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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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To me the crazy thing is, when you add all the servers(North American, EU and Pacific) I believe you get a number around 230. They split the population up sooo much expecting higher numbers, which may come later down the road but you are going to lose a lot of people before that.


Me for example, I really enjoy this game but I can't help but feeling bummed when I'm Belsavis and I see 8 other people on the planet. A 4 man Heroic? I either have to skip it or wait until I'm much higher to solo.


Would it help if they stopped new character creations on the heavier populated servers, forcing new players to go to lower populated servers? I'm not sure but I hope to see a solution in the coming months(1-2) or else I'm not sure I'll be able to continue playing which is a huge, huge bummer!

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Overall, all U.S. Servers have gone from "Light" 30% of the time in Jan. to "Light" 70% of the time now.


Data doesn't get much more solid than that.


The problem is, they can't do server merges because it will scare investors.


So...what's the solution?


Thats not the only reason it has been stated that the legacy system is a bit of a problem when it comes to transfers and merges...


People are quitting because they believe the game is dead. Problem is that by quitting they are making the game dead. There are too many players spread out whoare just too stubborn to reroll now and would much rather quit then helping the community solve the population issue on its own

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Thats not the only reason it has been stated that the legacy system is a bit of a problem when it comes to transfers and merges...


People are quitting because they believe the game is dead. Problem is that by quitting they are making the game dead. There are too many players spread out whoare just too stubborn to reroll now and would much rather quit then helping the community solve the population issue on its own


Yeah, people's stubborness is responsible for this, they just refuse to have fun rerolling. BW has nothing to do with it. BW has nothing to do with people leaving in the first place. BW has nothing to do with not being able to keep the subs they got from launch. BW has nothing to do with not getting more new players than the ones that leave. People who keep playing the game are responsible for low population servers :rolleyes:


Seriously, BW knew that they were going to lose subs after the initial launch. It just happens. They also know that low population servers have a negative impact, with snowball effect. How did they prepare to contain this ? Well, we don't know. They're not addressing the issue. And that only make things worse, and threads like this are just places to vent some disappointment, which is fine btw.

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Yeah, people's stubborness is responsible for this, they just refuse to have fun rerolling. BW has nothing to do with it. BW has nothing to do with people leaving in the first place. BW has nothing to do with not being able to keep the subs they got from launch. BW has nothing to do with not getting more new players than the ones that leave. People who keep playing the game are responsible for low population servers :rolleyes:


Seriously, BW knew that they were going to lose subs after the initial launch. It just happens. They also know that low population servers have a negative impact, with snowball effect. How did they prepare to contain this ? Well, we don't know. They're not addressing the issue. And that only make things worse, and threads like this are just places to vent some disappointment, which is fine btw.


Staying on a low pop server when they have stated that there are issues with transfers and it will take time IS your fault if you are there longer then a month

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Yeah, I rerolled on a maximum pop server and that one has fallen a little, but it's still playable.


Can you link me to where they said they raised popcap? Because, even if they did, then torstatus should show a sudden spike and not a gradual increase in the quantity of "Light" times.




Torstatus has a formula which I won't get into. You can find how they rate the servers on the site. It's not accurate. Right now he best accuracy is word of mouth on dead servers.

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Of 5/12 online lvl 50's are members of my guild. We are trying to get IRL friends to start a account to come play with us, I personally bought 3 accounts to my friends, but one person cannot fill a server. Yesterday I started queing at 15:00, and finished my "daily" 10 games at 02:00. Not fun.


Please, please. Make at least paid character transfer available. I've put time into my char, Almost all HM's completed. Almost full PvE set. Valor Rank 65 VIP wristband and more.


Please BW.


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Staying on a low pop server when they have stated that there are issues with transfers and it will take time IS your fault if you are there longer then a month


Are you high? Many people have fairly well established characters. With 3-4 pieces of high end gear decent pvp set gear and crafters maxed out. This took them time probably 100s of hours of playtime for some people. Just say ahhh screw it I am going to start over to make it easier for this company whos product I am paying for. The same company that has not addressed the issue of low pop servers. The same that was clueless about the end game content being nothing more than a glorified tank and spank for most decent guilds. Opps your loot didn't fall this week in hard mode KP or EV but don't worry maybe during the 4hours it takes us to go through both next week your stuff will drop. The same company whos answer to the casual gamers who could not compete with the pvpers who went and grinded out for their good gear was to make it abalible for all in a week or two of pvp.


