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What SWTOR could've been


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Blasting Drake - Marvin room and looking at this old video from 09 makes me realize what I was hyped about. I've been sad with SWTOR for a week because it's not what it was, I mean just look at this



Now look at this



09 one had much more emphasize on being a KOTOR mmo, the game now just feels like a WoW in space. never wanted to say that. never. But I had too.....

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if you think by saying it's "WoW in space" is some kind of insult and trying to get under people's skin...that method is very old.


Anyway...it's its own game and will be around for a very very long time. People like the wow model, that's why there are millions playing it. People like when things are simplified..and BW has done a good job and making things easier. I can't go back to WoW ever again as my main game. Yes I keep it on for nostalgia moments and go in for 2 min, if I even last that long. But above all else, one thing rules in SWTOR.


Leveling experience you will never ever forget.

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Erm.....maybe I'm missing something.....but with the exception of some slight differences in character models, the both videos depict what happens in Black Talon. More or less.


I bloody hate that captain saying "...maybe he hates me", it's so wet.

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Erm.....with the exception of some slight differences in character models, the first video is precisely what happens in black talon.


The combat is much better, the designs are more closer to KOTOR, the UI stayed true to KOTOR, the Ambient noises where there, loop music.


Totally different


And no im not saying its wow in space to get under peoples skins, Im saying it because it is.

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The combat is much better, the designs are more closer to KOTOR, the UI stayed true to KOTOR, the Ambient noises where there, loop music.


Totally different


And no im not saying its wow in space to get under peoples skins, Im saying it because it is.


I must be missing something, because the combat actions look more or less the same as it is now. Sure, the encounters may be different, but I don't think changes in those areas are definitions of it becoming "wow in space". for instance, we still fight a jedi. Just the setting is different.


So to me, any differences are marginal. The thing is, this is an MMO. You cannot just stick to single player RPG conventions and expect them to transfer seamlessly into a different market.

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I followed this game since the first data was leaked in 2006, to me the game is just what the dev's said it would be from day one, to me it feels and plays and reminds me of the kotor games../shrug


How does it play, how does it feel, the dialog is totally written different, gamelay is different, totally different design, and totally different development team.

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I must be missing something, because that combat actions look the same as it is now.


Sure, there's not a jedi in the airlock like there was in that video. But we still fight a jedi.


So to me, any differences are marginal. The thing is, this is an MMO. You cannot just stick to single player RPG conventions and expect them to transfer seamlessly into a different market.


Your kidding, they blocked exactly, the attacks hit perfectly, so fluid, now combat is all over the place.

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I have my issues with the game, but this is nitpicking on the grandest scale. there is little difference between that video and how the game plays now, barring the models being updated and things being smoothed out with the black talon.
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Your kidding, they blocked exactly, the attacks hit perfectly, so fluid, now combat is all over the place.


On my system, the characters block fine and the hits hit correctly. Sorry, but I just don't see the same things as you do. Or perhaps they just don't mean that much to me as they do to you? I don't know.


I'm not trying to belittle what matters to you personally. I just have other things in mind that I consider of higher priority.


To me, getting syncronicity perfect for blocking attacks pails into comparison to other things which I consider more critical to the games success. Such as the game being fleshed out more.


Incidentally, the game mechanics are different to kotor, because they are fundamentally different types of games. One cannot just expect them to act the same.



You might think that TOR should've been KOTOR. A fully single player RPG.

I disagree.

I think it should've been a more like a fleshed out MMO. Not just a single player RPG with a bit of multiplayer tagged on.

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"What could have been" will always be pondered within the framework of your own imagination. "What the game is"...is a great MMORPG that is doing very well and has a huge player base of very happy customers who enjoy the product of the design teams collective imagination.
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"What could have been" will always be pondered within the framework of your own imagination. "What the game is"...is a great MMORPG that is doing very well and has a huge player base of very happy customers who enjoy the product of the design teams collective imagination.


I wouldn't go so far as to say it's "great" in general.

I'd put it more in the "fair to good" region.

It's got a decent leveling experience, but beyond the "class story" it's far from "great".

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Your kidding, they blocked exactly, the attacks hit perfectly, so fluid, now combat is all over the place.


I'm assuming the walk though from 2009 was more a produced demo. Closer to machinma than "live" gameplay.


That's why there's no slowdowns in actions, the elevator is instantaneous, and there's zero delay when picking character dialogue.

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I wouldn't go so far as to say it's "great" in general.

I'd put it more in the "fair to good" region.

It's got a decent leveling experience, but beyond the "class story" it's far from "great".


That opinion is just one of the filters influencing your imagination as you criticize the product. You know what you think is great and I have my idea.BioWare has taken the sum of all things considered great in the MMORPG space and given us what they think is the most enjoyable for all. They have done a wonderful job and the customer base reflects that.

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That opinion is just one of the filters influencing your imagination as you criticize the product. You know what you think is great and I have my idea.BioWare has taken the sum of all things considered great in the MMORPG space and given us what they think is the most enjoyable for all. They have done a wonderful job and the customer base relects that.


He's right though, it's just not a great game. it's very decent however. It has good story, quite good but when you strip that away, you have a very bare bones mmo experience. I don't hate the game or anything but I realize that it really can't be considered great, not yet anyway, maybe as time goes on. Initial sales of the game are good, but it's maintaining those subscriptions which is the important thing.

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That opinion is just one of the filters influencing your imagination as you criticize the product. You know what you think is great and I have my idea.BioWare has taken the sum of all things considered great in the MMORPG space and given us what they think is the most enjoyable for all. They have done a wonderful job and the customer base reflects that.


ROFL. Are you trying to criticise me of having a subjective opinion, whilst trying to push your own opinion as a fact? Seriously?


Oh the irony.


Also, it would be foolish to assume that the situation with the current customer base is a direct result of every one of those customers thinking that the product is "great". That's a pretty big assumption to make.


The next few months will show a more accurate indication as to what the general population thinks.

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"WoW in space" isn't very fair or accurate. "WoW on different planets" would've been much more accurate as tor has very little to do with space beyond a meaningless mini shooter.


Lol. You make a good point. :)

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He's right though, it's just not a great game. it's very decent however. It has good story, quite good but when you strip that away, you have a very bare bones mmo experience. I don't hate the game or anything but I realize that it really can't be considered great, not yet anyway, maybe as time goes on. Initial sales of the game are good, but it's maintaining those subscriptions which is the important thing.


I'm sure the artists that worked so hard at designing the game so far are still hard at work putting things together for the future. I could use any word to describe my satisfaction of the game in its current state, I chose great. You may use some other word to express your view. "What could have been" or "What the game will be" are both hypothetical concepts that are products of the individuals imagination. Thats why we all tend to feel so passionate about our opinions. Emotions have a strong effect on our imaginations. I think BioWare will continue to produce a product that appeals to many individuals.

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They should have kept the loot system. Take all or leave it would have been all we ever needed.


On a serious note. The 2 videos seem pretty much the same to me in terms of general look and feel. The differences like UI and varying degrees and cartoony character models appear to be rather cosmetic than fundamental.

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Yes, It will. In fact the next few years will prove my argument superior to yours.


Hmmm not sure I'd take that bet. Aside from the fact that Tarka is a reasonable poster, there's different levels of success --- I have serious doubts that this game will last years, unless you mean "limp along in a SWG or LOTRO kind of way ..."


Dunno about you, but I want a BC level of engagement, one where the pop graphs look like a hockey stick and not a downhill slalom.

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