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Gunslingas Y U SO OP


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That's what he does , then he HSOOTS ME THRU THE WALLS


this is my only complaint, and it's not specific to a given class. Seems like a lot of abilities ignore LOS. I'm guessing it's lag related - the ability is used and when I see it I move to cover or range but by then their client has updated with damage dealt and I'm just seeing the animation.


I think they tried to combat that with changes to the way damage is dealt and that is probably why sorc lightning hits faster than the sage thingie. It's animation related.

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Dont get why everyone is laughing at this post,gs indeed do great damage


GS do great damage at lower levels, but everything I've heard suggests that they're not really competitive at 50. They seem to be the one class where the bolstering in 10-49 doesn't quite work right (and makes them seem much more powerful 10-49 than they actually are at 50). If I had to guess what the problem is, it would be that they don't scale as well with gear as other classes do (and that bolstering scales something that gear doesn't really affect).

Edited by Dzhokhar
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Thing is on my server we have one that requires no less than a full 60sec and 3 people to kill him.


He is the only one I have ever seen that tough.


Every other is meh.


He can heal and almost never uses stealth...No idea what the build is..has 17xxxhp -almost 18k I think not sure by how much near 18 though. So I assume full BM.


Which all means its not a fair comparison as I have full champ and he has full BM.

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Nerf dem! I once had a gunslinger shoot me in the head and then snare me with throwing rocks. After approaching, he whipped out two lightsabers. Wat the hek?!?! I could have done it if I hadn't taken a pebble to the knee. I am seriously considering unsubbing both me & my grandmother's account. We both like chess, checkers, and I am 1337 nationally ranked tic-tac-toe gamer. You don't wont 2 lose sum of THIS!!!
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I don't know what the op is talking about. I usually get in my ship and fly around using the turret gun to mow down imperials. My ship can stealth for only 30 seconds, so it isn't broken. And I rarely drop my rancor pet, because that is a little overkill.


I think my ability to slice other cybernetic players to make them my pets is a great rp element.

Edited by Ravenolf
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Psh I remember this one times this gunslinger guy fastroped from a freighter ships and capped the right on alderan and i was like *** and he was like yo so i tried to stop him and he shots me in the face with his x5turbo.


This is getting out of control bw , fix this garbage game GUNSLINGERS ARE KILLING PVP!!!

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Psh I remember this one times this gunslinger guy fastroped from a freighter ships and capped the right on alderan and i was like *** and he was like yo so i tried to stop him and he shots me in the face with his x5turbo.


This is getting out of control bw , fix this garbage game GUNSLINGERS ARE KILLING PVP!!!


For some reason when I read this thread, I imagined every post by you as a comic strip... Freaking Hilarious! I recommend everyone try it.

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I am a 50 Gunslinger in champ gear. I post a moderate 350k damage in most warzones.


I am a turret---when I'm mobile, I'm not doing damage.


I am squishy---when you're in my face, I'm in trouble. I have to pop multiple defensive cooldowns or CC to live, usually. Yes, I use my CC for defense, 99% of the time.


I am complicated---what I really need to finish you off quickly are stacking cooldowns.


If I am

  • ignored by enemy players
  • defended by my team
  • capable of playing my class effectively

then I will destroy you. But come on---you have to agree, that's a lot of "ifs".

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Psh I remember this one times this gunslinger guy fastroped from a freighter ships and capped the right on alderan and i was like *** and he was like yo so i tried to stop him and he shots me in the face with his x5turbo.


This is getting out of control bw , fix this garbage game GUNSLINGERS ARE KILLING PVP!!!


That's nothing. On voidstar the imperials were just about to cap the west door, when my gunslinger flew his ship into the dock pinning him and doing crushing dot damage. Since dots don't interupt cap anymore, the imp scum still planted the bomb. So I had to ride out on my Taun Taun and freeze him in carbonite. I then popped invisibility and my invincibility and disarmed the bomb. Finally I used my 20 min cooldown ability to infect an imperial with the Rakghoul virus. In 15 seconds they were all killing each other in their spawn box.


Leave this class alone, we are fine.

Edited by Ravenolf
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As a fellow Sorcerer, I understand what you're referring to. Gunslingers can actually hit MUCH HARDER than many Snipers, but this requires the long activation time shot to crit us with both guns - I'd say a fully champ geared GS hitting a champ geared Sorc with this will typically cause 4400 damage from the primary gun and 2800-3k with the secondary gun, but it's vital that you crit with that skill with both blasters. Furthermore, I've taken DoT damage (crit, of course) from a gunslinger for around 2.2k per tick, which is very impressive and rather annoying since it killed my Marauder (who had more than 50% health) after I killed the dang GS in a 1v1 and quite a few of their shots ignore parry/dodge/evade and are spammable (snipers have the same issue).


