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Same gender relationships clarifications?


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MamaSok... don't post spoilers out in the open like that, please. My Inquisitor is still in chapter 1.


sry about that, i don't know yet how to make the spoiler drop box like i see a lot of people doing

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sry about that, i don't know yet how to make the spoiler drop box like i see a lot of people doing


Include the text you want to hide in spoiler tags:


{spoiler}like this{/spoiler}, except with the {curly} brackets replaced by [square] ones.



like this!


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My understanding is that you can get a scene with Jaesa saying she's okay with that plan and Vette oppting out for some reason. :( Maybe as a consequence of actually following through with s/s suggestions not being possible currently.



I think what Vette wants is exclusivity. That's all I can say openely



Clearly Vette is a LS romance. I've seen that scene in Youtube.

She says like "ew... so ew" when Jaesa says she's open minded abou sharing. It makes sense that Vette's totally put off by a dark sided Jaesa. Not necessarily a same gender isssue. She calls her "freaky queen of darkness" (or something like that) and "piece of alderaanian trash" :D



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There already is interspecies romance:


Kaliyo Djannis: Rattataki/(Human, Chiss, or Zabrak)

Ensign Temple: Human/(Chiss, Zabrak, or Rattataki)

Vector Hyllus: Human/(Chiss, Zabrak, or Rattataki)

Mako: Human/(Chiss, Zabrak, or Rattataki)

Torian Cadera: Human/(Chiss, Zabrak, or Rattataki)

Vette: Twi'lek/(Human, Zabrak, or Sith)

Jaesa Wilsaam: Human/(Zabrak or Sith)

Malavai Quinn: Human/(Zabrak or Sith)

Ashara Zavros: Togruta/(Human, Twi'lek, Zabrak, or Rattataki)

Andronikos Revel: Human/(Twi'lek, Zabrak, or Rattataki)


Risha: Human/(Twi'lek, Mirialan, or Zabrak)

Akavai Spaar: Zabrak/(Human, Twi'lek, or Mirialan)

Corso Riggs: Human/(Twi'lek, Mirialan, or Zabrak)

Aric Jorgan: Cathar/(Human, Zabrak, or Mirialan)

Elara Dorne: Human/(Zabrak or Mirialan)

Kira Carsen: Human/(Twi'lek, Zabrak, Miraluka, or Mirialan)

Doc: Human/(Twi'lek, Zabrak, Miraluka, or Mirialan)

Nadia Grell: Sarkhai/(Human, Twi'lek, Zabrak, Miraluka, or Mirialan)

Lieutenant Iresso: Human/(Twi'lek, Zabrak, Miraluka, or Mirialan)



So inter-species romance fans, you have content and then some.

Edited by Cythereal
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Hey there!


We've recently had to remove several posts from this thread. Please keep all replies on-topic, constructive, and respectful of others even if there are differences in opinion.


Also, please note that there is already another thread where discussions about [Flirt] prompts are taking place, so please feel free to carry on all conversations related to that here as it is off-topic to this thread.


Finally, please remember that when replying to threads regarding Same Gender Romances in Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ please refrain from making comments containing real-life issues or opinions on the subject matter as it is inappropriate for the forums.



Edited by Sireene
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So I've been thinking this over and the nitpick post a few posts back just reiterated to me why this might be important. (Hopefully meta-talking about the thread itself is on topic. XD)


How would folks feel about making a new, reorganized first post for this topic, and then asking the mods to close this one for good and redirect to the fresh one?


A new reorganized post could have our "mission statement" (i.e., desire for information, not implementation), with a bit of detail regarding things many of us would like to know (vague timeline, is it actually in work, current companions or no, etc.). It could also include a FAQ modeled on sparklecat's (maybe a little less flippant ;) ) to try to head off rehashing of the same old stuff.


And of course, a place to put all the extant dev quotes (and possibly those interview quotes from the Doctors) would be good, too.


I think having first post more relevant to current discussion might save us a lot of repetition (not all of it, of course... ;) and would serve as a point of reference for all those quotes and things. As far as who would actually post it, it might be most helpful if it was put up by someone who is fairly active in this thread and isn't planning to unsubscribe, in case it needs edits. (I'm willing to write a draft, as far as that goes, but I've had a similar "thread maintenance" job before and got screwed when my workplace blocked that site. >_> Don't want to run into that here.)


At any rate, just an idea to clarify *our* end of the communication. :) Thoughts?

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So I've been thinking this over and the nitpick post a few posts back just reiterated to me why this might be important. (Hopefully meta-talking about the thread itself is on topic. XD)


How would folks feel about making a new, reorganized first post for this topic, and then asking the mods to close this one for good and redirect to the fresh one?


A new reorganized post could have our "mission statement" (i.e., desire for information, not implementation), with a bit of detail regarding things many of us would like to know (vague timeline, is it actually in work, current companions or no, etc.). It could also include a FAQ modeled on sparklecat's (maybe a little less flippant ;) ) to try to head off rehashing of the same old stuff.


And of course, a place to put all the extant dev quotes (and possibly those interview quotes from the Doctors) would be good, too.


I think having first post more relevant to current discussion might save us a lot of repetition (not all of it, of course... ;) and would serve as a point of reference for all those quotes and things. As far as who would actually post it, it might be most helpful if it was put up by someone who is fairly active in this thread and isn't planning to unsubscribe, in case it needs edits. (I'm willing to write a draft, as far as that goes, but I've had a similar "thread maintenance" job before and got screwed when my workplace blocked that site. >_> Don't want to run into that here.)


At any rate, just an idea to clarify *our* end of the communication. :) Thoughts?


This is a good idea. I second the motion.

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A heads up for everyone who might be interested:


The guild summit livestream will be back up in a couple of minutes. If you want to ask about SGRA content there is a little ask box next to the stream, but do remember they would like you to ask on-topic questions.


As such, our best bet for asking about SGRA is most likely either the Role-Playing panel (depending on whether the focus is player-to-player or the integrated SWTOR story) or the last panel for odds and ends.

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So I've been thinking this over and the nitpick post a few posts back just reiterated to me why this might be important. (Hopefully meta-talking about the thread itself is on topic. XD)


At any rate, just an idea to clarify *our* end of the communication. :) Thoughts?


I have been thinking something along these lines for a while, as the "poll" that kicked off the first iteration of the thread is something that we moved away from long ago.


Perhaps we can approach the Community Reps about a new "lead" post for this and later versions of this thread, something which gives the September announcement, and maybe Mr. Reid's comments on that from that time?


The interview quotes are really not about SWTOR, so I don't feel they apply -directly-, but having what has been said in regards to same-gender content may be a smart thing.

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