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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware, what are you thinking?


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No, Episodes 1-3 made a total mockery of Star Wars lore.


Don't like where Bioware is taking it? My advice is to raise several million dollars to outbid them on the license when it's up for renewal with Lucasfilm. In the meantime, your opinion has been noted and ignored.


Kind of like your childish prequal hate.

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Remember this is a STAR WARS GAME. LORE.. is based on star wars movies 1-6


Star Wars Knights of the old Republic 1 and 2,


and many many novels expanding on the lore.


StAR WARS THE OLD REPUBLIC 1 AND 2, story and lore established by bioware and lucas arts

Forbid! a light side reven, or exile, from equping darkside items and vice versa. now thats removed do to presure, why? This is a Star wars game to shape it any other way diminishes the originality from any other mmo or rpg.


Now there is also presure from some to have same gender romance , while that may firt with dragon age and mass effect ( lore created by bioware) it doesnt fit in the star wars universe, sorry it just doesnt. my opinion.



Bioware should consider carefuly straying from this path, i for one dont like where this is heading.

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Remember this is a STAR WARS GAME. LORE.. is based on star wars movies 1-6


Star Wars Knights of the old Republic 1 and 2,


and many many novels expanding on the lore.


StAR WARS THE OLD REPUBLIC 1 AND 2, story and lore established by bioware and lucas arts

Forbid! a light side reven, or exile, from equping darkside items and vice versa. now thats removed do to presure, why? This is a Star wars game to shape it any other way diminishes the originality from any other mmo or rpg.


Now there is also presure from some to have same gender romance , while that may firt with dragon age and mass effect ( lore created by bioware) it doesnt fit in the star wars universe, sorry it just doesnt. my opinion.



Bioware should consider carefuly straying from this path, i for one dont like where this is heading.


I was in agreance untill you piggy backed an anit-gay argument into your post. Keep your morals to yourself.




Edited by TKMaster
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I was in agreance untill you piggy backed an anit-gay argument into your post. Keep your morals to yourself.






Also where in the hell does it say there can't be same sex relationships in SWTOR lol? Im not championing the idea of same sex relations in SW:TOR but it's not gonna effect me in any way. I could honestly care less if they added or didnt add it into the game.


But coming on here talking about it doesn't fit? Please tell me why it wouldn't fit in this game? What imaginary rule can you possibly have as to why it can't happen?

Edited by Newsinz
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Remember this is a STAR WARS GAME. LORE.. is based on star wars movies 1-6


Star Wars Knights of the old Republic 1 and 2,


and many many novels expanding on the lore.


StAR WARS THE OLD REPUBLIC 1 AND 2, story and lore established by bioware and lucas arts

Forbid! a light side reven, or exile, from equping darkside items and vice versa. now thats removed do to presure, why? This is a Star wars game to shape it any other way diminishes the originality from any other mmo or rpg.


Now there is also presure from some to have same gender romance , while that may firt with dragon age and mass effect ( lore created by bioware) it doesnt fit in the star wars universe, sorry it just doesnt. my opinion.



Bioware should consider carefuly straying from this path, i for one dont like where this is heading.


It forbid them from using dark items but Crystals are not DArk or Light they never have been. And I don't see why as a Bounty Hunter I should be trapped into only using a red or an orange crystal when im not even a force crystal. I can see why for relics we have restrictions because they're impued with light or dark energies but Crystals aren't and its there for ridiculous.


People coming up with excuses at this point to point out lore have yet to cite a single lore based reason or explination of how a crystal has any sort of light / dark alignment. The movies Lore IS the base Canon Lore that this game and KOTOR 1 & 2 follows in most of its aspects and always will be. I frankly in KOTOR 1 dont remember Ever being forced into using a particular crystal color due to my alignment ever.


KOTOR 1 & 2 & Swtor are considered in Canon for a reason because they don't affect the progression up to Episode 1 and later 4.


Also your ridiculous stance on same sex romances makes no sense eitehr and you can keep you personal anti gay stance to yourself.

Edited by Kindara
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This completely befuddles me.


I spend a fair amount of time on these forums and I don't recall anyone anywhere asking for this. Its possible I might have missed it but this really came out of the blue.


I did. I want to be a Miraluka Inquisitor. No reason I shouldn't be able to be. They could be evil too.

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Kind of like your childish prequal hate.


Its not hate. They contradicted established lore, including that of the original movies. I could forgive the fact that they may make some of the novels obsolete, thats in the Canon clause, but Obi-Wan did not know Luke had a sister.

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Its not hate. They contradicted established lore, including that of the original movies. I could forgive the fact that they may make some of the novels obsolete, thats in the Canon clause, but Obi-Wan did not know Luke had a sister.


