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Lvl50 all there is?


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I'm not sure why I have this feeling, but I know there are many others like me that feel like lvl cap is missing something. I know because most of my WoW guildmates are back on WoW.


I love the multi-lvl WZ, but without a flashpoint finder, x-realm WZ/FPs, or generally stuff to do, then there's just not... much to do at 50. I guess I can run around trying to gather mats from bugged nodes, craft myself silly, or sit in the station hoping to find an FP to run, but something just doesn't feel right.


Anyone else feel this way or have a creative suggestion on what's missing? As a developer myself, I'd like to know.

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I'm not sure why I have this feeling, but I know there are many others like me that feel like lvl cap is missing something. I know because most of my WoW guildmates are back on WoW.


I love the multi-lvl WZ, but without a flashpoint finder, x-realm WZ/FPs, or generally stuff to do, then there's just not... much to do at 50. I guess I can run around trying to gather mats from bugged nodes, craft myself silly, or sit in the station hoping to find an FP to run, but something just doesn't feel right.


Anyone else feel this way or have a creative suggestion on what's missing? As a developer myself, I'd like to know.



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I'm not sure why I have this feeling, but I know there are many others like me that feel like lvl cap is missing something. I know because most of my WoW guildmates are back on WoW.


I love the multi-lvl WZ, but without a flashpoint finder, x-realm WZ/FPs, or generally stuff to do, then there's just not... much to do at 50. I guess I can run around trying to gather mats from bugged nodes, craft myself silly, or sit in the station hoping to find an FP to run, but something just doesn't feel right.


Anyone else feel this way or have a creative suggestion on what's missing? As a developer myself, I'd like to know.


I see no mention of the dailies/weeklies. Did you miss them? ;)

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Sorry, but this thread just needed a little list I posted in a similar thread about a month ago:


I enjoy the Flashpoints and doing that together with people I know and trust.

I enjoy datacron hunting with that one crazy guildmember who keeps nagging about how I should help him get this or that 'cron he can't reach for some reason (like being body type 3)

I enjoy playing Star Fox, I mean.. space dailies to try and save up for that orange pilot's gear which reminds me way too much of Luke's uniform from the original trilogy.

I enjoy crafting armors as a synthweaver for my guildies and alts that need it.

I enjoy the Ilum and Belsavis dailies and the rewards they can give me.

I enjoy some random PVP from time to time (something WoW never was able to do for me I might add)

And as soon as we get a few more members to level 50, I am sure I will enjoy playing some Operations as well.


Now, a month later. I still enjoy a Flashpoint a few times a week. On Hardmodes these days though, but I still enjoy it.

I am nearly done hunting all 'crons but it was a blast to do it. Some were a real challenge to get and really rewarding once you achieved getting them.

Space Dailies is something I have stopped doing many of, but whenever I have a few minutes to fill untill I wait for a guildie to log on, I gladly fill it with Star Fox.

Synthweaving is still fun, even more so now that I am saving mats and getting as much orange items as possible that I can try to crit craft once 1.2 hits. And the added depth of the Rakata craftables makes Hardmodes even more fun to do.

The Ilum and Belsavis dailies have, by now, become a bit of a bore. But hey, if you need quick cash or have 1 or 2 friends to steamroll through them with untill the 4th logs on for an FP, it is a great time sink with good credit rewards.

PVP has really dragged me in and I notice myself trying to get that weekly done every week as well as try and get the daily done on as many days as possible.

And the Operations have not gotten off the ground just yet, but we do plan on one in the very near future. You know, casual guilds don't really make their players power level that much.


Oh.. and I barely spend any time on any of my alts. Most 1 night a week. And I do play every day of the week at least a few hours.


Sorry, this game is keeping me interested at level 50.


PS. and Conclusion: This game has more different stuff to do than most other MMO I have ever been in. It is just the diversity that makes some people unsure what to do I guess... I mean, I was an anti-PVP player before this game. But I accepted that PVP was one of the things to do in this game and realised it was fun. So I did it!


