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How BioWare is ruining Role Play...


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The problem lies within "slim chance". I personally would have a very hard time to accept ONE person's story.. but to accept the dozen of dozens of Sith Pureblood Jedi Knight stories is going to be nigh impossible to swallow.


And this is assuming that those dozen of dozens of stories will be good. Less is more and it's better to do the easy things good than complicated things badly.


I do agree it may be hard to accept the stories people come up with regarding this. All I am saying is we should give people a chance. I would believe a few PBs becoming Jedi or even just joining the Republic.

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As a roleplayer, I am absolutely thrilled over this! Several of my characters have reasonable IC reasons for not having the "traditional" colors, partially because they're just that. Traditional. But not mandatory. One of my Jedi is traditional, and she'll just be sporting a blue one, but my LS Assassin? Until I can get a purple, she's using a yellow because I was restricted from the red. Now she'll be able to blend in better....though admittedly, the lack of darkside corruption is something of a giveaway.


I do not see how, in any way, this is ruining roleplay. Beside, those people who are gonna be playing purebloods in the republic are likely to have an amazing story behind it if they're roleplayers. And if they aren't roleplayers? Well... you wouldn't be playing with them anyway.

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I couldn't care less what color lightsabres good and evil use.


I think the heroic unlock thing is stupid but nobody seems to RP when adventuring anyway so who cares?


Good and Evil are identical in this game as far as game mechanics go. For example, a Jedi Sentinel is identical in every respect to a Sith Marauder. The abilities are identical. The skill trees are identical. The only differences are in label text and graphics. They are "good Ranger" and "bad Ranger". If that doesn't affect your RP, how will these minor changes affect it?

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Thank God I dont RP on Republic side...enjoy your sith pureblood jedis...thats gonna be really *********** awkward "I SLAIN OVER 100 JEDIS BUT NOW I AM ONE BECAUSE THE FORCE TOLD ME TO DO GOOD HHUUUUHRUHRUHRUHREUHREURHEU :B!"


I mean..SURE if they RP the pureblood becoming a Jedi effectively then they'll fit but I predict it'll be with the same stigmata that Death Knight rpers got in WoW.



It is not very honest to say you simply predict they will be stigmatized while you have already begun attempting to stigmatize the concept (see your first quote). It is better to reserve judgment until you have cause to complain -- and even then I fail to see how someone else's RP concept impacts your gameplay.


For those who object to the changes, my suggestion would be to refrain from taking advantage of them. Don't have your IA use Force Choke. Don't change your color crystals. Problem solved.


There is no reason to be concerned about anyone's roleplay but your own. And we must be careful not to negatively judge new RP concepts that are now supported by canon simply because we don't like them.


I haven't seen a link to the Jedi Sith pureblood info though... can anyone direct me to the rest of the changes that are causing such an uproar?

Edited by Darth_Slaine
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Blue is the tradiional saber colour of a Jedi Guardian...Jedi who were more 'assertive'/outward-directed by temperament and focused their training more on developing outer skills including the intricacies of combative use of the lightsaber and less on inner development including intricacies of understanding and using the Force...thus a particular common colour of Ilum/Adegan crystal powered blade came to be known as "Guardian Blue".


Green is the traditional saber colour of a Jedi Consular...Jedi who were more 'pacifist'/inward-directed by temperament and focused their training more on inner development including intracacies of understanding and using the Force and less on outer skills including the intricacies of combative use of the lightsaber...thus a particular common colour of Ilum/Adegan crystal powered blade came to be known as "Consular Green".


Basically these represent a traditional Jedi religious/philosophical distinction between exoteric and esoteric mindsets and behaviours.


Yellow is the colour of the Jedi Sentinel...Jedi who sought out corruption and were more balanced in temperament and sought a balance in training between exoteric studies of lightsaber combatives and esoteric studies of the Force...thus the less common yellow coloured crystal powered blade came to be known as "Sentinel Yellow" in the Old Jedi Order.


Jedi Sentinels do however appear to have vanished completely sometime before the reformation of the Old Jedi Order in the wake of the Battle Of Ruusan, 1000 years before the Battle Of Yavin in SW Ep IV ANH. Certainly by the time of the Battle Of Geonosis in SW Ep II AOTC and the Temple Purge in SW EpIII ROTS there are no yellow bladed lightsabers and therefore perhaps no Jedi Sentinels to be seen.


