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So it's not ok for "hardcores" to have gear progression?


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i have to work 5 hrs a day, college kid, blah blah blah blah blah blah


Get a real job you part-time slacker. Full time averages out to a minimum of 8 hours a day and most people work 10-12+ regularly. WHILE raising kids, WHILE taking night courses and WHILE attempting to have a social life with friends IRL when time permits between running a household. You don't even half half a leg to stand on in that lame defense you tossed up.


No mate the problem is not the time , or the fact that we actually got rl , it is the fact that people want thing delivered on their freaking hands like cake given by theirs grannys.

Oh you mean like you ilum exploiters and win-traders and so on and so forth. Please. No respectable pvper likes gear disparities. Only wannabe MMO players stroking their gear laden epeens and deluding themselves with dreams of "skill"

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haha they will never accept this cause , they say all we can do is grind our BM gear , but deep down they know , when we get in the match with them they will be trashed , gear or no gear :rolleyes:


I dont blame them i mean , they ask for 0 skill and 0 time , BW gave it , 0 skill 0 time.


I will admit that maybe I wouldn't beat you in a warzone if we had equal gear. Im not afraid to be honest though. However, im sure many in these forums would wipe the floor with you had they been in BM gear just like yours. Just cause you were here since launch like me doesn't make you stronger than someone who just started 2 months in.

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Get a real job you part-time slacker. Full time averages out to a minimum of 8 hours a day and most people work 10-12+ regularly. WHILE raising kids, WHILE taking night courses and WHILE attempting to have a social life with friends IRL when time permits between running a household. You don't even half half a leg to stand on in that lame defense you tossed up.



Oh you mean like you ilum exploiters and win-traders and so on and so forth. Please. No respectable pvper likes gear disparities. Only wannabe MMO players stroking their gear laden epeens and deluding themselves with dreams of "skill"


Dont come with that crap to me :rolleyes:


First of all , if you got so much stuff to do , that you got freaking 15 mins to play per day , then guess what? Go do something else , now maybe when ya get at least an hr you can talk.


Second any pvper wants freaking gear , just like the freaking PvE player get theirs? Should i go ask BW to give me the same gear they have but if they do operations they get fluff gear on other colors? Cause that is PvP right now , no skill to get the gear , simple 0 time AND 0 skill there is simple nothing , ya PvP for freaking nothing.


Yeah , guess not i prefer to spend my time hunting down lowbies and making them cry lol.


Ofc ... after i afk in the wz at 50 and get the new gear :D

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I will admit that maybe I wouldn't beat you in a warzone if we had equal gear. Im not afraid to be honest though. However, im sure many in these forums would wipe the floor with you had they been in BM gear just like yours. Just cause you were here since launch like me doesn't make you stronger than someone who just started 2 months in.


I assure you , yeah sure , some will , but the number wont be that high that i wont get a good spot based on skill alone , sure , i will not be the top , or at least i dont rly think i will.


But i will know i deserve to use what i use , yeah make take no time , enter play get what you deserve.

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MMO casuals that don't want to put effort into their game make me laugh so hard, i cry. you DESERVE to be stomped all over. its not even the gear that makes a differance in this game, in my opinion. the thing that makes ME sick is the fact that YOU expect to get all this handed to you, then YOU feel entitled to insult the people that actually DESERVE respect.


did you really think that elitests are the problem with this genre? you are the problem. you're worse than any elitest that has ever rofl stomped you, because you do the same as them except you have nothing to back you other than " i don't want to have to spend my time playing as if its a second job" and you always feel like everything is entitled to you because its not "fun".


they should make a kiddie bracket just for you all, where there IS no gear, just tokens that give you vanity crap. no gear progression. it'll be the same as you getting your crap handed to you. what? thats not acceptable? why not? because gear makes you feel special right? you like to feel like you've 'earned' something? SO DO WE. GET OVER IT.



Too bad you think that way. GW2 from what I been reading will be similar in terms that gear will about equal and not very difficult to get. Maybe you people don't get it, but in pvp there should never be gear progression beyond vanity items or titles. The days when hardcore players for either pvp or pve had exclusive access to content or gear through shear volume of time invested in game are coming to an end. You don't like it there is the door. No, amount of complaining is going to change casual trend in mmorpg.


