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How BioWare is ruining Role Play...


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Bravo! That is movie worthy! Seriously, good story! :)


No, no, NO! We will not be encouraging thinking outside the box here. Who do you think you are to show support for someone who's trying to demonstrate creativity in their RP?


God, people these days...

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Thank God I dont RP on Republic side...enjoy your sith pureblood jedis...thats gonna be really *********** awkward "I SLAIN OVER 100 JEDIS BUT NOW I AM ONE BECAUSE THE FORCE TOLD ME TO DO GOOD HHUUUUHRUHRUHRUHREUHREURHEU :B!"



Or you could be a Pureblood whose family fled the Empire for some reason. Maybe you were a slave liberated by Republic forces. Honestly, have a little imagination.

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This makes no sense whatsoever. You can't choose which elements of Star Wars are canon; you don't own it. And as for Palpatine...he's OLD, like Yoda in the originals, who uses no lightsaber. They're simply too fragile for saber dueling at that age. That's not to say that they can't, but they'd be at a serious disadvantage.


Why doesn't it make sense? And why can't I decide what I follow as canon? I never said I owned anything, I was merely quoting from Return of the Jedi... you know, one of the three canonical films that actually made sense and didn't insult the intelligence?


Can you perhaps tell me when one is too old for lightsabre duelling? Is there a periodic test as there is for a driving license? When is one too old to blast someone with lightning from their fingertips, or levitate a spacecraft from a swamp?


Such rampant ageism against two venerable Force users? tut tut. ;)

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I personaly dont see how more freedom of choice, and costumization ruins Role play... it actualy is the oposite.

The irony of this is The OP is aparently telling us how we should role play and how we should use red sabers if we are sith... oh irony of this. No you will not tell us how to role play our characters.

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Most of what I wanted to say have been said by the Jawa, but I just wanted to support him.


Bioware cannot ruin our roleplay, because the company and its programmers do not define what we should roleplay. The Canon does. The canon which is detailed in the Extended Universe backed by Lucas...


Oooh, no that's not strictly true. There are levels of canon and G-Canon is endorsed by Lucas. That covers anything that has been done on Film, TV and radio. He considers the EU to be a parallel universe not directly associated with his films, but this is what he has said:


'...There's three pillars of Star Wars. I'll probably get in trouble for this but it's OK! There's three pillars: the father, the son and the holy ghost. I'm the father, Howard Roffman [president of Lucas Licensing] is the son and the holy ghost is the fans, this kind of ethereal world of people coming up with all kinds of different ideas and histories. Now these three different pillars don't always match, but the movies and TV shows are all under my control and they are consistent within themselves. Howard tries to be consistent but sometimes he goes off on tangents and it's hard to hold him back. He once said to me that there are two Star Trek universes: there's the TV show and then there's all the spin-offs. He said that these were completely different and didn't have anything to do with each other. So I said, "OK, go ahead." In the early days I told them that they couldn't do anything about how Darth Vader was born, for obvious reasons, but otherwise I pretty much let them do whatever they wanted. They created this whole amazing universe that goes on for millions of years!' (taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars_canon#George_Lucas_and_Star_Wars_canon)


So he doesn't endorse, more let them get on with doing their thing.

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Oooh, no that's not strictly true. There are levels of canon and G-Canon is endorsed by Lucas. That covers anything that has been done on Film, TV and radio. He considers the EU to be a parallel universe not directly associated with his films, but this is what he has said:


'...There's three pillars of Star Wars. I'll probably get in trouble for this but it's OK! There's three pillars: the father, the son and the holy ghost. I'm the father, Howard Roffman [president of Lucas Licensing] is the son and the holy ghost is the fans, this kind of ethereal world of people coming up with all kinds of different ideas and histories. Now these three different pillars don't always match, but the movies and TV shows are all under my control and they are consistent within themselves. Howard tries to be consistent but sometimes he goes off on tangents and it's hard to hold him back. He once said to me that there are two Star Trek universes: there's the TV show and then there's all the spin-offs. He said that these were completely different and didn't have anything to do with each other. So I said, "OK, go ahead." In the early days I told them that they couldn't do anything about how Darth Vader was born, for obvious reasons, but otherwise I pretty much let them do whatever they wanted. They created this whole amazing universe that goes on for millions of years!' (taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars_canon#George_Lucas_and_Star_Wars_canon)


So he doesn't endorse, more let them get on with doing their thing.


