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Guild Summit: Mac users better really want it...


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Play 90% more games 90% better?




Saves you half the money of an overpriced mac?


I'm not spending your money, I'm spending mine. Sorry if you can't have a Mac.


You can build one yourself the way you want it?


Only enthusiasts do this. Mainstream (i.e. the huge majority) don't even upgrade their computers in their lifecycle let alone build them... because they don't care and it ultimately doesn't matter. Convenience and reliability win the day, every day. Especially going forward.

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I'm not spending your money, I'm spending mine. Sorry if you can't have a Mac.




Only enthusiasts do this. Mainstream (i.e. the huge majority) don't even upgrade their computers in their lifecycle let alone build them... because they don't care and it ultimately doesn't matter. Convenience and reliability win the day, every day. Especially going forward.


Not for PC gaming. PC gaming is still a huge, huge market, and will be for a very long time, and you'll find that the PC gamers who play games like the first person shooters, Skyrim, Deus Ex, any other high end gaming tend to upgrade their computers. It doesn't matter if casual games like Sims, Angry Birds, Infinity Blade are on the rise, because High end gaming is on the rise as well. Developers are not going to say 'hey lets make another Infinity Blade that sold $5 Million, and not make an RPG that made $55 Million, and sold another $8 million from a game made in 2007 because of the sequel. (Talking about The Witcher 1 and 2 here)



You keep on saying that PC gaming is dying, which is something that has been said for nearly 30 years, yet it keeps on growing. All evidence points to that it will keep on growing, all the professionals say it will keep on growing. Main Stream, casual gaming will also keep on growing, and the Indie market is definitely growing as well and they do a good job at making games for the Mac as well. High End gaming on the PC is not going to end all of the sudden or even slowly, it is way to lucrative for that to happen, and High End PC gamers want certain things that Macs cannot provide, neither can the console provide. The day that consoles provide everything that a PC can do for gaming, is the day I will admit that PC gaming could be on the way out, but until then there is no sign that the consoles, or even Apple will ever provide high end PC gamers the things they require, which is why high end PC gaming will not go away.

Edited by Wolfeisberg
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Mainstream consumers, which are the future of gaming, do not build boxes. Even today.


You are a niche antiquity of you think that people go out and upgrade their PCs, let alone build them, on a regular basis.


People prefer to simply buy and replace... and since so many people are moving over to Mac from Windows due to their exposure to the iOS, it's only a matter of time before they realize there really was a better way all along, and they've been suffering. Most people will pay a small premium for that, and it's worth every penny. You can just use your computer, not futz with it.


Your kind has a loud wakeup call coming, with the rest of the PC industry.


See you at 25% share....



dude. the mac pro has been more or less discontinued. maybe you think gamers are going to want to play on laptops, phones and tablets but here is your wake up call... they aren't.

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I'm not spending your money, I'm spending mine. Sorry if you can't have a Mac.


i have a mac. i own a quad core mac pro with a blackmagic decklink extreme 3d HD card and lm-2461w flanders scientific monitor. it's decent.


my rig at home is windows based and built on a dual quad core supermicro server board. i play swtor on it on the weekends.


sorry that you can't have swtor on your pos mac. so sorry. QQ

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Keep telling yourself that because it's a straight lie. ... Steve Jobs built the cult of Apple and it's been a very successful business practice. ... You apple users are stuck in the 90s back when the crap pile of win95 and win98 were prominent. ... Your "overpowered" macpro is just an overpriced intel PC with severe limits on internal hardware.


I state why I like Macs, and you turn into a hater. I guess haters gonna hate. It's what they do.

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I state why I like Macs, and you turn into a hater. I guess haters gonna hate. It's what they do.
Yes continue to ignore all the flaws I've pointed out and just tell yourself that I'm a hater and haters gotta hate...


Like I said before this "hater" is in charge of a mixed environment, repairs macs and also used to run OSx. This "hater" thinks that Apple produces the best mainstream notebook on the market. This "hater" thinks that the ipad has opened up a new market that other previous attempts had failed at (like the newton). This "hater" thinks that Steve Jobs did some pretty damned amazing things. This "hater" conceded that macs were superior in hardware design and software security till about a decade ago.


EDIT: Apple also has phenomenal customer service.. if you buy the plan. Steve Jobs is legendary for personally responding to customer complaints.

Edited by Tool_of_Society
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Mac vs PC arguments are pointless.


Why are you trying to persuade people to go one way or the other?


The fact of the matter is, that unless a large percentage of software companies build their software to support Mac OS's NATIVELY, then Mac's will never and I mean never become a larger market share than PC's.


That's just the way it is and will stay that way unless software developers change their mind. (good luck changing their mind.)

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Mac vs PC arguments are pointless.


Why are you trying to persuade people to go one way or the other?


The fact of the matter is, that unless a large percentage of software companies build their software to support Mac OS's NATIVELY, then Mac's will never and I mean never become a larger market share than PC's.


That's just the way it is and will stay that way unless software developers change their mind. (good luck changing their mind.)

