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Imbalance is KILLING this game


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Okay, where are these servers where the Imps keep winning? Cuz once I hit level 50 the Republics win everything on my server and we outnumber them. They don't seem to have any sort of problem on Davik's Estate so. |: I don't even know. I gotta play Hutt Ball to finish my dailies as an Imp. It's kinda ridiculous, especially when every other game I see half their team running around naked and we still lose. . . . Guess it just varies from server to server. They're PVP beasts on my side. . . . Well in WZ anyway.
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The factions are more or less balanced population wise. The problem is that the average republic player (underdog) isn't into Huttball as much as the average Sith player. You picked the losing side bub. QQ


I agree wholeheartedly. Even though I had to alter your comment to reveal its true meaning.

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Starting every game at a 2-3 player disadvantage, that more often than not does not get corrected, has made me lose all interest in PvP. It's bad enough that my republic alt just hit 50 and has to face off against battlemaster geared players, but it's the last straw when they have twice as many teammates as I do. The guy who programmed the queue system needs a good talking to internally, as does the guy who approved this system. It's not good, guys. Not good at all.
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You know, OP, it's not just the fact there are way more imps than reps on many servers. It's that BioWare is now going to incentivize Empire even more by making all the warzones same faction. At this point, what reason is there to play Republic? With Empire you get: better, faster animations, more people to play with, same queue times, better looking gear, better looking fleet, better stories etc.


BioWare cares more about Empire players than Republic players, and they always have. I don't know how anyone can say otherwise anymore.


Hyperbole and conjecture.


Just because your server and a good portion of PvP servers might favor empire don't meant the entirety of the game is the same, people have always favored playing the bad guys especially on pvp servers.




Every game in existence.

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Yes yes.. the fanbois are already squeeking in with the "Go play Imperial" chant, or "It only takes a week to hit 50, reroll". Most of us DON'T live in our mom's basement and play this game 24 hours a day, so we don't have the time to 'reroll' characters.


People were pointing to the likely imbalance in PvP guild populations a month before release. You either didn't do the slightest hint of investigation or chose to blow off the warnings. If the imbalance just now cropped up, I could lend some validity to not re-rolling but, at this point, you should have seen today's scenario coming.

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To combat faction imbalance all BW has to do is introduce a new more "preferred" race ala Blizz's Blood Elf and voilà problem solved. Timing wise this would work well for the next expac. In the short term they can give the Republic a little love by adjusting some perks.
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Population issues are different depending on server. I guess your problem is that you're on a PVP server and on most of them the current population is like 3-4:1 to the empire side. But I took some time to actually check the starting zones of some PVE/RP servers and notice in some of them that they've more republic players in starting areas than imperials. And even the empire starting population is higher than on PVP servers.


Giving the reality check that currently only a couple of maps allow republic/imperial to actually met and fight and giving the low population on those areas you will probably wanna check a PVE/RP and see how it work for you.

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I didn't see anything in the guild summit that would address this. Did I miss it or was it just not there?


All they said was that the balance was 57% Imp vs 43% Rep across all servers. They don't seem to give a flying banana that on many servers it is in fact 2:1 or worse.

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Hyperbole and conjecture.


Just because your server and a good portion of PvP servers might favor empire don't meant the entirety of the game is the same, people have always favored playing the bad guys especially on pvp servers.




Every game in existence.


How exactly is it "hyperbole and conjecture" when every last one of the reasons I listed happens to be true?


-BioWare incentivizing Empire


Empire players have complained endlessly about getting Huttball all the time. Instead of saying something to the extent of, "We understand that Huttball tends to be played more often on servers with a higher Imperial population, but this is a fact of life that you guys need to get used to. Your server happens to be very unbalanced, if you would like to play the other warzones more you should maybe level a Republic character." Instead, BioWare responds by making every warzone same faction compatible. So the zerg can have their cake and eat it too.


-Better, faster animations


It's been talked to death the differences between DFA/Mortar Volley, Dirty Kick/Debilitate, Project/Shock, and Full Auto/Unload.


-More people to play with


Show me ONE PvP server that has more Republics than Imperials. Some numbers are being thrown around this forum that the total population is 53:47 in favor of Empire across all servers. I'll eat the hat of your choice if that's remotely close to being true.


