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Thanks for making Mercs worthless in 1 v 1


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Pyro - Ya, it's nice for kiling people at a far. Once glowy stick gets on you, you're dead. You're dots don't kill em fast enough, and most of them get shields that completely absorb all the dmg for a good duration of time? My shield only abosorbs 25% dmg. Pretty cool that these classes get these abilities and can hit like a truck. Our survivability with pyro is crap.


Arsenal - I can hit like a truck if someone leaves me alone. Once glowy sticks get on me, my tracer missle is pretty much worthless. I can expect constant interupts. Muzzle flutting doesn't do crap for me. Murader hits me and always interupts my tracer while doing awesome dmg. Sins, get interupts they use and CCs.


I'm retiring my bh, At least in pvp. It's pretty worthless. Every class has an escape ability except us. Why are we an acception? Every class has awesome shields except for us. Why? Ya, I wear heavy armor, but when these melee are criting for 4k plus, what does it matter? That's with BM gear too. I don't mind someone being able to CC me, but at least let us get our freaking abilities off, or give us different dmg abilities that doesn't require us to rely so heavily on one ability that can be constantly interrupted.

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there's a simple solution to your pyro/arsenal problem.


its called green pewpew.


Once you have green pewpew, you're the best single target healer in the game, and all the tanks on your team latch themselves onto your balls and then never let go.


Your green pewpew brings all the tanks to the yard, and they're like "We are not gonna let that guy die. guard/taunt/aoe stun"

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Pyro - Ya, it's nice for kiling people at a far. Once glowy stick gets on you, you're dead. You're dots don't kill em fast enough, and most of them get shields that completely absorb all the dmg for a good duration of time? My shield only abosorbs 25% dmg. Pretty cool that these classes get these abilities and can hit like a truck. Our survivability with pyro is crap.


Arsenal - I can hit like a truck if someone leaves me alone. Once glowy sticks get on me, my tracer missle is pretty much worthless. I can expect constant interupts. Muzzle flutting doesn't do crap for me. Murader hits me and always interupts my tracer while doing awesome dmg. Sins, get interupts they use and CCs.


I'm retiring my bh, At least in pvp. It's pretty worthless. Every class has an escape ability except us. Why are we an acception? Every class has awesome shields except for us. Why? Ya, I wear heavy armor, but when these melee are criting for 4k plus, what does it matter? That's with BM gear too. I don't mind someone being able to CC me, but at least let us get our freaking abilities off, or give us different dmg abilities that doesn't require us to rely so heavily on one ability that can be constantly interrupted.


Should of went powertech... They awesome 1 v 1

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there's a simple solution to your pyro/arsenal problem.


its called green pewpew.


Once you have green pewpew, you're the best single target healer in the game, and all the tanks on your team latch themselves onto your balls and then never let go.


Your green pewpew brings all the tanks to the yard, and they're like "We are not gonna let that guy die. guard/taunt/aoe stun"


My first response to your post ... LOL.


"Green pewpew" was definately worth a good chuckle.


My second response to your post is that not enough tanks have yet come to realize this. Only the better players have. Unless I play with a very select group of players I never get the guard bubble. I instead see it placed on some dps player instead.


Why do they do it? Because they think it is better to give some guildy the shield vs the team healer or they give it to the speed run in the hope that the shield will get them past most of the flack if I continue to heal the tank and only the tank while the speed runner hawls *** with the ball.


The problem with that strategy is two fold. One, you assume I can read your mind and know ahead of time that is the game plan. Odds are nobody will say a word and I have to assume. And two, the tank will quickly get out of range of my heals in a vain attempt to keep the bubble on the ball handler.


So either I jump off the scaffold and chase the tank (which turns me into instant target) or I say to hell with it and heal the team.


Yes, the better approach is to team with the tank and let the speed runners get past the intitial line of traps. Short of CC stunlocked, you can keep the tank and yourself alive and odds are half the opposing team will be split between killing the tank and killing you.


Your job with the tank is to survive the intitial wave. Once the tank passes the ball off, the pressure is instantly off. At that point you can full heal up and tap off any damage to your team mates in the immediate area.


