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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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I have already cancelled my subscription, sick of playing on a dead server. I am not going to pay to play a game that you cant even get a group for and do any of the content that you suppose to be able to do in a MMO. While BW refuses to even address or acknowledge that this is a huge issue. Makes no sense how they act like they can just ignore it. I shouldnt have to re-roll not all of us have 12 hours a day to sit here and re-roll our characters. Yeah BW just ignore the biggest problem with this game and keep losing subscriptions yeah that is great way to keep your game going.
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Meh, I'm not waiting around while my server population nosedives more every week, I rerolled on a higher pop server, sucks to leave behind my 4 months of playtime but in the long-run I hope changing the server I play on pays off, my whole guild bar 4 of us (was over 50 people at launch) have all left for other games anyway, so it's pretty much a fresh start.
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I used to think people were connecting invisible dots when they talked about how quickly low-pop servers were dwindling, but I'm now seeing it firsthand. Even in my own guild, there are less than half on at one time than there used to be. And no, they didn't join other guilds on my server, they've either rerolled, unsubbed, or are not logging in at all.


Ironically we're considered the biggest raiding guild on the server (or, at least one of them) and yet last weekend we couldn't even get enough people together for a 16-man. That includes outside, non-guild help!


It's really sad.

My server pop is a regular topic in general fleet chat now.

These are people who don't go on forums and whine because they're attention whores. These are just regular players.

Edited by Stenrik
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Cho-mai 1930 CDT had 29 people in fleet. This is supposed to be prime time for anyone on an east coast server, 29 people what a joke. Note for all the raiders out there(of which i am one) that is not 29 lvl 50s that is 29 total.


One hour pvp queues nobody to raid with and nothing but silence from BW. They have a limited window of opportunity to fix this before people bail on this game never to look back. Ohhh I am sure a few of the SW fanboys will play the game because it says Star Wars.


Reroll to another server when nobody is sure if 1.2 is going to be any good? Yeah sure I am going to spend more time and money on what may turn out to be an empty promise.


Rayth. 50 merc Cho-Mai

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Cho-mai 1930 CDT had 29 people in fleet. This is supposed to be prime time for anyone on an east coast server, 29 people what a joke. Note for all the raiders out there(of which i am one) that is not 29 lvl 50s that is 29 total.


One hour pvp queues nobody to raid with and nothing but silence from BW. They have a limited window of opportunity to fix this before people bail on this game never to look back. Ohhh I am sure a few of the SW fanboys will play the game because it says Star Wars.


Reroll to another server when nobody is sure if 1.2 is going to be any good? Yeah sure I am going to spend more time and money on what may turn out to be an empty promise.


Rayth. 50 merc Cho-Mai


It just drives me nuts when someone actually expects the total sub base to be online 24/7 and shouts the sky is falling when they don't see that. People quitting a game because their fleet has X people in it while not bothering to try to understand why is just annoying.


For example League of Legends has a 11.3 million "subbase" and 1.3 million concurrent users (players on at the same time ) 11.5%


source: http://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain...umber-one-mmo/


If we apply this 11.5% to Swtor "supposed" subbase of 1.7 million players we get 195 500 people online at any given time spread that population out evenly (which obviously it isn't) and you get around 901 people per server



So 450 for your faction pop 17 planets and fleet = 25


Keep in mind that does not include instances, warzones or personal ships

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It just drives me nuts when someone actually expects the total sub base to be online 24/7 and shouts the sky is falling when they don't see that. People quitting a game because their fleet has X people in it while not bothering to try to understand why is just annoying.


For example League of Legends has a 11.3 million "subbase" and 1.3 million concurrent users (players on at the same time ) 11.5%


source: http://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain...umber-one-mmo/


If we apply this 11.5% to Swtor "supposed" subbase of 1.7 million players we get 195 500 people online at any given time spread that population out evenly (which obviously it isn't) and you get around 901 people per server



So 450 for your faction pop 17 planets and fleet = 25


Keep in mind that does not include instances, warzones or personal ships


it drives me nuts when people like you try to say there are no population issues. which is just ignorant and stupid. really? instances, warzones and ships? so everyone is ALWAYS in those at all times in the dead servers? your whole argument is flawed. doesnt make a difference whether people are on 24/7 or not when the population is so low it doesnt matter.

