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Why are people so butthurt about fast battlemaster?


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Whats funnier is that they point out it took no skill to get, yet in the same breath they are QQing that it be adjusted so THEY can be battlemasters too.


It's amazing they can't see how they talk out of both sides of their mouth. Its even more stunning that BW can't see it. I mean is there some sort of nut-less monkey making these calls on BW's end?


All I hear is "WAAAAAA I dont want to put the time in to make BM and gear up, make it easy for me so these guys who did stop beating on me, and when I still can't win in BM gear, I'll QQ even more for class nerfs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Agree with Nicain, Terribads are still going to be Terribads...

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Agree with Nicain, Terribads are still going to be Terribads...


Then you are just as delusional. Because I have a job and work means im a bad gamer? Because you can put in 10 hrs a day grinding makes you more skilled than me? Sir I dare not to agree. If you think grinding mindlessly makes you better than you shouldnt be afraid of "noobs" with BM gear. Youll just crush them anyway right? Seeing as how were all just "terribads" in your presence

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My problem is why did I have to do it the slow way when they could have easily done this at launch. Why did I have to suffer and people after me don't?


Realized it was dumb to make it such a grind for gear that everyone needs, especially since ranked is coming out. If a feature is dumb and made the game difficult for some players and they finally decide to address it and improve it should they instead stop because it makes it more reasonable for future players?


It doesnt take any less skill. there was never any skill in getting BM armor, just endless hours of grinding. The real skill is making a name for yourself on the server.

Edited by Solbjorn
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I think so many are upset because they just kill traded and farmed Ilum to get rank and gear and soon when others get better gear it will show how much they sucked and didn't actually PvP to earn their gear. I don't necessarily like that its faster now, I actually prefer a gear grind, but swtor has messed up gear progression and its too late to fix it, so they are just trying to make the best of an already broken system.
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It is stupid because it is for free NOW.


You see the true problem is not that im pissed everyone got the freaking gear , i only use it cause i like my class one , i find it cool at least.


the problem is that we spent a freaking load of time getting it , and BW gives it for free later.


If they did it from the freaking beginning i would not even care about it.


Then again this is BW , QQ and ya shall receive , im thinking about begin to QQ about getting the PvE gear, should be given much faster.

Edited by rzrknight
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So I think I'll try to sum it up.


Time does not equal skill/effort...(give me a 12 pack and 4-6 hours and BAM...skill/effort)


BM does not equal skill...(You're gonna get it one way or another...)


More BM geared people DOES equal even playing ground...(this is where skill and teamwork will actually show...yes, skill and teamwork)


I think that pretty much does it...

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Well sir I will be totally honest with you!


I dont know whats wrong with ur logic/IQ/ but I know one thing and that thing is in ur post actually,that thing is ur anwere and its very very simple :


People will reach bm gear 2-3 times faster than before


Remember this sentence?Read it again mr, 5-30 valor rank casual player


What does his valor rank of 5-30 have to do with anything? I could point out that there is life outside of your basement or point out the fact just so you know there is a magical thing called THE SUN.. You should go see it sometime. Does the valor change suck for those that grinded the rank before the patch? Sure but is it a game changer on any lvl.. No.. He could have the title of Doughnut master or Captain Slong and neither would directly impact your game play.. The worst thing it could is make you feel even less of a man.. Ever heard of Little man syndrome? Because the way you and others are acting its really like you are trying to over compensate for areas where you are lacking..

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It is stupid because it is for free NOW.


You see the true problem is not that im pissed everyone got the freaking gear , i only use it cause i like my class one , i find it cool at least.


the problem is that we spent a freaking load of time getting it , and BW gives it for free later.


If they did it from the freaking beginning i would not even care about it.


Then again this is BW , QQ and ya shall receive , im thinking about begin to QQ about getting the PvE gear, should be given much faster.



The logic behind your post is mind numbing. You spent time pvping.. Working towards a goal.. I suppose.. But what happened to pvping for the fun of it? O thats right people like yourself feel they have to feel special in a virtual world.. Regardless of how you say it or explain it.. It boils down to the following..


Bad player with good gear still equals a bad player..


Good player with good gear will roll said bad player..


In most cases the true class restriction is not built into the code of the game. You can tell an amazing player by how well they perform.. However most fall into the void known as the problem is not the game but what is found between the keyboard and the chair.



Edited by Amiodarone
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It is stupid because it is for free NOW.




the problem is that we spent a freaking load of time getting it , and BW gives it for free later.


If they did it from the freaking beginning i would not even care about it.



so, what you're saying is...you feel stupid cuz you spent so much time in a video game grinding some virtual items that have no intrinsic value and now that said items are easier to get, you NOW feel like you wasted your time? Was there some incentive program i missed at launch that stated ifyou got to such and such valour rank before march, you'd win an all expense paid trip to far far away land or something? i think the real question you need to ask yourself is...do you play the game cuz you're having fun, or do you play it cuz it makes you feel better about yourself?


another thing, have you given any thought as to WHY bw might have done this? I can tell you, as a rep player on a badly imbalanced server (3x imp pop nightly), something needed to be done to keep the imps from turning this game into Warhammer 2.0. as it was, ilum was completely off limits to rep players. any time we even sniffed the center the imps (through guild/region/social media chat) would swarm over us within 5 minutes. loads of valour for them and nothing for us (even if we happened to kill one of them, since they controlled the whole map, we got a whopping 20v for it) by doing this, they completely cut in half the avenues the rep side had to earn pvp gear and gain valour. how fun do you think i find it that at valour 56 (been playing since launch mind you) and i still don't have my champ gloves, pants or boots? all because the imps have turned illum into their own giant valour/gear lake due to poor population balance from the start. so how does that equate to "earning" your valour and/or gear?

