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Why the Republic loose PvP


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All I want to say is that Bioware destroyed shadows hybrid specs and stated they didn't want hybrids. If this is the case I want the same for sorcerers. Destroy any OP hybrid spec and make any viable pvp spec have to go 31 points in to the tree.


They stated no such thing. They did not want stance dancing,and that does not apply to sorcs/sages.. That is very different from saying "they do not want hybrids".


Almost any person at 50 with any decent gear and experience has given up on whining about sorcs/sages, with the exception of one of two classes.

Edited by Calista_ZK
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They stated no such thing. They did not want stance dancing,and that does not apply to sorcs/sages.. That is very different from saying "they do not want hybrids".


Almost any person at 50 with any decent gear and experience has given up on whining about sorcs/sages, with the exception of one of two classes.


I really don't care if they get nerfed or not. Do I think they have to much utility? Yes.....but if Bioware chooses to ignore it I will still play my Shadow because It's still enjoyable and that is all that matters. I don't care about sorcerers, but to eleminate my stance dancing(hybrid spec) and give them op hybrid specs is kind of a slap in the face.

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All I kow is on Luka Sene, imps no longer do Illum (they hate getting face rolled) in wz's they quit in droves if they are losing.


Unless its them skannking there way to BM through the Illum skank before it was fixed they apparently aren't any good.


Lol Karma :)


Oh and this one can't spell.

Edited by Pvpingwithnoobs
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Why the republic loses pvp on your server ...... too many people are just not very good perhaps?




Nah, lets just blame it one the people who you're not good at beating, that'll work just fine.


Seriously how many times to people need to be told before they get it.


The worst part is that Bioware may actually do something to change the balance, which would be a shame because I kind of like it the way it is. (just so you know I usually play as a sage or marauder depending on my mood)

Edited by Timeshark
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It's not sorc or any other class causing it. From what I've seen in 10-49, Imp has more premades, plus more people that pvp regularly (practice!), plus I have noticed a lot of Rep queue in the teens and 20s but not so many in the 40s while Imp generally does have level 40s in their games.
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