It is important to understand that even in the pre-Ruusan-reformation Jedi Order of the Old Republic the 'class' colour of a Jedi's lightsaber was not fixed for life...rather it was only their FIRST lightsaber crystal given to them by a panel of Masters to build their FIRST lightsaber with after an oral examination to determine their temperament and which direction of training would thus be best for them...once a Jedi had completed his training he was completely free to replace his given colour crystal with a different coloured crystal of his own choosing at any time...the colours were only 'tradition' of a Jedi's training as Guardian, Consular or Sentinel and Jedi Knights were not 'bound' by them, though they might choose to continue that path and saber colour if and as they wished.


In the Old Republic there were also many rare coloured crystals that could be found as well, including Orange, Gold, Bronze, Cyan [sunriders Destiny] and Viridian [described as a silverish green] as well as a pure silver-white [Adegan Silver] if they wished to change their initial colour crystal for personal reasons.



And of course that included PURPLE/violet crystals that had become extremely rare by the post-Ruusan era and became most famous among Jedi as the purple 'Hurikaine crystal' used by Master Windu who created Vaapad, the even more aggressive perfected variant of ancient Lightsaber Combat Form VII Juyo...purple, being a chromatic cross between 'Guardian' blue' and 'Sith' Red reminded Windu of the constant danger of a Fall that treading close to the Dark Side that Vaapad's hyper aggressive form required and channeled into its ferocious effectiveness.


Grey Jedi unlike Order Jedi have always done as they pleased including using any unconventional saber crystal colours without regard or consideration of tradition.


Dark Jedi likewise though many, but not all, favoured various red shades for reasons similar to the Sith.


The Sith Order of course have always used a particular shade of bright Red that signifies Passion to them, Passion being a particular Sith Code value they seek to enhance in themselves. This colour was uniform as Sith developed a particular process of producing slightly more powerful synthetic ligthsaber crystals, since the Old Jedi Order had controlled most of the natural supply. That process produced a uniform shade of red crystal powered blade that came to be associated with the Sith.


It is important to also understand that by the time of the New Jedi Order in the wake of SW EpVI ROTJ with its final destruction of the Old Sith Order as well as the Old Jedi Order that all traditional associations with colour had completely broken down and therefore later NJO Jedi used whatever colour crystal they wanted [or could find, or make as Luke did, since saber crystals were harder to come by after the Purge] with no 'traditional' associations whatsoever. Even red shade lightsabers were used by Jedi of the NJO

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Now, just think about the second one real fast.


Luke Skywalker used Force Choke in Episode VI, despite not being Sith

Malgus can throw lightning around despite being a Sith Warrior

Leia Skywalker can use the force despite having received no training (so who is to say that someone who is the child of a force user can't shoot lightning?)


I hope that the abilities are based on positions in the legacy tree, like fathers pass traits down to children, and not vice-versa. I think people are getting way too worked up about it, it's a fun thing. Just like....


The Star Wars Holiday Special. :D

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You have no clue what you are talking about.


Really? THAT'S your answer?


First of all, the reason red is traditionally a Sith color is because at one of the points when the Sith were exiled into non-Republic space, they had no access to sources of natural lightsaber crystals, and had to make their own. Synthetic crystals could be made in any color, but red was the easiest (and as we all know, the Dark Path is quicker and easier), so the Sith simply used red synthetic crystals. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Synthetic_lightsaber_crystal


Jedi didn't use synthetic crystals, instead finding and cutting natural crystals. These crystals came in all different colors up until the Battle of Ruusan, when the Jedi essentially lost access to large caches of natural crystals in a wide variety of colors, and to rely only on crystals from Illum, which could produce only green and blue blades.


Thus, these restrictions make NO sense during this game, since the Ruusan Campaign won't happen for another two thousand years. Even if the restrictions DID make sense considering the time-frame, they'd ONLY make sense if the crystals were faction-locked, instead of alignment-locked, so that Republic players had blue and green and Imperial players had red. And THIS would only make sense if blasters used something else to determine their color, because red blasters are far and away the most common blaster color in the Star Wars universe.


So are you telling me it doesn't ruin role play when you see Jedi Knight's running around the Jedi Temple on Tython with a red blade when this time period marks that Knight as a Sith / Dark Side user?


Your OWN POINT goes against you, because currently, a Jedi who takes Dark-Side dialogue options is forced to do exactly that. There are a number of things wrong with this:


FIRST: As you say, this character no longer looks like a Jedi, he looks like a Sith.