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No need for server merges. Bioware told us the number of subscribers is increasing and if we remember correctly all the servers were full around christmas. So if anything bioware needs to increase the number of servers by 2-3 the amount and offer free transfers from old servers to the new ones. We don't want hour long ques and thousands of people on the fleets.



unless ofc bioware was trolling us. :rolleyes:


No need for server merges ? We have a blind guy here, god bless you...

Edited by Aethusa
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it drives me nuts when people like you try to say there are no population issues. which is just ignorant and stupid. really? instances, warzones and ships? so everyone is ALWAYS in those at all times in the dead servers? your whole argument is flawed. doesnt make a difference whether people are on 24/7 or not when the population is so low it doesnt matter.


There are population issues because there are too many XXXX servers not because of lack of players. We whined and cried because of all the full and heavy servers during launch and now we have people saying the game is dead because they are too stubborn to move to a more higher populated server server for the time being and would rather just quit.



Merges and transfers are coming but legacy is a issue because otherwise would be complaining about how they lost all their legacy levels and unlocks




People pull out these charts and go see the game is dead and thats all they use them for....


You'd think that server XXX being the worst populated 2 months in a row might be a hint to reroll an alt elsewhere instead we have people rerolling on the SAME server and complaining about lack of playerbase and then quitting

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They need a better advertisement campaign also. It needs fresh blood on these servers. Make some of the low pop servers destinations for new players. People leaving so call dead server(line mine) making it work. So we are at a point BW either you server merge or we will do it on our own. Whitebeam is horrible right now. I have not gotten one group to run a flashpoint outside my guild in 2 months. there is no issue here at all.
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it drives me nuts when people like you try to say there are no population issues. which is just ignorant and stupid. really? instances, warzones and ships? so everyone is ALWAYS in those at all times in the dead servers? your whole argument is flawed. doesnt make a difference whether people are on 24/7 or not when the population is so low it doesnt matter.


I don't think there are population issues for Europe. When I checked 13 hours ago, almost all of them have Standard population. One at heavy. Very few at Light.


It's just the US players who cannot get their act together. It's unfortunate that your server is having population problems, but for the rest of us it seems fine. And hopefully Dalborra stays that way.

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No problem with the EU? What are you smoking? everytime I logon, almost all are either light or very light with 3-4 at standard. Remember, our timezone is pretty broad. Europe doesn't just exist in Paris or London.


That's more of a time zone issue. If almost all Europe servers can reach standard population at 6pm GMT, that means they are doing very well. You can't expect it to be standard 24/7.

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No problem with the EU? What are you smoking? everytime I logon, almost all are either light or very light with 3-4 at standard. Remember, our timezone is pretty broad. Europe doesn't just exist in Paris or London.


Look this is a LIE...


Obvoiusly if you log on at 9:30 am CET 99% of servers are LIGHT But if you log on at 20:30 CET most of servers are Standard with a couple LIGHT or Heavy/Very Heavy...


CET is not London time fyi...

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Hex Droid here, its a dead server, yesterdsay night 50 pax on imp fleet.


- Cant lvl alts because iis impossible to find any1 to group for heroics

- GTN is plain dead, you cant even buy the most simple mats to grind

- WZs are a joke, same faces all the time


- AND the most annoying one, the galaxy feels empty, if you fly to any planet you feel like the only survivor of a nuclear war



PRETTY PLEASE, allow us to migrate to a server of our choice so we can arrange the re mants of our comunities that were espread on your mini-shards launch

Edited by recsa
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Standard population is not very good. my server is standard alot and the fleet is never above 70 people and you cant get any heroic groups on any planet. getting fp and op groups are nearly impossible.


Thats why reroll on Heavy/Very Heavly server in my signature you have the info of our community project.


We have 200 people on fleets server going to Very Heavy or ATLEAST Heavy at peak hours and tons of new people lvling.


