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Operative hard to level ?


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I found it pretty easy to level, I leved as concealment till 40 then switched to heals. Keep gear up to date and k geared and in tank as said before. Make sure you do all your space battles as well as they give you good xp and money, it helps.



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Instead of bragging how easy it was for me, I'll tell you to always keep an eye out for new gear and compare the stats to get a better understanding of them, along with your companions. Also read up on different builds to understand your skills and abilities and how they work together and once in awhile go over your hot key bar and try to come up with a layout that's more natural for you. Edited by kashaun
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What most dont realize is that everything, everything is slow to level compared to BH/Trooper, at least, that is how I feel about it.


Take for instance a typical mob pack, 3-4 normals, with a BH you just death from above and move to the next pack (or if DfA is on CD, toss a explosive dart/fusion missile and do a couple of sweeping blasters(as merc))


Most other classes will have to use a lot more skills, and often do a lot more positioning to kill that pack, especially as a op (with backstabs etc).



So, while its not hard to level, it takes longer as you cant just AoE them all down and move on.

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I started to level as a healer, since I had a tank in Kaliyo. Big mistake. Around 25 or so, I switched to concealment, and it was like a wonderful dream. If you're not in a DPS spec, it will seem like a grind.


Oddly I had the opposite experience: I started in concealment and struggled with it. I switched to healer around 25 and found both PVE and PVP content much easier.


I think it has to do with your preferred playstyle. You should not be afraid to respec a couple times to try out various builds and see what works for you.

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What most dont realize is that everything, everything is slow to level compared to BH/Trooper, at least, that is how I feel about it.


Take for instance a typical mob pack, 3-4 normals, with a BH you just death from above and move to the next pack (or if DfA is on CD, toss a explosive dart/fusion missile and do a couple of sweeping blasters(as merc))


Most other classes will have to use a lot more skills, and often do a lot more positioning to kill that pack, especially as a op (with backstabs etc).



So, while its not hard to level, it takes longer as you cant just AoE them all down and move on.

Or just spec Concealment and skip all those mobs. Finishing quests gives more exp than mob grinding.
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I am level 26 OP , i don't do a lot of dmg ( compared with Powertech ) maybe i am under geared ? could some one give me advice ?



Thank you !


No advice needed.


The companions pretty much suck all around. People will advocate Lokin for heals but this companion can't heal to save it's life much less yours you aren't a tank as an IA and people seem to forget that.


Kaliyo is a decent tank she can at least hold agro, but I do agree an increase in her resistance would be nice.


DPS companions are just that... They can't tank they can't heal, which means you have to tank and heal yourself with a DPS companion (NOT INDICATIVE OF HEAL SPEC)


It's called concealment operative.


They have a big level'ing curve compared to BH's/Troopers/Sorcs/Sages.


Unlike these other classes level 1-49 these classes are DPS monsters in both PVP and PVE.


Concealment operatives and snipers are not.


They do not shine in PVE or PVP until level 36+ and they especially don't shine in the 50's pvp bracket until they get geared. They shine even less in raids without gear from 4man HM's.


Skipping mobs as concealment while more than possible not necessarily the smart thing to do. You will end up in the same situation i was in... running out of quests to do but not high enough level to move to the next planet. Which ulimately lead me into PVP'ing to level up 1-3 levels just to continue to the next planet.


It's how it is, and most people don't realize just how hard it is to level an operative/sniper until they attempt to do so.

Edited by Ahebish
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I have leveled both a smuggler and Operative to 50. Leveling as Concealment is fine. Leveling as a healer is not recommended but can be done with enough patience. You really do not shine until 36. Make sure you use a tank companion because they will pull aggro away from you and allow you to hit them in the back which is crucial as a operative. Make liberal use of grenade and stuns.
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I have leveled both a smuggler and Operative to 50. Leveling as Concealment is fine. Leveling as a healer is not recommended but can be done with enough patience. You really do not shine until 36. Make sure you use a tank companion because they will pull aggro away from you and allow you to hit them in the back which is crucial as a operative. Make liberal use of grenade and stuns.




Someone who uses kaliyo like I did on my concealment!!!


unpossible kaliyo is a horrible tank just ask anyone!

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Concealment and Medic are both fine leveling specs, though for pure leveling speed I find going past 11 points in Medic is unnecessary.


I've found leveling (Concealment) to be very easy. Things die quickly and skipping mob packs makes questing very quick.


I've kept myself and Kaliyo up to date in customizable gear, mostly using planet commendations. As long as I use my CC (and more recently, Toxin Scan) and such correctly we're almost untouchable, I'm actually considering using Temple instead of Kaliyo since her tanking is seeming almost unneeded.

Edited by Ginnem
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Here is how I would suggest leveling a Medic Op, based on my own experiences.


1.) Do your space dailies, every stinkin day, from the moment you get a starship.

2.) Do your PvP dailies, every stinkin day, from the moment you turn level 10.

3.) Stealth past every non-essential, non-quest mob and don't worry about the lost XP because you've been doing your Space/PvP dailies every stinkin day like that guy on the internet told you to.

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No advice needed.


The companions pretty much suck all around. People will advocate Lokin for heals but this companion can't heal to save it's life much less yours you aren't a tank as an IA and people seem to forget that.


Kaliyo is a decent tank she can at least hold agro, but I do agree an increase in her resistance would be nice.


