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A Question about Lore: A Bounty Hunter Healer


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Hello all, first things first I would like to mention I wasn't quite sure if this post fit in the Roleplaying thread or the Star Wars discussion thread. This topic imo fits both forums, since it concerns how I might roleplay my Hunter in the future. If it's in the wrong thread, I apologize in advance.


Now that is out of the way, I have a question to ask the community. I've been playing SW:TOR for about a month now, and I have been thoroughly enjoying my Bounty Hunter. I love the story, the combat, and the overall feel of every skill tree the class offers. It's been a ride thus far, and I can't wait to hit 50, which I will do this week


Anyways, I am a Mercenary, and as a Mercenary, my specialization has access to a healing tree. This is where my lore conflict begins. I understand the need for the class to mirror the Trooper from a gameplay perspective, but not from a lore one. I picked Mercenary because I wanted to be (or at least, emulate) Jango Fett. I get the Pyrotech and Arsenal trees, as they give tools and tactics to help the Bounty Hunter track down, and kill/capture his or her prey. And I also can understand tanking/protection, also known as the Powertech's Shieldtech tree, since part of the Bounty Hunter job description can include being someone's bodyguard. But Healing? I don't get that.


The reason why I don't understand it is simple: A Bounty Hunter is a killer, or at least someone who live captures targets. The Bounty Hunter uses weapons, skills, tactics, and equipment to track down a target. A Hunter will want to use those weapons, skills, tactics, and equipment to make the job as easy as possible .The same goes for a Hunter who is a bodyguard, a thief, or a transportation specialist (i.e. a Hunter that is paid to protect an item of value). A Hunter preforms thoses task for one reason: Because people will pay him or her Credits to do so. And Credits, as I understand it, are the fuel which drives the Hunter to be a Hunter. They make the Galaxy go round. Now, a person that is paid to heal the sick, or the wounded, sounds like a Doctor to me. Or at the very least, a Combat Medic. And a rather greedy one at that. :D


I can understand a Trooper becoming a Combat Medic, charging into battle to help fallen allies, and ensure the survival of the squad, but not a Hunter. The Trooper's motivations stem from his or her's training: the Unity of the Squad, "No one gets left behind", ect. A Troopers motivations are generally speaking, based upon others. A Hunter's motivations usually stem from the self. Are their exceptions to the rule? Of course, yes, but charging into battle to heal someone while credits are the character's main motivation seems... odd. It seems like too much risk to the self. The way I play my BH, I would just shoot the whomever was stupid enough to get within the range of my blaster. Then call for a Doctor if someone was sloppy enough to get hurt.


But I digress. I would like to hear the community's opinion on this. Do you feel like I do? That this feels like a lore and gameplay mismatch? Or am I, (and possibly others) missing something here? If you feel the need to enlighten me, please do so. I hunger for knowledge and lore, and I try to stay on top of the latest in the Star Wars Universe. And if there is a healing Bounty Hunter from the lore that I have passed over, I would love to learn more about that character, and his or her motivations for healing for Credits.

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Well Dengar healed Boba back to health and he was a bounty hunter so....


Yes, but I wouldn't describe Dengar as a quote unquote "Healer". He just happened to be at the right time, and the right place, to help Fett. And he did it for his own motivations the first time, and reasons unknown the second.

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maybe your hunter was a combat medic in the military before he left to become a private contractor, and uses both his martial skills and his medical skills in his new trade.


a healer BH still has guns, weapons, rockets etc. he just also has specialized knowledge in combat support and medicine

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I'm often referred to as a mercenary (name of the advanced class too!) in game. And Mercs aren't always there's for killing. Look at the hutts, they hire mercenaries along with just about every other crime syndicate, heck even politicians hire Mercs for PROTECTION. The name of the healing tree is Body Guard, which I can see a bounty hunter being hired to protect a VIP. After all, credits are credits, right?



