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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

As of 1.1.5, the game will be reduced to the fleet and 3 WZs.


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I can't speak for PvEers because, quite frankly, I find the PvE in TOR absolutely attrocious. However, with the arrival of 1.1.5 and the innevitable immediate death of all things Ilum, the game for PvPers will be essentially reduced to:


1) One circular space station (which is a virtual clone of the other faction's circular space station).


2) Three warzones.


That's it.


Frankly, how in God's name does that constitute the 'MASSIVELY' in an MMORPG? We don't have factional capitals to visit (or raid -- remember city raids in other games? Good times. NOT SO HERE!); we don't have planetary objectives to seize (NO, the empty place on Tat does not count); and we don't have any conceivable reason to even go to Ilum anymore. Our days will revolve around milling about near the PvP vendors waiting for a queue to pop, stepping into a random WZ, winning or losing, and then requeuing or logging.




I'll be honest in that I feel cheated by this entire experience. Nothing about the endgame for PvPers feels immersive or important and, what's worse, the experience appears to be getting worse with time. I'd love to know what exactly you've got planned to extricate us from this claustrophobic prison, Bioware, but since I already know that this answer is "NOTHING!" I figured there was no reason to even ask.

Edited by AJediKnight
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I can't speak for PvEers because, quite frankly, I find the PvE in TOR absolutely attrocious. However, with the arrival of 1.1.5 and the innevitable immediate death of all things Ilum, the game for PvPers will be essentially reduced to:.


I LOL'ed hard at this....


So you came to a Story based MMO expecting the PVP to be better than any other PVP out there....You came to a Story based MMO with no Intention of PVE'ing, and think its aweful, when it's no different to any other MMO...


Have you not realized that PVP in this game is just another way to Level....I PVPed for about 5 mins in this game and realised exactly what the purpose of it was....


What is wrong with you People...


THIS IS AN MMO...PVP WILL NEVER TAKE PRIORITY....Unless the Tag on the advertising says, its an PVP based MMO.


TOR is not so get over it. Jesus your PVP vendors are littered with PVE items...Doesnt that tell you something ?????????:mad:

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I can't speak for PvEers because, quite frankly, I find the PvE in TOR absolutely attrocious. However, with the arrival of 1.1.5 and the innevitable immediate death of all things Ilum, the game for PvPers will be essentially reduced to:


1) One circular space station (which is a virtual clone of the other faction's circular space station).


2) Three warzones.


That's it.


Frankly, how in God's name does that constitute the 'MASSIVELY' in an MMORPG? We don't have factional capitals to visit (or raid -- remember city raids in other games? Good times. NOT SO HERE!); we don't have planetary objectives to seize (NO, the empty place on Tat does not count); and we don't have any conceivable reason to even go to Ilum anymore. Our days will revolve around milling about near the PvP vendors waiting for a queue to pop, stepping into a random WZ, winning or losing, and then requeuing or logging.




I'll be honest in that I feel cheated by this entire experience. Nothing about the endgame for PvPers feels immersive or important and, what's worse, the experience appears to be getting worse with time. I'd love to know what exactly you've got planned to extricate us from this claustrophobic prison, Bioware, but since I already know that this answer is "NOTHING!" I figured there was no reason to even ask.


Still more PVP than many other games at launch. Why don't you just wait for 1.2 then start complaining. The damn thing is like a week or two away and they are making major changes to PVP including new sets, new Warzone, new brackets and ranks.


Its been two months. Stop reading other people crying and starting to cry yourself and learn that investing in something doesn't mean you stomp your feet the second you do not have immediate satisfaction.


150 guilds in Austin to make this game better with a crazy budget. A monkey could make this great foundation even better so give it some time.

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I LOL'ed hard at this....


So you came to a Story based MMO expecting the PVP to be better than any other PVP out there....You came to a Story based MMO with no Intention of PVE'ing, and think its aweful, when it's no different to any other MMO..:


I cam to an MMO expecting the PvP to be on par with that in other MMOs.