Once the ball handler scores, you just rinse and repeat. Get three scores in a row and it is game over. The opposing team will start to leave and put up no offense after the second score.

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My second response to your post is that not enough tanks have yet come to realize this. Only the better players have. Unless I play with a very select group of players I never get the guard bubble. I instead see it placed on some dps player instead.


Why do they do it? Because they think it is better to give some guildy the shield vs the team healer or they give it to the speed run in the hope that the shield will get them past most of the flack if I continue to heal the tank and only the tank while the speed runner hawls *** with the ball.


Depends on the map but quite often its best to give the guard to someone at the same attack range as you (tanks are generally going to hang out in melee range) *UNTIL* you actually get the huttball or whatever. This is because guard has a relatively short range.

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My first response to your post ... LOL.


"Green pewpew" was definately worth a good chuckle.


My second response to your post is that not enough tanks have yet come to realize this. Only the better players have. Unless I play with a very select group of players I never get the guard bubble. I instead see it placed on some dps player instead.


Why do they do it? Because they think it is better to give some guildy the shield vs the team healer or they give it to the speed run in the hope that the shield will get them past most of the flack if I continue to heal the tank and only the tank while the speed runner hawls *** with the ball.


The problem with that strategy is two fold. One, you assume I can read your mind and know ahead of time that is the game plan. Odds are nobody will say a word and I have to assume. And two, the tank will quickly get out of range of my heals in a vain attempt to keep the bubble on the ball handler.


So either I jump off the scaffold and chase the tank (which turns me into instant target) or I say to hell with it and heal the team.


Yes, the better approach is to team with the tank and let the speed runners get past the intitial line of traps. Short of CC stunlocked, you can keep the tank and yourself alive and odds are half the opposing team will be split between killing the tank and killing you.


Your job with the tank is to survive the intitial wave. Once the tank passes the ball off, the pressure is instantly off. At that point you can full heal up and tap off any damage to your team mates in the immediate area.


Once the ball handler scores, you just rinse and repeat. Get three scores in a row and it is game over. The opposing team will start to leave and put up no offense after the second score.



while I appreciate your comment, there's a simple solution to the wall of text you wrote, and you provided it yourself in the second sentence. Only the better players have.


so be friends/guildies with better players. Its not a pvp game or a pve game or an fps or even rpg. its an MMO, and MMOs, before anything else, are social games.


Nobody makes you solo queue.


Hell, I never solo queue, and I'm a tank that guards healers. You need to be friendly with someone like me.

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Arsenal - I can hit like a truck if someone leaves me alone. Once glowy sticks get on me, my tracer missle is pretty much worthless. I can expect constant interupts.


What about using your other abilites when you get interrupted i.e. powershot, Fusion Missile, explosive probe, xxxx

Edited by BobaFurz
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Pyro - Ya, it's nice for kiling people at a far. Once glowy stick gets on you, you're dead. You're dots don't kill em fast enough, and most of them get shields that completely absorb all the dmg for a good duration of time? My shield only abosorbs 25% dmg. Pretty cool that these classes get these abilities and can hit like a truck. Our survivability with pyro is crap.


Arsenal - I can hit like a truck if someone leaves me alone. Once glowy sticks get on me, my tracer missle is pretty much worthless. I can expect constant interupts. Muzzle flutting doesn't do crap for me. Murader hits me and always interupts my tracer while doing awesome dmg. Sins, get interupts they use and CCs.


I'm retiring my bh, At least in pvp. It's pretty worthless. Every class has an escape ability except us. Why are we an acception? Every class has awesome shields except for us. Why? Ya, I wear heavy armor, but when these melee are criting for 4k plus, what does it matter? That's with BM gear too. I don't mind someone being able to CC me, but at least let us get our freaking abilities off, or give us different dmg abilities that doesn't require us to rely so heavily on one ability that can be constantly interrupted.



Apparently you haven't played a sniper or Gunslinger as neither of those have any method to escape. Gunslingers shoot kick you in the nuts and attempt to get away. I played a smuggler, and trust me once someone is on you or the wonderful cover mechanism which is horribly bugged, you die.


Mercenary is like the Gunslinger with better armor, a better CC/stuns, and no crappy cover system. Not sure why you are upset.

