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Will your guild be ready for Rated?


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I'm already prepared for getting dropped out of my PVP group once rated WZ comes out.


Not that GS can't do some serious damage, just that my guild has a vanguard/sage combo that they prefer *sigh*.


Should change hopefully when 8 mans are allowed but as it is, if you can't heal or guard then do not want.


Side note - I could make a fierce argument for PVP for GS if the damn 4pc set bonus improved CD duration on interrupt rather than increasing the range by a meaningless amount.

Edited by dcgregorya
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With my guild? no, I don't think so, there's only a handful of us that'll probably bother with it.


I know that pretty much every high end rated team will have a merc or commando in it, they're the swiss army knife of multi-roles. I don't think there will be that many sage/sorcs.

Edited by Sookster
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Ready? HA!!!


We're 55 members strong (2/3's of that Alts) and usually no more than 3 of us on at a time. :mad:


**Sorry about that, that didn't contribute to the thread, did it...


I've been P/O'ed with my lackluster guild's sleepy nature lately and I had a taste for whine. :) (Probably time to find a new guild)


I'm better now

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Well based off the GUI they showed for it in the trailer you do not have a full 8 man you will have pugs in your rated as well which I support because I know some small guilds that do not have enough people interested in PVP for a group to be formed
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How do I really feel? Concerned. I'm not sure any other guild on the server will have a full 8 man. I'm thinking the rated system will probably create a lot of merges.




Tbh I don't see 8m RWZ taking off on Anchorhead. The talent on Empire is far too fragmented into different guilds to put up any competition. They will probably just solo queue RWZ. If RWZs were group-queue only, then I could see the that causing mergers and so on, otherwise ...

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If they provide 8 man ops groups ranked, they haven't explicitly stated they will exist...


I would love to be proven wrong.


During the Guild Summit they revealed that there'd be 8-man queuing for Rated WZ's in 1.2, and that further down the line there'd be 8-man queuing for normal WZ's as well.

Edited by Jeralin
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I'll let you guess, but it shouldn't be too hard based on the specifics of what I've already posted or have not posted.


I generally spend nearly 0 time in Ilum, so I tend to miss a lot of players that camp out there most of the time.





Brutality ... :(. They used to be great, but they recruited a ****ton of fat, which is fine for PvP. But, a lot of their old core seems like they've gone ... they still have a few good players, but meh. Then again they rolled on this server as some flavor of merger with other PvP guilds, hoping to pull in / find good competition, and Matchless is the only Republic guild that brought that.


MOD is interesting. I can't think of a single player in MoD off the top of my head that is really good individually. On the flip side, they have very solid teamwork and coordination, which makes their premades more threatening than most other Imperials.


Xaos, Volatility, Maijin, Vangz, Shunned?

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I'm in a guild, but none of us talk to each other and we are all Social Rank 1 since we all solo and don't group with anyone....


Casual at its best



Our guild Matchless will be fully functional and ready for rated warzones come patch 1.2


This is another thread to get a headcount on how many guilds are getting pumped for participation in such epic action.


Can check my stream link down below to check up on our progress.

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Although we would like to comepte in rated wz's Heathen wont be ready. We do not recruit outside of RL friends.


We need to finnish gearing up and gettin our groop balance with the classes we are missing.


We are excited to participate but until we can gear up and compete evenly we will be absent on Krayt Dragon

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I would've been ready. Been doing nothing but primarily PvPing since I started playing really.


Unfortunately, just fractured my hand while sparring in Jujitsu (real life PvP!!!), so now I'm basically out until that gets healed. Hopefully I'll be all better by the time rated WZs come out.


If not....well, I did just buy one of those Razer mice, so I might just have to try to get good at playing with one hand. :\

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We will have enough for one quality 8 man and probably 2 decent/iffy 8 mans.

We have a lot of lazy/unlucky people, so there are only 2 of us including myself with full BM atm.


Our level of skill and dominance is directly related to our level of drunkenness.


Looking forward to some good matches.


See yall out there

Edited by sampson
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Season 1 : We have capability to field a full guild team but likely not a good idea due to the lack of depth and nature of competition on our server. Currently have 6 strong players on the roaster. The others are enthusiastic but have not been consistent. In the midst of filling up remaining slots with outside talent for Season 1 at least.


Server situation : Republic side pugs are strong and plenty of good players but spread thinly across various guilds. Some level of consolidation for sure initially and major consolidation expected by time cross-server comes around. Theme of past week has been invites to run with other groups. Imperial side should have way more full guild teams.

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How do I really feel? Concerned. I'm not sure any other guild on the server will have a full 8 man. I'm thinking the rated system will probably create a lot of merges.


There should be an eclectic mix of four man groups on Anchorhead during the "preseason". Once implemented, will most guilds be able to field a full eight person group consistently throughout the day? Likely no, but cross server queues aren't far away (unfortunate but necessary).


I am excited to see Ministry of Defense and Imperial Generals' teamwork. Best I have seen so far in game. Matchless of course is going to be a force to be reckoned with. I'll see you all on the battlefield.

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