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Has George Lucas tried to defend Episode I-III?


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Midichlorians? Why do so many hate them?




They tell how powerful a Force User can become when they reach their full potential. Their like represenatives of the Force not the actual Force in Science stuff.


Internet. Some "cool kid" says thier stupid and others want to be cool so they start in too.


Personally i loved them. Got rid of the quasi-religious BS surounding the force and anything that progreses science over primitive superstition is a good thing.

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Internet. Some "cool kid" says thier stupid and others want to be cool so they start in too.


Personally i loved them. Got rid of the quasi-religious BS surounding the force and anything that progreses science over primitive superstition is a good thing.


Well I do prefer science over religon in Real Life.



Science over the Force doesn't sound right.... it'd be cool if they were. If the Force was scientific but "fantasy make believe" at the same time.

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Since the topic is being discussed I'm actually really surprised no one's linked Red Letter Media's Plinkett Reviews, http://redlettermedia.com/plinkett/star-wars/

Which I'd argue are the most well-explained breakdown of the failings of the prequel trilogy.


I would also argue they have become a pathetic speed dial for people that have nothing to say.


Go anywhere and mention the prequels. "OMG plinketts reviews" I AM SO RIGHT!!!


Let us know when he treats the OT with the same fervor and bias...

Edited by Additc
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George Lucas doesn't care if he makes a bad movie. He realizes that if you hype a movie up well, then people will pay to see it. After they've paid for it, who cares what they think. This kind of mentality is also responsible for Indiana Jones and the crystal skulls.


Ah stup up you kid, obviously he want people to enjoy the movies, but he does them like hw wants though. Why do you think he stopped with the Star Wars project?

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Internet. Some "cool kid" says thier stupid and others want to be cool so they start in too.


Personally i loved them. Got rid of the quasi-religious BS surounding the force and anything that progreses science over primitive superstition is a good thing. (Sic)


Yes quasi-religious or even full on religious BS is quite irksome if the discussion is public policy, or the encroachment of these beliefs into science class rooms. However...


With regards to the original films, every thing we learn about The Force from A New Hope to Return Of The Jedi defines it in spiritual terms. In interviews going back to well before the release of A Phantom Menace George Lucas described The Force as being inspired by eastern philosophy, specifically Taoism.


This concept, which even non-spiritual / non-religious folks like myself are perfectly okay with, is paradigm with which we viewed the original films. Further, the original films were not science fiction. They were space operas. They were fantasy.


Flash forward to the release of A Phantom Menace. The Force is now no longer a part of a fantasy theme, but is now a science fiction theme shoehorned in to explain why Qui-Gon would ignore the orders of the council and jeopardize his mission by wasting time on some precocious slave boy on a backwater world like Tatooine. It was completely unnecessary for the plot. Qui-Gon would need only "search his feelings" to realize that there was something special about the child.


That being said, I enjoyed all of the films. Some more than others. But just because I enjoyed them doesn't mean they were without flaws. George Lucas doesn't owe anyone an apology for his artistic vision, but to many fans who grew up with Star Wars the prequel movies had too many flaws to be overlooked. It really felt like Lucas would have benefited from a better script writer, and maybe someone that could have looked at him and said: "Jar Jar Binks... really?".


There's a reason why Episode V is considered by both fans and critics alike to be the pinnacle of the entire series of films.

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why would he feel the need to "defend" something that has made him millions upon millions of dollars and still is? ... no offense but if I did something that let me rake in cash hand over hand for a decade I wouldn't feel the need to defend myself when some angry nerds typed bad things about it on the internet... i'd prolly mail them each a picture of me laying in an Olympic size swimming pool full of 100 dollar bills holding a Jar Jar doll and laughing Edited by Liquidacid
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I would also argue they have become a pathetic speed dial for people that have nothing to say.


Go anywhere and mention the prequels. "OMG plinketts reviews" I AM SO RIGHT!!!


Let us know when he treats the OT with the same fervor and bias...



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why would he feel the need to "defend" something that has made him millions upon millions of dollars and still is? ... no offense but if I did something that let me rake in cash hand over hand for a decade I wouldn't feel the need to defend myself when some angry nerds typed bad things about it on the internet... i'd prolly mail them each a picture of me laying in an Olympic size swimming pool full of 100 dollar bills holding a Jar Jar doll and laughing


GREAT answer.i ll add that without G.Lucas star wars wouldn't exist.


he fought against the odds to make the dream come true,never forget it

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1 - No the story telling was weak because Lucas can't write. It had NOTHING to do with the budget spent on special effects. Lucas has a good imagination but he can't write nor direct.