It's a medeival high-fantasy world with spaceships.


Q: How is that possible?

A: The Force.


In a gameworld where the above is the correct Answer to a multitude of Questions, there is no such thing as "set in stone". That's a good thing.

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However, if you are one of the "I won't RP till 50" crowd, and you decide to RP a mundane "civvie"... then you are just silly.


I am not, and didn't think I ever said anything to give the impression that I was one of those people. I'm sorry if you misunderstood me.


I have 1 main character who is level 33. I have a heavy personal schedule, and consider myself to be a casual social player.


Insofar as RP goes, I count myself a "medium" rper. I do not generally RP in character while questing in the game, but I do stop to RP for random encounters met in the field. I also am an event RPer, outside of the usual Cantina lounging, I like to participate in known events when my schedule permits me to attend. I am actively RPing as I level, and since my highest level is 33 I don't think anyone could doubt that I have spent more time in social engagements in game than in leveling up.


"Sticking to lore" is what makes a group of 10 Jedi boringly generic.

This is exactly what I was trying to say in my example of why I RP a sound engineer. I certainly don't ignore all background aspects of the story and game.


I RP the major stories of the planets which affect all players, while ignoring the 'heroic' elements. Anyone could have helped limit the rakghoul population but really, I doubt Skavik stole hundreds of other Smuggler ships. When I play the game OOC, I'm the hero of the game. When I RP with other people, I take out that 'special snowflake' element because any person who insisted their character was the only savior of a world would possess a huge ego to pull that off; and I'm not that person. \


I guess it is more of a general background thing and I prefer the backgrounds of my characters to be at least partially connected to the levelling, questing, crafting, and PvPing sides of the game. Maybe it's just a playstyle thing. I would rather play mildly IC 100% of the time than heavily IC 10% of the time.

I really like what you said here, and I think that pretty much describes me too.


I RP that my character's job is a sound engineer, but she definitely has smuggling elements, for instance she blockade runs planets in order to do a radio show to boost troop morale.


I RP my character's level appropriately. I know she's not all-powerful and she displays that correctly by not picking fights with people when she has no idea what weapons or power they may have. If a conflict occurs, I always use duel as first choice option. I feel people who leveled and geared their characters deserve to RP their power appropriately, as their effort is worth acknowledgment and honor.


I RP the clothes I wear. If I'm forced by game mechanics to have mismatched messy clothes, I RP those clothes and have reasons and background why I wear them.


I RP my craft choices. She does cybertech because she herself is a cyborg with a particular fondness for droids. When she sees other people's droids and pets she tries to offer them cybertech enhancement "treats".


So I'm right there with you, I'm more 100% lightly in character at all times, rather than hard core strict canon 10% of the time. That's a really lovely way to look at it, by the way. I appreciate you sharing that viewpoint.

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It's a medeival high-fantasy world with spaceships.


Q: How is that possible?

A: The Force.


In a gameworld where the above is the correct Answer to a multitude of Questions, there is no such thing as "set in stone". That's a good thing.


It's not a good thing. It's a VERY good thing. What I was saying before with regard to canon is that this game, along with the EU, have nothing really to do with George Lucas' Star Wars. I am quite disappointed that Bioware have failed to take up the creative baton of freedom by creating completely new Worlds and species... new classes of Jedi and Force powers, Lightsabre colours etc. No, we get to go back to sodding boring Tatooine AGAIN!

