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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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Forgive my ignorance, but what exactly is so complicated about the Legacy system when it comes to merges/transfers? What is there that takes months of work?

The only ones who could answer that is bioware. Assuming its a rhetorical question, I too see no technical reason why they wouldn't be able to easily implement a simple transfer interface somewhere.

Is that really as complicated as everyone's saying? What am I missing here?

Unwillingness and hope to avoid complete server failures with people relogging when new content (aka 1.2) comes would be my guess. But perhaps they need to type the individual bits from database to database by hand.

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Why not merge ?


While transfers can be practical and solve your current situation, you're just making it worse for the people who stays in that server. And that server will have a lower population


If the total current numbers of players is low to get a decent population in every server, then it's clear that the problem are the number of servers, the number of players or both.


Transfers or rerolls don't fix anything. How clear and quick is the path for BW to gain new players, re-charm the ones who lost, while keeping the current ones, so there can be a healthy server population everywhere ?

The only problem I see with merges is that they look bad.


Bottom line, it's BWs responsability to have a healthy population on servers, not the players'


Alright, have it your way :Merge but make all that wants a merge lose their right for guild and character names which already occur on the other server. How about that....All that want merge opt in for merge and get their names wiped when double names come up...


Merging is btw not the best solution, pretty much every mmo I've seen it happening it destroyed the balance, some trolls on purpose locked names so others could not take it, etc etc. Also merge now and it's very bad PR making it harder to get new players.


In this game it's very very very easy to get gear, level and legacy exp and if friends/guild does not want to transfer/roll with you then they are not friends/good guild ppl are they....


It is not only BW's responsibility to have a healthy population on the server. People prefer to go to heavy servers, you want BW to force them to roll on light servers ? Do you want BW force people not being able to reroll? A merge wont come in the near future and by the time it will come you could have gone to a healty server and get more out of the game then you can now.

Edited by Kirameki
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Bioware really needs to merge servers now or very soon because swtor will lose subscriptions to people who are tired of waiting for others to log on. If this game is to continue to be a success, this issue must be dealt with. Heroics, Flashpoints, Warzones, and Operations can be fun, but only if there were people to play them.
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I was so very excited when this game launched. Was fun, still could be fun but the servers are deader than dead and the game will die if something is not done soon. Merges, free transfers, cross realm stuff, all great ideas...DO SOMETHING. I really love the game but there are simply not enough people on the servers and without resolving the issue with one or a combination of the methods described in this post I won't continue to play and I can;t imagine others don't feel the same. Feels too much like WoW solo grinding for credits with no one on or a single player third person shooter t hat never ends. Get the prices down and the populations up and people may play. SWTOR had a huge advertising push on but I'll be honest it was too late, people had already stopped playing by that time so the new players it did obtain logged into empty servers and quit as well. Existing players need to be offered some type of reward to start up again, as it is now the game is not worth my time.





No need for server merges. Bioware told us the number of subscribers is increasing and if we remember correctly all the servers were full around christmas. So if anything bioware needs to increase the number of servers by 2-3 the amount and offer free transfers from old servers to the new ones. We don't want hour long ques and thousands of people on the fleets.



unless ofc bioware was trolling us. :rolleyes:

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Bioware really needs to merge servers now or very soon because swtor will lose subscriptions to people who are tired of waiting for others to log on. If this game is to continue to be a success, this issue must be dealt with. Heroics, Flashpoints, Warzones, and Operations can be fun, but only if there were people to play them.


Half my guild doesn't even log in anymore, it's a losing battle for those who do log in to do something. Help gear up a newbie and he ends up quitting out of frustration cause the guild isn't raiding consistenly and that makes older guildies not want to spend their precise time gearing up newbies. Come on Bioware, get on the bloody ball.

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I have to agree with you:o



Seems like almost every server is low population. At Peak hours, there are not many people on any one server. Rift had this issue, and in the beginning, they shut down servers, and allowed people to merge to other servers. It's odd that it takes hours at lvl 50 for a PVP game to pop, as there is hardly anyone on the servers. They also need to implement CROSS REALM Ques. WOW did this, and was a huge success. For any new MMO not to include this off the bat, is beyond bizarre to me. I think Bioware is too focused on fixing bugs than getting these servers in line. Wish I never leveled on what is now a "Low POP" server, as most of the time I feel like this is a single player game.


Bioware, what say you?

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No easy answer here. If they merge servers, the fact is some will still decline and then a call for more mergers. I say rather than any mergers just initiate character transfers and cross server tech asap. I also suspect a lot of players dont like the upcoming patch and have rage quit. I dont know this for sure and hope players are more mature than that. Whatever the reaosn, I have noticed a decline in players on the game I was expecting this as the player base always always expects more from a game due to marketing than it is reasonable to provide. Only time will tell if this game survives.
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Half my guild doesn't even log in anymore, it's a losing battle for those who do log in to do something. Help gear up a newbie and he ends up quitting out of frustration cause the guild isn't raiding consistenly and that makes older guildies not want to spend their precise time gearing up newbies. Come on Bioware, get on the bloody ball.


