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Change Heroic(4) to Heroic(2)

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My sorc is level 34 and ive done all the quests on Taris. Including my class quests and main arc quest.


I currently have 5 heroic4 quests in my log and the largest group ive had for these is a party of 2.

I understand that heroic quests are there to promote group play and I think thats good.


Upon completing a h4 quest you get around 25k (correct me if im wrong)completion experience. Thats 125k from just 5 heroic4 quests. Now add the mobkill exp and im looking at atleast 1 full level from doing these quests.


Now I have to grind 2 full levels before I can make my way to my next class story quest (36) or Taris bonus (36) and Quesh (36). I already completed the Nar Shadaa bonus questline.


I don't PvP


My suggestion:

Change heroic4 to heroic 2 so we can atleast complete these quests.

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i've never had an issue getting people for H4s ... except maybe the near end planets like Corellia, or the bonus H4s on Hoth or Voss ...


you can always go onto the next planet and then return and solo the H4s when your +10 levels over the zone. no xp but you'll still get the credits which are always useful.

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FYI, not every class is a sorcerer. With all the tools you get as a sorc, it's by far the easiest class to level. At least out of the 3 I play.


Try them out as a different class and see how easy they are when you can't perma mezz an elite.

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I honestly came in here thinking he was wanting the heroic 4's renamed to heroic 2's because they are so easily done with 2. Such a shock to find him wanting them even easier, especially as a sorc.
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I honestly came in here thinking he was wanting the heroic 4's renamed to heroic 2's because they are so easily done with 2. Such a shock to find him wanting them even easier, especially as a sorc.


whoops, I read it wrong. It's fine as it is 2 person and 4 person should stay the same. With a sorcerer it's not even hard doing the 4 person's with two, I know I've been doing it with my BH guildy.

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I have skipped all of my Area 4, Heroic 4, and Flash Points eventually I will come back to solo them at later levels.


I don't bother with PvP either...to many wankers.

Edited by Josmoda
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Or silly thought.., get 3 more people


Silly person making silly comments is silly?


I got an alt on Tatooine ... and he has like all 10ish heroics? cause even though there are like 22-25 people on all the time, they either don't want to group, or they aren't up there yet.


Not to mention you have to find the right mix ... and there is little to no reason to actually level as *tank* or *healer* so a group of 4 dps ... now that would be silly.


The reality is, on medium / low pop servers, at this time in the cycle, you simply are not going to find others to group with on a "random basis". Even guildies don't always have alts at the same level / planet / progression your at.


That's just the way MMO's are ... when content is released, the group quests work out well ... as soon as the initial rush of mains and first alts are over, then the group quests end up not getting done. This is not new, so I have no idea why MMO developer insist on group quests at all ... it's really pretty stupid.

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Heroics dont add anything to your roleplay experience. They can be done every day...there is no immersion there.


Just skip them if you can't immediately find a 4 person group. To much time wasted standing around LFG.


I stopped doing them around level 20 and had no problems leveling up. As a matter of fact, I leveled so fast I skipped the entire planet of Tat because I was over leveled for it. Just spent 30 mins doing the class quests.

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Silly person making silly comments is silly?


I got an alt on Tatooine ... and he has like all 10ish heroics? cause even though there are like 22-25 people on all the time, they either don't want to group, or they aren't up there yet.


Not to mention you have to find the right mix ... and there is little to no reason to actually level as *tank* or *healer* so a group of 4 dps ... now that would be silly.


The reality is, on medium / low pop servers, at this time in the cycle, you simply are not going to find others to group with on a "random basis". Even guildies don't always have alts at the same level / planet / progression your at.


That's just the way MMO's are ... when content is released, the group quests work out well ... as soon as the initial rush of mains and first alts are over, then the group quests end up not getting done. This is not new, so I have no idea why MMO developer insist on group quests at all ... it's really pretty stupid.


Go play Mass Effect 3 if you want a game that doesn't make you do things in a group. You clearly don't know what MMO's are about.

