but totally inefficient test, created 2 characters - a Smuggler and an Agent. Same class in theory, both human female.


Smuggler: 5 people on planet/area - zero competition for kills


Lvl 2 - 2 minutes

Lvl 3 - 8 minutes

Lvl 4 - 11 minutes

Lvl 5 - 22 minutes


Did not train, only did Bonus as offered (kill 10). Sold all loot at the end, 789 credits total.


Agent: 17 people on planet/area - medium competition for kills in first area


Lvl 2 - 2 minutes

Lvl 3 - 6 minutes

Lvl 4 - 12 minutes

Lvl 5 - 17 minutes


Again, did not train, only did Bonus as offered (kill 18). sold all loot at end, 1649 credits total.


5 minutes faster even WITH competition for kills, larger bonus pool of kill, over double the amount of credits earned.


Yeah, real balanced.

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So, most everyone and their brother sees the massive imbalance that exists in this game - but many attribute it to a PVP problem only. Fact of the matter is, it's not just PVP - PVE is also massively in the Empire's favor.


So, any Bioware people who happen to read the Forums, here's a list of things I personally notice that help to create your Empire-centric situation:


1) Easier to level in PVE as Empire.

Perhaps you haven't noticed how easy you make it on your Empire players. Playing from 1 to 30 on both a Republic & Empire based character, you begin to see a few issues. First off, the "Bonus" missions where you click things, or kill "X" number of NPCs. Both sides get them - But, note that for the Republic, it's generally killing 10 to 15 NPCS. On Empire, many have you killing 30 to 45. So, the higher number = more XP for a particular mission off the bat. Add to this that many of these "Bonus" missions are the Mulit-tier type (Which give better rewards), so of course, the players note it's faster & more efficient to roll on Empire.


2) The Empire doesn't walk as much?

So, both sides have taxis to offset the walking issue at low levels. It's a huge complaint from players, and it seems we are getting scaled run speeds in the future as a response. however - why is it that on Nar Shadaa the Empire players can find speeders to click to speed up their travel from spot to spot? I don't seem to recall any of those for Republic characters...


3) Mirror classes?

If this were true, the Republic would have attacks that could be chained with extremely low cast & build-up times. Not to mention the sheer amount of stuns...


4) PVP valor levels.

Empire has more people on the side on most servers- this is acknowledged. as a result, even if they have to play Huttball over & over, they gain Valor at a more rapid pace. This results in the ability to get to battlemaster far faster than n the Republic side - which means more Expertise & better gear faster. So you DO run into situations where you face a team of battlemaster equipped people taking on people lucky to have some Expertise at all. Yes, this is not truly a game mechanic issue - but consider that the problem WILL get worse the longer imbalances exist.


So people, add to the list. Maybe (Doubtful, but one can hope) someone will eventually get that it's NOT just our imagination.


What is your fix? You have all the of the building blocks for a beautiful whining thread. Complaints with no solutions. Why do players expect the Dev's to come up with all the solutions? You seem an expert in what is wrong, what is your solution to all these problems?


Do you want it required that players who start off new have to roll Republic? I am sure if you were forced to roll Empire when you started you would have been perfectly fine with that, correct?


57% Empire and 43% Republic to the released number during the guild summit across all servers.


FYI I am almost level 50 with my Republic and I have yet to see any of the problems you are saying except for a lower number of players compared to Empire. I am keeping pace in level to planet just as I did on my two Empire characters.


As for walking Sprint will be available at level 1 come patch 1.2.0.


FYI this game came with a pre installed EASY button and works on both side. Sadly it is on all the time for both factions.

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What is your fix? You have all the of the building blocks for a beautiful whining thread. Complaints with no solutions. Why do players expect the Dev's to come up with all the solutions? You seem an expert in what is wrong, what is your solution to all these problems?


Do you want it required that players who start off new have to roll Republic? I am sure if you were forced to roll Empire when you started you would have been perfectly fine with that, correct?


57% Empire and 43% Republic to the released number during the guild summit across all servers.


FYI I am almost level 50 with my Republic and I have yet to see any of the problems you are saying except for a lower number of players compared to Empire. I am keeping pace in level to planet just as I did on my two Empire characters.


