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4 medal cap has killed PVP


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So, before we had a system that enouraged winning. What we get from it? People leaving WZ at first sign that they may not win (like loosing 1 point in Huttball).


Everyone were screaming "give us incentive to stay in lost WZ!"


So, BW created system that encourages participation regardless of outcome.


Now people (probably the same as above) get 4 medals and afk in the corner.


It is time to realize the truth.


It is not BW fault that we have a lot of players that dont want to pvp, they only want to get gear (and complain here ofc).


There is nothing that can stop those players from ruining others experience. Maybe a vote for kick and some kind of "you were kicked 5 times in 2 days, you are banned from WZ for a week", or other kind of report/judge system.


But since it is a P2P game, I doubt it will ever happen.


Deal with it. Those so called pvpers that leave or afk will be always here, only ranked system can free you from them, but only if you are a good player...hepefuly;)


Several pages in this thread so not sure if its been said but I believe in patch 1.2 they are allowing you to vote people out of the WZs. So you will be able to kick people from WZs for afking, being jerks, etc

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First the medal change has had no effect on the win loss ratio that I have experienced.

Second most people that go afk would have either way. The changes they made in this patch have benefited my healer greatly and to be honest I still average about 6-7 every match on both my Sith Assassin and my sorcerer if you do not care for the effort you team puts forth might i suggest premades . The over a Valor gain has been great even for my 50 bh the pvp reward change has helped.

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I read through 12 pages of this drivel before getting a headache.


My question is simple. I thought the main way of grinding gear through PvP was through commendations. Don't you get extra commendations for winning? If they made the bonus for winning a large enough number to mean something to people and threw in some more commendation bonuses for winning-related objectives (capping, defending, etc.) wouldn't that provide more of a carrot for people to try and win?


As far as I understood the second part is being addressed in 1.2 but I am not sure what the commendation discrepancy is for winning vs losing.


If they keep the daily quest where you have to WIN a pvp match, then they should just make the reward for that quest (and indirectly a reward for winning) something more appealing (whether it be more commendations, storage boxes, tokens, credits, whatever)

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The PVP system is laughably broken now and encourages AFKers, botters and Bad Players randomly mashing abilities to get 4 medals.


Meanwhile, Ilum has gone from flawed but occasionally very fun, to completely worthless.


The 4 medal cap is leading to the team on the losing side just giving up and going semi AFK who cares if they get any addiitonal medals as they aren't rewarded for them and such is the valor increase that nobody cares about winning anymore.


At least with medal chasers they where somehow contributing to the teams cause, all I am seeing now are my own team give up after 4 medals and being a goal down etc or the opposiiton give up and us just steamroll them which is zero fun either.


Now I'm just waiting for people to click that just getting 4 medals uber quick then letting a team win is the single fastest way to gain valor/XP from PVP'n.




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Also....take some notes from DOTA and apply that deserter buff much like the banlist in Dota. If a player does not play at least x% of a warzone then he gets a buff banning him from WZs for a period of time. I personally would make it go into effect on your second violation within 24 hours, this way somebody who gets DC'd is not penalized unless they DC on a consistent basis.


Adding the ability to kick "feeders" "afkers" etc. is also something that they can model after a much more simple game like DOTA

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Several pages in this thread so not sure if its been said but I believe in patch 1.2 they are allowing you to vote people out of the WZs. So you will be able to kick people from WZs for afking, being jerks, etc


if they do that wrong could sink the game!i know for a fact if im in wz and get kicked by a premade ill unsub right on the spot.

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i got in two late warzones today that where already lost was awsome.just rack up 4 medals and go AFK.


if they do that wrong could sink the game!i know for a fact if im in wz and get kicked by a for going AFK ill unsub right on the spot.



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if they do that wrong could sink the game!i know for a fact if im in wz and get kicked by a premade ill unsub right on the spot.


just cause if they add 50% votes my pre made will kick every person under gear does not mean the game will be ruined mate.

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the problem is, you should lose valor and credits when your team loses. If you do not have any skin in the game, you have nothing to lose. Heck, losing fast is a very viable option as you still get rewarded. everyone wins in the end.