Basically you have a catch 22 of epic proportions. Apple's big hope right now is to get their iOS all over the place so as to force developers to start doing iOS related work. Doing so will get the developers one step away from full on OSx development. The next step will be to make iOS and OSx into one operating system package allowing for nearly unprecedented cross platforming. I believe that MS sees this and is trying to keep their dominance by pushing win8 to tablets and eventually phones (windows is already on phones but it has a tiny market share). Edited by Tool_of_Society
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Zero fallacies. All facts. Just because you don't like them...


Zero fallacies? Do you know what fallacies are? Here let me show you the definition for this one:


ad ho·mi·nem/ˈad ˈhämənəm/


(of an argument or reaction) Arising from or appealing to the emotions and not reason or logic.

Attacking an opponent's motives or character rather than the policy or position they maintain.


You attacked me whilst avoiding my post on the matter... That sir is a fallacy. You get nothing, good day!

Edited by darthdoll
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Hmm. I didn't think the Mac I bought was overpriced; that means it isn't.


It would be nice to have a Mac Port, but I don't see it happening soon, if ever. Bioware can't seem to handle what they've got, never mind adding another OS to program for. Hate to say it, but at this point, I' be satisfied with them trying to do something interesting within the game and spending resources firing their writers and hiring new ones.

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Hmm. I didn't think the Mac I bought was overpriced; that means it isn't.




Just because you think what you bought wasn't overpriced, doesn't mean that it isn't.


That's like saying our thoughts are what makes reality! trippy........ but can you prove thoughts = reality?

Edited by iResist
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To answer all those arguments - What can Mac/PC do that a Mac/PC Can's.


I work for apple as a lead tech, not trying to be an internet know it all, just giving you a little bit of my background to verify what I'm about to say.


PC's hold every advantage over an Apple computer in every way possible as far as hardware goes.


Imac, Mac Mini, Mac Pro, Macbook, Macbook pro - all Apple computers - and the only things you can upgrade in them is RAM and Hard drive size. Period. The motherboards are made to support only one type of processor and video card support is HUGELY limited.


Macintosh computers can not run SLI or Crossfire.


Macintosh computers are no longer the go to computer for video editing either, first because PC's can run SLI and Crossfire for much better graphics performance, and the new Intel Sandy Bridge processors on the 1155 socket (which apple does not have nor plans on getting) has the quick sync technology.




Just look at Pixar - they are owned by apple pretty much and they use Sun systems and Linux based systems for their rendering farms, and HP for their animation computers.





Macs have one thing and one thing only better than a Windows PC - Their Operating system and it's security. Even then a Linux PC is better at that, and is close to being easier to use on top of it. Ubuntu is progressing very fast and is becoming more of a viable home user OS every day now.


You take the best Mac computer you can buy - and I'll build a PC that's twice as powerful for one third the price.


I agree 100%, would also love to see a linux client but we know that will never happen.

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If you want to play video games, you should not buy a mac.


Just like


If you want to work with multimediatools, you should not buy a PC. But instead a MAC. the fact that you even CAN bootcamp and dualboot should suit both needs but YEAH ofcourse it's gonna cost more then 1 machine. Us PC users cannot do this (not legaly anyway).

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dude. the mac pro has been more or less discontinued. maybe you think gamers are going to want to play on laptops, phones and tablets but here is your wake up call... they aren't.


Things are changing slowly... that's all I can really tell you.

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Basically you have a catch 22 of epic proportions. Apple's big hope right now is to get their iOS all over the place so as to force developers to start doing iOS related work. Doing so will get the developers one step away from full on OSx development. The next step will be to make iOS and OSx into one operating system package allowing for nearly unprecedented cross platforming. I believe that MS sees this and is trying to keep their dominance by pushing win8 to tablets and eventually phones (windows is already on phones but it has a tiny market share).


And this is in fact what is happening.


The first casualty will be proprietary methods and APIs like DirectX. It's happening already.

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Just because you think what you bought wasn't overpriced, doesn't mean that it isn't.


That's like saying our thoughts are what makes reality! trippy........ but can you prove thoughts = reality?


What the hell are you talking about? It's all in the perspective of the purchaser... my Mac was IN FACT not overpriced... it was under priced. I gauge that based on the value I derive and return on investment. What's the direct ROI on your "gaming rig" lol?

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Someone doesn't know what a fallacy is


PC gaming is doing great btw, go ask Blizzard or Valve


Mac gaming? Yea not so much


Mac gaming is doing great, btw... go ask Blizzard or Valve


Also, there are more and more console-only titles, not to mention developers hopping on the iOS bandwagon and avoiding Microsoft API decisions for their engines so that they can deploy to more platforms, not less.



Edited by Lethality
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And this is in fact what is happening.


The first casualty will be proprietary methods and APIs like DirectX. It's happening already.

Funny you should mention that since Apple products are built on proprietary methods while MS has actually been reaching out to the open source community the last several years.
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Funny you should mention that since Apple products are built on proprietary methods while MS has actually been reaching out to the open source community the last several years.


Darwin. WebKit.


Are you really going to start some inane open/closed platform beef while citing Microsoft, of all companies?

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