Edited by Fleshsaber
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Self edit. My comment was meant to be funny, but there is so much real animosity between the different pvp groups that it's like pouring gasoline on a fire.


What is fun for one group sometimes destroys the fun for another group. Devs have to balance that as best they can because if they don't, guess what? They lose subs.

Edited by maradigamer
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My problem is why did I have to do it the slow way when they could have easily done this at launch. Why did I have to suffer and people after me don't?


really? you SUFFERED while playing the game? are you a masochist or just stupid? if you are suffering, might i offer some advice? stop playing, if the game is causing you physical or mental anguish, maybe you should find something else to do. if, on the other hand, you are speaking in hyperbole, may i offer to you some more advice...get out more or read a paper, then you'll see that suffering is not something one should in any circumstance use to describe playing a video game.

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I see a whole lot of stupid in this thread. This stupid is from a whole lot of people who seem to think they are entitled (I guess they are, Bioware is actively destroying the game for the whiney bastards).


Levelling the playing field. Love this term. This term is thrown out by people who seem to think they are entitled to armor, or equipment, or bonuses they didn't earn, just because they are in the game. Simply put, you don't earn them, you don't deserve them. Just because Bioware is giving it to you, doesn't make you better, you still suck. If you want a level playing field, earn it. LEVEL YOUR OWN PLAYING FIELD BY EARNING WHAT YOU NEED TO DO BETTER. Can't really get any clearer than that. I earned my equipment. Hell I didn't even have any issues pre-50 doing warzones WITH bm 50s. Stop whining.


Lets move on to the morons crying about people being mad about the changes to valor. The original battlemasters (excluding the exploiters), had to play long and hard, and earn battlemaster, and with it the right to buy and wear battlemaster armor. People seem to think they are entitled to the armor asap. Well, news flash, you aren't. If you cry because you can't get it, too *********** bad. Stop whining.


Lets put aside the armor for a moment, and just focus on the title. New school whiners think the old school pvpers are being abit prissy over the bm title and can't seem to figure out why. Could it be, because they earned it? Put in time, played the game, ran up a **** ton of valor to get it? I'm guessing yes. Now the title is de-valued for all the whiners so they can have it. Of course the previous battlemasters have a right to be a little pissed. They worked for it. You, got it handed to you, because you weren't good enough to earn it. Sad, really. I'd shed tears for you all if i cared. So now, all the people that really earned the title, have nothing to show for their effort. Will you please stop whining now? Just out of respect for the people that earned their title? Please?


Lets look at warzones. Lots of the previous whiners are praising the changes to the warzones and valor and the rest of that crap. Then just as quickly, start to realize its a valor farming opportunity! They whined for the changes, they got them, and now because people have found a way to exploit it, they're up in arms again! People are getting their four medals and afk'ing, wah wah wah. Shut up. You wanted it, you got it, deal with it. Its not enough for you to have the title, and the armor handed to you, now you need to control how/when/where/why everyone else plays the game? Who cares if they're afk'ing? Its not like the title or the armor mean anything anymore. Its not like you couldn't see this coming a mile away. Can't you guys just stop whining?


I love the post about old school pvp'ers being all about gear, and the new school pvp'ers being all about skill. I call ******** on that. I'm old school all the way. I've stood hour after hour as a republic player at mid in Ilum. I will not give an inch to anyone for any reason, better gear or not. If I can't take a player due to gear, I'll get the gear. Then i'll tear a chunk out of their ***. I earned every piece of gear I have/had in this awful game. Then I re-modded it to my personal taste. It took time. It took patience. It wasn't handed to me on a silver platter. I LEVELLED MY OWN PLAYING FIELD.


I guess the only way to stop all the whining for getting this, or having that, is to put the rest of the game on rails just like the space missions. That way, you can't do anything wrong, and someone will be waiting at the end to pat you on the head and tell you that you did a good job. Sounds more like a day care, than a competitive gaming community.


And this is why I can't even force myself to log in anymore. The game, and the whining community makes me sick. This is not a game of skill. Don't lie to me, and don't bother lying to anyone else. You're all self entitled brats. Its not about love of pvp, its about "I want" and "gimme gimme gimme". You can have your title, you can have your armor, but you will never have meaningful pvp. You don't know how to. You don't want to work for it. You don't deserve it.

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You can have your title, you can have your armor, but you will never have meaningful pvp. You don't know how to. You don't want to work for it. You don't deserve it.


Getting gear and titles by winning mini games is far from meaningful pvp. But yes there are way too many whiners on these forums. That I agree with.

Edited by MrSteebin
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It really wasn't that bad of a grind. You sound ridiculous getting that angry about "all the hard work" we put into BM.


Getting BM is easy all it takes time. Hardcore isn't sitting on your hours "Grinding". Hardcore is dueling your Guildies of all ACs. Hardcore is composing and testing group compositions over and over, and practicing constantly. Hardcore is not going to google, but taking it in your hands to test the differences between Crit stacking and power stacking, until your eyes fall out. Hardcore is then using this practice and information to dominate.


Hardcore is not grinding in Ilum, or WZs over and over just so you can get gear. Actually, it's carebear. I agree with this 100%. It's not hard work, its' a game.

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