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Waiting times to get on servers is a complete joke grrrrrrrrrrrrr


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Stop complaining, this is one of the smoothest launches i've encountered in an mmo (yes i've played a few). They had over 2 million Preorders, it's not just turn on a switch and lets go.


Yes, it is. According to alot of threads on this forum, it's as easy as to just hit a switch. bioware can't make games from crap, it's a switch I tell you!! ragequitkkthxbb :D

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To be fair it's quite ****** having waiting times. The capacity should be there to deal with everyone who has bought the game.


By saying wait a few weeks is assuming one of two things:


a) less people will be playing in a few weeks

b) servers will magically be able to handle more users


Upgrading servers seems unlikely as they should have infrastructure in place already.


However, it doesn't matter. This is the hand we have been dealt. Lets just enjoy the game :)

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What worries me is the game isn't really launched yet and most of the servers were full last night. I made another character on a different server but there was only 1 server without a queue on it.


When the people who are still to be let on, plus the ones who aren't preordering join us, it will be even worse unless they increase the capacity.


I've been in MMO launches before and this is the smoothest yet, but I really hope they sort this queuing out as soon as possible. I wouldnt mind 30 minutes but 2 hours is too much and also some people only have that amount of time to play anyway.


Great job on the game though I really like the idea of mixing voice acted scenes with an MMO, it makes the quests much more interesting than reading a load of meaningless jabber. Also I really like the BH quest so far. So far the game has surpassed my expectations so other than the queues Im really happy with it.

Edited by o_b_s_i_d_i_a_n
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This is supposed to be an mmo and like all mmo's should be instant access for those of us that have bought the game and will be paying a monthly fee to play ,


but oh no everytime we log in to play we find ourselves having to wait 30 minutes to anything upto 2 hrs to be able to play :mad::eek::mad:


this is a joke and somthing that bioware and swtor need to look at and get sorted ASAP as to be honest if folks come online to play the game and have to wait for so long for a slot on a server bioware are going to end up losing a lot of customers ,


i myself will give it until the 30 day gametime that came with the deluxe edition i have pre ordered runs out and quite honestly if this server wait time issue isnt sorted will not be renewing the subscription as im not going to sit there waiting for 2 hrs like i did last night to get onto a server and which makes me even angrier is the fact that when i finally managed to get onto a server it wasnt the server my guild mates were on as on that one withing 60 mins i went from 2456 in the que to 2329 a joke is what the wait times practically are


Dont get me wrong i love the game have been beta testing on the weekends and even then lots of wait time for server spaces , so plz bioware get it sorted


I've been in queue to play the game for 72+ hours already. Why are you crying again?

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Obviously most people telling OP to shut up, have not had to wait up 2 hours just to get in. Oh la lalala.


What is aggravating is that many guilds had their server chosen for them so we followed BW's directions. Here's your server, enjoy the que!


If nothing changes and que times like this persist...have to inform and move an entire guild else where. Plus all that progress and time spent leveling for every member = moot. Fun? Hardly.


Biggest problem is that if you do move, who's to say that the new server won't be exactly the same or end up becoming a ghost town. It's russian roulette in server choices atm.


Amusingly this happened in the beta too, yet they failed to learn from it. Spread guilds between servers and don't jam em all onto a couple? No, can't do that!

Edited by fixit
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It dont help the everyone and there mom go o hey the server is POP HIGH LET ME GO THERE





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This is supposed to be an mmo and like all mmo's should be instant access for those of us that have bought the game and will be paying a monthly fee to play ,


but oh no everytime we log in to play we find ourselves having to wait 30 minutes to anything upto 2 hrs to be able to play :mad::eek::mad:


this is a joke and somthing that bioware and swtor need to look at and get sorted ASAP as to be honest if folks come online to play the game and have to wait for so long for a slot on a server bioware are going to end up losing a lot of customers ,


i myself will give it until the 30 day gametime that came with the deluxe edition i have pre ordered runs out and quite honestly if this server wait time issue isnt sorted will not be renewing the subscription as im not going to sit there waiting for 2 hrs like i did last night to get onto a server and which makes me even angrier is the fact that when i finally managed to get onto a server it wasnt the server my guild mates were on as on that one withing 60 mins i went from 2456 in the que to 2329 a joke is what the wait times practically are


Dont get me wrong i love the game have been beta testing on the weekends and even then lots of wait time for server spaces , so plz bioware get it sorted


Such a fool the game isnt even realsed yet so spot ya moaning!

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This is supposed to be an mmo and like all mmo's should be instant access for those of us that have bought the game and will be paying a monthly fee to play ,


but oh no everytime we log in to play we find ourselves having to wait 30 minutes to anything upto 2 hrs to be able to play :mad::eek::mad:


this is a joke and somthing that bioware and swtor need to look at and get sorted ASAP as to be honest if folks come online to play the game and have to wait for so long for a slot on a server bioware are going to end up losing a lot of customers ,


i myself will give it until the 30 day gametime that came with the deluxe edition i have pre ordered runs out and quite honestly if this server wait time issue isnt sorted will not be renewing the subscription as im not going to sit there waiting for 2 hrs like i did last night to get onto a server and which makes me even angrier is the fact that when i finally managed to get onto a server it wasnt the server my guild mates were on as on that one withing 60 mins i went from 2456 in the que to 2329 a joke is what the wait times practically are


Dont get me wrong i love the game have been beta testing on the weekends and even then lots of wait time for server spaces , so plz bioware get it sorted


Don't worry. They are letting in people in waves so this is not going to happen.

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