2 - a slight continuation of my point in 1...Hayden Christensen is not THAT bad an actor. The FAULT lies in Lucas. Hayden is by no means of the caliber of McGregor (who was able to pull off a decent performance) but he's NOT the reason his character sucked. Lucas 100% responsible for that. Hayden actually isn't that bad. Far from great. But the hate everyone gives him is misplaced. It's Lucas that should bear the brunt of the hate towards the older Anakin, not Hayden. Case-in-point..Jeremy Irons is a good actor. Now go watch him in Dungeons and Dragons (he plays the main antagonist) absolutely HORRIBLE. Let's drill this in - LUCAS IS TO BLAME FOR HAYDENS CRAPPY PERFORMANCE, NOT HAYDEN HIMSELF.


and like it or not Han didn't shoot first. And it doesn't change his character at all. Hand was still getting his blaster out and intended on killing Greedo. Nothing changed. It's just yet another stupid thing people claim too in order to find more to whine and cry about with the changes.


I agree with this. Its rarely an actor's fault...If the scirpit is poorly written and the director doesn't give good enough direction..then NO AMOUNT of GOOD acting is going to save the movie.

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1 - No the story telling was weak because Lucas can't write. It had NOTHING to do with the budget spent on special effects. Lucas has a good imagination but he can't write nor direct.


2 - a slight continuation of my point in 1...Hayden Christensen is not THAT bad an actor. The FAULT lies in Lucas. Hayden is by no means of the caliber of McGregor (who was able to pull off a decent performance) but he's NOT the reason his character sucked. Lucas 100% responsible for that. Hayden actually isn't that bad. Far from great. But the hate everyone gives him is misplaced. It's Lucas that should bear the brunt of the hate towards the older Anakin, not Hayden. Case-in-point..Jeremy Irons is a good actor. Now go watch him in Dungeons and Dragons (he plays the main antagonist) absolutely HORRIBLE. Let's drill this in - LUCAS IS TO BLAME FOR HAYDENS CRAPPY PERFORMANCE, NOT HAYDEN HIMSELF.


and like it or not Han didn't shoot first. And it doesn't change his character at all. Hand was still getting his blaster out and intended on killing Greedo. Nothing changed. It's just yet another stupid thing people claim too in order to find more to whine and cry about with the changes.


I'm waiting to read / watch your epic space opera wich you turn into a film trillogy that grosses hundreds of millions...i really am.....

Edited by TKMaster
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I'm waiting to read / watch your epic space opera wich you turn into a film trillogy that grosses hundreds of millions...i really am.....


keep waiting. but we aren't talking about me now are we?


But whatever makes you feel better.


oh and, I am like Lucas....I have a lot of ideas I think are neat, a good imagination (in my opinion)...but I have a hard time putting it down on paper and putting it together.


If I was to do something on my own I would seek outside help of those that can both put my imagination to words..and if it got shot as a film I'd find someone that could direct.


But then again I know my own limits and don't let my over-inflated ego get in the way.


Again, keep waiting.

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keep waiting. but we aren't talking about me now are we?


But whatever makes you feel better.


oh and, I am like Lucas....I have a lot of ideas I think are neat, a good imagination (in my opinion)...but I have a hard time putting it down on paper and putting it together.


If I was to do something on my own I would seek outside help of those that can both put my imagination to words..and if it got shot as a film I'd find someone that could direct.


But then again I know my own limits and don't let my over-inflated ego get in the way.


Well, since it seems to have rewarded Lucas very well, perhaps you should give it a try.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey idiots!


Lets go back and throw CGI force ghosts, animals, robots, lasers, sand storms, rain, tornadoes, explosions, dance parties, gravy


over every scene in every movie.


That's what George Lucas wants to do.


Episodes 1 2 3 have no PROTAGONIST..........any genuinely good character who you can RELATE to.....Obi-Wan was changed into some creepy castrated monk.


Episodes 4 5 6 CLASSIC unaltered theatrical versions focus on character, overall arcing plot, a conflict against the universe and within the self. Themes like : Reunion, Family, Friendship, The General And Obvious Good...


Don't go into "A JEDI CANNOT LOVE" crap, that's retarded....

Good Example of why that's wrong= Luke redeems Darth Vader, an agent of evil, while his mentors warn him that Vader is lost forever, Luke goes and engages a dialogue with him anyway while defending himself of course, until their father son BOND guides them down the right path.

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I didn't hate episode I, but I can see why a lot of people would have had problems with it. But, I don't get why so many also hate episodes II and III. The story in episode II was good and the acting was decent. Sure there were a couple of cheesy lines, something you'll find in pretty much all of the films, and a lot of the action didn't happen until the second half, but overall it was a very satisfying movie. It showed us that Yoda could kick ***!


