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[Screenshot] LvL 26 300k Dmg ZERO DEATHS!


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My alt level 26 sorc 300k dmg.

I did not have AOE spam abilitys yet so don't ask about that.

I dinged to level 27 after the match was over.

I did NOT have a healer following me and recieved NO heals from anyone during the match.

No hacks or exploits were used obviously.



Post here what you can do on your alts! Healing & Dmg accepted.

Edited by DkSharktooth
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300k isn't particular noteworthy for a sorc leveling up, mine was consistently around that with the odd matches dotted here and there with 400-500k by the end. All of it was done effortlessly with how easy the class is to play and the fact it's constantly dishing it out non stop all match. I hated that toon by the time it hit 50 and shelved it as soon as it did.
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My alt level 26 sorc 300k dmg.

I did not have AOE spam abilitys yet so don't ask about that.

I dinged to level 27 after the match was over.

I did NOT have a healer following me and recieved NO heals from anyone during the match.

No hacks or exploits were used obviously.



Post here what you can do on your alts! Healing & Dmg accepted.


What part is the impressive part?


Don't make me post my 800+k dmg matches or my 14 solo kills in one match.


also, doing it on a class that isn't OP.

Edited by Kurfer
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Not dying was the biggest boost to your dps - no down time means more up time. Shame on the enemy team for not taking you out. :)


I have the screen shot someplace but I hit 180k damage on my level 19 Shadow. I was able to hit those numbers because, for some reason, the enemy team thought I was't a threat and ignored my toon most the time.


Good times though :)

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My alt level 26 sorc 300k dmg.

I did not have AOE spam abilitys yet so don't ask about that.

I dinged to level 27 after the match was over.

I did NOT have a healer following me and recieved NO heals from anyone during the match.

No hacks or exploits were used obviously.



Post here what you can do on your alts! Healing & Dmg accepted.


Not sure why you think anyone cares. You and your team had far higher damage and healing output than the enemy team, but still lost. THAT is all that matters.

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Just looking at the screenshot again - your team had awesome dmaage numbers all around and crushed the enemy team in damage.... but you guys lost the match?


I wasn't there and can't say for sure, but it looks like people were metal farming over playing the match. :)

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9 deaths, pretty poor but that does mean more downtime.


We lost, so I wouldn't call it majorly impressive.


Sadly, I see 300k dmg/75k+ healing on low rank sorcs/sages frequently, and have seen a few 400k's on 40+ op's constantly aswell ^^ (One particular op who no matter how much I hit them with Obfuscate/Pacify BEFORE they get out of stealth still seem to knock me down and **** me before the stuns worn off :s ... and seems to have been level 42 for almost 2 weeks now.. hmm)

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I was bored so I thought I'd switch sides and do some PvP on my level 12 Merc:




The 4 solo kills I got were all against level 40+ players, including a 48 Scoundrel who was quite possibly the worst player I have ever seen. This warzone just highlighted exactly how bad some of the republic players are.

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