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My second response to your post is that not enough tanks have yet come to realize this. Only the better players have. Unless I play with a very select group of players I never get the guard bubble. I instead see it placed on some dps player instead.


Thats not true. im terrible and I still try and keep the healer alive

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Apparently you haven't played a sniper or Gunslinger as neither of those have any method to escape. Gunslingers shoot kick you in the nuts and attempt to get away. I played a smuggler, and trust me once someone is on you or the wonderful cover mechanism which is horribly bugged, you die.


Mercenary is like the Gunslinger with better armor, a better CC/stuns, and no crappy cover system. Not sure why you are upset.


I Lol'd At this........ Gunslinger, Dirty Fighting, even in just all champ gear, plus Hunker down and his defensive abilities up, IS FAR BETTER THAN ANY THING AN ARSEnal merc can do,, in PVP> Period. In a Duel, with yer cooldowns up and equal gear, 1 on 1 , equal buffs, u should win Every Single Time. If cover wasn't bugged in PVP Lethality and Dirtyfighting would destroy people when their stuff is off Cooldown.


Barring the cover problems, Hunker down is one of the strongest defensive abilities in the game for a pure dps spec, with the exception of course to the sent/maura 5 sec of God mode lol. Only real problems snipers have atm are - I think marks/sharp have too many 'ranged' dmg abilities, at least some of the follow ups in the rotation should be a diff type, and 2> the cover in place, and roll to cover bugs. If those two things were fixed, Gun/Sniper would be one of the most deadly Ac's in pvp, hands down.

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I don't understand why everyone needs to be "balanced" . Merc's can destroy almost any class in a matter of seconds. So, they have to have some sort of weakness, and yours is you dont have very good maneuverability. Don't complain about it, just adapt. You are basically saying you want your class to be all powerful.. Just. Stop.
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Mercs have tools that make them fairly viable 1v1. Yet the best thing to do is not find yourself in 1v1 situations. Even if you are in the middle burning someone down, keep moving with others.


In the end, though, all you have to do is look at the makeup of classes in warzones. BH's are getting harder and harder to find. People can whine and moan all they want about tracer missile or whatever, but let's just say I doubt anyone has played a warzone and gone without a "mark of power" buff.


and yes, I know all the specs/tactics of BH's that make them more viable in PVP. Please save your breath. Yet we all know the truly easy class to play in PVP, and it has nothing to do with a "1 button spammer" others love to complain about (BTW...I have one, so pls don't tell me they are tough to play).

Edited by McGarnagle
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Mercs should move more. I seriously nail so many who are too busy squatting hoping for easy kills and not watching the field than I do the ones who kite and are aware.


Tracer is great, depending on the situation. But as soon as someone starts coming your way, stop casting, and move.


Otherwise it's an easy kill.

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Mercs should move more. I seriously nail so many who are too busy squatting hoping for easy kills and not watching the field than I do the ones who kite and are aware.


Tracer is great, depending on the situation. But as soon as someone starts coming your way, stop casting, and move.


Otherwise it's an easy kill.


Merc kiting ? please share yer wisdom. (i hope its not the ridiculous 2 second snare you are talking about

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I almost always solo queue and win most of my games. i dont think mercs are worthless in 1vs1, even though its a situation you dont want to put yourself in. personatly i like killing sorc/sage, once you pass the bubble its pretty fast to kill them if you save the stun for the force speed.
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As an Aresenal Merc in the 10 to 49 PVP bracket at level 43 now I can probably count on one hand the number of equal footing one on one fights I have lost in the last 10 levels.


The ones that jump out at me are:

  • Powertech Pyro
  • Sith Marauder
  • Jedi Sentinel


And I am not saying any player that uses those classes just one or two that I have run in to. I am finding that an Arsenal Bounty Hounter is pretty retard proof.

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totaly agree with you! also it feels like i'm wearing cloth not heavy armor, i die WAY to fast. Even with my 15% reduction...


that's because 98% of attack abilities bypass armor in this game...it don't mean ****! the only reason tank classes (or hybrids) have good survivability is the ALL DAMAGE MITIGATION talents they have available to them. it's why the spammable sorc bubble is so much better than our heavy armor and gives them decent survivability on the battlefield as well.

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