Now if you think your idea of pvp is better go head and try to convince any game software company to develop such a game. Hardcore players are so full of themselves and seem to think a game revolves around what they do and want. This isn't 2002 when hardcore were a major part of game that was only 100k-240k. Hardcore no longer are the drive force behind mmorpg and companies know this and plan accordingly. The world changed and so did the mmorpg genre.

Edited by Knockerz
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Then you should have no problem with rated warzones offering rating locked gear to the best players. They will all play rated warzones anyhow so it won't affect you. But no, if you cant get the same gear, then nobody should have it right?


Honestly I could give a rat's *** about PVP gear, and I don't mind if you don't believe me saying this. I mean... you don't know me IRL and I don't either, we never will but that's not the point.


If they put rated locked gear in Rated warzones, they are doing the same mistake. Rated Warzones should give your team actual elite titles like the ones from WoW with Gladiator. Titles that can only be gained by being the top .05% of the entire battlegroup or the entire server. Rated Warzones should give special dyes or lightsaber crystals or moddable gear (with empty slots or with BM(whatever tier of PVP gear is available to everyone at the time is) mods.) that has some of the most widely accepted wicked looks in the entire game. Something that will set you apart from the rest of the server yet won't give you advantage over anyone. I can assure you, the true PVPers will and have always welcomed this. There is a reason why PVP games like Modern Warfare, BF3, Marvel vs Capcom, Street Fighter, and Starcraft are so popular. Cause their pvp is handled always in Equal ground.

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I assure you , yeah sure , some will , but the number wont be that high that i wont get a good spot based on skill alone , sure , i will not be the top , or at least i dont rly think i will.


But i will know i deserve to use what i use , yeah make take no time , enter play get what you deserve.


Deserve? Cause you were a masochist for 2-3 weeks getting beat by those who were faster to you at farming gear? Cause you got beaten day after day after day, trying to push your skill only to get roflstomped by someone who just got luckier than you on the bag pulls? That's why you deserve to use what you have? Give me a break.... yes I reassure myself, half this forum would wipe the floor with you if they have the same gear as you.


This attitude sickens me.

Edited by DarthZin
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Darth_Sookie and all her shill friends QQ are nothing but fake PvPers, afflicted with a PvE grind fantasy mentality; a diseased mind brought on by too many hours spent with EQ/WoW.


Not once, in any of your QQ threads and QQ posts Darth, have I heard you talk about wanting actual competitive, skill based PvP.


You talk about ranked warzones, but all I hear is "progression", "incentives", and "gear."


When are we going to actually talk about the PvP? You know, the competitive battles; the challenging fights against other skilled players?


Why is it always about shiny loot, titles, and other carrots-on-sticks?


IMHO, the diseased mind of PvEers and their obsession with progression and gear, has carried over to and ruined competitive PvP in MMOs.


It's no longer about the fight. It's 'what do I get afterwards?' that only seems to matter.

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Honestly I could give a rat's *** about PVP gear, and I don't mind if you don't believe me saying this. I mean... you don't know me IRL and I don't either, we never will but that's not the point.


If they put rated locked gear in Rated warzones, they are doing the same mistake. Rated Warzones should give your team actual elite titles like the ones from WoW with Gladiator. Titles that can only be gained by being the top .05% of the entire battlegroup or the entire server. Rated Warzones should give special dyes or lightsaber crystals or moddable gear (with empty slots or with BM(whatever tier of PVP gear is available to everyone at the time is) mods.) that has some of the most widely accepted wicked looks in the entire game. Something that will set you apart from the rest of the server yet won't give you advantage over anyone. I can assure you, the true PVPers will and have always welcomed this. There is a reason why PVP games like Modern Warfare, BF3, Marvel vs Capcom, Street Fighter, and Starcraft are so popular. Cause their pvp is handled always in Equal ground.


Like trying to learn to pilot Jets in BF3 when all other Jet Pilots have heat seeking missiles and you got a forward mounted machine gun?


Also WoW has rating locked gear, they practically pioneered the system. They are the kings of rating locked elite gear.