As for episode III, anyone who says it was bad either hasn't seen it or is trolling. It was the best movie behind The Empire Strikes Back. So there were a couple of cheesy romantic scenes, they were still a hell of a lot less awkward then the ones you'll find in SWTOR. Certainly not enough take away from the overall film. As for those complaints about Anakin being too "whiny", that's the way he was supposed to be portrayed. Lucas did it on purpose. It makes sense for a character like Darth Vader to have originally been a good man, but filled with an overly high opinion of himself and a desire and sense that he deserved more. What did you expect him to be?

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Loved all of the PT. I just thought Ep I should have been more developed in story...but we tend to forget the main point of EP I was to introduce Anakin. Nothing more, nothing less. Edited by Eillack
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Hey idiots!


Lets go back and throw CGI force ghosts, animals, robots, lasers, sand storms, rain, tornadoes, explosions, dance parties, gravy


over every scene in every movie.


That's what George Lucas wants to do.


Episodes 1 2 3 have no PROTAGONIST..........any genuinely good character who you can RELATE to.....Obi-Wan was changed into some creepy castrated monk.


Episodes 4 5 6 CLASSIC unaltered theatrical versions focus on character, overall arcing plot, a conflict against the universe and within the self. Themes like : Reunion, Family, Friendship, The General And Obvious Good...


Don't go into "A JEDI CANNOT LOVE" crap, that's retarded....

Good Example of why that's wrong= Luke redeems Darth Vader, an agent of evil, while his mentors warn him that Vader is lost forever, Luke goes and engages a dialogue with him anyway while defending himself of course, until their father son BOND guides them down the right path.


Anakin is the protagonist in all those films. I can relate to a few characters, depends on what was going on in the movie. I don't see how Obi-Wan turned into a creepy castrated monk, nor do I really know what you mean by that. I could say the same about how hes a creepy old senile man in episode 4, because I like the PT Obi more.


Episodes 1,2 and 3 focus on overall arcing plot as well, Anakin's fall to the dark side, a conflict in the universe and a conflict in Anakin, whether to save the ones he loves or be a Jedi. 1,2 and 3 deal with love, friendship and conflict.


Nobody said Jedi cannot love, in fact Obi-Wan clearly tells Anakin he loves him in episode 3. I don't see what your talking about in your last paragraph, that scene can't really be duplicated in the prequels, because that's not what they are about. I can write many paragraphs about scenes in the PT that hit me harder. The prequels aren't about redemption.


Your argument is the definition of bias and doesn't really prove your point at all. But good job calling everyone who doesn't agree with you a "idiots" in the first sentence.

Edited by TheLonelyTusken
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Episode 3 was the worst of them all. Why?


1. Yoda just runs away to Dagobah. The most powerful Jedi of his time and he can't help lead the resistance or try again? I mean Obi-Wan just got done beating Vader on Mustafaar there is a window of opportunity where he and Obi-Wan could have taken on Palpatine again. Or even just lead the rebellion, anything but just run away. Is the Jedi way "if it's too tough run away?" I was fully expecting Yoda to have a confrontation with a Sith on Dagobah and after an epic battle in which he defeats said enemy discoveres that he is marooned on Dagobah and can't help the others since he is stuck not that he just ran away.


2. Padme just decides she doesn't want to live? She just gives birth to two babies and she just doesn't want to live anymore? Ask any mother about babies and the will to live. I was fully expection some great Motherly sacrifice for her children and instead she just dies in childbirth because she has lost the will to live. LAME


3. Where was Darth Vader in the black suit hunting down Jedi? I was looking forward to several short but stunning battles where the real Darth Vader in full black suit attire dominates key Jedi fighting back. Alas it was not to happen.


Episode 3 was the ultimate let down. Expectations were high Episods one and two were to be forgiven because Episode three was going to be over the top. .... but somebody forgot to tell George Lucas.

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Episode 3 was the worst of them all. Why?


1. Yoda just runs away to Dagobah. The most powerful Jedi of his time and he can't help lead the resistance or try again? I mean Obi-Wan just got done beating Vader on Mustafaar there is a window of opportunity where he and Obi-Wan could have taken on Palpatine again. Or even just lead the rebellion, anything but just run away. Is the Jedi way "if it's too tough run away?" I was fully expecting Yoda to have a confrontation with a Sith on Dagobah and after an epic battle in which he defeats said enemy discoveres that he is marooned on Dagobah and can't help the others since he is stuck not that he just ran away.


Maybe it's becuase he was near 900 years old and had an entire Empire after him and was one of the last Jedi left...?