As for walking Sprint will be available at level 1 come patch 1.2.0.


FYI this game came with a pre installed EASY button and works on both side. Sadly it is on all the time for both factions.


Ah, but this wasn't a call to "fix" anything - it was a call to bring out the inequities we see from people every single day into a single thread. Also - I go to great lengths to point out these are my *personal* observations, and nowhere claim them to be 100% accurate across all servers.


With that said - It may indeed be 57 to 43 when you lump all servers together as a whole. Bioware I am sure is quite aware via their metrics that some servers are far different.


For instance - again, using my Main server, Darth Sion - At 4pm (IE, now) there are 21 people on Carrick station (Republic fleet). At the same time, there are 55 on the Imperial fleet.


Anecdotal, personal observation - more than 2 imperials for every Republic character at this moment. This number within a few points is copied throughout the day/night when I play. But, I am certain there are servers where the reverse is true - which is how the totality of servers is viewed by Bioware.


I am certainly very happy you, and others in this thread, have perceived no issues. However, just because your experience differs does not mean all the people who DO see issues are incorrect.

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Ah, but this wasn't a call to "fix" anything - it was a call to bring out the inequities we see from people every single day into a single thread. Also - I go to great lengths to point out these are my *personal* observations, and nowhere claim them to be 100% accurate across all servers.


With that said - It may indeed be 57 to 43 when you lump all servers together as a whole. Bioware I am sure is quite aware via their metrics that some servers are far different.


For instance - again, using my Main server, Darth Sion - At 4pm (IE, now) there are 21 people on Carrick station (Republic fleet). At the same time, there are 55 on the Imperial fleet.


Anecdotal, personal observation - more than 2 imperials for every Republic character at this moment. This number within a few points is copied throughout the day/night when I play. But, I am certain there are servers where the reverse is true - which is how the totality of servers is viewed by Bioware.


I am certainly very happy you, and others in this thread, have perceived no issues. However, just because your experience differs does not mean all the people who DO see issues are incorrect.


I am not saying you are incorrect. I am asking you for solutions.


You can't force people to play what is needed cause people will choose no to play rather than play something they are forced.


Incentives can be put in play and I think many will play republic after 1.2 because of the legacy system.


Bioware knows there is an imbalance in number of player per side.


Allowing players to transfer on their own could make this situation even worse. It could also destroy some of the guilds currently on those servers.


Bioware merging servers would be a nightmare. Who gets to use a duplicated name if 2 players have the same name from the merging of servers. Servers are merged and are all sitting at full. What happens when friends start to join because ht game hits main stream and becomes more popular? Are people willing to put up with queues again?


This is a no win situation for Bioware. I cannot think of a single solution that would not tick off many of the current players...




As for the other issues I am not seeing it as I am far richer at level 46 than I was on my Sith at 46 and am leveling much faster as well. I am also finding that because of less players I can sell stuff way easier on GTN and I rarely have stuff that does not get purchased.




You are correct that there are imbalances in the game and I am sure that the Biometrics will point them out and that they will get fixed. However people are biased to their situation. I have heard people say that the game is too hard and that soloing is impossible. I have managed to solo 2 Imps to 50 and a Reb to 46.9.


You should also know that no MMO is ever going to be 100% balanced. It will have to be balanced and rebalanced from now until the game is shutdown.

Edited by Lord_Scythe
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The republic has these 30-45 quests too. Coruscant is full of them.




The republic has these disposable speeders too.



The Republic has exactly the same number of stuns the Empire does.



This one makes no sense. You gain valor at the same rate as any other player who queues for PvP. Individual players aren't doing more warzones than you unless you aren't queuing.


Mostly I see that you just haven't explored the Republic classes and areas very much.


I rolled a republic player aside my empire Ptech, I dont know if its the class Trooper but the choices in dialog are just OMG bad and so dull

i went to lvl 7 and I just couldn't stand the goodie goodie attitude in the dialog.

went straight bak to empire where if yu meet a spy u just put a bullet in its head no remorse.. :p


yu enter a room full of enemy defeat them and let them go cause it gives LS points..



and the dialogs.. 10 year old soldier roleplay thx but no thx..

fix republic to a more realistic warlike attitude its unplayable..