Instead of crying for merge lets do it yourself for a change considering how EASY it is to lvl to 50 in this game.

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Thats why reroll on Heavy/Very Heavly server in my signature you have the info of our community project.


We have 200 people on fleets server going to Very Heavy or ATLEAST Heavy at peak hours and tons of new people lvling.


Instead of crying for merge lets do it yourself for a change considering how EASY it is to lvl to 50 in this game.


Ill be honest mate.. that's not really a solution, its just encouraging all of the other servers to effectively "die", once you've pulled all the members out from it.


Making one overly populated server isn't really the best idea. And to your comment on how "easy" it is to level to 50, yes it is easy, but its everything else such as money, legacy ect that takes time.


Once you've gone over 5-6 million credits and level 32+ Legacy, you really really don't want to have to do it all over again.


Nice try, but honestly - not the solution to the problem here my friend :)


This is not the thread you are looking for.

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You'd think that server XXX being the worst populated 2 months in a row might be a hint to reroll an alt elsewhere instead we have people rerolling on the SAME server and complaining about lack of playerbase and then quitting


Some of us stayed for real life friends and/or guilds.

Also, the vague hype of legacy made many of us want to roll alts so we wouldn't have to start it over, knowing that eventually we'll be able to transfer our entire legacies later on.

But many of us underestimated the time it would take for legacy to come out, and for character transfers to be implemented.

Edited by Stenrik
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Ill be honest mate.. that's not really a solution, its just encouraging all of the other servers to effectively "die", once you've pulled all the members out from it.


Making one overly populated server isn't really the best idea. And to your comment on how "easy" it is to level to 50, yes it is easy, but its everything else such as money, legacy ect that takes time.


Once you've gone over 5-6 million credits and level 32+ Legacy, you really really don't want to have to do it all over again.


Nice try, but honestly - not the solution to the problem here my friend :)


This is not the thread you are looking for.


Now let me be honest...


If you did all this and did not REALISE your server is ''dying'' sooner then it ''suits'' you right, youll loose all this anyway if you stay there or unsub,


MMORPG shines when its alot of people not when you have 5 million credits or 32 legacy lvl... this all will wait for you on server merge, meanwhile enjoy a new char and healthy community...


noone asks you to delete the one you have just crying here wont help im sure they are looking what to do to fix all this but they cannot do it faster(or dont want to) the point is it wont happen sooner if you cry here


I dont want to make 1 over populated server... Tomb of Freedon Nadd is already FULL at peak for EU as PvP server... now we have PvE closing to full then we give other options for 2nd highest pop server...


Simple... its there to see if people WANT community or want only credits/legacy and are lazy and would rather cry... ALSO if you did all this in 3 months i am 99% you can do all that in half time now since you're even better and more skilled than 1st time.


I see no problem except for you telling yourself that you dont want to... but then id say ''Dont Cry'' Too many times people want something but would do NOTHING by themselves to fix THEIR problem.

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Now let me be honest...


If you did all this and did not REALISE your server is ''dying'' sooner then it ''suits'' you right, youll loose all this anyway if you stay there or unsub,


First off, people new to MMO's don't really know what to expect, and don't understand what a healthy population should be, until it's too late and they've poured a ton of time into their characters only to realize how hard it is to play endgame. I've seen this happen on my server.


Also, again, some people rolled with real life friends of guilds and felt bound to them.


Others had faith that Bioware would merge servers or allow transfers much sooner than they apparently are. Naive yes, but understandable.

Edited by Stenrik
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First off, people new to MMO's don't really know what to expect, and don't understand what a healthy population should be, until it's too late and they've poured a ton of time into their characters only to realize how hard it is to play endgame. I've seen this happen on my server.


Hehe... so in 3 months even those new did not had any clue about endgame? To get LEGACY lvl 32 TAKES ''ALOT'' of effort...


lvling 1 char from 1-50 gives legacy lvl 7-9 MAX... so what did they do to get all those other legacy lvls(the guy who replied to me)


Either he did TONS of HM flashpoints(which means he was geared for endgame 1 month ago ATLEAST) or he did TONS of pvp(which means he was geared for Endgame 1 month ago aswell)


Look i was ready for ENDGAME (normal operation 8 man) 2 weeks after i hit lvl 50) So that was 1 month after game opened up(didnt had early access)


If they are new to the game ask peopel about it or use your brains seriously


Also, again, some people rolled with real life friends of guilds and felt bound to them.


