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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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i love this gaem but i do think some merges should happen the game is growing but merge's will fix the lower pop ones now and if the game hit 3 mill and we start getting ques again they can just re add them.. but that just my OP
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Caused because of all the whining about queue times. Many people warned people in those QQ threads that this would happen. People had to play now and screw later consequences. Dead servers are the later consequence.


Merges are going to have to happen unless patch 1.2 brings back old players or bring an influx of new players. I doubt they will merge any servers before 1.2.


I understand your point and 2 questions


1- you really think this game will survive with 1.2 and gw 2 coming at same time in april ?


2-Do you really think anyone will stop gw 2 cuz they will send email about possible merge ?

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I understand your point and 2 questions


1- you really think this game will survive with 1.2 and gw 2 coming at same time in april ?


2-Do you really think anyone will stop gw 2 cuz they will send email about possible merge ?


Where are you getting April for GW2?

I hear the end of June...

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Server merges are a hideous idea. They are also fraught with massive problems, such as - how do you merge and what do you merge?


Many servers on the torstatus.net site have values that are or approach "standard" population numbers, which means if you tried to merge two of those you'd get to full and beyond on the resulting server.


Parceling people out from one server to two or three servers would be complex as well - you'd have to take into account both legacy and guild affiliations and even then you'd miss something and cause mass rage-hysteria.


Now, voluntary moves from one server to a server that is not already trending full at peak, that I hope is on its way and will take advantage of. The only issue there will be legacies, as I'm one of no doubt many who has a legacy on several servers. I'd even pay a buck or two (nothing outrageous now, Bioware, just literally a buck or two) to be able to move my characters off the server I had to abandon to the one I play now.... and I'm sure it's in the works.


Out and out server merging though? Horrible idea, and it would have to be a last-ditch measure if there were servers that were basically empty and not just below average on population. And I don't think SWTOR is nearly at that point, I'm sure the population is growing slowly but surely because in the end, this is a really fun game with lots of staying power in spite of the many many shortcomings it has still a few months after launch.

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Server merges are a hideous idea. They are also fraught with massive problems, such as - how do you merge and what do you merge?


Many servers on the torstatus.net site have values that are or approach "standard" population numbers, which means if you tried to merge two of those you'd get to full and beyond on the resulting server.


Parceling people out from one server to two or three servers would be complex as well - you'd have to take into account both legacy and guild affiliations and even then you'd miss something and cause mass rage-hysteria.


Now, voluntary moves from one server to a server that is not already trending full at peak, that I hope is on its way and will take advantage of. The only issue there will be legacies, as I'm one of no doubt many who has a legacy on several servers. I'd even pay a buck or two (nothing outrageous now, Bioware, just literally a buck or two) to be able to move my characters off the server I had to abandon to the one I play now.... and I'm sure it's in the works.


Out and out server merging though? Horrible idea, and it would have to be a last-ditch measure if there were servers that were basically empty and not just below average on population. And I don't think SWTOR is nearly at that point, I'm sure the population is growing slowly but surely because in the end, this is a really fun game with lots of staying power in spite of the many many shortcomings it has still a few months after launch.


Why would it be so horrible? I prefer a 5 minutes que and have a full server over a low/medium populated server.

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They need to give us an update/information now, 3 month subs is running out in a couple of days.


I would love to play 1.2 as the game is approaching what it should have been but there no point on our server as it's empty.

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I rolled The Red Eclipse realm, and it has ''healthy'' population... on 14:00 CET it had 104 people on republic fleet and 126 people on Imperial fleet.(wednesday it was)


So come to The Red Eclipse on EU and lets make a great PvE realm with alot of people...


If we organise ourselves it will be ''faster'' and ''easier''

Edited by Alcarinn
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I rolled The Red Eclipse realm, and it has ''healthy'' population... on 14:00 CET it had 104 people on republic fleet and 126 people on Imperial fleet.(wednesday it was)


So come to The Red Eclipse on EU and lets make a great PvE realm with alot of people...


If we organise ourselves it will be ''faster'' and ''easier''


I do have a level 31 gunslinger on that server. But it's hard to abandon my lvl 30 legacy that i have on Niman. Maybe i will level my gunslinger when we are not raiding in the hope that there will be server transfers in the near future.

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Anyone active in the higher tiers on Flames of the Crucible and that can tell me how the over all population is ? (yeah not just fleet.)



Still have chars that but they are like only lvl 1-9, levelled something way back in december and want to know if it is worth levelling them.

Edited by Kirameki
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I do have a level 31 gunslinger on that server. But it's hard to abandon my lvl 30 legacy that i have on Niman. Maybe i will level my gunslinger when we are not raiding in the hope that there will be server transfers in the near future.


Well luckily i only had lvl 8 legacy (1 char to 50) so it wasnt that bad.


I just propose that all pve community bangs on 1 realm which i propose The Red Eclipse, it has nice social guilds and i also see good raiding belgium/Dutch and English/international guilds... also chat is quite healthy as in not much if anything at all of foreign writing 99% is english


PvP is also quite easy to get(warzones) but i suggest you roll republic to increase rep population since its roughly 2:1 + imperial is more pvp oriented than reps(but on 1-49 reps own :D)

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I understand your point and 2 questions


1- you really think this game will survive with 1.2 and gw 2 coming at same time in april ?


