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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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Im on thendys noori and the pop on the server is around 250-400 server wide with only 100+ being republic. Then you look at the higgher pop servers have 1000-1500 online server wide. This is a problem when there is only 18 level 50s on and 16 are in warzones. Where are the flashpoint groups? Can u see more then one guild running ops? Please for all the people that rolled low pop servers because you said to not roll high one merge some of the low servers before more people quit cause of no group activities being able to happen
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The fact that they have people email them to manually copy characters over to the PTS for 1.2, probably means they have no way of doing server mergers... much less character transfers. Which probably means it's being built and coded now. Which probably means it will be months until we see it. Unfortunately.


If one thing makes me quit this game it's going to be lack of merges/transfers. Rerolling after 2-3 months of work on your character/legacy is not okay.

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Yeah rerolling on a high pop server isn't a solution, it's a workaround - and a bad one at that.


Programming automation for character transfers aren't gonna take months to do, if the actual tech move already exists. But I think I saw end of April somewhere, which imo is a bit too far away.


Crossing fingers. :)

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Bioware you are gimping our gameplay not adressing this issues, i'm sure you want to keep your jobs. Then why you have at LEAST %50 of your clientes saying that they love your game but they arent getting any fun because there is no ppl for it and they are going to cancel because of it, its a basic thing of mmos, you need people to get fun.


At least give us something, some information like if you are going to do it, when or how.

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Im playing on a light/standard EU server named Kellian Jaro. We don't have that low numbers that some others are posting here and I would estimate we average 15-30 people on Imperial Fleet during the day and about 90-130 during peak hours. So not as bad as some others but it's still horrific. If these are the numbers for standard servers that is acceptable by Bioware then something is totally wrong.


Can que for a WZ for about 20 minutes only to get Huttball once again fighting the same faction. Huuray! 1.2 is coming so we can actually face our own faction in Alderaan and Voidstar. That's not the issue.. I want to mash Republic. Finding people for a HM outside of your guild is also time consuming but most often just falls short and people abandone the group.


Reroll you say on a high populated server ? Well, that's fine and dandy for you. But it's all about what THEIR customers want. If 90% of the people that have this issues don't want to reroll and their only option is to quit, what is the best solution for Bioware then ? Well, it can't be to be stubborn, that's for sure. This is MMO game but now it feels like a singleplayer game more or less and im pretty sure that's not the intent.


Oh, we will be getting a server wide LFD tool in 1.3 (which I prefer) but what's the point in having it if there's only gonna be 10 people queing with it ? It don't matter how many shiny things they will throw to us if there ain't people to enjoy it with.


I rather wait for 1.2 so they can focus on the servers and get that sorted first because that's the biggest issue right now and it's a possible gamebreaker. Im starting to feel that Bioware is committing suicide with this issue.


Some people are talking about technical issues with the merges/character transfers. Really ? So why are they able to move all the Australian/Asian folks to the new servers designated for them then ? Don't make much sense really.


We usually say.. "The customer is always right.." and in this case we are.


I have no desire to reroll and leave the few people that's left that I bonded with. I want a server merge so all that people comes with me. Simple as that.


Get it sorted.

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Late morning on Bao-Dur EU realm, only 9 people in the fleet and a total of 12 level 50s spread across the galaxy. I'm going to Red Eclipse for now. Hope Bioware works out how to do realm transfers soon or my characters are going waste.
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What ever the situation is with mergers and transfers, BioWare needs to come out with some info on when these will or won't be available. I can understand not giving ETAs but at least some sort of order of events and "not before"s to let players know if they should wait, re-roll or take a break from the game. The Q&A thread is full of requests for this info.


Seeing as the game encourages alts and some factional rebalancing is needed, I personally believe their internal position is for players to be responsible for managing their own fun and re-rolling if they desire particular population levels but, they need to own that and say it if it is. I know they have never promised server mergers but, too many players take the silence as a possibility they are coming.

Edited by Matte_Black
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Sit'ari population is way to low on prime time, there is not much gear on the GTN and the gear you put up for sale rarely sells. just a month ago business was blooming (even if the inflation was horrible) Imperial fleet has like 50-75 players on prime.

Allow free transfers if you can´t merge, because at this rate i will probably unsub and read a book.

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We need em. My server is rapidly turning into a ghost town and I know I'm not alone. I am find myself waiting sometimes up to 30 mins for a wz to fire during peak hours and only about 50 on my fleet. There are way too many servers right now. They need to either allow some transfers (at very little cost for the first one) or they need to start collapsing some servers and combining 2 less populated servers together.
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Allow free transfers if you can´t merge, because at this rate i will probably unsub and read a book.


When they figure out server transfers, I would actually only offer free transfers to a limited selection of servers. It does not serve the game much to encourage players to move to heavy populated servers. I'd start with offering the worst 10-20 servers free transfers to a list of moderately populated servers with the intention of merging what ever is left on them on to one down the road.

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I'm praying you server merge


You dont have enough active people to keep 25+ servers active, you just dont.


8pm central time, I checked the servers. from the top down I saw 5 servers On standard and literally all the rest on light.


You see people complaining about this all the time.


Nobody cares if you "admit" defeat by merging, this WILL keep the game alive, I know a handful of people who are quitting ironically because they cant find anyone to group with cause their server is dead.


Make it happen bioware, please.

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Sad to say but I am one of them. Just cancelled as I am playing on a server where each planet has between 3-20 players per planet max. It has destroyed the game for me and I might as well be playing an offline game solo.


Sorry SWTOR - great game - poorly managed at the moment - I will come back if you merge the servers.

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Just goes to further show the Austin teams lack of skill at engineering and development.


They had waaaaay too many servers at launch to avoid queues. Instead of using their brains and implementing something like this, they decided do do what everyone else has (sadly like much of the rest of the game) and now you're stuck with ghost town servers.

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Just goes to further show the Austin teams lack of skill at engineering and development.


They had waaaaay too many servers at launch to avoid queues. Instead of using their brains and implementing something like this, they decided do do what everyone else has (sadly like much of the rest of the game) and now you're stuck with ghost town servers.


Look @ The Asia / Pacific launch - 3 servers.


That's more like it!

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I really think its a big problem, look at the server selection screen, in the EU at least, most servers are "Light" throughout the day with a few being "Standard", some of the light pop servers creep up to standard population for a few hours in the evening.


In my opinion they should try and get all servers at standard population as minimum, moving up to heavy in the evenings. 60-100 people on fleet imo is just not enough for there to be people for flashpoints AND pvp without having massive waits for a group.


THIS IS A GREAT IDEA FOR BIOWARE!!!! My server is Bondar Crystal and it has planets with no people or people in the single digits. It will only get worse as people start to re-roll. We need a server merge with a heavy server to balance things.


Please quote for Bioware to see.

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My server is Bondar Crystal and it has planets with no people or people in the single digits. It will only get worse as people start to re-roll. We need a server merge with a heavy server to balance things.


Bondar Crystal has more then a thousand players logged into it right now [9:38 PM EST]


I guess they are all hiding from you, eh?? :rolleyes:

Edited by Andryah
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