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Interpreting item modifications


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I've been playing for a while, but just had a conversation with a friend who recently started, and I realized that I can't answer all his questions. I consulted with my better half, who pays closer attention to these things than I do, and her response was "enh, dunno". So, the last resort: asking teh intarwebz.


When looking at a modification that's been slotted into an orange/custom item, it shows up something like this on the item:

Enhancement (42)
   +6 Epeen


The tooltip for the modification itself is like this:

Smiling Bob Enhancement 33
  Total Stats:
     +6 Epeen

  Requires Level 67


(Actual names and values may be fictitious.)


In the specific case of armor and weapons, there's an additional "rating" number, determined entirely by the hilt/barrel/armoring socket, which in turn determines the actual armor value or damage range, respectively. That's totally clear and we're leaving that aside.


I know that the "33" is just the grade number of the mod. They're entirely sequential and have no relevance to anything except other grades of the same mod. I also know -- and I think I got my buddy to understand this too, but he seemed fuzzy -- how there are multiple levels of quality/rarity at the same grade. REing a green can teach a crafter how to make a blue of the same grade (33) but with better stats (+8 epeen), and so on from blue to purple.


Here's the thing that I couldn't answer: what's the "42" that appears only on the orange tooltip, after the modification has been socketed? Sometimes it happens to be the same as the sum of all the item stats from that mod, but often it's different. It doesn't seem to be related to the character level required to use the mod, or the crafting skill needed to produce it.


Followup questions: can that "42" be predicted just from looking at the modification item's tooltip? Is it even useful to do so?

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There are 3 numbers.


The first is the name of the item, i.e Epeen modification 12. These are sequential (1 to 23 atm), and do not change with quality (green, blue, etc.).


Another number is the level. As you might expect this is the level at which you can use the mod, although I got a piece of orange equipment requiring level 30, which I could use, which had came equipped with level 32 mods, which I should not have been able to use. The equipment level overrode the mod level and I was able to equip the item. In hindsight, I don't know if the mods were active when I first used it.


Level may decrease with quality, i.e. the higher the quality the lower level it can be used. I haven't noticed this on everything, but then I haven't really looked.


Finally, there is the uberness number. This rates the quality based on other items of the same type. The higher the number the better it is, in general. Obviously the stats it has will have an impact on whether or not it's better for you. I assume that 135 (136?) is the top number in the game, since I've seem a few elitist LFG's requiring that for an invite to group.

Edited by Bammur
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Actually, my interpretation of that number is as a rating of the levels best suited that mod. Note, I didn't say the level for that mod. So... it seems to be an indicator for what levels should be using that mod. For example: (44) means that levels 43-45 should be using that mod. It does not mean that this is a level 45 mod.


That said, purples skew that rating a little because the are very high in the associated attribs. So a (44) could and would be used at levels much higher depending on the characters needs.


But generally, I see it as just another way to compare mods. Pretty handy too as it, at a glance, shows me which mods need to considered for upgrades without having to right click the item for the specifics on that mod.

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A good way to look at it is considering a green as the "base" for it's level.


A blue version is about equal (give or take a point) to the green mod ahead of it (which means the same stats only equippable two character levels earlier). A purple one, two mods ahead (so 4 levels earlier).


So a green Reflex Armoring 8 is about the same as a blue Reflex 7, or a purple Reflex 6.


Torhead's not bad for this.


Here's the green Reflex 8. It cant be used till 21st level.




Here's the blue Reflex 7. About the same stats (actually a tiny bit better) but this can be used at 19th.




And finally a purple Reflex 6. Again, about the same stats but now it's usable at 15th level- giving you the basic 21st-level stats for an item 4 levels earlier.




Hope that helps!

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Another number is the level. As you might expect this is the level at which you can use the mod, although I got a piece of orange equipment requiring level 30, which I could use, which had came equipped with level 32 mods, which I should not have been able to use. The equipment level overrode the mod level and I was able to equip the item. In hindsight, I don't know if the mods were active when I first used it.


It's worth noting that if you'd removed the mods from that item, you wouldn't be able to use them normally- up to and including plugging them right back into it -as long as the mods were too high to normally use. Stuff like this is generally a nice bonus if you get it right at the "sweet spot", though you may want to replace any greens in it with a blue or purple modification you can actually install.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm looking for a comprehensive list of which modification goes best for which class/specialization/roll. Any one able to fill in all the blanks:


Commando = Vanguard/Powertech (defense)

Might =

Reflex = Commando/Mercenary (heals)

Resolve = Sage/Sorcerer (heals)

Skill =

Force Wielder =

Guardian =

Patron =

Power =

Rage =

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I'm looking for a comprehensive list of which modification goes best for which class/specialization/roll. Any one able to fill in all the blanks:


I don't think you need a list like that


Out of the 4 primary stats you should know which is the correct for your class. Always the same for same class.