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It's not a good thing. It's a VERY good thing. What I was saying before with regard to canon is that this game, along with the EU, have nothing really to do with George Lucas' Star Wars. I am quite disappointed that Bioware have failed to take up the creative baton of freedom by creating completely new Worlds and species... new classes of Jedi and Force powers, Lightsabre colours etc. No, we get to go back to sodding boring Tatooine AGAIN!


You have to understand that they are still marketing a Star Wars MMO. Therefore, people who play it because it's Star Wars, rather than because it's Bioware would probably gawk at a Star Wars MMO that doesn't let you go to iconic Star Wars locales, like Tatooine and Hoth, or if your Sith doesn't get to be like Darth Vader, or if your Bounty Hunter cannot be a carbon copy of Boba Fett. Quite simply, because it's a big-name Star Wars game, it has to have these in order to please the fans and keep subscriptions. And they have been doing some experimenting regarding saber colors, and fans have been getting ticked at that. "Jedi running around with Red sabers! PINK LIGHTSABERS?! Who'd want to use a CYAN lightsaber?"


Star Wars without Tatooine would be like a Fantasy MMO without a cursed forest. :rolleyes:

Edited by Guildrum
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  • 2 weeks later...
It's not a good thing. It's a VERY good thing. What I was saying before with regard to canon is that this game, along with the EU, have nothing really to do with George Lucas' Star Wars. I am quite disappointed that Bioware have failed to take up the creative baton of freedom by creating completely new Worlds and species... new classes of Jedi and Force powers, Lightsabre colours etc. No, we get to go back to sodding boring Tatooine AGAIN!


Because this isn't Bioware's idea. They can't make up new stuff without running it by George Lucas. And George would just say no because it's not his idea and he can't get royalties.

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If you want to get all Lore baby on stuff OP tell them to change blaster pistol color mods from color crystals to blaster gas since that's what's technically supposed to affect blaster bolt color.




But we both know that's just a stupid idea gameplay-wise. And what's even sillier is blaster bolt color being alignment based. Most of the heroes canonically used red blaster bolts, which a light side character wouldn't have been able to do.

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  • 3 months later...
You need to seriously go watch the movies, read the books, and in your case I would even recommend the Clone Wars cartoons. Because again, you have no clue what you are talking about and are in denial.


It is clearly defined that the red synthetic crystals are forged partially through the use of the Dark Side and actually become stronger when the user flows Dark Side energy through the crystal (such as during combat). As was CLEARLY shown in the quotation I provided this was detailed.


You can rest assured that a Sith Pureblood "Jedi Consular" who is max Light Side yet wields a Dark Side forged synthetic red crystal lightsaber whilst chilling out outside the doors of the Jedi Council and sporting the title of Jedi Master... is wrong. To believe anything else is to show your ignorance of the Star Wars universe.


Believe it or not. And that is all. :cool:


God, you're sounding like an 8-year-old. This whole "im right ur not" thing is a result in you having a closed mind. Your argument about synthetic lightsabers is invalid, considering that they could've been stolen from a Sith. A jedi would take it because they could help in the study about darksiders and what theyre all about.


A light side pureblood could work and is NOT wrong because perhaps the pureblood wants to help bring down the imperials because he was a slave (SI story anyone?). Or maybe he wants to punish the empire because they are evil, or even because they seek to be reconciled for their wrongdoings against the republic? Even a story where the pureblood kills a jedi rival and is taken into custody by the other jedi. There, he reflects on his bad deeds and gives himself to the lightside.


Your argument is totally invalid.


P.S. i always thought yellow was a Sith color?

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  • 4 months later...

I thought I remembered seeing an interview on the making of the prequels where it was said that Mace Windu wields a purple saber because Samuel L Jackson asked for purple...


Basically, the colour of the saber doesn't really matter, a friends storyline has his light side Jedi wielding a second saber from a Sith because it happens to be his sister's. It's just how he's done his story.

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I thought I remembered seeing an interview on the making of the prequels where it was said that Mace Windu wields a purple saber because Samuel L Jackson asked for purple...