Yeah I do not have high hopes for this game any longer. I would like to be wrong and the 1.2 patch fixes many of these problems. I just won't hold my breath. I damn well will not reroll and start over when a company does not provide the entertainment value I was expecting. So that same company can get a few more of my hard earned dollars with no real guarantee the problem will not continue.


Rayth Cho-Mai

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I just want to put it out there that I have a level 50 on "The Constant". Leveling through the higher level plants such as Hoth and Corellia, there would be LESS THAN 10 toons (rep side) on the planet during peak hours. SWTOR is a pure single player game at this point for the poor bastards on that server. I've re-rolled imp side on Canderous Ordo and so far so good.
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Thats not the only reason it has been stated that the legacy system is a bit of a problem when it comes to transfers and merges...


People are quitting because they believe the game is dead. Problem is that by quitting they are making the game dead. There are too many players spread out whoare just too stubborn to reroll now and would much rather quit then helping the community solve the population issue on its own


The community should not have to solve anything, its in the developers hands, they made the mess they need to fix it.


I have no idea how im posting this as I un-subbed yesterday but I do still have an interest in the game.

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Are you high? Many people have fairly well established characters. With 3-4 pieces of high end gear decent pvp set gear and crafters maxed out. This took them time probably 100s of hours of playtime for some people. Just say ahhh screw it I am going to start over to make it easier for this company whos product I am paying for. The same company that has not addressed the issue of low pop servers. The same that was clueless about the end game content being nothing more than a glorified tank and spank for most decent guilds. Opps your loot didn't fall this week in hard mode KP or EV but don't worry maybe during the 4hours it takes us to go through both next week your stuff will drop. The same company whos answer to the casual gamers who could not compete with the pvpers who went and grinded out for their good gear was to make it abalible for all in a week or two of pvp.


Yeah I do not have high hopes for this game any longer. I would like to be wrong and the 1.2 patch fixes many of these problems. I just won't hold my breath. I damn well will not reroll and start over when a company does not provide the entertainment value I was expecting. So that same company can get a few more of my hard earned dollars with no real guarantee the problem will not continue.


Rayth Cho-Mai




Hey if the people complaining want to sit on dead servers and complain about how dead they are rather then rolling an alt elsewhere (that you will most likely do at sometime) or just quitting then i guess that is your business. But really all i see in alot of these posts are people complaining for the sake of complaining, you don't want options, you don't want reasons, you do not care if there are issues., you want to complain

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Hey if the people complaining want to sit on dead servers and complain about how dead they are rather then rolling an alt elsewhere (that you will most likely do at sometime) or just quitting then i guess that is your business. But really all i see in alot of these posts are people complaining for the sake of complaining, you don't want options, you don't want reasons, you do not care if there are issues., you want to complain


No, I want to play my characters that I have invested alot of time and effort into and increase my legacy. Not re-roll on another server starting with nothing, I tried it and honestly I cant do it I really cant got to 25 orso and have no motivation at all to continue with it.


If the server my characters I actually want to play was a busy healthy server I would still be playing, as it stands Bioware dont care one iota about people in this situation which is why I cancelled.


8 man pre-mades and cross server pvp might bring me back because at least I will be able to pvp with the characters I want to.

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I took action and re rolled on an other server. I had 2 50's, all most BM on one and legacy lvl 31. But the enjoyment i have now levelling my char on a heavy populated it's much better then sitting around mocking on my old server. Totally no regrets so far.
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Hey if the people complaining want to sit on dead servers and complain about how dead they are rather then rolling an alt elsewhere (that you will most likely do at sometime) or just quitting then i guess that is your business. But really all i see in alot of these posts are people complaining for the sake of complaining, you don't want options, you don't want reasons, you do not care if there are issues., you want to complain


Yes we like complaining because i have wasted my money and time.Rolling in another server means doing the same stuff again while i could do more with a server merge or transfer.

