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**December 16th Waves**


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Figures... not only do I just miss out on yesterday but they aren't even doing hourly waves?! Why procrastinate with the final grouping of people? They're easily the most eager bunch and doing so just makes BW look lazy... here's to w8ing at LEAST 50 more minutes !!! *facepalm*
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Why can not some pin brain at BW simply not log into the forum and say, "Next wave is planned to start ????"


What is so difficult about that?


What, let me guess, their staff can not access a computer terminal????


Get a grip show your paying customers that they mean something to you other than a facelss number.

"Heck we already have your cash so why should we worry?" Right? is that it?

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I do really have to hand it to Bioware, they truly are the masters of blue balling this many people at once with this EGA by wave release of theirs.


I normally I'm quite chilled out but waiting this long and the next wave which I should be on taking longer then usually even has me going a bit bonkers here.


So here's to hoping we are all getting in on the next wave, cheers!

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Love how all the narcky kids flaming the forums have absolutely no idea of what's involved in running a lone web-server let alone the logistics involved in launchign a game with the server requirements of this magnitude.


Chill, wait patiently and you can start complaining about queues to get in quite soon :)


Rift did this very well. Everyone who ordered early access got it day one. There were 2 hour queues, but a queue is communication, which is all people really want. I would have been satisfied with "Sir, thank you for your order, you will be able to play on this day at this time." Did I get that? No, I got warned 3 times asking for just a simple communication telling me when I could play.


I can handle a queue. I don't like being left in the dark without know what is actually going on.

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This is ridiculous on Bioware's part, they cant even take a few minutes to keep us, the customers, in the loop.

I only missed out yesterday by a day and a half, and yet ive been sitting here for 2 and a half hours today and still not in, and no idea when theyre even doing a 2nd wave.


Thumbs down Bioware, cant wait for GW2 so i can drop you.

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yesterday they did bonus waves to make the largest % happy, and it feels like because of that, they are having issues today getting the rest in. not saying that's how it is, but that's what it feels like....least they could do is communicate better so we don't feel like we are being neglected or punished.
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I just received an email with my code in for the retail release of the game, but still no email for the early access :p


I love that in the e-mail it says "Redeem your code and begin playing!"


Yes, it does have an * stating the game isn't released until the 20th. But it is kind of kicking me while I'm down

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