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Rated Huttball? RUSRS?


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Oh I do.. he doesn't... and apparently neither do you. Because if you think 2-3 snares is going to stop a group of Sorcs from sprinting past you... through firetraps and pulling the ball carrier away from you... all the while still attacking/slowing down that carrier.... with absolutely no pulls or pushes of your own.... well let's just say I would LOVE to play you over and over again for free wins.


I don't believe he stops any ball carriers at all with his combination. Not one. It is so easy to knock sentinels off the top ramps/platforms if your a hybrid Sorc/Sage. Any group of 2-3 Sorc's protecting ANY carrier... doesn't even have to be a Jugg... will be completely unstoppable to his combination considering the lack of pulls and pushes unless they completely utterly fail.


Whatever though. I see this thread is full of bad people.


Our roots (or, you know, the rest of our CCs) stop the sprint. Spam our snare, they can barely run. Sprint isn't up for a while cause there're these things called COOLDOWNS. We get knocked down? We leap back up. Also, Gunslingers get a knockback.


At this point I'm assuming you're trolling.

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Oh I do.. he doesn't... and apparently neither do you. Because if you think 2-3 snares is going to stop a group of Sorcs from sprinting past you... through firetraps and pulling the ball carrier away from you... all the while still attacking/slowing down that carrier.... with absolutely no pulls or pushes of your own.... well let's just say I would LOVE to play you over and over again for free wins.


I don't believe he stops any ball carriers at all with his combination. Not one. It is so easy to knock sentinels off the top ramps/platforms if your a hybrid Sorc/Sage. Any group of 2-3 Sorc's protecting ANY carrier... doesn't even have to be a Jugg... will be completely unstoppable to his combination considering the lack of pulls and pushes unless they completely utterly fail.


Whatever though. I see this thread is full of bad people.


Do you have a reading comprehension disorder or something? I said snares AND roots. Roots prevent movement, so sorcs cannot sprint away. It also prevents juggs from leaping. Roots are not affected by resolve.


Do you also realize that sentinels can leap?

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Our roots (or, you know, the rest of our CCs) stop the sprint. Spam our snare, they can barely run. Sprint isn't up for a while cause there're these things called COOLDOWNS. We get knocked down? We leap back up. Also, Gunslingers get a knockback.


At this point I'm assuming you're trolling.


Gunslingers don't get a knockback.... noone is going to be running past them LOL.


I'm done wasting my breath.... you guys are all bad. I'll leave it there. I'll be looking for you guys on the WZ ranking ladder.... at the bottom. I know I'll have better luck finding you there.

Edited by zizzefex
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Gunslingers don't get a knockback.... noone is going to be running past them LOL.


I'm done wasting my breath.... you guys are all bad. I'll leave it there. I'll be looking for your on the WZ ranking ladder.... at the bottom. I know I'll have better luck finding you there.


Tell me your IGN and server and faction. I'll make sure to look for you specifically tough guy. (that's assuming a team would want someone so obviously bad)

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If I thought huttball was legitimate and competitive pvp I would run a group of 2 sorcs, 1 jugg, and 1 annih/rage marauder who does nothing but keep 80% group runspeed up permanently. Then when I win every single game of huttball I could declare how great I was at pvp. Edited by Zepidel
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Although I'm operative healer who enjoys huttball like it is... they need to make some changes if they have rated huttball. Sure, I can stealth ahead and receive passes or serve as a platform for juggernauts, but so could an assassin, except they can use knockbacks to clear the platform and spec into a pull and use a sprint and a 30y snare.


I think non-sorc/jugg comps can be more effective than people are giving credit, but let's face it, if you're going to pick your classes you're not going to pick an operative because they have no knockback, no pull, no sprint, and no ranged utility beyond what a sorc brings (heals). Honestly, I'm not sure why you would bring a class that doesn't have a knockback, unless it's a marauder for dps or a powertech for catching and stopping the ball carrier (leap, pull).

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Although I'm operative healer who enjoys huttball like it is... they need to make some changes if they have rated huttball. Sure, I can stealth ahead and receive passes or serve as a platform for juggernauts, but so could an assassin, except they can use knockbacks to clear the platform and spec into a pull and use a sprint and a 30y snare.


I think non-sorc/jugg comps can be more effective than people are giving credit, but let's face it, if you're going to pick your classes you're not going to pick an operative because they have no knockback, no pull, no sprint, and no ranged utility beyond what a sorc brings (heals). Honestly, I'm not sure why you would bring a class that doesn't have a knockback, unless it's a marauder for dps or a powertech for catching and stopping the ball carrier (leap, pull).


Operatives can be great. Healers, obviously, contribute. A DPS Op can control mid, burst down ball carriers, CC people in the fire etc. They have a place, it just doesn't involve as much carrying the ball and is more support oriented.

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Gunslingers don't get a knockback.... noone is going to be running past them LOL.


I'm done wasting my breath.... you guys are all bad. I'll leave it there. I'll be looking for you guys on the WZ ranking ladder.... at the bottom. I know I'll have better luck finding you there.


You ever hear of cover pulse? They have a knockback.

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It's going to be lol when all of these scrubs that think Huttball is great and class comp doesn't matter get utterly facerolled by 6 sorcs and a sin tank and a jugg tank.


If you run that comp, I hope to the internet gods I go up against your team. Easy win is easy.

Edited by nschlan
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