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Low Levels on High Planets


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Been playing since beta. But now it seems everyone is running programs to loot chests on higher planets repetedly. So I see level 10 and up on Belsavis up. Hidding in the Heroic areas that they are friendly with. You get no Valor killing anyone in world pvp and just watch them loot. Shouldn't this be fixed?
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First it was Ilum, then Correllia. Now you say they are on Belsavis. The best thing you can do is report them and they will eventually get banned.


I know I don't see any more of them on Ilum, so would assume they got booted. Could be wrong, but hope I am right.


Maybe it will happen on Belsavis too.............

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CCP did bans in waves, I guess like Blizard. I never played WoW so I wouldn't know. I did however like to hunt credit farmers in EVE. They really didn't care, as it was just a bump in the road of their work day. I was in a corp once that was dedicated to hunting the credit farmer. Lots of fun there. :p
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I remember back when I played WoW, blizzard made big announcements where they said they banned x number of thousands. It made for a nice little headline with big numbers. I suspect ToR will do the same. Marketing loves stuff like this. Especially when you make it into some kind of big deal that gets reported on the game sites.
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I remember back when I played WoW, blizzard made big announcements where they said they banned x number of thousands. It made for a nice little headline with big numbers. I suspect ToR will do the same. Marketing loves stuff like this. Especially when you make it into some kind of big deal that gets reported on the game sites.


one problem with that most server populations dont even exceed a 1000 active players anymore.

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Why is it against the rules for low levels to go to high level planets to open chests?


They arent breaking any rules by doing so. It's not an exploit.


If bioware doesnt want low levels doing that then maybe they should make it so you cant get to A planet until you get a certain level.

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Why is it against the rules for low levels to go to high level planets to open chests?


They arent breaking any rules by doing so. It's not an exploit.


If bioware doesnt want low levels doing that then maybe they should make it so you cant get to A planet until you get a certain level.


Because if you're too low a level for say Taris then Belsavis will squash you into red paste before you can blink. Since there is no honest way for an imp/pub to get to one of the higher level plants and be able to open a chest then ergo they are cheating if they are not in a higher level group willing to protect them. Plus lower level toons are restricted by level from wearing things dropped on planets they are not ready for. And hiding near a boss/elite of the same faction is just plain scummy behavior.

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First it was Ilum, then Correllia. Now you say they are on Belsavis. The best thing you can do is report them and they will eventually get banned.


I know I don't see any more of them on Ilum, so would assume they got booted. Could be wrong, but hope I am right.


Maybe it will happen on Belsavis too.............[/quote


banned for opening a chest? banned for opening a chest? banned for opening a chest? banned for opening a chest? banned for opening a chest? banned for opening a chest? banned for opening a chest? banned for opening a chest? banned for opening a chest? banned for opening a chest? banned for opening a chest? banned for opening a chest? banned for opening a chest? banned for opening a chest? banned for opening a chest? banned for opening a chest?

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First it was Ilum, then Correllia. Now you say they are on Belsavis. The best thing you can do is report them and they will eventually get banned.


I know I don't see any more of them on Ilum, so would assume they got booted. Could be wrong, but hope I am right.


Maybe it will happen on Belsavis too.............[/quote


banned for opening a chest? banned for opening a chest? banned for opening a chest? banned for opening a chest? banned for opening a chest? banned for opening a chest? banned for opening a chest? banned for opening a chest? banned for opening a chest? banned for opening a chest? banned for opening a chest? banned for opening a chest? banned for opening a chest? banned for opening a chest? banned for opening a chest? banned for opening a chest?


banned for farming! banned for farming! banned for farming! banned for farming!

banned for farming! banned for farming! banned for farming! banned for farming!

banned for farming! banned for farming! banned for farming! banned for farming!

banned for farming! banned for farming! banned for farming! banned for farming!

banned for farming! banned for farming! banned for farming! banned for farming!


....someone hasn't been around mmos very long.

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Because if you're too low a level for say Taris then Belsavis will squash you into red paste before you can blink. Since there is no honest way for an imp/pub to get to one of the higher level plants and be able to open a chest then ergo they are cheating if they are not in a higher level group willing to protect them. Plus lower level toons are restricted by level from wearing things dropped on planets they are not ready for. And hiding near a boss/elite of the same faction is just plain scummy behavior.