-Same queue times


The ONLY reason to play Republic was faster warzone queues. With every warzone becoming same faction queue times will be equal and Imperial players will be able to queue up and gear against other Imperials without ever having to deal with those pesky Republic players.


-Better looking gear


Have you seen the gear that Jedi Sentinels wear? Golden space samurais don't belong in Star Wars.


-Better looking Fleet


The Imperial Fleet is better looking in every single way, and has more in common with a hoppin' night club than an airport. The only way the Republic Fleet could be more boring is if they has TVs every 20 feet that were all playing CNN 24 hours a day. That, and the fact that you can see the Imperial Fleet reflected in the windows of the Republic Fleet. You wanna know how they made the Republic Fleet? They took the Imperial Fleet, gave it a lamer color palette, put chain link fences everywhere, and put in a few Republic emblems.


-Better stories


Play the Jedi Consular story, then go play the Imperial Agent story. Tell me the same amount of work went into both.


When all of these changes come, there will be absolutely NO REASON to keep playing Republic.

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The solution to this is very simple.


Cross server Queing.


If this is implemented then the Republic players will be forming full teams quickly, while Empire players will be sitting in the queue for a long time while enough republic players queue to create a new WZ. It will quickly encourage people to equal out the distribution.

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Okay, where are these servers where the Imps keep winning? Cuz once I hit level 50 the Republics win everything on my server and we outnumber them. They don't seem to have any sort of problem on Davik's Estate so. |: I don't even know. I gotta play Hutt Ball to finish my dailies as an Imp. It's kinda ridiculous, especially when every other game I see half their team running around naked and we still lose. . . . Guess it just varies from server to server. They're PVP beasts on my side. . . . Well in WZ anyway.


I'm also on Davik's Estate and am glad you said that. Because our server is unbalanced but not catastrophically so, it seems like the Repubs can practice their Voidstar and ACW skills as often as they want, while we play endless Huttball. So, I don't know about you, but my thoughts can often go from, "Oh boy, not-Huttball!" to "Uggh!" over the course of half a match. The Repubs that happen to PVP also seem to have a higher average gear level than us.


They certainly never spawn short of 8 players; I see that MUCH more often in same-faction Huttball.


So really, a little imbalance isn't that bad for a faction, and Davik's Estate is the case study that supports that idea. It's only when imbalance gets outrageous, or faction PVP interest is too disparate, that it becomes a problem. My point being, maybe a few nudges or fixes really are all that's necessary to make things more livable for people like the OP, not a major overhaul.

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Mostly a server population issue this one, granted I play on a PVE server, but trust me there sis a crowd quing for PVP, and there are some pretty awesome pub teams out there, that can easily hold their own or rip an imperial team.


We even have situations where we are out numbered by the pubs, but its an attitude thing, not many quitters on "Flames of The Crucible" people join the zone and stick with it regardless of how bad it looks.


I am sorry to say this OP, but you have lucked out, you got on a server mainly populated by Imps, and unfortunately for you the Pubs there are not like you, they don't want to battle.


If you are on a PvE server, they are propably too busy raiding or what not, if you are on a PvP server they are propably in need of a confidence boost by raiding newbie zones, and boasting about number of inferiors they have killed.


I have both Republic and Imperial toons, and honestly I don't see much difference in the mirror classes, at least not enough to be concerned about it, timing issues etc might well be a result of skill tree more than anything else.


But all in all trust me, the Pubs can PvP and they are good at it...

Edited by Jeskelech
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Golden space samurais don't belong in Star Wars.


You might have a point on the gold but, Jedi were inspired by samurai. Vader v. Ben in EP4 was a straight up samurai duel not to mention, a ton of other elements Lucas ripped of from samurai movies.

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Even if most people are half and half with PvP/PvE, there is really nothing to hold em on the Republic side.


Honestly, how many times can you run the same dailys over and over and over and over...


PvP on the Republic side is broken, badly. Now, Imperial players will chime here and squeek about how great PvP is, but that's because most of the WZ matches start with them having 2 or more players the Republic, so it's an insta win for them.


If you're an Imp, and you are gearing your character like crazy because WZ matchmaker keeps starting matches 8 to 6, 8 to 5, etc., why would you want it to change?

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