Then for hilt/barrel/armoring and to some extent mods it is a choice between one that has more of your primary stat than endurance or one with more endurance than primary stat.


if you're a tank / wish to maximize survivability/hp

Take more endurance than primary stat


if you're dps/healer / wish to maximize your damage output/healing

Take more primary stat than endurance


For enhancement (and mods when you start getting secondary stats on them), pick ones that support your spec/role.


And so on...

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I'm looking for a comprehensive list of which modification goes best for which class/specialization/roll. Any one able to fill in all the blanks:


Commando = Vanguard/Powertech (defense)

Might =

Reflex = Commando/Mercenary (heals)

Resolve = Sage/Sorcerer (heals)

Skill =

Force Wielder =

Guardian =

Patron =

Power =

Rage =


The biggest difference between mods, etc, that have the same stats is which has more primary stat or more endurance. You could be DPS and use the ones with more endurance, or go with the one with more primary stat. Although in my view if youre DPS or a healer, go with the primary stat, tanks would look for more endurance.

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Back to the original question... the number you are refering to would be the item level of the mod (seen them up to 52 think), which is silly and confusing and should just be replaced with the tier number (1-23)


Since you cant even see a mod item level number untill it is slotted I usually compare mods either by tier number or by rating.

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I'm looking for a comprehensive list of which modification goes best for which class/specialization/roll. Any one able to fill in all the blanks:


Commando = Vanguard/Powertech (defense)

Might =

Reflex = Commando/Mercenary (heals)

Resolve = Sage/Sorcerer (heals)

Skill =

Force Wielder =

Guardian =

Patron =

Power =

Rage =


I use Force Wielder on my Shadow.


My friend has a Scoundrel and she uses the Patron.


Another friend of mine use the Guardian on his Jedi Guardian.

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Rakata Mods are rating 140, 25 and 58... all at the same time.. so I can see how it would be confusing.


Lets take a Rakata Might Armor mod that I got as a drop a few days ago:


Advanced Might Armoring 25

(this 25 is the *name* of the mod, this ranges from 1 to 25, I believe you can only learn to craft up to 22)


Armor rating 140

(this determines the amount of armor that it will provide, further changed by the type of armor that it is put into, ie. heavy, light or medium.)


When it is inserted into a piece of armor and you look at the tooltip for that armor it will be listed as (58) which is the effective "level" of the mod.

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That number is completely irrelevant. Just look at the stats.


... except if that number is on hilts, barrels or armouring. In which case it directly affects the weapon damage or armour value. So you might be happy to take a small decrease on pure stats if it gives you much higher weapon damage or armour.

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I'm looking for a comprehensive list of which modification goes best for which class/specialization/roll. Any one able to fill in all the blanks:


Commando = Aim/End : Less Aim, more End,

Might = Str/End : More Str, less End

Reflex = Aim/End : More Aim, less End

Resolve = Wil/End : More End, Less Wil

Skill = Cunning/End : More Cunning, less End

Force Wielder = Wil/End : More Wil, less End

Guardian = Str/End : More End, less Str

Patron = Cunning/End : More End, less Cunning


The Mods have differnet names, but "Deft" mods are +str, +end, +crit while "power" mods are +str, +end, +power (the values are the same, only change is the crit or power), all the mods work like that, but I dont remember all the names of them.


Enhancements are a little different, they are your main source of secondary stats like power, crit, surge and the like. Most also have +end in greater or lesser amounts.

Edited by Tickdoff-Tank
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... except if that number is on hilts, barrels or armouring. In which case it directly affects the weapon damage or armour value. So you might be happy to take a small decrease on pure stats if it gives you much higher weapon damage or armour.


If it's hilts barrel, or armoring, look at the damage or armor number, that will tell you what you need to know. The mod number is still irrelavent.

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If it's hilts barrel, or armoring, look at the damage or armor number, that will tell you what you need to know. The mod number is still irrelavent.


It is not actually "irrelevant" as that number is still a direct progression from other items with the same, but lesser, stats. So if you had a Might hilt 21 and a Guardian Hilt 21, the only difference is the amount of str and end that each provide. But a Might Hilt 22 is better in every way to a Might hilt 21. They both provide Str and End, but the 22 version will do more damage and give more str and end than the 21. (assuming they are both of the same quality, ie blue/purple/green)


But, if you have a "battle enhancement 22" and "battle enhancement 22a" then expect to see different stats.


The only time the name "battle enhancement 22" matters thoug, is when you are browsing the acution house and are looking for specific things.

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Hope that helps!


Actually, as I wrote in the OP, the green->blue->purple thing is well understood and not what we're asking about. But thank you anyhow.


The "(42)", as it happens, remains the same whether the modification is green, blue, or purple. So the quality of the modification is irrelevant here.

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As said by another (when discussing the rak mods), the (42) is the relative level of the item mod. It always displays as one level higher than the minimum required level shown on the mod itself, before it gets inserted into the gear. So, in this example, that e-peen mod has a required level of 41 to equip. This is important, as if you get a gear that says required level 39, but it has all mods of (42), do not remove them if you want to use them. You will not be able to re-equip them until you make level 41, at least.
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