Yeah I have to agree with you here. My guild used to warmly welcome every new member, help them with heroics, send them gear... A week or two later the new member vanishes, never to return.


Now we're talking about limiting guild invites to level 50s because we're tired of being used by short timers.


I feel like we've been more than patient with the good folks at BioWare. The server has been limping along for almost three months. How long do they think people will wait before they seek out greener pastures?

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EAWare will only care when it's to late.


It's not unheard of for an MMO to fail fast. WAR, Aion etc.


This game is just like them. Even shares the same team as WAR.


Everything EA touches, turns to ****. That's not elitist talk, or follower speak. It's the truth.


Every company they take over, releases games with increasingly less quality then their Pre-EA games.


As it is with Bioware, what was once a truly remarkable, and enjoyable RPG Game Company.


But no more. Their just a shill now. A Name, that is gaining an increasingly bad reputation.


You hate EA. Yet you purchased their game and supported them. You are paying a monthly sub to stay on these forums.


I would like to be the first to thank you for supporting Bioware, EA and Star Wars The Old Republic!

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You hate EA. Yet you purchased their game and supported them. You are paying a monthly sub to stay on these forums.


I would like to be the first to thank you for supporting Bioware, EA and Star Wars The Old Republic!


Actually across the MMORPG community SWTOR is getting a really, and I mean really bad reputation. The big thing that got WoW moving was "Word of Mouth Advetising" which is huge im MMORPG's and best yet it's free. If a new gamer was to view these forums, they would most likely turn away. Besides, his account is probably running out like a bunch of ours, he's not really supporting EA if he's contributing to the massive retention drop that even Bioware can't spin.

Edited by Touchbass
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Actually across the SWTOR community SWTOR is getting a really, and I mean really bad reputation. The big thing that got WoW moving was "Word of Mouth Advetising" which is huge im MMORPG's and best yet it's free. If a new gamer was to view these forums, they would most likely turn away. Besides, he's account is probably running out like a bunch of ours, he's not really supporting EA if he's contributing to the massive retention drop that even Bioware can't spin.


Yet people are still paying to post.


FYI WOW sucked at launch. People came back to EQ complaining how bad it was and how it was unplayable how you could not loot! The customer service at launch was equal to EQ and as everyone knows Verant interactive had terrible customer service. Constant server crashes for several weeks. Yet WOW managed to survive a very rocky few months.


Tor was released too early even the most avid fan has to see it. It will survive and will get better.


And if the community had not whined for more servers to begin with there would only be a couple of servers in this situation. I just the bigger of those whining threads about queue times. Feel free to go back and read them. You will find a few of the players there are also demanding mergers now!

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Yet people are still paying to post.


FYI WOW sucked at launch. People came back to EQ complaining how bad it was and how it was unplayable how you could not loot! The customer service at launch was equal to EQ and as everyone knows Verant interactive had terrible customer service. Constant server crashes for several weeks. Yet WOW managed to survive a very rocky few months.


Tor was released too early even the most avid fan has to see it. It will survive and will get better.


And if the community had not whined for more servers to begin with there would only be a couple of servers in this situation. I just the bigger of those whining threads about queue times. Feel free to go back and read them. You will find a few of the players there are also demanding mergers now!


WoW did not suck at launch, it wasn't the smoothest launch but they had so much content and solid gameplay that it brought in tons of gamers by word of mouth. WoW survived cause they had enough content to keep us entertained for prolonged periods of time. Do not take that previous statement as a knock against SWTOR. The current MMORPG model does not work effectively imo, Cataclysm had a boat load more content then Vanilla did but can't retain customers as well.


People posting on the forums while their subscriptions are running out =/= paying to post. Now if people were at home and doing that, that would be a different thing.

Edited by Touchbass
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I just wish they would merge all low pop servers. I play on The Kumungah (or how u spell it) and its about 16-20 lvl 50s on primetime (if you are lucky) and the same on the fleet. Its no fun at all.


I work a lot and dont play that much so I dont want to spend 2 months to lvla a new character again.


BW would just gain popularity if they merged. I know a lot of ppl that quit because the server died and there is no merge or transfers.


If I could I would pay money to change server but I feel bad for those who will still be left and thus BW will lose them. I will probably quit too until they merge or you can transfer as I would rather just quit than lvl again tbh. Love the game but yeah, its sad it will have to end this way.

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WoW did not suck at launch, it wasn't the smoothest launch but they had so much content and solid gameplay that it brought in tons of gamers by word of mouth. WoW survived cause they had enough content to keep us entertained for prolonged periods of time. Do not take that previous statement as a knock against SWTOR. The current MMORPG model does not work effectively imo, Cataclysm had a boat load more content then Vanilla did but can't retain customers as well.


People posting on the forums while their subscriptions are running out =/= paying to post. Now if people were at home and doing that, that would be a different thing.