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FYI, not every class is a sorcerer. With all the tools you get as a sorc, it's by far the easiest class to level. At least out of the 3 I play.


Try them out as a different class and see how easy they are when you can't perma mezz an elite.


Far more than sorcs can CC though. Marauders can CC droids. Ops can CC the living pre-combat and droids. Mercs can CC a single mob just like Sorcs. Assassins can CC the living pre-combat.


But even without CC, you can duo quite a lot of them, especially once you have a couple of levels of them. Certain classes are at a bit of a disadvantage, admittedly, due to getting their healing companions late, ignoring annoying droid, of course.

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in a heroic 4 having atleast 2 60s cc is decent.


Certain classes lack crowdcontrol.


what do you do when someone falls into that category and arnt the tank.


This is actually a huge issue, h4s are easy to duo if both classes have cc (and no regardless of comments like zomgnerfsorcsareop style, merc works just as well, operative/sin works for non-droids just as well) but i can see full groups getting serious issues in same content.


I do like h4s remaining challenging but frankly i believe there should be some scaling of sorts - as more players end up in endgame zone, the requirement of balanced groups while leveling will make everyone basically skip or powerlevel those eventually.

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I have skipped all of my Area 4, Heroic 4, and Flash Points eventually I will come back to solo them at later levels.


I don't bother with PvP either...to many wankers.


So when u hit 50 you're in full greens probably without relics. You make everyone carry u no matter what you do for a few weeks. I hope you're not on my server.

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So when u hit 50 you're in full greens probably without relics. You make everyone carry u no matter what you do for a few weeks. I hope you're not on my server.


You get plenty of oranges even skipping the heroics... I was slightly ahead of the curve while lvling in December and there were maybe 2-3 people on the same planet as I was and I just lvl'd through space and regular quests/h2s because of it and I hit 50 with oranges in every slot, then I proceeded to farm dailies for a week while everyone else caught up.

Edited by ckoneful
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Good thing about heroics when levelling is that you can always two man them.


If you fail at first, get couple more levels and try again. You'll get them done before they turn to gray.


They also rarely require balanced team. Although in certain cases 3 man group might be better due to companion healer.

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I find most H4 doable with two people, as long as they have CC. Without CC, they're tough.



What would help is if Bioware removed all the prerequisites from the quest so anyone could do an H4 quest at any time of the day.


Finding a person only to have it say "xyz is not qualified" is really frustrating.

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My sorc is level 34 and ive done all the quests on Taris. Including my class quests and main arc quest.


I currently have 5 heroic4 quests in my log and the largest group ive had for these is a party of 2.

I understand that heroic quests are there to promote group play and I think thats good.


Upon completing a h4 quest you get around 25k (correct me if im wrong)completion experience. Thats 125k from just 5 heroic4 quests. Now add the mobkill exp and im looking at atleast 1 full level from doing these quests.


Now I have to grind 2 full levels before I can make my way to my next class story quest (36) or Taris bonus (36) and Quesh (36). I already completed the Nar Shadaa bonus questline.


I don't PvP


My suggestion:

Change heroic4 to heroic 2 so we can atleast complete these quests.


Why only change these to H2? Just change these so you can solo the quests. Would be way easier, because you dont have to group anymore at all for these.


And pls, while you are on it, change the OPS as well. Its so much pain to get 7 other player for it, but i want to solo these. So, make the ops soloable.



P.s.: for PVP. The playing with other players dont fit my style this much. So just remove the other players and add bots. Maybe the TE will do some PVP after this as well........


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From my experience, a marauder (50) and a commando(26), I think you shouldn't have much trouble finding a group with your sorcerer or duo'ing those H4s (with decently geared up companions, ofc). As a matter of fact, if it's possible, I prefer just 2 players. Less chances of jerks, better chances of getting the loot you want.

And don't let all those heroics for last. Ask for help while doing the standard quests. Watching the general chat for 15 minutes waiting for a response is not much fun.

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