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Backpedaling...Do you do it?

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The reason I started this thread was to get more opinions on the matter. I do backpedal often...But I started this thread as a response to criticism and flak I was getting for doing such a thing in a video I made. Watch it if you want, and try to keep the backpedaling in mind. I can't see where it effects me in a negative way in the video at all, but some sure do. Is it simply annoying to watch? Or does it really effect my play? You tell me:



It's kind of long but you don't have to watch the whole video. Try to keep on topic. I understand my rotation is not yet "perfected". I just switched over to Watchman the other day and I'm still learning the proper rotation.

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I backpedal when I damn well feel like it and anybody that doesn't like it can blow it out their ear.


That's my feeling on the topic anyway.


I agree, S key is bound for a reason, I could think of some where else they could blow it out of..LOL

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The reason I started this thread was to get more opinions on the matter. I do backpedal often...But I started this thread as a response to criticism and flak I was getting for doing such a thing in a video I made. Watch it if you want, and try to keep the backpedaling in mind. I can't see where it effects me in a negative way in the video at all, but some sure do. Is it simply annoying to watch? Or does it really effect my play? You tell me:



It's kind of long but you don't have to watch the whole video. Try to keep on topic. I understand my rotation is not yet "perfected". I just switched over to Watchman the other day and I'm still learning the proper rotation.


If how you are playing is working for you, that's all that really matters.

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The reason I started this thread was to get more opinions on the matter. I do backpedal often...But I started this thread as a response to criticism and flak I was getting for doing such a thing in a video I made. Watch it if you want, and try to keep the backpedaling in mind. I can't see where it effects me in a negative way in the video at all, but some sure do. Is it simply annoying to watch? Or does it really effect my play? You tell me:



It's kind of long but you don't have to watch the whole video. Try to keep on topic. I understand my rotation is not yet "perfected". I just switched over to Watchman the other day and I'm still learning the proper rotation.


I watched the first couple minutes, and I don't see any problems. Completely turning your character around and running the other way, or turning your character to the side to strafe, when you only need to take a step or two back is not only unnecessary, but also can be disorienting with the camera whipping around every which way and losing sight of your peripheral vision (especially since even max camera distance isn't that far away from your character).

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If things like deflect and defensive stats were 'front facing' only- then I'd find backpedalling useful as a tank- in other games, turning around to walk a boss somewhere means eating a bunch of unmitigated blows. This game doesn't seem to have that though- nor do most bosses tend to move since a great deal are ranged anyway.


Without that one case- no, I have no need for the ability to move backwards, so I bound s to my CC break instead.

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It's useful in PVE and unfortunately it doesn't matter overly much in pvp since this game has autofacing when you cast spells. In games without autofacing, a skilled mouse turning player can run through you while you are trying to cast a spell and if you turn with your keyboard while casting the spell will not go off, but if you mouse turn you will hit them regardless.


In a game without autofacing, the only person that needs to s key are tanks on bosses like karagga that require steady small positioning adjustments.


Edit: Turning with your mouse is always faster than turning with your keyboard. If a melee is on you and you try to backpedal away, it is foolish because your run speed is slower when you backpedal. Maybe if the backpedaling speed were faster that would be a different story.

Edited by Khayleth
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It makes you a better player if you use mobility to your advantage.


It doesn't make you a better player to strafe left and right 10 times while stabbing somebody in the back.





or something.

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The problem with back-pedaling is that it dramatically reduces your rate of movement, so competent players will run straight past and hit you from behind as you frantically try to keyboard turn to face them.


This is the calling card of the Bad Player.


What you need to do is strafe instead, with the most rudimentary method for ranged strafing being this:


Rotate your character with the A or D keys so you are virtually sideways to your opponent but still have enough angle to hit them, then press the Q or E keys to strafe away from them. Ranged strafing has the advantage of being able to run at full speed in the opposite direction while still hitting your opponent.


Now you know, and knowing is half the battle!












Body massage.

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I don't have my S key bound, but I know plenty of good pvpers that do also unbinding your S key wouldn't make a bit of a difference you have complete control of where your char is facing at all times in that video so the whole "a good pvper will just strafe through you" argument is completely false.
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