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Why did Swtor turn into GW2?


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Also, I'm surprised Bioware hasn't locked this yet. They constantly lock or delete any posts referencing other MMOs.


Wonder why that is? Maybe because it's filled with useless drivel about how fail this is and how fail that is, and never has anything constructive to help the game out.


Notice how all the constructive posts have been kept around? stickied? Maybe if people actually tried to help improve the game by giving solid ideas or thoughts instead of just random l33t sp3ak used by kids today. "fail" being the most over used and stupid single word statment I've ever read.

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I don't consider the grinders "hardcore PvP" players, I see them more as hardcore PvE'rs, because that's where the grind belongs.


Any "hardcore PvP" player wants balanced, close fights where it's skill based, not having an overwhelming advantage because you played 12 hours a day since release.


Grinding != Skill or anything, I could probably be Valor 100 on my Sorc if I played that toon, but instead I have 4 50's so that when 1.2 comes, I can have 4 toons to play for premades etc.


If SWTOR continues this path, I will continue playing. If SWTOR = skill based, I think it will get many more subs than it will lose if it stays a grindfest. As grinding isn't fun and it certainly isn't competative PvP.

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ok here we go i am the voice of reason


all old players that really grinded to valor 60 yes that sucks and i understand that low blow


My Sorc was Valor 58 before any of the Valor changes on Ilum. I also had almost full champ gear before the commendation changes. I stopped playing because Imperials outnumbered Republics 3:1. So I re-rolled rep because I wanted to A, play more than huttball, and B, because I wanted to have better PvP.


If you played lots at the beginning, you got a huge advantage over other players. I remember being in Warzones in the 10/50 Bracket in PvP gear just winning warzone after warzone after warzone.


How anyone who played 1 toon since release can claim it was difficult is beyond me.

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I agree, I am against welfare gear. I was 47 before they came out with the 50 bracket. I got my azz kicked by BM's from 10-47 and EARNED my gear the hard way once I reached 50. They just cant make this game easy enough for the casuals they are trying to attract. Which is pointless because those people aren't serious about PVP anyway. If they were, they wouldn't cry so hard about gear or balance...
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Thanks god some people will stay in SWTOR and wont move to GW2, i guess deep inside they know they couldnt really make it in truly competitve environment.


And to OP - stick to PvE. Why do PvEers (that are obviously clueless) think they have right to say anything about PvP? Thats what ruined PvP in SWTOR.


Can't really comapare F2P numbers to P2P.


Its not F2P, its B2P.


Rift had over 50k dynamic events and that game flopped.


It had 0 dynamic events. Get your facts straight.


Welcome to casual wars.


Better than no-lifer wars.


What are you babbling about...Gw2 will die because it has no PvE whatsoever same reason Gw1 died...


1. GW1 is not dead


2. You are completely clueless, but thats no wonder.


3. For SWTOR reference Wharhmmer Online



Seems that someone is afraid of more skill based game :eek:


At least BW is doing something right, though its very little compared to....not right. And its still a grind, so youll get your few days of feeling "superior" rofl.

Edited by GrandMike
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ROLF! All that time waisted exploiting Ilum WZ, grinding OP classes, what a bummer.


Gratz on believing in urban legends n00b. Typical excuse of a casual. When you get your welfare gear you are in for a rude awakening on how exp matters...

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So does that mean when someone kills you geared with orange gear and you're tricked out in an ugly suit (all pvp gear is fugly) they should get more valor? They should but they don't.


I've not seen such whining in a long time. Welfare gear my ***. If you're going to do pvp progression correctly and you're geared up you should count as a gold plated target. 70 level valor and someone level 10 valor gets the drop on you you should count 600x normal. And killing someone at valor rank 10 at valor rank 70 should net you 0.6


So far no one has done real PvP right except DAOC, they had this kind of system set up.

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Gratz on believing in urban legends n00b. Typical excuse of a casual. When you get your welfare gear you are in for a rude awakening on how exp matters...


And you are in for a rude awakening, when you realise that Real PvP'ers care less about gear and more about player skill. I don't consider myself casual by a long shot, nor do I consider myself a PvE'er. But I take no interest in beating people because I have better gear. There is no reward in that and it gets boring fast. Ever play DOOM with god-mode? No challenge = no fun. Who cares if I / you or whoever plays more. Competative PvP is a challenge and is fun. If you think that your a better PvP'er because you grinded 1 toon out, good for you. I'll take pleasure in owning players like yourself who like to think they are better than everyone.

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So does that mean when someone kills you geared with orange gear and you're tricked out in an ugly suit (all pvp gear is fugly) they should get more valor? They should but they don't.