Bioware told me to start in a low populated server now they tell me to roll in a heavy server.But they are not paying back my money or my time.


I won't do same things just because some guy there failed with calculations.

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it is really getting worse every day, give us a damn server transfer / merge.

and i dont wanna hear any lame "legacy issue" excuse. Just set my legacy to level 0 and change my name, if its too hard for your programmers, i dont care but please get me off this dead server

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I think Bioware won't admit their failure and implement a server merge and/or a char transfer soon.

If you like the game reroll on a high populated server, otherwise just unsubscribe.

Btw, i like the game, but unsubscribed, waiting for a merge or free transfer.

Edited by Noctula
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I think Bioware won't admit their failure and implement a server merge and/or a char transfer soon.

If you like the game reroll on a high populated server, otherwise just unsubscribe.

Btw, i like the game, but unsubscribed, waiting for a merge or free transfer.


Has there been ANYTHING from BW?


I'll accept even a No. I'm trying to play on a busy server but I keep drifting back to my lvl 50's


Id really appreciate some communication.

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Bioware needs to get into this soon - at least tell us what they're thinking. I'm sure they are concerned too. I'm really tired of playing alone, HC's, FP's and PvP-ing - it's all impossible or boring because there are too few people on the servers...



Either merge servers, or make character transfer possible. Please. Before you loose bored players.

Edited by Valee_Nethun
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Since the last thread is closed now , I'll re-post here.

Server Senator Contispex , I've been playing sw for a couple of weeks and i joined on this server because of a friend of mine , I'm level 44 and I've never seen >3 people on any planet I've been , any time of the day !! I've never found a group for Heroic quests / Flashpoint and exept for last weekend with the trials , I've been waiting at least for 3-4 hour for Warzones that they end in 2 minutes !!

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I've been thinking for some time to roll an alt on a more heavily populated server to see if it's any better. Some of the posts in this thread make me think it might be.


Is there any reliable place to get info on server pops and, ideally, faction numbers? I'm hoping for something more reliable than looking at the list to see which says "heavy" when I happen to be rolling a toon up ;)

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Starstorm One (EU PvP): Standard/High population, 60 people in starting areas in primetime, 140+ on fleet. Good faction balance and good PvP.

One problem: It's the unofficial Russian server, recommended by BW. At least 50% of the population are Russian. Recruitment is hard. My guild is the best non-russian (and best in general) guild on the server, yet we have a really, really hard time recruiting. We might get one player in a week of spamming recruitment messages in /1 on fleet.

We had to merge with another guild to be able to actually do 16 man content on a regular basis.

The situation is really bad.

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Look this is a LIE...


Obvoiusly if you log on at 9:30 am CET 99% of servers are LIGHT But if you log on at 20:30 CET most of servers are Standard with a couple LIGHT or Heavy/Very Heavy...


CET is not London time fyi...


But its a big difference from Baku to Paris.

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I've been thinking for some time to roll an alt on a more heavily populated server to see if it's any better. Some of the posts in this thread make me think it might be.


Is there any reliable place to get info on server pops and, ideally, faction numbers? I'm hoping for something more reliable than looking at the list to see which says "heavy" when I happen to be rolling a toon up ;)


Look the most ''populated'' (and by that i mean active population logging atleast once a week) are


Tomb of Freedon Nadd (PvP) and The Red Eclipse (PvE) from English servers

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Starstorm One (EU PvP): Standard/High population, 60 people in starting areas in primetime, 140+ on fleet. Good faction balance and good PvP.

One problem: It's the unofficial Russian server, recommended by BW. At least 50% of the population are Russian. Recruitment is hard. My guild is the best non-russian (and best in general) guild on the server, yet we have a really, really hard time recruiting. We might get one player in a week of spamming recruitment messages in /1 on fleet.

We had to merge with another guild to be able to actually do 16 man content on a regular basis.

The situation is really bad.


I gave up and rerolled Red Eclipse, 200+ on fleet prmietime, 60+ on most planets.


However, if your not in a guild, you will struggle. I joined a great guild thankfully with some old friends, otherwise i'd never get a FP group as a melee DPS.

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