SECOND: This game mechanic reinforces a story mechanic, that of Dark vs. Light. If only Dark-Side characters can use red lightsabers, and this is a known fact, any Jedi who uses a red lightsaber should be immediately hauled before the Council and, at best, assigned a massive period of re-training; at worst, they'd be stripped of their connection to the Force and arrested.

THIRD: Blasters.


General Greivous used blue and green lightsabers.

Darth Vader continued to use his blue lightsaber until Obi-Wan took it away from him.

Exar Kun and his Jedi-turned Sith used whatever lightsabers they had when they were Jedi, they did not all convert to using red lightsabers.

Darth Vader activates Luke's green lightsaber, no problem.


You, sir, have no clue what you are talking about.

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I am a roleplayer and I find these changes, for the most part, a good thing. Color crystal restrictions were a bad idea. NOWHERE in SW lore/canon are Jedi restricted from using red sabers and Sith restricted from using blue, green or any other color. You don't like the removal of these restrictions there is a simple solution...RP your character YOUR way.


Sith Pureblood as Jedi is a little odd but it IS possible, however slim the chance. A true roleplayer keeps an open mind. If the other player comes up with a good story about their character then you shouldn't have a problem. A good RP'er should also want to help others deveolp their stories. Don't be so closed minded.


Finally we get to the new abilities. You do realize that those abilities are restricted to PVE, with a companion, used in conjunction with your HEROIC MOMENT ability which has a 20 minute cooldown, right? It's not like a BH is going to choke out their enemies every 10 seconds. There is a simple solution to this..if you do not like it then DON'T use it. You aren't required to assign your character any new abillities, it is just an option.


Bioware is trying to improve roleplay. Give them time to improve the community/rp aspect of this game. Two and a half months is not much time.


This is not by far RPish in anyway shape or form. This is what you call give into crybabies who have no clue on Star Wars lore, period. The Sith used synthetic crystals that 90% of the time turned red and the Sith prefered them over traditional rock formed crystals found in caves that are heavily guarded by the Jedi's.


Your character is not significant enough to any of the big named Sith/Jedi characters in the Star Wars lore/history to warrant a free for all on color crystals.


There are true fans of the universe that like to stick to tradition of the theme. You look at every poster/book/movie/games and more. Sith always sported RED because they are stronger and syntheticaly made.


If this is implimented into the game as a free for all than Star Wars will lose the face of the two sides that make them unique. I am sorry but this is lame of BioWARE and in my opinion it destroys the lore all together.

Edited by Asturias
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General Greivous used blue and green lightsabers. Answer: He collected those sabers from dead Jedi he killed and he wasn't a Sith


Darth Vader continued to use his blue lightsaber until Obi-Wan took it away from him. Answer thats because he was immediately sent on a mission by Darth Sidious to destroy the Jedi and the rest of Sepratist. He did not have time to make a Synthetic crystal.


Exar Kun and his Jedi-turned Sith used whatever lightsabers they had when they were Jedi, they did not all convert to using red lightsabers. Answer The lightsaber of Jedi Knight Exar Kun was a device that was initially created to produce a single beam of blue-white energy. However, upon his ascension to Dark Lord of the Sith, Kun redesigned his lightsaber based on instructions hidden within an antiquated Sith holocron. The finished product was a double-bladed weapon imbued with dark side energy, from which sapphire blades materialized up to 1.5 meters from either end of the hilt. Like I said you character is not significant enough as the big named Sith Lords.


Darth Vader activates Luke's green lightsaber, no problem. Answer Duh!!! He is a fricken Force user anyone can ignite a saber sword no matter what side your own.

Here is my answers to your reason in big bold red letters above, enjoy!


Also you, sir, have no clue what you are talking about.

Edited by Asturias
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Considering the fact that the Empire just managed to seize half the galaxy in about 20 or so years, I wouldn't say that it would take very much extension of disbelief to say that maybe, just maybe, they got their hands on a couple thousand natural crystals from the Jedi? I mean, all they'd have to do is open up the Jedis' lightsabers and take out the crystals and voila.
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Answer Duh!!! He is a fricken Force user anyone can ignite a saber sword no matter what side your own.