I've not seen such whining in a long time. Welfare gear my ***. If you're going to do pvp progression correctly and you're geared up you should count as a gold plated target. 70 level valor and someone level 10 valor gets the drop on you you should count 600x normal. And killing someone at valor rank 10 at valor rank 70 should net you 0.6


So far no one has done real PvP right except DAOC, they had this kind of system set up.


These people think that pwning undergeared noobs is bestest PvPah evah. AND they think in doing so they deserve even better rewards.


Thats why they make these threads.

Edited by GrandMike
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guild wars 2 wont kill anything ~~ simply because its free, u can play SWTOR/WoW/Rift and GW2 at the same time, if u play it 24/7 u will get bored in about... i would say 2 weeks max.


And people trowing around that DAOC system was good... sure it has its Ups, but it had also horrible problems associated with it, but people tend just to ignore those.


if u are looking that guild wars 2 will replace DAOC, well it wont really, WvsWvsW is heavily instanced, and i dont think a modified guild wars 1 engine can handle 20 people on screen let alone more.

Edited by xxIncubixx
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guild wars wont kill anything ~~ simply because its free, u can play SWTOR/WoW/Rift and guild wars at the same time, if u play guild wars 24/7 u will get bored in about... i would say 2 weeks max.


Really? 2 weeks?


Whats so great in SWTOR so you wont get bored in 2 weeks eh? Grind 4 WZs? grind same raid for umpteenth time? Or some FP for umpteenth time? Or *gawd* dailies?


And GW is not free.

Edited by GrandMike
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No lifers are the geared ones? I work a 44 hour week, Dj, play in a band, and Iam rank 76 war hero. It doesn't take long to get gear at all.


The "pvp should be about skill crowd" are fresh 50s. Basically what they mean is they should not have to make an effort to acquire gear like I did, because they don't have time. Ironically they have lots if time to whine on the forums.


Mmos are a time sink. Dedicated papers are exactly that, they dedicate their swtor game to that. Skill is a factor in pvP even with gear, because duh your opponents are wearing the same gear at top tier pvp. Rated will be no different.


It's laughable that people that cannot be bothered to acquire the gear through the actual game they profess to enjoy. It's even more amusing if you actually think when you get some decent gear spoon fed to you that you will be able to compete with people that are dedicated to playing that aspect of the game.


You are in for a mighty shock, did you ever stop to use common sense? There are lots of people with gear and skill. Whiney, self-entitled kids will get roflstomped by organised pvpers with gear, skill and experience. This is the reality, time to wake up.


They can give you all the gear in the world I don't care, this does not concern me. I earned mine through participation and teamwork, not crying for help or calling for nerfs on the forums. Me and many of my pvp comrades look forward to destroying you, and make no mistake we will.

Edited by PloGreen
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No lifers are the geared ones? I work a 44 hour week, Dj, play in a band, and Iam rank 76 war hero. It doesn't take long to get gear at all.


The "pvp should be about skill crowd" are fresh 50s. Basically what they mean is they should not have to make an effort to acquire gear like I did, because they don't have time. Ironically they have lots if time to whine on the forums.


Mmos are a time sink. Dedicated papers are exactly that, they dedicate their swtor game to that. Skill is a factor in pvP even with gear, because duh your opponents are wearing the same gear at top tier pvp. Rated will be no different.


It's laughable that people that cannot be bothered to acquire the gear through the actual game they profess to enjoy. It's even more amusing if you actually think when you get some decent gear spoon fed to you that you will be able to compete with people are dedicated to playing that aspect of the game.


You are in for a mighty shock, did you ever stop to use common sense? There are lots of people with gear and skill. Whiney, self-entitled kids will get roflstomped by organised pvpers with gear, skill and experience. This is the reality, time to wake up.


They can give you all the gear in the world I don't care, this does not concern me. I earned mine through participation and teamwork, not crying for help or calling for nerfs on the forums. Me and many of my pvp comrades look forward to destroying you, and make no mistake we will.


You write awful lot for someone who doesnt care at all rofl

Edited by GrandMike
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Really? 2 weeks?


Whats so great in SWTOR so you wont get bored in 2 weeks eh? Grind 4 WZs? grind same raid for umpteenth time? Or some FP for umpteenth time? Or *gawd* dailies?


And GW is not free.


yes it is free, it is as free as Halo or Call of duty whatever. u buy it and bum play it. dont try to twist my words oke? thanks

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yes it is free, it is as free as Halo or Call of duty whatever. u buy it and bum play it. dont try to twist my words oke? thanks


Ok, you get it for free, well see how will that work out.


And, you, of course, didnt reply to what matters.


And yes, ill take WvWvW over dailies ANY day of the week rofl

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okeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, where did i say that swtor was awesome? but trying to compare it to guild wars 2 is like comparing oranges to apples ~~ , one is built around pvp (GW2) and one pve.