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Like trying to learn to pilot Jets in BF3 when all other Jet Pilots have heat seeking missiles and you got a forward mounted machine gun?


Also WoW has rating locked gear, they practically pioneered the system. They are the kings of rating locked elite gear.


And Blizzard has admitted that adding arenas was the worst decision they ever made.


So what's your point?

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You guys sound like the only ones who wanted this change were "casuals" who didn't want to put in the time to get geared. There are plenty of people who are battlemaster with their gear who welcome this change (myself included).
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You guys sound like the only ones who wanted this change were "casuals" who didn't want to put in the time to get geared. There are plenty of people who are battlemaster with their gear who welcome this change (myself included).


Thank you. Same here.

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Every time I see one of these threads, all I hear in my head is "Wahh, I want better gear than everyone else, so I can pwn them!"


The entire concept of "pvp gear" that gets more and more poweful for the more time you put into pvp is ridiculous. If you win in pvp, it should be because you out-fought your opponent, and are simply better than they are. Not because you're stomping around in "leet epic purplez" that boost your stats to a point that you can just mash the keyboard and win.


But I guess that's what the "hardcores" want now, right? I mean, since they disparage the "casuals who want everything handed to them", I guess the converse of that is the "whiny hardcores who don't want to have a fair fight, but rather want to win through gear and not skill."


How very hardcore. :rolleyes:

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Every time I see one of these threads, all I hear in my head is "Wahh, I want better gear than everyone else, so I can pwn them!"



Everytime i see a post like this, all I hear in my head is "Wahh i want evrything for free i want it NOW NOW NOW Mommy. Timmy has better toys than me!"

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Everytime i see a post like this, all I hear in my head is "Wahh i want evrything for free i want it NOW NOW NOW Mommy. Timmy has better toys than me!"


Funny, I've never asked for better gear. You seem to be the one demanding that you be given shiny new toys. Projection is a funny syndrome.


I fondly recall pvp back in the days of AC and DAoC, where it was skill that let you win, not gear. But I guess gamers that have grown up on modern games, where the companies cater to the "we want phat lewt for pvp, so we can crush people without it! GIMME!" screamers have never really grasped the concept of beating someone through skill, and not through gear alone.

Edited by LyriaFrost
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The issue is that you casuals are handed everything you could possibly want on a silver platter, yet when the more dedicated players want some incentives other than titles you causals flat out say NO and that we are wrong.


"Well if you are so hardcore than the joy of pvping should be enough reward for you lolol"


Well i'm glad you causals get to dictate what our progression should be like. *censored*


I think it's very simply why most say no. Cause hardcore like your self make up a small portion of the population and the amount of money invested in creating content exclusively for you is a waste of development money considering your type don't pay for the majority of the game. Also people don't have a problem with people having titles or cosmetic gear in pvp, but people do have problem when some guy/girl who has more time to play the game has gear with better stats simply cause they have more time. A lot of players see gear stat difference as unfair in pvp and they are right. That is why you shouldn't have gear with better stats in pvp for any prolong period. Pvp gear should be quickly acquired, which is the opposite of in pve.




From a casuals point of view you hardcore players grind through content really quickly.

What I'm getting at mmorpg are now calibrated towards casual players and not hardcore players. That why it only seems like gear is being given away, but if a casual player only logs in 2-3 hours each week it will probably take said player the same amount of time to get said gear as you did, but with a lot less hours invested ovger several weeks or months. The point is gear is not being handed to casuals cause most normal players don't log in every day and only play a few hours each week.


If you want gear progression go do pve, it works well in pve, but not so much in pvp.


It's not casuals who are dictating it's the industry. If you want gear progression perhaps look at smaller mmorpg cause all the major mmorpg will cater to casuals.

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Everytime i see a post like this, all I hear in my head is "Wahh i want evrything for free i want it NOW NOW NOW Mommy. Timmy has better toys than me!"


That's the best you can come up with after some really well thought out posts/arguments by others?


You have now officially lost this argument and thread.