That's just how I see mine :D

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A Bounty Hunter is all about utility and gear, they come prepared to any and all fights, no Bounty Hunters specialize, they instead learn a wide array of skills and talents so as to be self-reliant, this is reflected in all the game's BH classes, including the healer variant, You do not just heal as that tree spec, you do a lot of DPS as well, which very well suits a Bounty hunter's earlier mentioned skills and abilities.
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Hmmm? Maybe Sugi from the Clone Wars series? That's about as close as I can think of? But otherwise yeah it does seem an odd fit.


I think the key thought there is more "Mercenary" than "bounty Hunter". A hired neutral soldier or fighter. Someone who gets paid to protect others as it were.

Edited by Faefrost
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You are in a universe where guys in elaborate bathroom robes and the occasional wedding dress lead your armies while carrying giant glowing rods as their only weapon.


You are in a universe where the rich and powerful crime lords are giant talking perverted druggie slugs.


You are in a universe where there seem to be about 5 doomsday devices that you deal with a week and yet this giant all powerful evil empire can't seem to hold onto a single one of them.


You are gonna seriously draw the line at green healing laser guns?

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You are in a universe where guys in elaborate bathroom robes and the occasional wedding dress lead your armies while carrying giant glowing rods as their only weapon.


You are in a universe where the rich and powerful crime lords are giant talking perverted druggie slugs.


You are in a universe where there seem to be about 5 doomsday devices that you deal with a week and yet this giant all powerful evil empire can't seem to hold onto a single one of them.


You are gonna seriously draw the line at green healing laser guns?


Those aren't healing lasers. They are spray guns splashing healing adrenals or something on your allies...

Mind, I am not sure if it is that much better to charge into battle armed with a ... waterpistol ...



Also, the empire can not be all powerful if it keeps losing its galaxy destroying doomsday weapons.

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Also, the empire can not be all powerful if it keeps losing its galaxy destroying doomsday weapons.


He might have been referring to the Republic. Imperial characters face down Republic doomsday weapons on a weekly basis.

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He might have been referring to the Republic. Imperial characters face down Republic doomsday weapons on a weekly basis.


And republic characters do the same with Imperial ones...


You know ... maybe there is really only one doomsday weapon that gets a few bits and pieces of cardboard tacked onto it to make it look different, that keeps getting reused?

And all that blowing up stuff is really a clever ruse by whoever is stealing it this time to make the opposition give up trying to steal it back...


I think next time I am blowing up a doomsday weapon I need to mark it first so that on the one after that I can see if that mark is still present ...

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I suppose there's benefit to a bit of roleplay, then. I did the same thing with my Smuggler healer, btw. It seems important, to me, that my characters have a reason for the motions and techniques that they use, so that their choices, as they're going along, make more sense.


To me, anyone who regularly rushes into violent fights and confrontations should have at least some basic understanding of how to repair bodily damage. Even the most ordinary Soldier in the Army is given first aid training. Some Soldiers just get more training than others. Some, too, excel at it. But the fact remains it's not even strange that a fighter and hunter would find value in the exercising of battlefield medicine.


Mind you, my Bounty Hunter received tremendous guidance from an Imperial doctor subjugated to some lowly clinic for questioning of his superiors in the military, who healed a youngster brought to him after she was orphaned in a violent attack and then let the girl meander after him in his clinic when he couldn't run her off and away. After awhile, he simply began explaining what he was doing and why, as he was healing and fighting in the rough low class gang-riddled areas of the city. He told her, many times, "Be prepared to break those stupid enough to try and take from you what you don't want to lose and fix whatever damage they wreak as they go." She had a natural aptitude for the skills he shared with her, which netted her several decently-paying jobs and the eventual attention of an aging bounty hunter looking for a candidate capable of winning the Great Hunt.


You can certainly RP a reasonable story that makes everything make sense, though, imo. There are plenty of reasons even a Bounty Hunter would turn to healing, not the least of which is the notion of "guarding" or "protecting". I'm generally leery of regular assumptions the bounty hunter is NOTHING but a killer, anyway. A good bounty hunter, imo, would be able to market multiple skills and the hunter capable of defending the life of his or her clients would, likely, have a regular supply of interested customers. That's just my opinion, however.

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