This game doesn't get some kind of free pass for bad content because it emphasizes story. Sorry. That isn't how it works.

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I cam to an MMO expecting the PvP to be on par with that in other MMOs.


This game doesn't get some kind of free pass for bad content because it emphasizes story. Sorry. That isn't how it works.


Didn't you quit?


Anyways, how is PvP in this game not on par with PvP in other mmos?

Edited by BlackZoback
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I cam to an MMO expecting the PvP to be on par with that in other MMOs.


This game doesn't get some kind of free pass for bad content because it emphasizes story. Sorry. That isn't how it works.


Near on every video i see about PVP, says the same thing, omg 40v40 fight broke Ilum, 60v60 fight broke ilum


All i see there is 80-120 people were PVPing...


Sorry but there are over 5-10 thousand other players on most server who don't care about PVP...If that was the case it would be OMG 300v300 fight broke Ilum.....Funny thing is we will never ever see a video like that in this game. Because its not a PVP based MMO.


Its PVE and they are the ones who will keep the subs running, because they came to a story based PVE MMO to PVE and enjoy the Story..

Edited by Nippon
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Still more PVP than many other games at launch. Why don't you just wait for 1.2 then start complaining. The damn thing is like a week or two away and they are making major changes to PVP including new sets, new Warzone, new brackets and ranks.


Its been two months. Stop reading other people crying and starting to cry yourself and learn that investing in something doesn't mean you stomp your feet the second you do not have immediate satisfaction.


150 guilds in Austin to make this game better with a crazy budget. A monkey could make this great foundation even better so give it some time.


I agree, i read a post the other day it started of, "I have played this game since day one" it made me feel like they had played TOR for 5 years, and not a little over 2 months, i guess to the instant gratification generation, a month or two is equal to years..LOL

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Well level 50 in Rift is basically galloping around Sanctum or Meridian while waiting the LFG or Warfront winder to pop-up and it's now a year old.


Most of the MMOs I've played mean waiting around at endgame for PvP etc. The game is still growing and I presume the guild summit is being done so players can give ideas and feedback on what they want to see.


Every MMO I have played in the first year has been slow and it's untill the first expansion that things really begin to take shape.

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I can't speak for PvEers because, quite frankly, I find the PvE in TOR absolutely attrocious. However, with the arrival of 1.1.5 and the innevitable immediate death of all things Ilum, the game for PvPers will be essentially reduced to:


1) One circular space station (which is a virtual clone of the other faction's circular space station).


2) Three warzones.


That's it.


Frankly, how in God's name does that constitute the 'MASSIVELY' in an MMORPG? We don't have factional capitals to visit (or raid -- remember city raids in other games? Good times. NOT SO HERE!); we don't have planetary objectives to seize (NO, the empty place on Tat does not count); and we don't have any conceivable reason to even go to Ilum anymore. Our days will revolve around milling about near the PvP vendors waiting for a queue to pop, stepping into a random WZ, winning or losing, and then requeuing or logging.




I'll be honest in that I feel cheated by this entire experience. Nothing about the endgame for PvPers feels immersive or important and, what's worse, the experience appears to be getting worse with time. I'd love to know what exactly you've got planned to extricate us from this claustrophobic prison, Bioware, but since I already know that this answer is "NOTHING!" I figured there was no reason to even ask.


I thought you already quit the game, maybe even 2 or 3 times?

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Thats not really completely true OP, there is far more PVP experiences to find in TOR if you actually go looking. If, however, you're talking about rewarded-PVP, then yes you are correct. Dont worry though, the game is generally a glorified lobby game for PVE players at 50 too though.
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Hello everyone!


We appreciate feedback, both positive and negative. However, we do ask that that feedback is constructive. This post goes into more detail about what we're looking for in feedback and how to make sure your feedback is constructive and helpful.


With that in mind, we're going to go ahead and close the thread. If you have suggestions for the game, we have a forum for specific suggestions, the Suggestion Box. We encourage you to create a new discussion, as long as it is constructive.


Thank you for understanding and helping us make sure that the forums are as constructive and helpful as possible!

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