Basically, the colour of the saber doesn't really matter, a friends storyline has his light side Jedi wielding a second saber from a Sith because it happens to be his sister's. It's just how he's done his story.


Please don't bring up that interview... it's used as "evidence" (wrongly) by people wishing to restrict lightsaber colors by faction.


Just kidding. Yes, originally Lucas had red and blue only. Good guys used blue, bad guys used red. When Return of the Jedi came out the blue lightsaber didn't show every well against the sky in the battles on Jabbas's barged, so he used green. Now, in that interview he does mention blue is for good guys and red is for bad guys, but the thing is, even he breaks those "rules" in his own movies (Anakin continued to use a blue lightsaber through out Revenge of the Sith, and Obi-Wan TOOK his lightsaber, it of course being the one he would later give to Luke. So, who's to say if Anakin had managed to kill Obi-Wan he wouldn't have continued being a Sith with a blue lightsaber?) Just because a mechanic was done for visual effect in a movie, doesn't make it a mandate that is the only way it can be.), plus so many insist that Sith use red and purple and Jedi use blue and green, and that's not what Lucas said. Then, as for the purple, yes it's Jackson's favorite color and... let's face it what Samuel L. Jackson wants, he gets.

Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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  • 2 weeks later...
Luke sky walker used foce choke several times while infiltrating jabas palace, i can only asume since his father was a lv 50 sith juggernaught he got that legacy ability. :) also there are about as many force using traditions as there are types of rock music, some of witch use guns. There is much more to the star wars universe than jedi and sith. Personally i love the idea of using the force without being jedi or sith. Edited by DexmRaven
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  • 4 months later...
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What most of you seem to think is that Bioware actually cares about RP in some form. Bioware has done nothing and most likely never do anything for RPers. Other than slapping a RP tag onto some servers. Before any of you comment. No, unify colors was not for RPers, everyone complained. The same goes for dye modules and social gear. The reason for flag ships and guild symbols being announced is because they are cool. Not RP devices. Everyone wanted them and want the new stuff, but nothing was done or is being done with RPers in mind. I mean the PvEers get highly detailed flash points and operations. PvPers get forced PvP zones on PvE servers. RPers get nothing. I mean chat bubbles have been requested since closed beta and we still don't have them. There's also the phasing situation where already loaded and fully rendered areas are cut off for 2 minute cut scenes. That you can never go back to unless you reroll a character. It's phased so NPCs can easily be absent if there is not a active mission.


Face it people. Bioware doesn't care about RPers. The evidence is all around us. MASSIVE groups of hostile mobs that covered 90% of a planet. This is specifically why everyone RPs in cantinas. Rampant phasing and lock outs of fully rendered areas. Trolling RP not being punishable. Ignoring the HIGH, HIGH, HIGH demand for chat bubbles. Naming rules only enforced on PvE and PvP servers. I mean I even saw a name called "Clemedia" and no one did anything about it.(I know that's not how it's really spelled, but it's still chlamydia. The dude even admitted it and went on about aids.) So honestly people, give up hope on receiving suitable RP resources from Bioware. They don't care and they never will. I actually have suspicions that they only tolerate our presence because of our money.

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Game Mechanics don't ruin RP. Suspended belief is a tool to utilize in such situations.


Not to mention, just because you're a Sith doesn't mean you HAVE to use a red blade. The reasons most Sith used Red Blades was because they synthesized most of them with Sith alchemy. Jedi utilized natural crystals which were most often green or blue. Who's to say a Sith couldn't use a crystal he found?

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Game Mechanics don't ruin RP. Suspended belief is a tool to utilize in such situations.


Not to mention, just because you're a Sith doesn't mean you HAVE to use a red blade. The reasons most Sith used Red Blades was because they synthesized most of them with Sith alchemy. Jedi utilized natural crystals which were most often green or blue. Who's to say a Sith couldn't use a crystal he found?


It is said Samuel L. Jackson Said he would not play as Mace Windu unless they gave him a purple lightsaber.

Samuel L Jackson ruined Role-playing.

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