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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What are you farming/Selling to make credits?


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I just sell alot of the junk from doing missions, and the clothing if my character or companions cannot wear it to help them.

Otherwise stockpiles of 10-20 of the crew skill stuff after certain levels are achieved which means you no longer need the stuff.

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I get shouted down in this forum everytime I say this it seems.


If you're willing to spend the time, credits and be prepared for the frustration of Reverse Engineering, anything at 2nd tier will sell.

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I sell a variety of earrings, plus various bracers and belts. And some legs and helmets. And a few nifty looking orange styles. And some implants. I buy a decent amount of mats, so I guess they sell too.


Basically, all sorts of stuff can sell. Just a matter of looking at your local servers economy and finding what is open. About the only things I'd suggest not really bothering to craft would be level 49 armor mods and mods, due to the daily rewards and the amount of materials used to make those.

Edited by Battilea
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I made money by doing dailies ... 2m credits in 2 weeks, and I sold all those mods/ enhancements I got from the dailies for about 50k credits a piece. Dunno what the price on those are now though.


Other than that ... lvl 50 epics always work, or the blue biochem stims that last through death. Havent really tried anything else cause I got enough money from dailies



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All four of my toons have 400 slicing. Considering I can do at least two missions at once (5 at once on two characters) that's a lot of opportunity for crits, which give crafting missions on top of creditboxes... if you can get the 340 epic missions (wealthy yield) they are pretty much guaranteed to crit hard and give epic mats (the credits per minute of the lockboxes is incredibly ******... something like 30/min for t6 missions). There's always demand for the crafting missions since once you use the item and then run it, you can use another item to grant the mission again. Underworld traders buy the 340 missions for stupendous amounts of money for the Mandalorian Iron crits (because the bars sell for ~8-10k/ea on my server)


My lvl 17 Operative who just got her ship is sitting on a million and a half credits from selling crafting missions on the AH. I feel like I can't go to Nar Vegas or every thug and his mother will try to mug me >.>

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I sell heavy armor DPS bracers and belts, and Tank Bracers for 40k each, w/aug 75k each.


Market slowed down for a week but picked back up. I normally sell between 2 and 4 a day. It's not insane money but it's enough to keep my crew out harvesting. I don't really do dailies anymore. i'd rather have slow income then do daily grind. :-/

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All four of my toons have 400 slicing. Considering I can do at least two missions at once (5 at once on two characters) that's a lot of opportunity for crits, which give crafting missions on top of creditboxes... if you can get the 340 epic missions (wealthy yield) they are pretty much guaranteed to crit hard and give epic mats (the credits per minute of the lockboxes is incredibly ******... something like 30/min for t6 missions). There's always demand for the crafting missions since once you use the item and then run it, you can use another item to grant the mission again. Underworld traders buy the 340 missions for stupendous amounts of money for the Mandalorian Iron crits (because the bars sell for ~8-10k/ea on my server)


My lvl 17 Operative who just got her ship is sitting on a million and a half credits from selling crafting missions on the AH. I feel like I can't go to Nar Vegas or every thug and his mother will try to mug me >.>


I wont just mug you.. I tell a jawa to hug you :p

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The only thing that really sells is gathered materials that you pick up while out adventuring. They cost you basically nothing; so anything you get for them is profit. Other than Desh and Silica they are worth a little something too.


Outside of that, the only items I find profitable are low level items for high level players. Orange items can be made as low as 11th level, but high level characters get just as much use out of them as low level characters. The high level characters have large sums of money to buy the low level gear or may be leveling and financially supporting an alt.


Even making those can be challenging sometimes. In general I find that the cost of materials is greater than the price people are willing to pay for most items. I craft blue everything for my own alts, but sometimes I have a hard time finding materials to do even that much because I wait for a good sale on materials before I buy them. I occasionally resort to going and gathering my own materials because I can't find them for a reasonable price on the GTN.


I've only made a couple of purples. The material needed for those purples is so rare I can't make them for my own alts. (Not to mention how difficult and costly it is to get a purple schematic in the first place.) If I were to sell purple items it would be at a price so high that you would have to be 20 levels higher than the item making the item totally useless to you unless you are financing a low level alt and just want the minute advantage that a purple item gives you. Like I said, they are too costly to even make for myself; why would I make them for someone else?


Judging by what I see others selling on the GTN, I would say most crafters agree with me.