DPS companions are just that... They can't tank they can't heal, which means you have to tank and heal yourself with a DPS companion (NOT INDICATIVE OF HEAL SPEC)


It's called concealment operative.


They have a big level'ing curve compared to BH's/Troopers/Sorcs/Sages.


Unlike these other classes level 1-49 these classes are DPS monsters in both PVP and PVE.


Concealment operatives and snipers are not.


They do not shine in PVE or PVP until level 36+ and they especially don't shine in the 50's pvp bracket until they get geared. They shine even less in raids without gear from 4man HM's.


Skipping mobs as concealment while more than possible not necessarily the smart thing to do. You will end up in the same situation i was in... running out of quests to do but not high enough level to move to the next planet. Which ulimately lead me into PVP'ing to level up 1-3 levels just to continue to the next planet.


It's how it is, and most people don't realize just how hard it is to level an operative/sniper until they attempt to do so.



Doctor Lokin makes any fight easymode. Any difficult encounter I just pull him out and have no problems with the fight. Any easy fight and I just use DPS companion. Only companion that really sucks is Kaliyo who just dies in 5 seconds against any elite mob.


Do space quests, PvP dailies, FPs. There's a lot of ways to level if you're missing EXP. Yeah if all you do is questing you might not level fast enough, but I wouldn't recommend doing that anyway for any character because of how much of a grind that is.

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Suddenly I feel like an oddball for advocating leveling as a healer. I'll admit it was no cakewalk with Kaliyo, but when I got Vector things got a lot smoother, and now that I've got SCORPIO things are even better. I was able to take down a few Champion mobs in my healer spec with Vector. Took a few tries on some of them, but I did it. Got some nice drops from that.
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Having levelled both operative and a PT through those levels simple option.


My operative was a cybertech so gearing kaliyo was easy.


1) Put AIm then endurance on Kaliyo put her in DPS mode AOE's active open from stealth backstab at that level, shiv, nade to pop that outside corner mob you opened on into the pack Carbine Burst. Trash mobs dead except maybe a rifle shot or two. Roughly the same kill time as the PT without DFA active.

(Alternatively stealth bypass kills to the boss, but I'm kind a shermans march to the sea schorched earth mentality.)


On multi elite pulls turn off kaliyo's aoe's start with hot's running on kaliyo. Sleep dart one backstab the quick drop targets. Essentially pve limit DPS rules fastest to die dies first etc... You actually have alot more control than a PT in this level and unless you've geared mako really well the fights are safer on the operative take a bit longer.


If you are doing what you did level 1-10 explosive probe snipe rifle nade it'll take you forever you have to get in and get bloody.


most elites drop debuffs you can cleans off kaliyo(Major source of the damage she takes cleanse them as a priority to dropping the heal do it early). You only need a single cast of Kolto probe to refresh a 2 stack. Explosive probe is great for burst still so drop into a crouch on elites after or before you do an overload.


Do your space dailies, do your pvp dailies get the level 20 PvP gear. Heal spec can kill trash quickly, conceal quicker. And stealth bypass turn in quests is also quick exp.


PT thanks to DFS feels stronger on trash but frankly I missed the surgical precision you have with an operative on elites.

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I'm finding the Operative a cakewalk compared to my Juggernaut. I'm skilled fully in medicine, I'm up to level 18, I use Kaliyo in tank stance and I destroy just about everything. Backstab, shiv, overload and rifle shot are my staple abilities, with more heals and less overload shot when I'm fighting elites.
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One thing to note about Ops, don't assume that the knives are you only main attacks. im leveling as heal spec and demolishing those 4 packs of normals in 6 seconds or so once i open up. how? grenade + carbine burst. open up with backstab from stealth, shiv, carbine burst the group, grenade, cleanup. kaliyo's AoE's are low damage high but usually handle the cleanup.



It all comes down to personal style, if your style is knives knives knives, then you prolly want concealment as you murder quickly with said knives. if you like being able to kill anything and everything regardless of how long it takes or what weapons you use, healer. elites are xp pinata's for healer ops.


haven't tried the third spec though, someone got a say on that?

Edited by Jayrune
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No advice needed.


The companions pretty much suck all around. People will advocate Lokin for heals but this companion can't heal to save it's life much less yours you aren't a tank as an IA and people seem to forget that.



Funny you say this because after I got Lokin I couldn't even try to use any other companion because LOKIN IS A MONSTER AT HEALING (I kept his gear pretty updated by giving him hand-me-downs from my own gear). I leveled as lethality with Lokin as companion, never die, solo all elites with 100% life remaining. /Faceroll


Rotation for normal mobs: poison grenade, grenade, shiv into carbine spam, they drop like flies.


Rotation for silver mobs: poison grenade, poison dart the silver, grenade the standard for the CC, backstab the standard mob for the kill (also get a TA from the kill), shiv + cull spam the silver. Goes down in less than 10 seconds.


Rotation for Elites: keep up poisons, keep getting TAs from shivs, keep debilitate on CD, make sure to interrupt casts. Against melee elites make sure to always have severed tendon on them and ALWAYS kite them (stay out of 4m range and only go into melee to hit with shiv or debilitate --> backstab), with lokin healing they will never even scratch you. Against ranged elites: same as against the melee ones but pay more attention to their casts. Also line of sighting ranged elites is a very good tool for catching some time to heal up and get TA's from your heals.


Have fun leveling as Lethality!!

Edited by MrVadim
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