This isn't true. As soon as I got my ship on my first character, I went to Hoss. I was able to run around and not get killed by mobs. Also, it isn't cheating if you have friends willing to take you anywhere and protect you. As long as they are not breaking the TOS, then they are not cheating. This isn't your game, we don't have to play by your rules. If you don't like the rules for SWTOR, go find a game that has rules you do like.

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This isn't true. As soon as I got my ship on my first character, I went to Hoss. I was able to run around and not get killed by mobs. Also, it isn't cheating if you have friends willing to take you anywhere and protect you. As long as they are not breaking the TOS, then they are not cheating. This isn't your game, we don't have to play by your rules. If you don't like the rules for SWTOR, go find a game that has rules you do like.


This!To many people trying to control how other people play.Some folks can't see beyond their own nose.

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one problem with that most server populations dont even exceed a 1000 active players anymore.


how do you know this? as far as i know the only ppl with access to accurate server numbers are BW, i'm not saying its not possible. but its a bold statement. and a complete lie without proof



anyway credit farmers, they should let ppl hunt them and steal there ill gotten gains.


this will never happen, but it would be cool, if i could pick up a bounty at the fleet for one of these credit farmers, and go hunting

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Been playing since beta. But now it seems everyone is running programs to loot chests on higher planets repetedly. So I see level 10 and up on Belsavis up. Hidding in the Heroic areas that they are friendly with. You get no Valor killing anyone in world pvp and just watch them loot. Shouldn't this be fixed?


Just because you don't get valor for it doesn't mean you shouldn't still do it.


I do it all the time. :D

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look at the credit farmer supporters in this thread.... go check bioware see if these credit farmer friends in this thread have toon stationed on high level planets next to loot chests.


a good solution is too not allow them to spawn in those areas period, would mean EVERYONE could not spawn into those areas. respawn after a death of course, but log in and spawn next to a chest can be prevented.


and its not just a couple of people its 20 toons opening 20 chests on 20 planets every minute savvy? one guy sits there with 3 computers and three or more game instances running, wakes up turns on game (rofl or takes over for some other dipstick) spawns next to chest grabs loot logs off, logs on to next toon at next chest and rinse and repeat, times that action by how many servers there are......now times that by how many credit farmers you think there are......use the number of in game emails you have received about credits for usd. and there you go a much larger picture of the issue at hand.


its up to bioware to keep a boot on the neck of these types. they have the tools, all we can do is report suspected farmers and kill their toons if you can before they log off to log on the next toon. its quite the large business in china, the farming stealing accounts using stolen cc numbers to buy more copies of the game and etc and on and on and over and over x 1 million


heres to hoping they mass ban them and you really cant ip ban them and the china isp wont co operate with the people not in china so thats a wash, they use VPN or other ip masking services to get in game, no ips to ban.

only thing that keeps them at bay is a on top of the situation staff, that wields a hefty ban hammer, and a csr staff that gets handed all of the " i was banzored for credit farming wahhhh" tickets otherwise its just a matter of time before people get tired of watching darth xiang'chin and his guild of alts getting rich. and they go play something else until the illegal credit farmers move to that next game too.


sad vicious cycle of putrid vile behaviors, hope bioware stays on top of it.

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Or they can do as is done in LoTRO. To low for a particular zone, every environment and enemy mob in the zone begins to come after you, your agro range is massively increased.


For Example: you are a level 6 toon, you enter a zone only a few levels above yours, mobs act normally. You enter a zone 20, 30 levels above you; you get a notice about the zone being far above your level and that creatures may take offense to you. You proceed; the mobs start moving towards you, hunting you, your escort begins to have a difficult time protecting you as more and more creatures come looking for a lowbie snack. Eventually, you find there are no safe areas, you will die.


Also, as suggested elsewhere, have the chests not open to any character not qualified to be on the planet or open the chest.

Edited by Ujest
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Level 25 goes to Ilum.


*Warning, you are too low level for this area, evacuate immediately.*


Player keeps going.


*Death zone reached, these conditions are too hazardous for your level.*


*Player dies*



The perfect system. Let them all go there if they want. If they are not at least within the planet level requirements by 3 levels or above it, they are given a warning and then instantly killed.

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