This game is best consumed in bite sizes.. and not too focused on one aspect or the other. If you focus on PVP or PVE, you steamroll to max rewards in a matter of days. But if you just take everything in and play relaxed (casual some might say) but still serious, you will have a blast.


I guess it's a matter of perspective and what you expect out of a game.

Edited by Devlonir
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If you're running out of things to do in this game, then you're either:


A) Unsocial and are used to the queue system to do everything in WoW.

B) In a Guild that isn't active and doesn't do anything together.

C) A person that thinks that an enjoyable experience requires no effort on your part.

D) All of the above



I'm sorry, but if you can honestly sit here and say that once you hit 50 there is nothing to do, you're sadly mistaken. I'm actually engaged in this game and our guild is having a blast together. We even did some PvP the other night with 3 different 4 man groups queuing up at the same time in attempts to be on the same team, or be pitted against each other. We had 4-5 matches against each other and it was an absolute blast.


Then we broke off and started datacron farming along with material grinding for craftables, etc. You see, the game is what YOU make of it ... you don't need to be spoon fed everything to enjoy the game, and you damn sure don't have to stand in a main city or the Fleet waiting for queues to pop for everything.


I'm loving it ... and that says a lot because I'm still the biggest WoW fanboy on the planet.

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You can do them with a friend in 2 hours then it's the same ones everyday!

Does not change the fact that Op either have missed them, or simply forgot to add to the endless river of tears he/she posted. ;)

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If you're running out of things to do in this game, then you're either:


A) Unsocial and are used to the queue system to do everything in WoW.

B) In a Guild that isn't active and doesn't do anything together.

C) A person that thinks that an enjoyable experience requires no effort on your part.

D) All of the above


You're making a lot of assumptions, most incorrect of course.

A) you can jump up and down all you want, but if no one is doing lvl50 HMs, then you're screwed. Empire side this wasn't an issue, republic, it was a serious problem.


B) do what exactally? You listed warzones for your guild.. do you do anything else? If so, what? My guild is all over the map, and the 50s there aren't on all the time, so getting a good run going is hard/impossible.


C) yes, I'm that sarcastic remarked person you described. It didn't take any effort to get to 50.. twice, and to get flashpoints going where I could.


Thoughtless comments get you little credit. I asked for a bit of input, and most gave good information back. Saying that there's lots and lots and lots of stuff to do doesn't make it so.


I see a HUGE number of my friend back in wow when we were craving something new. Why?


Just wanted to see if others felt the same way...

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What's different on wow comparing raids leaving aside the group finder? People thinking every new mmo is going to be a whole new experience ( even though they personally don't know what they want) are in for a big surprise. Swtor has different things but it's on the same basic formula, every new mmo has that same core.
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What's different on wow comparing raids leaving aside the group finder?


Well the lvling experience in swtor shines. Companions, the storyline quests, etc are really well done. But ping 50 and it goes downhill fast.


So core or not, they did an exceptional job on the lvling side, but personally, I didn't realize how much the high end tasks kept me involved.

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If you're running out of things to do in this game, then you're either:


A) Unsocial and are used to the queue system to do everything in WoW.

B) Not in a Guild or in a Guild that isn't active and doesn't do anything together.

I fall into these 2 categories, I have 2 friends that log on maybe twice a week and we are slowly leveling characters together.


I also have 2 50's that I soloed the entire way which never get played anymore. I'm to old to make internet acquaintances and not intersted in joining a guild to me gaming is for enjoyment and not a form of socializing.


I wish there was more to keep me interested when my 2 friends are offline, I have been pushing for months solo versions of FP's that you could run with 3 companions. That would add an element of grind, character progression, and keep a player busy for months that didnt require grouping with other players. I enjoy MMO's for the chat (sometimes), WZ's, & access to the GTN but once you hit 50 if your friends arent on there really is very little to do. I dont see myself staying beyond the 6 month mark even though BW has claimed this is a solo friendly game the love stops at 50.

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