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Please fix Qyzen Fess


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There are two issue I see with Qyzen Fess


The first and most anyoying is his AOE attack when trying to CC, in multi mob encounters.

Most times I am soloing I CC a mob with force lift only to have Qyzen break the CC with his AOE attack. Now with a little bit of skill and timing you can get round this by rotating targets, but then mid way through the battle Qyzen will often run to the next mob and AOE them breaking the CC on to Mob you are trying to keep out of the battle. This is just bad game mechanics. Please change to an AOE taunt with no damage so it does not break the CC.


The second is what is his key stat (after Endurance), is it Aim like all of his items, or as a Melee should he be using strength based items. Is he getting all the bonuses for Aim even though he is in melee.

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You can disable any ability your companion uses. I always disable the AOE moves to prevent this issue with CC'd mobs


It is AIM. So AIM will boost both ranged and melee weapon damage(as well as crit chance)



I dont think he's broken at all. He's one of the few companions I used from lvl 8 to 50 between the 3 classes I've played so far.

Edited by FourTwent
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While annoying, it isn't really all that difficult to work around. He only has two AoE abilities, so simply toggle the extended companion hotbar, turn off those two abilites, and send him in. You are then free to CC to your heart's content.


Aim is indeed his primary stat. It affects all his abilities.

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What the above said.


The lack of Techblades is a big riddle for me. I have been side gearing my companions lately and simply cannot find a techblade that does qyzen justice.


Afaik they did a change with qyzen fairly late in beta, vibrosword and 2-h weapons to techblade.


I levelled 1-50 and not ONE single techblade dropped, and the higher levels the vendors didnt even carry a techblade. I ended upp with qyzen carrying a lvl36 techblade @lvl50.


Dont mean to whine but *** :)


Anyhew, and later levels i started using "iresso" instead to get better aggro holding and dps.


but i like qyzen better, hes a plucky sidekick and i luv him.

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For the Techblades...I made them. He's had purples at every level I got make them for and they have all been great. I also made a mint selling them on. ;)


It is weird that there is no orange for him though. :confused:


And as above, if there's a fight you need to CC someone, turn off his AOEs. The only mob, boss, enemy that Qyzen failed me on was the last fight of the class. He's been with me since Tython and it's very, very rare he'll die, usually to me not concentrating.


I just wish he spoken English. He keeps saying things and I have no idea what they are, lol.

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There are two issue I see with Qyzen Fess


The first and most anyoying is his AOE attack when trying to CC, in multi mob encounters.

Most times I am soloing I CC a mob with force lift only to have Qyzen break the CC with his AOE attack. Now with a little bit of skill and timing you can get round this by rotating targets, but then mid way through the battle Qyzen will often run to the next mob and AOE them breaking the CC on to Mob you are trying to keep out of the battle. This is just bad game mechanics. Please change to an AOE taunt with no damage so it does not break the CC.


It is not bad game mechanics. This is a problem you have to deal with in any game with pets. They provide you with the option to let the pet/companion go through his scripted rotations on his own or to control which abilities he can use automatically and which you want to control yourself.


Simply open the companion bar. Each skill has an indicator on it showing whether it is toggled on or off (similar to skills like Sprint). If the indicator light is on, he will use it automatically. If it is off, you have to press the button to get him to use it. Simply look through his skills and toggle off (right click, I believe) any AoE skills you don't want him to use, and he won't use them unless you click on the button yourself. (You can also do this from the Abilties window (P) on the Companion Tab.


Avoiding having CC broken is a good reason to get to know Iresso better after you get him. He is a ranged tank. As such, he will usually use his pull to pull his target to him. On my Commando, I will use Fourex over Tanno when I want to use a tanking companion for this same reason. I will generally start casting Concussive Round (the Command's mez), and while that is casting, I will target another mob with Fourex and order him to attack. Right as Concussive Round fires, Fourex will yank the mob to him, away from where the mob I CC'd is standing, drooling and checking his belly button for lint. Any melee mobs will run to where Fourex is, so he and I can AoE to our hearts content without fear of waking the CC'd mob.


I don't generally use a tank companion as a Kentic Shadow, but Iresso can be used the same way.


The second is what is his key stat (after Endurance), is it Aim like all of his items, or as a Melee should he be using strength based items. Is he getting all the bonuses for Aim even though he is in melee.