Meaning they still bought the game and subbed. Regardless if they cancelled or not they still supported the game.


Sadly no company will push the genre. I was hoping to see a mixture of sandbox and theme park.


My buddies played WOW and they all said wow launch was horrible. I even recall several of our raiders coming back because the servers were down or they could not loot or the lag was so bad they could not move in the cities.


Wonder if the original forum posts exist about WOW launch. My guess is you would see same kind of venom there as here!


On a final note is one thing to be disappointed, upset or to post constructive criticism and posting bugs needing to be fixed. It is a whole other ball game to come on forums and act like a spoiled child. Many of the posts on this forum are just temper tantrums from adults.


This game is not great but it is not end of the world terrible either. The biggest problem is the game is too fast to level. The game has potential. Now if it will hit that potential I don't know but at least it has a shot!


Like I said before I don't think Bioware is able to do mergers yet if they could they would have already. Though the more conspiracy theorists out there the richer I get, I invested heavily in tinfoil based on the early SWTOR forums.

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Personally I would of preferred more love in leveling up alts. It's tedious atm, especially since you can't rely on flashpoints to break up the medicority. I would of preferred longer leveling up times but more quest hubs splashed throughout.
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I just wish they would merge all low pop servers. I play on The Kumungah (or how u spell it) and its about 16-20 lvl 50s on primetime (if you are lucky) and the same on the fleet. Its no fun at all.


I work a lot and dont play that much so I dont want to spend 2 months to lvla a new character again.


BW would just gain popularity if they merged. I know a lot of ppl that quit because the server died and there is no merge or transfers.


If I could I would pay money to change server but I feel bad for those who will still be left and thus BW will lose them. I will probably quit too until they merge or you can transfer as I would rather just quit than lvl again tbh. Love the game but yeah, its sad it will have to end this way.

This is the exact position I'm in. I haven't played in over 3 weeks because it's near impossible to get a group to do anything. When/if they ever start doing something to fix the low pop servers I might come back but right now I don't see any point in logging in anymore.

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I'm on the Emp side and ready to go Republic any time, but there is no faction change option. Please give us one.


Please dont. That is absurd considering how the game is lined out.

i dont get it why you wont roll an alt instead on republic side. Not only you will have advantages (legacy) it will make alot of sense story wise. change factions is always an idiocy in any mmo imo.

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PLEASE merge the low population servers soon OR let it be possible for transfers free or not.(I'd gladly pay to get off this ghosttown of a server) My server is Cho Mai and there is 10 people in the fleet in the morning and 30-40 during "peak times" This is insane, especially since on other servers there is 60 people in each starting zones and 80-100 people in the fleet at all times..... if no transfers or merging happening soon, I don't see this game lasting even if it is an awesome MMO, but there is no MM.....PLEASE do something soon or lose your subscribers, including me. I've got a lv 50 and soon to have another, but it will just be the same once that character is 50( no one looking for hms and que pops taking 15-20 each with one game happening at a time....again PLEASE DO SOMETHING its getting to the point where I don't even want to log in because I know ques and groups wont happen.
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I am on Uthar Wynn and the server is DEAD. Ghost Town. All my guildies either quit or rerolled on the "Tomb".

But I do not have the time or liking to reroll and level again.

Either BW will announce character transfers or I will quit my subscription.

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PLEASE merge the low population servers soon OR let it be possible for transfers free or not.(I'd gladly pay to get off this ghosttown of a server) My server is Cho Mai and there is 10 people in the fleet in the morning and 30-40 during "peak times" This is insane, especially since on other servers there is 60 people in each starting zones and 80-100 people in the fleet at all times..... if no transfers or merging happening soon, I don't see this game lasting even if it is an awesome MMO, but there is no MM.....PLEASE do something soon or lose your subscribers, including me. I've got a lv 50 and soon to have another, but it will just be the same once that character is 50( no one looking for hms and que pops taking 15-20 each with one game happening at a time....again PLEASE DO SOMETHING its getting to the point where I don't even want to log in because I know ques and groups wont happen.


You can do it yourself, we started it its working very well: More info at:




Spread the word! Having a blast in flashpoints etc

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Actually across the MMORPG community SWTOR is getting a really, and I mean really bad reputation. The big thing that got WoW moving was "Word of Mouth Advetising" which is huge im MMORPG's and best yet it's free. If a new gamer was to view these forums, they would most likely turn away. Besides, his account is probably running out like a bunch of ours, he's not really supporting EA if he's contributing to the massive retention drop that even Bioware can't spin.

and the source of this is people who love to go on forums to bad talk the game as much as they can. They've done it to all games since WoW. Hell they even did it to WoW but that game managed to survive. They call people who are enjoying the game fanbois and BioDrones. They have absolutely nothing productive to bring to the table and sole purpose is to drag another game through the mud. They'll do the same thing to Tera, The Secret World and Guild Wars 2.


They are pathetic.

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