Actually they never said he did or didnt know, he sort of died way to soon for that. He also didnt tell Luke that Vader was his father so why reveal he has a sister who Obi Wan wanted to keep a secret from Vader. Telling Luke would of gaurenteed Vader found out and he'd of riped down the universe to either kill her or turn her.

Edited by Kindara
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I was in agreance untill you piggy backed an anit-gay argument into your post. Keep your morals to yourself.





I was against him as soon as he confused game mechanics with lore.


Plus yea, the anti-gay hate is pretty bad. I don't care if its in or not, and that's my opinion. But if you don't want it in, at least come up with a logical reason for it to not be in.

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Maybe I missed something somewhere, but, um, I didn't realize that MY Trooper was going to make it into the canon. I kinda figured the canon portion was the storylines of A Trooper or A Sith, the FPs, Ops and such forth. You know, the content which BW still has control over.


They write the stories, the toons just play them out. Unless you really feel like the Eternity Vault needs to be stormed 5k times in the canon.


I mean, that's cool too. I guess.


Make sure to get worked up about it though, that always helps.

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Now that it has been confirmed that getting a character of any race to 50 will allow you to roll that race as any class, I have to ask: Bioware, what are you thinking?


This is a HORRIBLE idea. It makes a total mockery of Star Wars lore, and will completely ruin the game's atmosphere and integrity. Simply from the perspective of a Republic player, I do not want to see a bunch of Purebloods and Chiss running around on Carrick Station, it will just look completely stupid.


It is lore breaking in the worst way and for the WORST reason: convenience. I for one am willing to forgo this "feature" until REAL new races are released...whether that be in the near future or several years down the road...or frankly...never.


This decision is so bad and so detrimental to the integrity of the game and even, given the fact that these games are being used these days as a source of "canon", to the Star Wars franchise as a whole, that this is something I would NEVER want to see in the game for any reason whatsoever.


For those who may think "well you have to have the race at level 50 to make one..." you should realize that that is an extremely minor limitation which will not significantly change the fact that you will be seeing an impossible number of these cross faction races running around once the patch hits.


I personally will not be able to suspend disbelief, and I ask that Bioware SERIOUSLY reconsiders this move, both for the health of the game and Star Wars as a whole. Star Wars is too significant and admired an IP to trifle with things like this simply so you can provide people with a "perk".


EDIT: Since so many people seem to want to pick and choose which aspects of this they want to respond to so they can have the last word without actually addressing the issue, and keep bringing up the notion that "there will always be X number of any race that switches to the other side etc. etc." without reading the 2 or 3 posts I made explaining why that is meaningless in the context of these changes, I will state reason that is so here.


Allowing that there will always be a percentage of a race that does not follow the normal political or ideological affiliations the majority holds...that is NOT what will be represented in the game if this change goes through. What we WILL see is an INORDINATE and UNBELIEVABLY large number of cross faction races, MUCH larger than anything that could EVER be explained by the idea that there will always be some who change sides.


That argument holds no water.




I agree whole hearty if this allowed in the game it just wont sit right. also how can a smuggler use force choke that is the so ridiculous, don't give me the line well the force runs in your family that is a load of bull****. if you use the force to harm others or to control others you are the dark side. you are ruining the immersion of the star wars franchise.

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I agree whole hearty if this allowed in the game it just wont sit right. also how can a smuggler use force choke that is the so ridiculous, don't give me the line well the force runs in your family that is a load of bull****. if you use the force to harm others or to control others you are the dark side. you are ruining the immersion of the star wars franchise.


Using Force Choke is Dark Side studies, you just need to be force sensitive to use it. Kyle Katarn used Force lightning and choke as a light side jedi.

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I agree whole hearty if this allowed in the game it just wont sit right. also how can a smuggler use force choke that is the so ridiculous, don't give me the line well the force runs in your family that is a load of bull****. if you use the force to harm others or to control others you are the dark side. you are ruining the immersion of the star wars franchise.


Yet another poster that doesnt know anything about Star Wars Cannon or Lore. Luke Skywalker easily use a blaster and a lightsaber but ultimately chose the lighsaber once he was trained. Does he break lore? No he doesn't. If his son was to choose to work for his Uncle Han Solo but still knows about the force in his family and likely picked up on things from his father and then in a moment of fear or heightened awareness use the force does that break cannon and lore? No because its always been said that force sensetivity runs in families. And guns any fool can pick those up and use one if they have no other weapon at their side to use.


Lets not forget that these abilities are Companion Heroic style abilities. You only get 1 per unlocked mirror type and you can only use it with an actitive companion. You can't use it in Ops since companions are not allowed and you can't use it in full groups since your companion is not active. Its also likely its like the other companion ability and a 20 - 30 min cool down OMG button and most likely its on a global cool down with the other companion heroic abilities or you can only chose 1 per alt.