As a player, the only thing I really have any "demand" for are orange items, ship components, and modifications (enhancements, hilts, crystals, etc.) for my oranges. I find the bio-stuff so useless that I don't even bother making it for myself, although I hear a few people swear by them (maybe they like them for PvP). If I keep my oranges up to my level and keep my level high when going through an area of the game, I generally find I don't have any trouble winning fights. So, the tiny boost I get from stims and med-packs just simply doesn't make a difference. Total waste of time, I would say.


I "do" have some demand for companion gear. I tend to ignore their gear too often, but when I start realizing that they are undergeared, I'm usually in a hurry to get them geared up. Qyzen's techblade, for instance was something I probably would have been willing to shell out a little bit of money for if it weren't for the fact that I make them myself. I try to keep my companions with orange gear just like myself, but a lot of orange gear can't be worn/used by companions. As an example, I don't think there is an orange in the entire game for Qyzen's techblade. Now that I think about it, companion upgrades may be where the money is at. Maybe I should try selling those techblades.


I find synthweaving to be totally useless unless it's to craft orange items, which there are only a couple of.

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Biochem, Bioanalysis, and Diplomacy. I sell level 21 implants, and overflow materials, for just about 1 million per week. The trick is to check the GTN and see what is lacking. Once you find your niche, stick with it, and make small adjustments along the way.
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Biochem, Bioanalysis, and Diplomacy. I sell level 21 implants, and overflow materials, for just about 1 million per week. The trick is to check the GTN and see what is lacking. Once you find your niche, stick with it, and make small adjustments along the way.


I use to do this on Tarro Blood as well. Have somewhere around 30 tier 2 schematics of value from level 21-49. But the price that I can sell them at are too low to turn much of a profit anymore so I stopped (use to get 40-60k for lvl 49 now only 15k and sometimes even that will expire after 2 days).


Mostly I'll sell some overflow of mats or the odd ball blue or purple item I get. Purples I get from dailys on my jugg I've been feeding to my friend who has a Marauder that's close to 50. But once he has a starting set of gear I'll sell those as well. Also sold a rank 25 enhancement from HM EV that was rather oddly itemized (end, acc & surge or something like that) for 225k.

Edited by jamescloutier
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I've had an idea bouncing around in my head for a while now, and I've been farming mats so I can try it.


I'm going to start selling end-of-planet level purple gear.


I'm not going to sell purple crystals, in general, not because I think they'll sell - but because I won't have the mats with what I intend to put up.


As for enhancements and saber hilts? If we sold lots of purple L13 or L15 (for people new to Coruscant) for about, say, 1000, I think they'd sell. Ditto L19 (3000 creds) for pre-Taris, L25 (5000) pre-Nar Shaddaa, 31 (7000) for Alderaan, and the like.


I say pre-those-planets because if you do all the content and flashpoints, that's what level you are by those planets. If not, you'll be one planet behind, but 1k for a purple enhancement for starting Taris? Sold, imho.


I think people would buy these items at this level because if you buy a 19 purple, you're good stats-wise until a L23 Green.. then just buy another purple.


Treasure hunting 115 and 175 missions pop up with regularity on the GTN on my server - I buy every one I see. I'm sitting on 45 Chrysopaz and 28 Wind Crystals, and about 60 Ice Jewels right now.


Am I insane to try to corner the low-level market?

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Cunning items on my server, no one sells them. I know because my main is an agent. Find the void in the market and fill it. People will pay obscene amounts for basic things (although I honestly try not to overcharge).
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Corner yes. Specialize in or cater to? Nope, not at all.


I say corner because on my server, no one's selling any of those items at all.. i'd have it cornered by default. :) I just didn't know if the reason no one sold is because there's no profit in it, or that they didn't want to take the time ...


Also seems like it'd be a good idea to make another alt or two, have them run nothing but TH missions, and feed 'em creds. :)

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My cybertech does relatively well selling blue (arguably correctly RE'd) earpieces. My biotech does relatively well selling blue (arguably correctly RE'd) implants. My synthweaver does relatively well selling blue (arguably correctly RE'd) heavy and light armor, and purple (not always correctly RE'd, but occasionally so) chest pieces for both heavy and light.


Generally sell in the lvl 30 to lvl 45 range for about twice what the parts cost me. (I typically run missions to get my mats)

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What actually sells in this game?


I sell very cheap blue implants for about 7.5 k a pop up until 41,45 and 49 lvl which i sell for 12.5 k a pop


I usually farm my own stuff since most of the vendor stuff is very expensive


I also make stims and adrenals which sell for much better since bw decided to make exotech stuff purple


I could run the dailies for about 100 + k a day but its boring as hell after you do the same quest 50 times

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