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Again, the faction imbalance of players is NOT what is being talked about. However, things people continue to deny because they LIKE having the imbalance (Ability to chain lightning rapidly where Jedi have no correlating ability due to cooldowns for one). IF (And this is the huge one) classes are supposed to be "mirrored" as claimed, then make it so - don't make the claim and ignore when people point out this "balance" does not exist.


On a personal note, no - switching to Empire side because balance does not truly exist is NOT a proper choice - that is a workaround that ends up exacerbating the problem, not a fix.


Just a note here, again you are going on about how someone else specced their character, have you considered studyng your skill trees, I am sure there are similar abilities, I for one tent to get grav spammed and mass ccd by Republic players in pvp, maybe I should start complaining about that...


On second thought, I am not going to complain, just makes me enjoy killing them so much more :p


Rather than whine about how the way you want to play your character doesn't compare to how others play theirs, try to figure out how to play your character as you like to, to the maximum effect.


In PvP you die a lot, and until you have some decent gear you are going to get owned, regardless of playing vs same side in Huttball or in the other Warzones, I remember dying a lot when just starting level 50 pvp.


I don't recall running to the forums though spamming about how unfair it is, no I stuck at it, and got to know how to make the maximum use of MY character the way I want to play it in pvp, while gearing up.


Maybe the problem isn't so much a ballance issue as it is you wanting to be very powerful with no effort.

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I rolled a republic player aside my empire Ptech, I dont know if its the class Trooper but the choices in dialog are just OMG bad and so dull

i went to lvl 7 and I just couldn't stand the goodie goodie attitude in the dialog.

went straight bak to empire where if yu meet a spy u just put a bullet in its head no remorse.. :p


yu enter a room full of enemy defeat them and let them go cause it gives LS points..



and the dialogs.. 10 year old soldier roleplay thx but no thx..

fix republic to a more realistic warlike attitude its unplayable..


I found my smuggler funny as hell. I have laughed more often during that story than any of my 5 Imperial class stories.

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it's actually easier to level as republic, ur speeders have better placement, classes are mirrored = exact same crap, same stuns etc... only imbalance is the #'s and that's it, and it's still not on every server... but it's only a pvp imbalance, on pve servers you guys dominate.
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The imbalance is caused by more people wanting to play empire and wanting to play with their friends(who happen to be empire). It's not something Bioware did, it was the playerbase.


Plus the fact that the majority of the community agrees that:


Empire gear looks better.

Empire class story lines are better.

Empire mirror classes are better.

Darth Malgus was the poster boy for this game prior to release (and still is for the most part).

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Plus the fact that the majority of the community agrees that:


Empire gear looks better.

Empire class story lines are better.

Empire mirror classes are better.

Darth Malgus was the poster boy for this game prior to release (and still is for the most part).


Yeah, but Sateele Shan is hotter :D


At any rate there is a big difference in how you choose to spec your character, anything has advantages and disadvantages, I emphasize again, take a long hard look at your skill tree.

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It's about incentive. Kill this, get that. It's human nature to go to more extremes for a perceived reward - so either 10 or 30, if they want the bonus XP, they will do it.


So, if you add the incentive of (example) 3500 XP after killing 10, you'll kill the 10 - then move on to the next quest. Each of the 10 gives you 150 XP per kill, so grand total of 5000 XP, with NO incentive to kill 20 more.


But, if you add the incentive with 30 instead of 10, using the same numbers, you get 3500 + 4500 = 8000 XP. 3000 more XP doesn't seem like much, but when you continue the progression, it adds up.

To be fair, you still haven't outlined specific quests demonstrating this to be the case.


The vast majority of kill quests I received on a thorough Empire run were for 10-15 targets; of the ones which weren't, there may have been a few one-offs between Voss and Corellia, but by and large any "kill 45 X" bonus quests came as part of a multi-step bonus quest chain, usually right after "kill 10-15 X," which always begs the question, why couldn't it have just been "kill 60 X."


Though I don't remember all too many of those, and can only assume you're engaging in hyperbole.

Edited by Ansultares
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