Would be cool, I know in Aion it was nice to find an Asmodian Army General out in the world.. Rare but nice.. If you managed to kill him you would gain 5k or so "valor" and he would lose said amount.. Was fun until I become a 5 Star General then the only time I would go out in the world is if my Deity transformation was not on cd. Because it was cheaper for me to transform into a Deity than it was to die. As a Deity you were not getting killed unless it was a raid group.. Go go 150k health and mana..


Every system has its flaws.. Even the losing valor on death as proven above ^

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arnt they adding another 12 or so medals for objective based play too so it will take what a minute to get 4 medals and be done with the warzone.


I can get 4 in literally 30 seconds. 2.5k heal off resolute, kill blow, 2k def, 5k def.

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Nope. Why? Because the "carrot" is the 4 medals, which is easily obtainable in the first few minutes of the match. After that, if you just stand around (or afk) you reach the same result as if you get 10 more medals and try for the objectives.


Take Huttball for example. If you're losing and have your 4 medals, letting the other team get to 6 to end the match quicker yields everyone the same rewards quicker. You actually have an incentive to lose. :eek:


So wins have no effect on medals? Okay, a possible solution to that would be to give the winning team a total of six medals max. 4 during the match and 2 for the win.



A team with zero chance of winning is still going to give up, but that happened anyway, they just gave up and farmed, now you say they give up and stand around. Same outcome, a loss. But if medals are the issue, drop 1 or 2 more on the winning team, problem solved.


But strange, I thought a win did affect the final reward already. Wins reward more than losses, what other incentive does a team with an actual chance of winning need?

Edited by maradigamer
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The people that afk after 4 medals are the same people that where farming medals before 1.1.5 making the team loose!So in conclusion those people will make you loose no matter what,nothing changed but the fact that now you can have some profit even if you have these kind of baddies in your team
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It seems like every server has a bunch of ******es but mine. And I am grateful for that.


The 4 medal system allows ME to focus on the match objectives and winning. It also makes it so when you get those matches you are 0-5 within 4 minutes ( I solo queue 99% of the time so that happens from time to time) the other team will not farm since what's the point? An extra 200-300 valor?


It isn't worth it to hold up a match farming anymore making the other team miserable.

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isnt valor going to be cosmetic after 1.2?


so the commendations are going to be the reward


only doing warzones for valor seems pointless since you wont have a valor gate for gear




Arguing over something that will be a non-issue in another patch, makes no sense. Then again, doing warzones since this latest patch, also makes no sense. Farming valor when its being made effectively useless, is exactly that, useless.


The devs keep stating with every moronic change to pvp, that "it was never their original intent". Great. So what the **** was the original intent? Can we have a peek behind the curtain here? So far every change instituted for pvp has been a failure on a massive scale.


I've del'd pretty much all chars now. I logged in today, played two warzones, then logged. I think if these ******es want to keep anyone subscribing, they should stop telling us all the **** in this game was never "original intent", and start implementing (as a whole, and not a stop gap measure) what they intend to have in the game.


Alot of fanbois and idiots keep saying "the game is new, it'll get better". Well, I can't keep paying for a game when the devs keep adding in **** thats only half implemented, not what they intend, just to have them rip it back out and completely change its function.


E-sport pvp? Are you *********** kidding me? They can't fix the pvp that they have in the game now. I'm not sure what ******e came up this idea, but when you can't fix what you got, you don't start dreaming and reaching for *********** stars.


This game was a complete waste of my money, plus time card. A complete waste of a MASSIVE budget (still *********** wondering where all the money went)...voice acting? Can you get a refund on that? I hope you kept your receipt, because the voice acting is nothing special, and only serves to help people abuse the **** out of their space bar.


My sub runs out befor the "mythical unicorn" 1.2 patch comes in, I'm afraid I will not be here to see it. I hope it makes everyones hopes and dreams come true, i'm pretty sure it won't, but i'm sure they're be another patch that you can reach for afterward, that will be the next game saver.



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Everyone saying they like this change just likes the fact it cut their grind time drastically.


It does nothing to encourage a team to fully participate and try to win. All you have to do is get the 4 medals and you are making as much as you would if you were a top player on the winning side before the change.


That is called encouraging laziness because you get the same reward for far LESS participation.


It's laughable to call this change in any way shape or form good for the life of PVP.


It's amazingly awesome for people that just want the gear though. Unfortunately that is the WRONG direction.

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