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Seriously, all I ask for is at least a different cosmetic set of gear I can slot my mods in each 10 or 20 valor levels to show I pvp way too much. I don't care if this gear is totally empty and just looks sweet. As long as I have something to show I don't care if everyone has the same gear level of mods.
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Seriously, all I ask for is at least a different cosmetic set of gear I can slot my mods in each 10 or 20 valor levels to show I pvp way too much. I don't care if this gear is totally empty and just looks sweet. As long as I have something to show I don't care if everyone has the same gear level of mods.


Personally, I think that's the ideal way to do it. Give people some titles, and flashy modable gear to show they've been putting in lots of time pvping. In order to get it, you have to put forth the effort. But it's not somehow magically head and shoulders better than what everyone else has. It's just DIFFERENT. It's a status symbol.


But I guess for some people, they're not happy unless their status symbols come with an "I win" button attached.


It's funny but not a syndrome.


Yeah, initially in my head it was "projection is a funny thing", but when I went to type it, I typed out syndrome. Odd how my brain works at 1am. :)

Edited by LyriaFrost
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Like trying to learn to pilot Jets in BF3 when all other Jet Pilots have heat seeking missiles and you got a forward mounted machine gun?


Also WoW has rating locked gear, they practically pioneered the system. They are the kings of rating locked elite gear.


I believe the rated lock gear now has the same stats as non rated lock gear, but is just cosmetic. Blizzard did away with rating gear progression in pvp a while ago back for obvious reason that the system was not working. Finally, pvp in that game isn't doing too well. I don't think I have to quote again the stats on wow pvp. Participation in pvp is only a fraction of what it used to be and that can probably attributed to pvp gear progression.

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Every time I see one of these threads, all I hear in my head is "Wahh, I want better gear than everyone else, so I can pwn them!"


The entire concept of "pvp gear" that gets more and more poweful for the more time you put into pvp is ridiculous. If you win in pvp, it should be because you out-fought your opponent, and are simply better than they are. Not because you're stomping around in "leet epic purplez" that boost your stats to a point that you can just mash the keyboard and win.


But I guess that's what the "hardcores" want now, right? I mean, since they disparage the "casuals who want everything handed to them", I guess the converse of that is the "whiny hardcores who don't want to have a fair fight, but rather want to win through gear and not skill."


How very hardcore. :rolleyes:


I also think it's odd "Hardcore" PvPers want to have superior gear. I think BM actually did it fine. I'm very glad that gear will matter even less than it did before. (Gear mattered, but once you got deep into champion armor Champion to BM was a very small jump).


Ranked PVP shouldn't be about gear. That would suck. Being ranked higher because of superior gear is very stupid.

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Personally, I think that's the ideal way to do it. Give people some titles, and flashy modable gear to show they've been putting in lots of time pvping. In order to get it, you have to put forth the effort. But it's not somehow magically head and shoulders better than what everyone else has. It's just DIFFERENT. It's a status symbol.


But I guess for some people, they're not happy unless their status symbols come with an "I win" button attached.




Yeah, initially in my head it was "projection is a funny thing", but when I went to type it, I typed out syndrome. Odd how my brain works at 1am. :)


They are really into PVE, they just don't know it.

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I also think it's odd "Hardcore" PvPers want to have superior gear. I think BM actually did it fine. I'm very glad that gear will matter even less than it did before. (Gear mattered, but once you got deep into champion armor Champion to BM was a very small jump).


Ranked PVP shouldn't be about gear. That would suck. Being ranked higher because of superior gear is very stupid.


Everyone at high ranking will have similar gear. And they certainaly won't be that high ranked because of the gear. It's just preposterous to beleive that.

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You are probably the same guy who complains that your colleagues that make more money and have better jobs than you have no life outside of work.


not true, its true I don't have a social life, I go to school and pay for it myself. so when i'm not doing that i'm with my gf or playing this game.


I'm just saying that it wouldn't be fair for someone who plays 14 hours a day to roflpwn someone who plays 2 or 3 hours a day just bc of gear stat difference


This is player vs player. not gear vs gear.


I always pvp. I even pvp after my daily and weekly just bc I like to fight other people.


PvPing should NOT be a gear check. it should be a skill test.


Honestly, but you probably don't understand that you narrow minded twit.

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