Except according to the OP and his supporters, he shouldn't have been able to, because it's "immersion breaking" for color crystals to not have alignment restrictions. :rolleyes:

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Except according to the OP and his supporters, he shouldn't have been able to, because it's "immersion breaking" for color crystals to not have alignment restrictions. :rolleyes:


We are talking about the lore of it all and not game mechanics. Red sabers should be restricted to Sith side only. As well as Blue/Green for Jedi.


What BioWARE needs to do is impliment color variations and looks of the original colors if people want to look different.


Purple as Mace Windu had is a rarity and the only reason it was implimented was because SAM L. demanded the color because it was his favorite and it made him stand out amongst the other Jedis.


If anything the 10% of color change in synthetic turned purple or pinkish in color.

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Considering the fact that the Empire just managed to seize half the galaxy in about 20 or so years, I wouldn't say that it would take very much extension of disbelief to say that maybe, just maybe, they got their hands on a couple thousand natural crystals from the Jedi? I mean, all they'd have to do is open up the Jedis' lightsabers and take out the crystals and voila.


Seriously the Sith have improved there crystal during this time by Synthetically making them. It makes absolutly no sense for any Sith to want a traditional Jedi crystal because lets face it. The Sith want power and infused synthetic crystal is absolute power vs tradfitional rock shaped ones.

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Considering the fact that the Empire just managed to seize half the galaxy in about 20 or so years, I wouldn't say that it would take very much extension of disbelief to say that maybe, just maybe, they got their hands on a couple thousand natural crystals from the Jedi? I mean, all they'd have to do is open up the Jedis' lightsabers and take out the crystals and voila.


This is offensively reasonable. I wonder if sensible responses should be considered off-topic in a nonsensical thread.

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Ravnos seems really upset by the ability to use a game mechanic as a role-playing issue. I find that somewhat baffling, since the role-play aspects and the game mechanics aspects are separate. I'm not sure how you've been reconciling the fog of buttons surrounding your character, or the fact that you'd have to wail on someone over and over with a lightsabre before they'd show any sign of injury. If you can manage that, I'd think your imagination would be sharp enough to handle this new stuff.


Seriously BioWare? Anyone has the potential to use the Force. Even the non-sensitive.


This quote struck me as somewhat funny. If someone is using the Force, then aren't they, by definition, Force Sensitive? So what you're really objecting to is that someone not trained as a Jedi or Sith could be Force Sensitive. Anakin Skywalker's pod-racing reflexes seem ample support for the idea that training is not a fundamental prerequisite to any sort of benefit from the Force. Further, Luke clearly chokes a Gammorean guard with the Force, which isn't a Jedi Knight ability, so it seems like the forthcoming game mechanics have retroactively inserted themselves into movies from twenty years ago.


The idea that colors were somehow unable to be used without some sort of matching moral code always struck me as absurd. Sure, a Jedi waving around a red saber might find himself frowned at by his masters, and perhaps the butt of jokes around the council chambers, but aside from peer pressure, what's to keep him from picking whatever hue he best enjoys? The force flows from living things - rocks may be subject to it, but that doesn't mean they have their own geological morality and can deny their physical effects to those they find lacking. In the meantime, being able to argue over colors as a choice rather than a moral barometer adds to role-play, rather than detracting from it.


However, in deference to your respect for canon, I'll add this... Anakin's eyes went bright yellow Sith style when he fought Obi Wan in Revenge of the Sith. His saber was gleaming blue the whole time. There was a scene cut from the movie where he had a switch to change the color of the saber he'd been wielding earlier, and the same one Luke is handed later... so apparently Lucas didn't seem to think there was a big technological barrier preventing color choice, which means it's up the Jedi, and thus an issue to role-play around, rather than restrict with game mechanics.



These seem like obvious points to me, and so they probably were to you as well. If that's the case, then it seems like the original objections are not that the mechanics don't match things in canon, thus ruining role-play, but rather that the original poster is worried other people will use the flexible mechanics and role-play in ways he does not desire. Frankly, no amount of rules is going to make people role-play well. Even designating servers as 'role-play' servers doesn't seem to make much difference, and absent draconian moderation of role-play server populations, it's not going to happen.

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Roleplay is more about character and setting development, there are no rules in roleplay that makes a player take a blue lightsaber over a red lightsaber, that choice is up to the player. Now culture may influnence the choice, but he is not required to adapt is he doesn't want to. Mace Windu is an example.


Secondly, you don't have to be a Jedi or Sith to be Force Sensitive, although all Jedi and Sith are Force Sensitive, not all Force Sensitives are Jedi and Sith. Leia Organa and Shmi Skywalker are examples.