2-Do you really think anyone will stop gw 2 cuz they will send email about possible merge ?



With the number they have sold of course it will survive. If you think otherwise your just not being realistic.


Not everyone wants to play a fantasy game.


So what if GW2 is not the second coming everyone expects. What if reality falls far short of expectations. Expectations of TOR were way too high and I see the same thing happening for GW2. Too much hype is a very bad thing.


Why are you here if you don't think this game has longevity? Why bring GW2 into a discussion of server mergers.


GW2 will not appeal to the pure Star Wars fan. It will not appeal to the science fantasy/fiction fan. It will not appeal to the Bioware RPG fan. It will appeal to a portion of the MMO players.


Yeah SWTOR will be just fine!

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Server merges are a hideous idea. They are also fraught with massive problems, such as - how do you merge and what do you merge?


Many servers on the torstatus.net site have values that are or approach "standard" population numbers, which means if you tried to merge two of those you'd get to full and beyond on the resulting server.


Parceling people out from one server to two or three servers would be complex as well - you'd have to take into account both legacy and guild affiliations and even then you'd miss something and cause mass rage-hysteria.


Now, voluntary moves from one server to a server that is not already trending full at peak, that I hope is on its way and will take advantage of. The only issue there will be legacies, as I'm one of no doubt many who has a legacy on several servers. I'd even pay a buck or two (nothing outrageous now, Bioware, just literally a buck or two) to be able to move my characters off the server I had to abandon to the one I play now.... and I'm sure it's in the works.


Out and out server merging though? Horrible idea, and it would have to be a last-ditch measure if there were servers that were basically empty and not just below average on population. And I don't think SWTOR is nearly at that point, I'm sure the population is growing slowly but surely because in the end, this is a really fun game with lots of staying power in spite of the many many shortcomings it has still a few months after launch.


Not to mention who gets to use a name that is taken by two players! Someone is going to be mad when they are told they have to change their name!

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The worst part is that a simple "we are aware of the problems some servers have and intend to fix it somehow" would have made me resub for atleast a month or two. The silence is what kills the game not the faults it has.


Server: Uthar Wynn

Time spent: 368 hours

Legacy level: 19

No I wont reroll....

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Why would it be so horrible? I prefer a 5 minutes que and have a full server over a low/medium populated server.


Yeah but like I said, there are numerous things that Bioware has to think about if we're talking an actual merging of two servers. But merging two servers into one is probably the simplest approach and even that has issues to consider. But I suppose it would be feasible to take the least used servers and merge if they felt that was wise but it would still be a mess for them to deal with.


Not to mention who gets to use a name that is taken by two players! Someone is going to be mad when they are told they have to change their name!


That's one of the issues. Same thing with legacy names. Potentially guild names.


And as I said, if you think about something like moving 1/3 of the players to one server and 1/3 to a second and 1/3 to the third... it becomes a nightmare with regards to guilds, legacies, etc.


This can all be solved with voluntary moving. Make it possible to move an entire "legacy set" from one server to the other and let people pick their own more better populated machine and the problem is solved.

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With the number they have sold of course it will survive. If you think otherwise your just not being realistic.


Not everyone wants to play a fantasy game.


So what if GW2 is not the second coming everyone expects. What if reality falls far short of expectations. Expectations of TOR were way too high and I see the same thing happening for GW2. Too much hype is a very bad thing.


Why are you here if you don't think this game has longevity? Why bring GW2 into a discussion of server mergers.


GW2 will not appeal to the pure Star Wars fan. It will not appeal to the science fantasy/fiction fan. It will not appeal to the Bioware RPG fan. It will appeal to a portion of the MMO players.


Yeah SWTOR will be just fine!


I think the gw2 stuff is coming from kids, who for one never played gw1. If your sitting around waiting for some content revolution from gw2, your gonna be lol dissapointed. Guild wars is a f2p mmo, with no end game outside of pvp, and most ppl will chew through that game in a month and move on, just like gw1. It's gonna be insanely fun to watch the whining and complaining when that game comes out from all these ppl that think theyre getting the second coming of wow. It ain't gonna happen. Gw2 will be a stop gap game. Sorry.

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It seems to me that after Christmas, not many people have been on any server. Like certain servers have a STANDARD population at the peak hours when everyone is on. I am almost glad that not all the servers are over crowded becase then you dont have to wait 2 hours to login. We need to remember that alot of people have work and can't play so every sever does have plenty of players using that server, but not all of them are always on. Maybe since it takes forever to get a PVP match going for servers with low population they will put in a new Warzone that is meant for smaller servers. There are still plenty of people playing WOW still, so give it a few more months and we may have some more players on the servers.
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I agree with OP. I was really enjoying this game up to 50 as it felt like playing a single player game online, there was so much detail and I was impressed. Now I'm at 50 I am trying everyday to group for HMs or OPs and there is no one about.


Also whats up with the 'PVP'?


What is the point on choosing a PVP server is they're going to put zones in place that you cannot go. A true PVP game lets cities attack eachother, I can sit in a PVP zone for hours afk and I wont get attacked and yes I am complaining about not being attacked. Warzones aren't enough. Sort it out Bioware.

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