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10 Good
  1. Im playing on a light/standard EU server named Kellian Jaro. We don't have that low numbers that some others are posting here and I would estimate we average 15-30 people on Imperial Fleet during the day and about 90-130 during peak hours. So not as bad as some others but it's still horrific. If these are the numbers for standard servers that is acceptable by Bioware then something is totally wrong. Can que for a WZ for about 20 minutes only to get Huttball once again fighting the same faction. Huuray! 1.2 is coming so we can actually face our own faction in Alderaan and Voidstar. That's not the issue.. I want to mash Republic. Finding people for a HM outside of your guild is also time consuming but most often just falls short and people abandone the group. Reroll you say on a high populated server ? Well, that's fine and dandy for you. But it's all about what THEIR customers want. If 90% of the people that have this issues don't want to reroll and their only option is to quit, what is the best solution for Bioware then ? Well, it can't be to be stubborn, that's for sure. This is MMO game but now it feels like a singleplayer game more or less and im pretty sure that's not the intent. Oh, we will be getting a server wide LFD tool in 1.3 (which I prefer) but what's the point in having it if there's only gonna be 10 people queing with it ? It don't matter how many shiny things they will throw to us if there ain't people to enjoy it with. I rather wait for 1.2 so they can focus on the servers and get that sorted first because that's the biggest issue right now and it's a possible gamebreaker. Im starting to feel that Bioware is committing suicide with this issue. Some people are talking about technical issues with the merges/character transfers. Really ? So why are they able to move all the Australian/Asian folks to the new servers designated for them then ? Don't make much sense really. We usually say.. "The customer is always right.." and in this case we are. I have no desire to reroll and leave the few people that's left that I bonded with. I want a server merge so all that people comes with me. Simple as that. Get it sorted.
  2. Im on a low/standard server and we peak about 100-120 people on Imperial Fleet certain nights. During the day it's usually somewhere between 15-30 people. Those numbers don't say alot, but never beeing able to find people for HM's or be able to PvP before 19:00 is very bad. And when we do get to PvP all we do is Huttball against our same faction 90% of the time. Oh! We can now face our own faction in Voidstar and Alderaan in 1.2! Great! But it is the Republic I want to mash... I actually love this game and look forward to 1.2 and think they are doing a great patch with great things and I really enjoyed the GuildSummit but what's the point in all those flashy and great things if I don't have anyone to enjoy them with ? Same goes for LFD in 1.3. Sure it's a great idea, but what if we only have 10 people at peak times queing in it ? It just makes no sense at all. Im really afraid of this game state and that it might be selfdying if Bioware don't do anything about the servers. We really need a servermerge NOW and not in 3-6 months. Then it's gonna be to late and even the patient people like myself will be out of patience. I really want to see this game succed but I kinda feel like Bioware is commiting suicide on this. Have anyone heard anything of Bioware's official stance on the servermerge and how they see it ?
  3. FredrikP

    50 Bracket Sucks

    Well, even if there only is 6 people from one guild and 2 randoms it's pretty much a premade in terms that a pug won't have a chance in hell.
  4. FredrikP

    50 Bracket Sucks

    I guess you may be right, but tbh I haven't had any problems with the QUE time before the patch seeing there were low lvls to make up the lacking 50's. At low peak we usually had at most a 15 minutes que and during high peak maybe 2-3 minutes at the most. Now it's just plain bad with my earlier example of 3 hours and 20 minutes this morning and about 30-40 minutes during high peak.
  5. FredrikP

    50 Bracket Sucks

    I haven't read the last 2 pages of this thread but it seems there are a few things people are missing. It's not the fact that you come up against a premade majority of the time. It's not about the loosing or winning. The biggest problem is to que to complete your daily PvP and have to sit in que for 3 HOURS and 20 MINUTES. Just to be up against a premade consisting of 8 players and your team is on 6 players. 30 seconds into the fight the first person leaves. 2 minutes later the WZ is over because lack of players and you loose. How am I as a casual player that maybe can put down like 3-4 hours AT THE MOST a day supposed to be able to complete my daily PvP ? Argh, join a PREMADE myself you say ? Well, that's all fine and dandy for those who only care about shiny epics and getting their titles as fast as they can, but I actually PvP because I thought it was fun (prepatch). Steamrolling over opponents without breaking a sweat don't sound fun to me. So what do you "elit-pvpers" suggest that we do ? Just ignore the PvP side of the game ? Well, then I might aswell unsubscribe because right now that's the only thing that's holding me in the game.
  6. Had to sit in a que from 9 in the morning to 12:20, only to be 6 people up against 8 and people started dropping from the WZ. Lost the WZ within 2 minutes and got 20 commendations. TOTALLY WORTH MY TIME! I guess people with family and kids arent supposed to play this game. If they plan on to keep it like this they have to change the daily quests. 1 WZ win to complete the daily and 7 wins to complete the weekly or otherwise many people will miss out. A daily shouldn't have to take 4-5 hours to complete. It's just utter madness! GET IT STRAIGHTENED UP before you loose any more subscribers which I would really hate cause I can see the potential in this game, both PvP and PvE. But with a low playerbase it won't be worth it in the longrun.
  7. FredrikP

    Guess what ?

    More whine! Im not the whiny person and I absolutely loved the PVP in swtor and this is coming from a person who hated to PVP in WoW, i absolutely hated it. I've been having a blast in the Warzones and enjoying Ilum even tho Ilum was badly in need of a redesign. But the main thing is that everyone enjoyed it. Roll on patch 1.1! Get 40 minutes warzone que's, zone in, up against a premade. Loose. Sign up. 40 minutes later. Premade. Loose. Seriously ? Are you kidding me ? Haven't tried Ilum but from what I understand it's completely broken. You have actually managed to destroy something that was atleast fun even if it wasn't perfect. Make premades vs. premades. There's no chance in hell i'll be able to get my dailys done with a family and kids. Nah, just roll back all the pvp changes, both regarding Ilum and the PvP brackets and redo it. If not, well.. one more lost costumer and I believe it could be a flood coming your way...
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