Edited by Kindara
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In SW lore races are not bound to dark or light side of the Force and certain "abilities" are not bound to specific "side".


Being "dark" or "light" is a moral issue, a matter of consequences that your actions produce. There is no difference between force choking someone or shooting someone in the head. It is why you use such action, that makes it dark or light.


The issue with sort of non-Force classes in SWTOR being able to use certain Force abilities through Legacy system is completely with SW lore. And not just with Expanded Universe but directly with original trilogy. Leia wasn't trained as a Jedi yet she was still able to "hear/feel" Luke in Cloud City and also she felt he was her brother in that discussion on Endor. Through her lineage she inherited the Force sensitivity but due to lack of training her knowledge how to use it was very limited. In Expanded Universe that goes even further.

So technicaly we have a senator/diplomat who is able to "hear" her brother at great distances.


To conclude, Legacy system doesn't clash with any type of SW canon at the moment.

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All this does is help an Rper create a story for their character that won't have the lore police pulling them over. Force sensitivity runs in families and sometimes can be missed, what happens to a Jedi who fails their final test? Are they killed? No, some might move on into other occupations and i doubt the force is something that simply can be taken away.

Luke Skywalker used a blaster, Leia could sense whether her brother was dead or alive. Why fume over something so minor due to its implementation.


Star Wars and others Sci fi shows like it take place where millions of different species interact with one another so why can't we have omnisexuality ?

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Remember this is a STAR WARS GAME. LORE.. is based on star wars movies 1-6


Star Wars Knights of the old Republic 1 and 2,


and many many novels expanding on the lore.


StAR WARS THE OLD REPUBLIC 1 AND 2, story and lore established by bioware and lucas arts

Forbid! a light side reven, or exile, from equping darkside items and vice versa. now thats removed do to presure, why? This is a Star wars game to shape it any other way diminishes the originality from any other mmo or rpg.


Now there is also presure from some to have same gender romance , while that may firt with dragon age and mass effect ( lore created by bioware) it doesnt fit in the star wars universe, sorry it just doesnt. my opinion.



Bioware should consider carefuly straying from this path, i for one dont like where this is heading.



I mentioned dragon age 1 and 2 and mass effect both games I ADORE!!


all i said is no where in the Star wars Lore do you ever have referance or a notion of same gender romance. again My opinion,

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Not witstanding the fact that you are applying hyperbolic drama......


You are not the IP and Lore police, Lucas Arts is. ;)


If Lucas Arts approves it, that's good enough for me, being as they own the IP, the lore trademarks and they decide what is/is-not part of the lore and the IP


Ya we all know who well that worked out. Episodes 4-6 the Force was a strange arcaic power. Episodes 1-3 the Force was due to miticlorians....

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StAR WARS THE OLD REPUBLIC 1 AND 2, story and lore established by bioware and lucas arts

Forbid! a light side reven, or exile, from equping darkside items and vice versa. now thats removed do to presure, why? This is a Star wars game to shape it any other way diminishes the originality from any other mmo or rpg.


Now there is also presure from some to have same gender romance , while that may firt with dragon age and mass effect ( lore created by bioware) it doesnt fit in the star wars universe, sorry it just doesnt. my opinion.



Bioware should consider carefuly straying from this path, i for one dont like where this is heading.


What an absolute load of rubbish.


Revan and the Exile in KOTOR 1 & 2 were not forbidden from equipping red crystals if they were lightsided. The could even learn force lightning while being lightsided, they just dropped the points in the dark side skill.


The only item restricted to light/dark were the star forge robes off the top of my head. Any player could equip a red/blue double saber combo even if he was completely evil or good.


And now you want to complain about same gender romance which makes me think you're either a child or a religious fanatic. This is a modern day MMO for a modern world. In the same way you or I may not like to have only a gay relationship with your companions present, I'm sure homosexual players don't want only a straight relationship arc open to them. Their monthly sub is just as important as yours so why shouldn't they be catered for?


All the people shouting about red/dark and blue/light don't have a clue what they're talking about. It was used in the movies simply to emphasise the difference between the good guys and the bad.


Where in the film did Obi Wan or Yoda tell Luke "Make yourself a new lightsaber, but not a red one because thats evil and you won't be able to use it".


You have the option to equip whatever you want now. If you don't like it, just keep the one you do.

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Allowing that there will always be a percentage of a race that does not follow the normal political or ideological affiliations the majority holds...that is NOT what will be represented in the game if this change goes through. What we WILL see is an INORDINATE and UNBELIEVABLY large number of cross faction races, MUCH larger than anything that could EVER be explained by the idea that there will always be some who change sides.


That argument holds no water.



You're right. You should unsub.:rolleyes:

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