Edited by JediMasterBurst
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The role-playing community did a fine enough job on its own to 'ruin' roleplaying for me.


1. Constant fighting in the OOC channels that leaked into the RP channels. I'm so sick of these catty dillweeds who are utterly obsessed with getting the last word in on everything, and even when you let them have the last word, they won't shut up about it!


2. Making up star wars lore to suit your character instead of making a character that suited the lore. That might fly in WoW which is mercurial as hell, but there's a very nicely established backstory for TOR in addition to thirty years worth of expanded universe stories to draw inspiration from.


3. Taverncraft. We've got planets, cinematic flashpoints, and spaceships, and all you people ever want to do is hang out in the damn cantinas. It's not interesting, it's not fun, it's a bar. A fake virtual bar where you can't get drunk and people use /e commands to make obscene jokes at the expense of the other faction.


I could go on forever. Basically, I just re-rolled PVP so that I could keep enjoying the game. When people do something STUPID, I now have an option to kill them. Far as I'm concerned, roleplay exists only the tabletop with a good group of friends. Anyone looking for quality RP from an MMO is destined for rage.

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Here is my answers to your reason in big bold red letters above, enjoy!


And you're wrong, and I'll show you why.


General Greivous used blue and green lightsabers. Answer: He collected those sabers from dead Jedi he killed and he wasn't a Sith


He was still unarguable "dark side' by the metric of this game, ergo he would not have been able to use those lightsabers unless they head red crystals in them. He was clearly able to use them, ergo, the restriction that darksiders cannot use green/blue crystals is false.


Darth Vader continued to use his blue lightsaber until Obi-Wan took it away from him. Answer thats because he was immediately sent on a mission by Darth Sidious to destroy the Jedi and the rest of Sepratist. He did not have time to make a Synthetic crystal.


And again, he was unarguable Dark Side by this game's metric, thus he could not have used that lightsaber. Again, the Light/Dark restrictions on Red/Green/Blue is proven false.


Exar Kun and his Jedi-turned Sith used whatever lightsabers they had when they were Jedi, they did not all convert to using red lightsabers. Answer The lightsaber of Jedi Knight Exar Kun was a device that was initially created to produce a single beam of blue-white energy. However, upon his ascension to Dark Lord of the Sith, Kun redesigned his lightsaber based on instructions hidden within an antiquated Sith holocron. The finished product was a double-bladed weapon imbued with dark side energy, from which sapphire blades materialized up to 1.5 meters from either end of the hilt. Like I said you character is not significant enough as the big named Sith Lords.


Yeah, he learned how to make a double-bladed lightsaber from a Sith holocron. It was still blue-bladed, thus yet again disproving the game's restrictions. There's also the small matter of all the other Jedi who flocked to Exar Kun's Sith banner who used non-red lightsabers.


Darth Vader activates Luke's green lightsaber, no problem. Answer Duh!!! He is a fricken Force user anyone can ignite a saber sword no matter what side your own.


Except, according to this game, a Dark Side character (which Vader unarguably was) could not have used that green-bladed lightsaber, YET AGAIN proving that restriction false.


You really do have no idea what you're talking about.

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And you're wrong, and I'll show you why.




He was still unarguable "dark side' by the metric of this game, ergo he would not have been able to use those lightsabers unless they head red crystals in them. He was clearly able to use them, ergo, the restriction that darksiders cannot use green/blue crystals is false.





And again, he was unarguable Dark Side by this game's metric, thus he could not have used that lightsaber. Again, the Light/Dark restrictions on Red/Green/Blue is proven false.




Yeah, he learned how to make a double-bladed lightsaber from a Sith holocron. It was still blue-bladed, thus yet again disproving the game's restrictions. There's also the small matter of all the other Jedi who flocked to Exar Kun's Sith banner who used non-red lightsabers.




Except, according to this game, a Dark Side character (which Vader unarguably was) could not have used that green-bladed lightsaber, YET AGAIN proving that restriction false.


You really do have no idea what you're talking about.


Seriously buddy, your grasping at straws to justify the reason and its pathetic. I gave good enough rebutels on your lame claims to why it should be restricted. A true Sith wouldn't dare use a Jedi crystal because a standard earth grown cystal is inferior to a synthetic made crystal that is infused with dark side energy.