However GW2 is so dumbed down to cater to all the WoW fanbois

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No lifers are the geared ones? I work a 44 hour week, Dj, play in a band, and Iam rank 76 war hero. It doesn't take long to get gear at all.


The "pvp should be about skill crowd" are fresh 50s. Basically what they mean is they should not have to make an effort to acquire gear like I did, because they don't have time. Ironically they have lots if time to whine on the forums.


Mmos are a time sink. Dedicated papers are exactly that, they dedicate their swtor game to that. Skill is a factor in pvP even with gear, because duh your opponents are wearing the same gear at top tier pvp. Rated will be no different.


It's laughable that people that cannot be bothered to acquire the gear through the actual game they profess to enjoy. It's even more amusing if you actually think when you get some decent gear spoon fed to you that you will be able to compete with people that are dedicated to playing that aspect of the game.


You are in for a mighty shock, did you ever stop to use common sense? There are lots of people with gear and skill. Whiney, self-entitled kids will get roflstomped by organised pvpers with gear, skill and experience. This is the reality, time to wake up.


They can give you all the gear in the world I don't care, this does not concern me. I earned mine through participation and teamwork, not crying for help or calling for nerfs on the forums. Me and many of my pvp comrades look forward to destroying you, and make no mistake we will.


Sure, a toon of mine is a fresh 50. My sorc was Valor 58 (missing 2 champ pieces) before the majority of the changes, like Ilum Valor was added. I also have a Vanguard missing 4 pieces of champ, a sentinel with a good mix of both with 577 expertise and a scoundrel.


But Gear Progression does not interest me, what so ever. I would rather everyone have all the gear so PvP is balanced and fun.


It doesn't take much effort, but all the while PvP has gear imbalances it isn't fun.


I'm certainly not in for a shock, I play very competatively. I look forward to it.

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Gratz on believing in urban legends n00b. Typical excuse of a casual. When you get your welfare gear you are in for a rude awakening on how exp matters...


Can't wait for cross server PvP to meet the self proclaimed vets & pros. Oh and I've been playing since day 2 so I know exactly what was going on in Ilum and the WZs.

But nice try.

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You write awful lot for someone who doesnt care at all rofl


Im at work. Also learn to read. I said I don't care if they give you gear, which I don't. Just pointing out that gear won't help you against experienced people with the same gear. Should be obvious to anyone.


Lol idd

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okeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, where did i say that swtor was awesome? but trying to compare it to guild wars 2 is like comparing oranges to apples ~~ , one is built around pvp (GW2) and one pve.


GW2 has enough PvE to grind if you want to.


And YOU said that you will get bored of GW2 in 2 weeks, i presumed you compared it to SWTOR somehow, sorry, my fault there :rolleyes:


However GW2 is so dumbed down to cater to all the WoW fanbois


SWTOR is dumbed down to max, if you have followed its development yu will know what i mean, its like "lets take something from WoW and dumb it down until it cant be dumbed down any more". And then they expanded that philosophy to rare things that are not in WoW (reference: companions). (not saying WoW isnt dumbed down game from the start)


I just wish BW from the days of Black Isle/Interplay was back.


And you seem to not know very much about GW or GW2, inform yourself before writing more please, thank you.


Im at work. Also learn to read. I said I don't care if they give you gear, which I don't. Just pointing out that gear won't help you against experienced people with the same gear. Should be obvious to anyone.


Lol idd


So, you dont care about TOPIC of this thread at all but STILL respond.


Okies rofl


Oh, they wont give me anything since i dont play any more, just waiting for GW2 nowadays, skill level in SWTOR is apauling, and BW catering to that crowd by nerfeing/buffing by QQ meters is pure sign of PvE game.


Can't wait for cross server PvP to meet the self proclaimed vets & pros. Oh and I've been playing since day 2 so I know exactly what was going on in Ilum and the WZs.

But nice try.


Hey, trade killin on Ilum is "pro", dont talk to him like that :D

Edited by GrandMike
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All that talk about GW2... Seriously who cares about that game, which release date is not even here? You didn't even play it, lore is not that awesome and you making it look somehow superb and godish. Most of the press say that GW2 is a great game, but it will not live up to the hype it's generating, because it's not that revolutionary as you think.


Well then... Diablo 3 is coming out on may 15th! :D I'm certainly taking a break from SWTOR to play D3 even if it doesn't have arenas on start. I don't care about those if I can kill the big horned demon one more time :D And the awesome gear grind! Omg! Makes me want to play D2 one more time.


EDIT: I read opinions that Diablo 3 will not last 10 years like blizzard is assuming... well guess again. D2 battlenet is filled with botters and duppers, but it's still alive! Players still ride Mefisto casemates, duriel tombs, diablo sanctuary! Even classic(no expansion) battlenet is alive. 12 years and people are still playing this game :)

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