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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Vanguard or Shadow?


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Shadows have stealth/force speed. I just started a Shadow(level 30 now) and I love him. The awesome thing about Shadows is the best DPS comes from dropping points into the take spec(Kinetic Combat). You combine very good burst DPS with great survivablity. Edited by UglyStik
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Well, the two dps trees for Shadow are slightly different. One emphasizes stealth, strong burst, and slightly more saber techniques. The other has some long range abilities, strong sustained dps, and more emphasis on dots. Depends on which style you think you'd like. Edited by Rashne
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A vanguard is much better PVP DPS than shadow PVP DPS. Why?

Armor Penetration, 90 to 100% armor penetration on most your attacks leaves the shadow in the dust when attacking anything that isn't a lightly armored target.

Pull (shadow has to go tank/hybrid spec for pull).

Better burst build-up.


A vanguard in DPS stance/spec lives longer than Shadow in DPS stance/spec.

Light armor on the shadow is about 1/2 the mitigation you get on the vanguard.


A vanguard in Tank stance/spec does not live as long as a shadow in tank stance/spec (in PVP).

The shadow tank simply has many more/better cooldowns to escape, reduce, or outright dismiss an otherwise serious set of circumstances. When geared for DPS the shadow tank does respectable pressure damage, but not even close the burst that a DPS Vanguard can produce.

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Ive played both. They each have strengths and weaknesses. I personally prefer the shadow but the vanguard is a blast as well. At lower levels I found the vg to be significantly more powerful. Shadows don't really come into their own until the 30s.


The vg is technically a better tank however the shadow is just as capable. Shadows just have some trouble with aoe tanking. Both are very powerful in pvp.


Id play both to the end of coruscant and decide then.


Edit: just saw its a dps question. I prefer dps on the vg. It just feels better to me. Shadow does excellent damage but in dps spec they are a little squishy. Also the rotation just feels awkward to me. Probably cause I'm used to tank spec


I have a kinetic shadow and a tactics/assault hybrid vanguard (terminator build)

Edited by grandmasterub
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