And the same thing is said about Jedi using Synthetic made crystals. A Jedi wouldn't dare use one because it is infused with dark side energy and could lead the potential user to the dark side. Every Jedi order had there Mace Windu and Yoda chin checking there order. A jedi using a synthetic crystal would be purged from the order with a quickness just like the Sith did to that Sith Lord in Dromund Kaas you meet in the tombs as a hologram.


With this said if a Player could turn from the Dark Side and join the Light Side as a Jedi and turn away from the Sith. Than I wouldn't have a problem with them using a Blue/Green saber because they fully converted and switched sides.


As for Exar Kun, I stated in Big Bold Red letters that he discovered a secret which helped him forge a blue like color saber but that is a rarity and you are not Exar Kun.


General G is a None Sith as well as Bounty Hunter and Imperial Agents but in the EU there are stories of Bounty Hunters using Sabers from dead Jedi's they killed but yet you still can't use a saber because of class balance and resrictions that are needed to keep each class unique. Also I have seen several Bounty Hunters in game as NPC with Blaster Rifles but BioWARE created there classes the way they wanted for Class and economic balance.


You can sit here blue in the face with lame reasoning but you know as well as every fan that a Jedi/Sith using any other color besides the standard Red/Blue/Green is a true rarity.


BioWARE needs to really take a hard look at this before they impliment it because those colors are the identifiers of the two.

Edited by Asturias
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Actually since everything in the saber is a personal choice for a jedi/sith that would also include the crystal.


A jedi/sith chooses each componet of his or her saber and that usually reflects his/her personality or personal choice and that would also include a crystal.


Whether a sith or jedi use normal colors or something differnet that is their choice. Sure most Sith may use a red crystal but that doesn't mean they always have to. A crystal is not a reflection of anything other than a choice.


Whether a Sith uses a red or green does that change the fact they are Sith? No, they are still sith.


Same as with a Jedi.


In this time era there are many caves that a jedi or even a sith could get a crystal from. In this era they are not limited yet that comes at a later date.

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You can sit here blue in the face with lame reasoning but you know as well as every fan that a Jedi/Sith using any other color besides the standard Red/Blue/Green is a true rarity.


A rarity is not an impossibility.


Also, he did go step by step through the discussion and provide support for each point he made. You could debate the evidentiary value of the citations made, or impeach the credibility of its application here for whatever reason, but simply calling it 'lame' does nothing to bolster your argument that it somehow harms role-play or offends the canon.

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Actually since everything in the saber is a personal choice for a jedi/sith that would also include the crystal.


A jedi/sith chooses each componet of his or her saber and that usually reflects his/her personality or personal choice and that would also include a crystal.


Whether a sith or jedi use normal colors or something differnet that is their choice. Sure most Sith may use a red crystal but that doesn't mean they always have to. A crystal is not a reflection of anything other than a choice.


Whether a Sith uses a red or green does that change the fact they are Sith? No, they are still sith.


Same as with a Jedi.


In this time era there are many caves that a jedi or even a sith could get a crystal from. In this era they are not limited yet that comes at a later date.


The problem is it doesn't make sense because Sith practice on Absolution and Power. If I was a Dark Lord of the Sith and saw my apprentice sporting a Cave made crystal than I would think my apprentice was weak because as I have stated. The Sith in there own beliefs perfected there Saber by making there own which is a Synthetic Crystal forged by them not picked out. A synthetic Crystal 90% of the time turns red and if a Synthetic Crystal turns any other color its a true rarity like Exar Kun which had secrets he discovered through a hologram. If he hadn't found the secrets than I am pretty sure he would be sporting a red helted saber like every other Sith Lord you see or read about.

Edited by Asturias
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A rarity is not an impossibility.


Also, he did go step by step through the discussion and provide support for each point he made. You could debate the evidentiary value of the citations made, or impeach the credibility of its application here for whatever reason, but simply calling it 'lame' does nothing to bolster your argument that it somehow harms role-play or offends the canon.


Your right a rarity is not a impossibility but the claims made do not warrant the reasoning behind the free as will choice and it does offend cannon.

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Blue is the tradiional saber colour of a Jedi Guardian...Jedi who were more 'assertive'/outward-directed by temperament and focused their training more on developing outer skills including the intricacies of combative use of the lightsaber and less on inner development including intricacies of understanding and using the Force...thus a particular common colour of Ilum/Adegan crystal powered blade came to be known as "Guardian Blue".


