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Where are all the players?


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That 1.7million number is very sketch. About a week before, EA's financial documents where reviewed and the number was more around 800,000 as of Jan 31. That 1.7 mil number was from financials before December 31. It's one of those great legal lies companies can say, even though it's 2 months later they can claim it is current. and the MMO industry shifts around fast, in the case of DCUO, they wen't from .


No, you can't strut around putting things like this out there with no evidence whatsoever, and expect to be taken seriously. Let us see this review of EA's financial documents that say the sub numbers as of Jan 31 was around 800.000. And no friggin' blog. No torstatus.net stats. Let's see these official documents, please.


Oh, and those 1.7 million, and growing, was for Feb 1. They used the word "currently" in their call. Or are you suggesting that they put on some sort of RP act, showing their investors how this would've sounded back in december? Get real.


Anyways, evidence or BS.

Edited by Trenter
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We as a playerbase need to consolidate ourselves until mergers are available some time in the next 6 months.


It is not up to we the players to save the game from low pop servers. I pay to play the game, not to correct mismanagement issues. If you think that players rerolling is a valid or acceptable solution then you do not value your time highly enough.

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No, you can't strut around putting things like this out there without no evidence whatsoever, and expect to be taken seriously. Let us see this review of EA's financial documents that say the sub numbers as of Jan 31 was around 800.000. And no friggin' blog. No torstatus.net stats. Let's see these official documents, please.


Oh, and those 1.7 million, and growing, was for Feb 1. They used the word "currently" in their call. Or are you suggesting that they put on some sort of RP act, showing their investors how this would've sounded back in december? Get real.


Anyways, evidence or BS.


Its total bs i already linked the financial report in the post above that he was supposedly quoting from and it clearly states that they had 1.7 million a little over a month after release which would put them right around feb 1st. Also i linked the transcript from the conference call that confirms the exact same thing that at that time (feb 1st) they had 1.7 million subs.


He will probably be too emberassed to post here again, especially because of how sure he sounded in his post , he stated it like it was fact.

Edited by Samborino
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Honestly I wish it was possible, i love the game, but do not believe that there is enough patience or willingness lest in the playerbase to move on their own. They will quit before that happens .


I don't understand this mentality. If I was on a low population server, then I would gather up some friends and switch servers. Levelling up together would take a fraction of the time and be so much more fun than it was the first time. I've been doing that with guildmates as we make new characters. Playing together, we're able to get Heroics and Flashpoints done on our time, which is very fun. We also look like super BAMFs when all four of us Mortar Volley at the same time.

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It is not up to we the players to save the game from low pop servers. I pay to play the game, not to correct mismanagement issues. If you think that players rerolling is a valid or acceptable solution then you do not value your time highly enough.


Do not value there opinions. :)

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It is not up to we the players to save the game from low pop servers. I pay to play the game, not to correct mismanagement issues. If you think that players rerolling is a valid or acceptable solution then you do not value your time highly enough.


I do value my time but why would anyone in their right mind continue to play on an obviously low pop server rather then reroll on a server they would enjoy more for the time being.

All i hear about is how easy it is to level in this game (Already people in their 40's on the new servers). And yet people would rather continue to play, and whine about it, on a "dead" server then reroll for the time being.


It might be alot easier right now in the games history to get Character names, guild names and legacy names on new servers then it will be in 3-4 months. And once the transfers come through the odds of keeping your name and legacy become even slimmer.


Bioware caved into players complaints about full servers during the first week and this is the result, this cannot be changed, it cannot be fixed. Whine and wait for a merger, reroll or quit. Those are your options.

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Greetings everyone!


Since we have several threads that cover the various aspects of server population, we are going to close this thread in the interest of consolidating discussion. We ask that you continue this discussion in the following:



Thank you! :)

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