BUT... are GS's Overpowered? No, and here's why:


1.) their big damage results only when they connect and crit with both weapons, so they have to pump accuracy instead of simply stacking crit/power/surge/alacrity and YOU could actually try wearing some gear that has defense rating on it specifically to help counter this fact, but instead of trying something else, you simply consider them to be generally overpowered to the point of threatening to quit game.


2.) Their big damage reducing cover skill has a cooldown, so if you stun or knockback, they're even squishier.


3.) their knockback/root aoe skill is nice, but limited to fairly close range and easily avoided by a sorc.


4.) They're pretty squishy even while in cover, particularly to internal damage, so feel free to use deathfield + DoT's and use LoS.


5.) They're VERY squishy when not in cover to all forms of damage and unable to use some of their best attacks and any activated attacks out of cover can be interrupted.


6.) They aren't overpowered just because they're one of the few classes that you seem to have trouble with; you're playing a highly adaptable class (which even as a fellow sorc. agree needs to be toned down a little bit in certain aspects since there are several hybrid variations which are definitely overpowered) - I suggest you learn new strategies/tactics to help with your issue or respec to different builds.


7.) If your sister plays the game with her own account, she shouldn't have the same problem with them if she's a different class/spec/uses different mods or if she's simply wiser than you. Furthermore, she's a grown woman to have her own account, so you don't have the right to cancel her subscription for your tantrum of threatening to cancel both unless every class is easy for you to kill without having to actually use your brain efficiently.


Adapt and overcome, man. Sorry for being harsh, but you should learn to control your frustration - you'll actually do better in pvp if you keep calm and your wits about you.

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As a fellow Sorcerer, I understand what you're referring to. Gunslingers can actually hit MUCH HARDER than many Snipers, but this requires the long activation time shot to crit us with both guns - I'd say a fully champ geared GS hitting a champ geared Sorc with this will typically cause 4400 damage from the primary gun and 2800-3k with the secondary gun, but it's vital that you crit with that skill with both blasters. Furthermore, I've taken DoT damage (crit, of course) from a gunslinger for around 2.2k per tick, which is very impressive and rather annoying since it killed my Marauder (who had more than 50% health) after I killed the dang GS in a 1v1 and quite a few of their shots ignore parry/dodge/evade and are spammable (snipers have the same issue).


BUT... are GS's Overpowered? No, and here's why:


1.) their big damage results only when they connect and crit with both weapons, so they have to pump accuracy instead of simply stacking crit/power/surge/alacrity and YOU could actually try wearing some gear that has defense rating on it specifically to help counter this fact, but instead of trying something else, you simply consider them to be generally overpowered to the point of threatening to quit game.


2.) Their big damage reducing cover skill has a cooldown, so if you stun or knockback, they're even squishier.


3.) their knockback/root aoe skill is nice, but limited to fairly close range and easily avoided by a sorc.


4.) They're pretty squishy even while in cover, particularly to internal damage, so feel free to use deathfield + DoT's and use LoS.


5.) They're VERY squishy when not in cover to all forms of damage and unable to use some of their best attacks and any activated attacks out of cover can be interrupted.


6.) They aren't overpowered just because they're one of the few classes that you seem to have trouble with; you're playing a highly adaptable class (which even as a fellow sorc. agree needs to be toned down a little bit in certain aspects since there are several hybrid variations which are definitely overpowered) - I suggest you learn new strategies/tactics to help with your issue or respec to different builds.


7.) If your sister plays the game with her own account, she shouldn't have the same problem with them if she's a different class/spec/uses different mods or if she's simply wiser than you. Furthermore, she's a grown woman to have her own account, so you don't have the right to cancel her subscription for your tantrum of threatening to cancel both unless every class is easy for you to kill without having to actually use your brain efficiently.


Adapt and overcome, man. Sorry for being harsh, but you should learn to control your frustration - you'll actually do better in pvp if you keep calm and your wits about you.



+1 good sir. You have given a variety or reasons on why I am mistaken. I hereby renounce my position to the opness of the gunslingers.










Nah , Just kidding ... nerf them into oblivion. Clearly this class was inspired by Chuck Norris himself ... or even ... dare I say .... Charlie Sheen?



EDIT: Also, you are either an unmatched troll or you are in love with typing words.

Edited by Bluedeuce
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