Green is the traditional saber colour of a Jedi Consular...Jedi who were more 'pacifist'/inward-directed by temperament and focused their training more on inner development including intracacies of understanding and using the Force and less on outer skills including the intricacies of combative use of the lightsaber...thus a particular common colour of Ilum/Adegan crystal powered blade came to be known as "Consular Green".


Basically these represent a traditional Jedi religious/philosophical distinction between exoteric and esoteric mindsets and behaviours.


Yellow is the colour of the Jedi Sentinel...Jedi who sought out corruption and were more balanced in temperament and sought a balance in training between exoteric studies of lightsaber combatives and esoteric studies of the Force...thus the less common yellow coloured crystal powered blade came to be known as "Sentinel Yellow" in the Old Jedi Order.


Jedi Sentinels do however appear to have vanished completely sometime before the reformation of the Old Jedi Order in the wake of the Battle Of Ruusan, 1000 years before the Battle Of Yavin in SW Ep IV ANH. Certainly by the time of the Battle Of Geonosis in SW Ep II AOTC and the Temple Purge in SW EpIII ROTS there are no yellow bladed lightsabers and therefore perhaps no Jedi Sentinels to be seen.


It is important to understand that even in the pre-Ruusan-reformation Jedi Order of the Old Republic the 'class' colour of a Jedi's lightsaber was not fixed for life...rather it was only their FIRST lightsaber crystal given to them by a panel of Masters to build their FIRST lightsaber with after an oral examination to determine their temperament and which direction of training would thus be best for them...once a Jedi had completed his training he was completely free to replace his given colour crystal with a different coloured crystal of his own choosing at any time...the colours were only 'tradition' of a Jedi's training as Guardian, Consular or Sentinel and Jedi Knights were not 'bound' by them, though they might choose to continue that path and saber colour if and as they wished.


In the Old Republic there were also many rare coloured crystals that could be found as well, including Orange, Gold, Bronze, Cyan [sunriders Destiny] and Viridian [described as a silverish green] as well as a pure silver-white [Adegan Silver] if they wished to change their initial colour crystal for personal reasons.



And of course that included PURPLE/violet crystals that had become extremely rare by the post-Ruusan era and became most famous among Jedi as the purple 'Hurikaine crystal' used by Master Windu who created Vaapad, the even more aggressive perfected variant of ancient Lightsaber Combat Form VII Juyo...purple, being a chromatic cross between 'Guardian' blue' and 'Sith' Red reminded Windu of the constant danger of a Fall that treading close to the Dark Side that Vaapad's hyper aggressive form required and channeled into its ferocious effectiveness.


Grey Jedi unlike Order Jedi have always done as they pleased including using any unconventional saber crystal colours without regard or consideration of tradition.


Dark Jedi likewise though many, but not all, favoured various red shades for reasons similar to the Sith.


The Sith Order of course have always used a particular shade of bright Red that signifies Passion to them, Passion being a particular Sith Code value they seek to enhance in themselves. This colour was uniform as Sith developed a particular process of producing slightly more powerful synthetic ligthsaber crystals, since the Old Jedi Order had controlled most of the natural supply. That process produced a uniform shade of red crystal powered blade that came to be associated with the Sith.


It is important to also understand that by the time of the New Jedi Order in the wake of SW EpVI ROTJ with its final destruction of the Old Sith Order as well as the Old Jedi Order that all traditional associations with colour had completely broken down and therefore later NJO Jedi used whatever colour crystal they wanted [or could find, or make as Luke did, since saber crystals were harder to come by after the Purge] with no 'traditional' associations whatsoever. Even red shade lightsabers were used by Jedi of the NJO


By far the best reply to my thread that I have seen. Thank you for posting this.

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If this is implimented into the game as a free for all than Star Wars will lose the face of the two sides that make them unique. I am sorry but this is lame of BioWARE and in my opinion it destroys the lore all together.


I concur.


I already got online with my level 50 last night and ran about 5 WarZones. Everyone was wielding Cyan or White sabers on a Role Play server. I didn't see a single green, blue, yellow, orange, purple, or red out of all the matches. For lack of a better term it was downright dumb.


I for one will continue to wield a green lightsaber on my light side consular and yellow (maybe purple at some point) sabers on my dark side knight. And I will never Force Choke or "Force" anything with any of my Bounty Hunters, Troopers, Smugglers, or Agents.


Enough said.

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