2. Padme just decides she doesn't want to live? She just gives birth to two babies and she just doesn't want to live anymore? Ask any mother about babies and the will to live. I was fully expection some great Motherly sacrifice for her children and instead she just dies in childbirth because she has lost the will to live. LAME


Never read a Greek tragedy before have you?


3. Where was Darth Vader in the black suit hunting down Jedi? I was looking forward to several short but stunning battles where the real Darth Vader in full black suit attire dominates key Jedi fighting back. Alas it was not to happen.


Original concept art showed Anakin / Darth Vader in his suit (without the helm), but Ep III needed to tie in the blue saber Luke would get in Ep IV.


Episode 3 was the ultimate let down. Expectations were high Episods one and two were to be forgiven because Episode three was going to be over the top. .... but somebody forgot to tell George Lucas.

MAybe your expectations were too high?



Edited by Eillack
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this whole argument is stupid


if I said, 'I think the whole idea to make superman have his powers from the sun is stupid so it never happened blah blah ect.' I would look like an idiot because the creator of superman said it did


the creator of star wars made those movies, said it happened, deal with it, no matter how unhappy you are, that is your star wars universe, stop being whiny little hipsters and move on

Edited by Romanticyde
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Anakin is the protagonist in all those films. I can relate to a few characters, depends on what was going on in the movie. I don't see how Obi-Wan turned into a creepy castrated monk, nor do I really know what you mean by that. I could say the same about how hes a creepy old senile man in episode 4, because I like the PT Obi more.


Episodes 1,2 and 3 focus on overall arcing plot as well, Anakin's fall to the dark side, a conflict in the universe and a conflict in Anakin, whether to save the ones he loves or be a Jedi. 1,2 and 3 deal with love, friendship and conflict.


Nobody said Jedi cannot love, in fact Obi-Wan clearly tells Anakin he loves him in episode 3. I don't see what your talking about in your last paragraph, that scene can't really be duplicated in the prequels, because that's not what they are about. I can write many paragraphs about scenes in the PT that hit me harder. The prequels aren't about redemption.


Your argument is the definition of bias and doesn't really prove your point at all. But good job calling everyone who doesn't agree with you a "idiots" in the first sentence.


I think you missed the whole Jedi must have no attachments to the world bit from the Prequels. If love isn't an "attachment" to someone in this world, then I don't know what is.


That didn't exist, never was portrayed in the O/T movies. As the other stated, Luke stubbornly believed his father could be redeemed once he knew the truth, despite the protests of the very same people that taught him everything about being a Jedi.


Anyways, Original Trilogy > Prequel Trilogy any day of the week. Better, well loved heroes. The core set of heroes? How could you go wrong with that crew? They were great together!. Better villains who persisted in the movies and were not disposed of like a weekly TV show. Darth Vader truly was the menacing, relentless villain (pre-Nooooooooo version). Classic Star Wars vehicles (space or not). X-Wings, TIEs, Star Destroyers, the Executor, Death Stars, sheer variety of ships with the Rebel fleet, Y-Wings, Millenium Falcon, AT-AT, AT-ST, Snowspeeders, etc. Battle scenes just as good and are classic, hard to beat: Yavin IV / Death Star Trench Runs, Battle of Hoth, space battle of Endor. You got the asteroid chase and the speederbike chase on Endor.


The only real negative with the O/T was anything related to Ewoks, and that was restricted to ROTJ. The best SW movie of all is still with the O/T, even after all these years, and with the completion of the Prequels: Empire Strikes Back.

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To be fair, I have seen every Star Wars movie in the theaters when they released. That said, I still prefer the OT to the prequels.


OT. Pure magic with a relatively unknown cast back then. There were a few exceptions. Alec Guinness and Peter Cushing were well known over in Great Britain, and Harrison Ford was already a pretty well established, if still relatively unknown actor. He had been working steadily since the 60s.


Prequels. Big name actors and actresses given garbage for dialogue and a story that felt like "Let's just hurry this up" by the end of Episode III. With a ton of added special effects and some really stylized lightsaber combat. Honestly, about the only things the Prequels had over the OT were the special effects and lightsaber duels.


Oh, and quite possibly the best delivery of a line in Star Wars history from Christopher Lee.

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2. Padme just decides she doesn't want to live? She just gives birth to two babies and she just doesn't want to live anymore? Ask any mother about babies and the will to live. I was fully expection some great Motherly sacrifice for her children and instead she just dies in childbirth because she has lost the will to live. LAME


The rest of the movie could have been The Godfather in space, but for this alone episode 3 is a load of garbage in my eyes, absolutely moronic.

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