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Lowbie Anni Mara question.


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You're level 23... You don't get all the good skills until level 40 and you don't even have the 31 point talent.


At this level, you're better off spec'ing into the Carnage or Rage tree. I'd recommend Carnage because of the 15% increased speed buff. That should introduce you nicely to the painful world of being a melee and consistently having to run after other players.

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You're level 23... You don't get all the good skills until level 40 and you don't even have the 31 point talent.


At this level, you're better off spec'ing into the Carnage or Rage tree. I'd recommend Carnage because of the 15% increased speed buff. That should introduce you nicely to the painful world of being a melee and consistently having to run after other players.


Well I've been pvping with my Sin since lvl 20 and he's been tearing things up. But stealth helps alot.


N thx for the advice.

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Right now, Im lvl 23 and having a hard time killing people. Even when I get them full of dots.


Is it just due to my low lvl? Or am I doing something wrong?


Honestly, you probably are. Although I would say that you should make sure you are fully geared before judging how badly you're doing as you might just be undergeared.


If that's not the case then I would spec in anni, read the sticky above and get comfortable because it's a steep learning curve. But you will learn and quickly. Because if you don't you will die. A lot.

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Well I've been pvping with my Sin since lvl 20 and he's been tearing things up. But stealth helps alot.


N thx for the advice.


Don't respec, as soon as you get overload/deadly saber anni is the best spec, it can still wreck at level 20.


You didn't really give me much to go off of, but if you're undergeared that's obviously going to be a problem.


Are you using your defensive cds a lot? Are you going about your priority right? How's your up-time? Are you overextending yourself?

Edited by Aidank
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Don't respec, as soon as you get overload/deadly saber anni is the best spec, it can still wreck at level 20.


You didn't really give me much to go off of, but if you're undergeared that's obviously going to be a problem.


Are you using your defensive cds a lot? Are you going about your priority right? How's your up-time? Are you overextending yourself?


Im using my defensive cooldowns when their needed. Like I'm not burning them if Im joining someone in killing their target. But if I'm facing someone alone, I usually burn em right off the bat.


And yes I've been using deadly saber like it's going out of style. Yet my biggest problem is due to the fact that I can't set up a Juyo or Frenzy stack up due to the fact that I usually get killed off too quickly.


Depending on range, I usually either force leap into battle or run into battle.


If I force leap my set goes like this - Leap, Deadly saber, battering assault, rupture, vic strike, assault x2, hit deadly saber again and pray that Im not dead in the next five secs.



If I run - battering assault, deadly saber, rupture, assault x2, hit deadly saber, rupture, bat assault, vic.



But it always seems every time I join in a fight, the opponent switches to me and even with defense cds I usually find myself dead or close to it. So i can never get a high enough stack.


I know that a few of my pieces are lacking. Yet my blades are as close to lvl as possible.


I've been wanting to farm commendations early so I can get into my pvp set at 40.

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Im using my defensive cooldowns when their needed. Like I'm not burning them if Im joining someone in killing their target. But if I'm facing someone alone, I usually burn em right off the bat.


And yes I've been using deadly saber like it's going out of style. Yet my biggest problem is due to the fact that I can't set up a Juyo or Frenzy stack up due to the fact that I usually get killed off too quickly.


Depending on range, I usually either force leap into battle or run into battle.


If I force leap my set goes like this - Leap, Deadly saber, battering assault, rupture, vic strike, assault x2, hit deadly saber again and pray that Im not dead in the next five secs.



If I run - battering assault, deadly saber, rupture, assault x2, hit deadly saber, rupture, bat assault, vic.



But it always seems every time I join in a fight, the opponent switches to me and even with defense cds I usually find myself dead or close to it. So i can never get a high enough stack.


I know that a few of my pieces are lacking. Yet my blades are as close to lvl as possible.


I've been wanting to farm commendations early so I can get into my pvp set at 40.



That rotation seems pretty good but I really think that all your pieces should be as up to date as possible. Switch to using orange weapons and modding (almost) as often as you can using pve comms and the GTM. Keep an eye out for epic hilts especially. Also, I've found that having any green items is generally unacceptable. Items aren't that expensive and bolster is taken relative to your lvl from what I can tell and adjusts your current stats from that lvl. So if you're under in terms of str or end, your bolstered form is going to suffer even moreso.


Make sure you have relics, implants, earpieces that stack STR END power surge in that order.


Use force choke after you lay out all your dots. Hit berserk as much as possible. Don't be afraid of medpacks. Running like a ***** with force camo is okay. Interrupting like a mofo. Keep up charge for this exact reason.


Lastly, PVP equip isn't that much of an upgrade if you've been keeping your gear up. Keep that in mind.

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Right now, Im lvl 23 and having a hard time killing people. Even when I get them full of dots.


Is it just due to my low lvl? Or am I doing something wrong?


The class starts to shine with lvl 40, other classes already a lot earlier. You will do a lot better when you can get cloak and your defence shields.

Edited by BobaFurz
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I'm doing well on my 26 mara I can kill most people that try to 1v1 me. Healers are another story My rotation is similar as yours but I always use Ravage (first 2 hits unless opponent is cc'd or not facing me) in the mix cause that skill is lots of dmg. U should have the lvl 20 pvp set u also get a lightsaber from pvp vendor at 24. also at 24 u will get your force choke which is great


I would also advise cybertech or just keeping your gear as up to date as u can. Also one of the first thing I learned is don't charge to start off a fight unless u have to to prevent them from the objective or something like that. This is incase u get stunned/knockback/kited right away also i learned as as a low lvl u need to really pick ur fights and learn when to LoS and back off. Keep at it I swear to u I thought marauder sucked balls at lvl 20 but then I am doing much better now


Honestly I feel marauder is very strong even at 26, and to think it will just get better with force camo, the 99% shield, aoe mez and Lvl 31 talent Can't wait!

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Rotation seems fine, I also suspect a gear issue. Mara is a bit more dependant on it than some other class. I craft purple armoring for mine every crystal change levels (15,23,31,39 etc) allows me to keep the pace very well. Try to get 30 stack of fury ready to go to pop berserk whenever you need it before harder fight.


Thrash, I hole pose no problem. I level my sorc healer from DK to Belsavis before picking up my mara on Quesh again. My first reaction when leaping into combat was "wut? Dead already? But I was getting started!!!


However, time isn't your friend. A tank or healer has the luxury to draw out a fight. DPS less so. Mara comes with very good defensive abilities to help him, but in the end its your ability to kill your foes very fast that matters.

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