Friends cant roll with them? Talk use words, communication is the key :)


Others had faith that Bioware would merge servers or allow transfers much sooner than they apparently are. Naive yes, but understandable.


So now they should pay the price for them being Naive...





Just dont tell me that having 50 million credits, legacy lvl 32 without rerolling alt goes LOGICAL with the fact that he/she did not understand that server is dying....


Having 500k credits, legacy lvl 10 and not realising i can buy but this just means being ignorant and now crying for your own fault

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Now let me be honest...


If you did all this and did not REALISE your server is ''dying'' sooner then it ''suits'' you right, youll loose all this anyway if you stay there or unsub,


MMORPG shines when its alot of people not when you have 5 million credits or 32 legacy lvl... this all will wait for you on server merge, meanwhile enjoy a new char and healthy community...


noone asks you to delete the one you have just crying here wont help im sure they are looking what to do to fix all this but they cannot do it faster(or dont want to) the point is it wont happen sooner if you cry here


I dont want to make 1 over populated server... Tomb of Freedon Nadd is already FULL at peak for EU as PvP server... now we have PvE closing to full then we give other options for 2nd highest pop server...


Simple... its there to see if people WANT community or want only credits/legacy and are lazy and would rather cry... ALSO if you did all this in 3 months i am 99% you can do all that in half time now since you're even better and more skilled than 1st time.


I see no problem except for you telling yourself that you dont want to... but then id say ''Dont Cry'' Too many times people want something but would do NOTHING by themselves to fix THEIR problem.


Theres a difference between crying, and trying to actually do something.


You say people are lazy if they want to just sit there and not reroll onto a healthy server? I'm sorry "Sir" but that is just silly logic. If you honestly want to do something useful for the community, help the dying servers, get people to move onto them, encourage new people to play them - give them benifits ect.


So many things that could be done to help sort this problem out. I haven't been crying about this - because honestly I've given up caring now. Its gotten to the point that we are in the same position as we were last month and the month before.


They won't say anything other than what they've said - and alot of people we know have accepted that. Like you said - people are unsubbing. In regards to realising the server is "dying" - we did. But when you have an active guild of 20-30 people all who have work and have a life - its impossible to try and get everyone to reroll when people don't have the time.


Sure there are alot of people here who do just whine, cry ect - but all you are doing is a band-aid fix. If you want to help - help the dying communities, we all know server merges won't be here for ages (Despite it being quite easy to do if you know what you're doing).


It doesn't matter how long it takes you to get to 50, to get your legacy (which has been made even harder to progress with the increase a few patches ago) - its the principle. We've chosen our server which was heavy/very heavy - its declined - And rerolling - effectivly RESTARTING the whole game because of a mistake bioware made along with the community asking for more isn't an option for alot of people.


I mean brilliant - if you manage to get a few people who are willing to do it and join you in your little "project" - great - But don't come in here and start preaching about how everyone is lazy because they don't want to give up what they've been working on for the past 3+ Months.


You've provided one "alternative" - But what you're posting about really isn't any different from these people who are "crying" - Some people here are actually trying to raise awareness, and are frustrated about the lack of communication between Bioware and the community regarding this matter.


Anyway, Have fun on your server, and to those who choose to play there - But you have to realise - not everyone wants to do this, because like you said - the game is easy to get to 50 and a lot of people have made alts ect and become settled.


And if I'm not mistaken, wasn't it you who said you rerolled onto another server after your server was dead - with a legacy level of 5-8 and not even level 50? If so - says a lot - if not my mistake :)


Edit: Saw your above post and just lol'd. Was going to edit it in but thought what's the point, It would be like spelling out "idiot" to someone who didn't know how to read. Also its not a Community "OWN MERGE" its a Community "OWN REROLL".

Edited by Mysquine
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