Each class gets a ranged tank, a melee tank, a ranged DPS, and a melee DPS companion. If I understand the progression, Qyzen originally used a blaster of some kind, but they changed him to a techblade to make him a melee tank at some point. So he was modeled after a trooper-type class and uses Aim as his primary stat. The techblade works with Aim, so the only real problem is that it was added late in the development cycle, so there are currently no moddable ones available. The Trooper companion, Yuun, has this same issue as he is a melee DPS companion and uses a techblade. He, too, uses Aim as his primary stat.

Edited by Sotaudi
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I'm surprised noone has complained about his auto-follow feature while in combat. You have him in threat stance if you select him to cast a heal he goes passive stance automatically.


There is absolutely no reason for a pet to auto change stances.


I define this a BROKEN.

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I'm surprised noone has complained about his auto-follow feature while in combat. You have him in threat stance if you select him to cast a heal he goes passive stance automatically.


There is absolutely no reason for a pet to auto change stances.


I define this a BROKEN.


This has never happened to me, not once, ever. Sounds like you have some sort of UI mix-up going on. I could see this happening if, for example, your heals are located on the bottom center hotbar, and your companion hotbar is extended. If that were the case, you could be pressing the key for heal, thinking you are casting a heal, when in fact you are toggling the Passive stance for your companion. Just a theory. Not that I've ever done that myself. Nope.

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I'm surprised noone has complained about his auto-follow feature while in combat. You have him in threat stance if you select him to cast a heal he goes passive stance automatically.


There is absolutely no reason for a pet to auto change stances.


I define this a BROKEN.


This has never happened to me. Level 42 sage, never used anyone other than Fess.

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I saw Qyzen and broken in the same sentence and the first thing I thought of was his need to be in front of the mob even if he doesn't have agro. I try to stay behind the mob, then I pull threat, he spins around next to me, taunts and I have to dance back. Maybe this is more of an annoyance than something broken, but it would be nice if he acted like practically every other melee NPC in every MMO and stood behind the target when he doesn't have threat.
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As a shadow, tank spec I don't use him.


Love my healer and Holiday for the extra cc.


I mez one, holiday grabs the other and we just clean up.


Qyzen has been on the shelve for a long time. don't miss him either.


As a sage though, could see why you want him.


The weapon thing is not a gamebreaker though. You can get player made or there are vendors that sell them.


For sages you guys just need a meat shield. If you are counting on the dps from his weapon, you are doing something wrong.

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I am lvl48 Shadow Tank and I love Qyzen. Have used him almost exclusively since Tython only changing for Theran for some big bosses where Theran's medwatch just let me grind them down. But that was very rare. I have Qyzen permanently set in DPS combat stance and turn off his AOE abilities then go about my business. If you keep him well geared as consistently as yourself, he should be perfect as he has great survivability & good dmg. Personally, I like his backstory and companion missions too. Pretty cool having someone call you herald all the time. Zenith is okay, I find Iresso useless and Nadia has bad survivability but great dmg. Theran has his uses as healer, but Qyzen fits perfectly for me. I don't have to worry about him too much, he carrys his weight in dmg terms and gives me some time to work a battle out. I have respecced from Infiltrator to Kinetic also along the way around lvl34. I think he'd be even more useful for sages...
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I am lvl48 Shadow Tank and I love Qyzen. Have used him almost exclusively since Tython only changing for Theran for some big bosses where Theran's medwatch just let me grind them down. But that was very rare. I have Qyzen permanently set in DPS combat stance and turn off his AOE abilities then go about my business. If you keep him well geared as consistently as yourself, he should be perfect as he has great survivability & good dmg. Personally, I like his backstory and companion missions too. Pretty cool having someone call you herald all the time. Zenith is okay, I find Iresso useless and Nadia has bad survivability but great dmg. Theran has his uses as healer, but Qyzen fits perfectly for me. I don't have to worry about him too much, he carrys his weight in dmg terms and gives me some time to work a battle out. I have respecced from Infiltrator to Kinetic also along the way around lvl34. I think he'd be even more useful for sages...


As a sage I use him almost exclusively, shield him up send him in, force quake and heal. Also, being lucky enough to have a top end armstech on my smuggler and armormech on one of my troopers I am never short of artifact level techblades and armor ;)

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